LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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16 entries this month

16:19 May 31 2013
Times Read: 567

Oh deepest of joys. Hormonal teen in the house and little grumpy cause i wont allow any of his friends in. My reason being is that my hay fever is in full mode and that the youngest with his disability is two suffering slightly. Plus they wont be back at school till Wednesday. But according to him im being selfish as im not up to rolling out the red carpet and being sociable. Am i not allowed to have some privacy when ill?





17:55 May 28 2013
Times Read: 574



16:59 May 28 2013
Times Read: 578

I have realized that sometimes it doesnt pay to have or share an opinion or thought. Be it whether you agree with what a person is saying or not.

Sometimes it is best not to voice or share your thoughts. Not because one thought is right and another is wrong. Thoughts are what makes sense to that person regardless of if the person is right or wrong.

Sharing thoughts and opinions can hurt at times but it is another lesson learned in life as i stumble along.





14:58 May 27 2013
Times Read: 581



My depression has depression.

16:52 May 24 2013
Times Read: 593

So this last few months i have tried to remain up beat and positive. However i have this one friend who i have known fro a good number of years as i went to school with her is to be honest getting me down.

She texts me on a daily basis to the point where by i am dreading in looking to see who it is that has messaged me. I wouldn't mind so much if it was not in a bombarding manor and at any time night or day.

As soon as i log onto FB boom my phone goes into overdrive. If i ignore it she then calls me. If i dont answer it then she only calls me later that day.

Dont get me wrong i like to hold conversations with people but she is always complaining. If it is not her husband she is complaining about or her step son then it is her in-laws who she is living with.

She was living with the in-laws before she got married and so knew exactly what she was getting married into. But she complained about them just before she did get married and i did point out to her that they would be her in-laws officially once she was married and that they wouldn't change anytime soon after the marriage took place. She excepted it and went ahead and got married.

She complains about her husband on a weekly basis to the point i want to yell at her that she knew what he was like before she married him. I even pointed this out to her 24hrs before she married him that she was marrying him for better or for worse. But she still went ahead married him.

She complained that she wanted to move out of her in-laws after the honeymoon stating that the house was a constant mess and that she and her husband were out working whilst they sat making a constant mess in their own home.

But her and her husband cant get a mortgage cause of bad credit rating and they cant afford to go private letting. So they have been on the waiting list for close to 3 years now for a council flat.

Last year her and her husband decided to start a family of their own and she became pregnant. Well she complained and whinged to the point anyone would have thought she was the only woman to become pregnant ever. She finally gave birth in March of this year and i was hoping that finally my phone was be getting a break but apparently not. Oh no she has opted to complain a little more. That the house is still a mess that her husband has depression himself due to no one will lend him money cause he wants to buy a motor bike as he feels he is not bonding with their daughter and so its getting him down.

When i pointed out that a motor bike would not help him bond to his 2 month old daughter and that he is being a selfish prick and needs to man up she didnt like it. She then went back to complaining about being stuck in the house but now the in-laws were telling her she was making a rod for her back as she is constantly picking up her daughter whenever her daughter is crying. She phoned me and asked me and i am inclined to agree with her in-laws on this one. But then she quoted to me stuff she had read off of the internet. To which i asked her well if you have your views and opinion why are you phoning me and asking me if your determined to do whatever the internet says? She didnt answer it and started complaining about the mess in the house and that her daughter would be crawling around by the end of year and that her daughter might choke on the crap and rubbish on the floor.

I pointed out calmly that she knew the mess of the house before she decided to get pregnant and that babies dont make the house miraculously clean.

So for a few days it went very quiet only to begin with her complaining again at the beginning of the month that it was her 2 year wedding anniversary but that it was going to be shit as they had no money and that her husband was still feeling down and depressed.

I pointed out that they had a daughter and that was precious reason to feel happy. That if husband is feeling down he should go to the doctors perhaps and get some happy pills.........But oh no we ignore that suggestion along as all of the other things i have pointed out before.

So my phone conviniently broke. Yes i lied my ass it was vibrating so much from her grumbling that she could have put the red light district in Amsterdam out of business from the constant messaging. I enjoyed the piece and quiet but it was short lived and the world went back to me being disturbed at 11.00pm cause she wanted to grumble to me about her husbands depression. The early 8.00am messages of her complaining about her now pregnant sister in-law with her 3rd child who apparently already had two unruley children as it is. At that time of the morning i am getting my youngest ready for his school. I need to take my time and make sure that he is prepared and ready and that he is ok what with his disability of Autism its not like i can change it to suit me. It is structured household and she knows this as well. I cant even eat breakfast in peace and quiet at times.

So yesterday was her birthday. I logged onto FB and wished her a happy birthday but i also posted to point out that i was not well. That hay fever had taken a grip on me big time. So the texts came in thick and fast and i ignored them all day. But i snapped last night just before i was due to put my youngest off to sleep. It took me all my strength to get up and handle his routine. The message comes in that it was a crappy a birthday and that her in-laws had it would appear forgotten her birthday.

So i replied with a simple message. Will you quite complaining!

She was quiet for 13 hours and my phone went daft again this morning. Even whilst i was sat in the neighbors house they got fed up with it.

So my phone will be either on silent or switched off over the weekend im not to sure as to what to do. I just need space. I need peace and quiet and not to have to listen to her troubles and complaining. I try to be a friend and i try to keep my opinions on this quiet but i just cant do it anymore.

She needs to talk to her husband the person who she married not to me. She needs to think before she follows through her actions and she needs to realise i need my own personal space. We all have issues in this world but she has a husband to lean on. She has a beautiful daughter and yet to her the important memories and days are turned to shit.

I guess memories are what you choose to make of them and you wish to reflect on that particular day.




17:29 May 20 2013
Times Read: 597

Have had a heavy down pour of rain the last hour or so. The heat on the breeze is moist on its own without the rain. Suppose to be having thunder and lightening as well but i think mother nature is holding that one back for later. Perhaps a night time event. But we are due for flash floods all evening and i had a little waterfall trickling down the drive earlier so hopefully it wont be getting any bigger or the people who live down the street will have there homes flooded and have to be evacuated again.




18:20 May 16 2013
Times Read: 607

Well the neighbor got rushed into hospital last night. She couldnt keep any fluids down plus had a bad migrane and was shaking real badly.

So it turns out to be a viral infection of some sort and all the daughter could complain about was how her mother was being sick whilst she was trying to eat her dinner yesterday. Felt like telling her she could have left the room and ate elsewhere in the house. But the world is once again spinning around her.

But the neighbor is fortunately out of hospital. I was having a good day today up till about an hour ago as i writing up a few chapters when the screen had frozen and then it just switched off. Didnt have the chance to save any of it so memory will have to take a little wonder into re writing again which fuckety sucks big time.

Shall be doing a load of shopping tomorrow as saved most of my energy today for tomorrows outing as well as Saturday which is my eldests birthday he has expensive taste and is intending to fleece me i know it. But im spending a lot on him as it will either end up being frogotten or something he didnt want in the first place. He keeps asking for an xbox but he can wait till christmas then i might agree to it.




16:03 May 13 2013
Times Read: 610

The weather here has been sunny one second and then rainy the next. Same with the temperatures. Which has aggrivated my knees. Have had up my pain relief just that bit more as its the coldness is hitting the nerves. Just walked to the local corner shop to get a few items but as usual the corner shop has not stocked up so i thought shall take out some cash and get some money for a take away tonight for the kids. But alas the stupid machine was not working with the worker stood there with her stupid grin on her face and a rag in her hand cleaning out the fridge from where milk had leaked and turned sour. So i left and walked a five mins journey to the next shop fortunately cash machine is working so shall do a take away and then that way my leg gets some rest. My youngest tomorrow has got his visit to the high school he will be attending after the summer holidays so phoned up the school to ask if i needed to attend and they were kind and said no that the head master was taking him in his car there and back. Thats real nice of him as well. But he knows me well enough so probably reason as to why i dont need to attend.

Just hope it is a good experience for him and that he likes it.




13:12 May 11 2013
Times Read: 617

Some good news came in this week about my eldest again. He has been offered a trip to go to Amsterdam to a theme park for four days in October. So he is going with a group of kids and three adults. Should be good for him. First time experiences for him once again. But am not jealous am happy for him. But he is trying to this week fleece me for his birthday present next week. Typical and am prepared for it all. He has expensive tastes as does i but i dont even spend an expensive amount on birthday items and so he shall just have to be grateful for what he does get. But one thing i am willing to agree on is his choice of birthday cake. So with that in mind i shall be out looking as i am not making this year.

My youngest with his hay frever has settled back down a little again and got a decent amount of sleep last night so he is happy today full of tickles and hugs.

I even managed to write half of a chapter this morning as well as house work duties. Going to take a mini break this afternnon though as my knees are suffering with the cold weather a little.




15:29 May 08 2013
Times Read: 621

Yesterday afternoon slightly annoyed me. I had a call from my youngest son's school at home time asking me to collect him as he was refusing to get in the taxi that transports him from home-school and vice versa. So it went up there as it had been a really hot day the warmest day of the year so far for where i am at.

As i arrive my son is sat looking sorry for himself. I would be too if i was him. They had not only kept his school jumper on but they had also taken out his jacket that i had yes placed in his bag should the weather turn cold or rain heavily. So there he is sat dressed up for winter and to boot he was sneezing his head off due to hay fever even i was suffering badly from it yesterday.

So is it any wonder i blasted the teachers out for dressing him up overheating him when their was not even a cloud in the sky the branches on the trees were not even moving. He cant verbally tell the teachers he is overheating. He doesnt even get how the whole heat and coldness affects him untill it is too late. The other kids who are not disabled were running around in just shirts or t-shirts.............. Short of someone wearing a sunglasses what other clues does a teacher need for them to notice a child who is over heating wont get into a stuffy taxi. So last night was a case of heat stroke with some hay fever. Have kept him off today and he has perked up a bit. Thankfully he only has a few more months to go before he goes into highschool.




22:06 May 06 2013
Times Read: 630

Whilst putting the rubbish out this evening i had two very different encounters of a kind.

A grey female cat decided to walk into my home and i spent some time getting to know her as she was feeling very friendly. I have not seen her about before but i have no doubt she will be sun bathing in my front garden when the weather is appropiate.

The second account involved two bats dancing and flapping about in the sky. It is something i have not had the oppertunity to see before except on T.V. and it was enjoyable. But the air turned chilly and i thought best to get in.

So a calm and relaxing evening.




16:26 May 06 2013
Times Read: 634

I achieved most of the front garden today. With the help of my neighbor we managed to clear out most of the rubbish and cut back a lot of the plants. Hands are a little sore from the jaggy nettles stinging. We were both tackling away just nicely until a massive spider came out to play. We both screamed and went running in the opposite direction much to the neighbors husbands laughter.

So we have called it quits for the day and shall attack again perhaps on Wednesday.

Back Is a little achey as well as my knees are sore.

But looking forard to tonights meal :)




22:44 May 05 2013
Times Read: 638

So my neighbor came round today. She was bored and so finally cracked open the tin of pink paint i had bought a while ago.

The back entrance to my house has a closed off cubby hole walk through that is used to gain entrance to the kitchen. It was a sunshine yellow but is now resembling a pepto bismol shade. Certainly has not settled either of our stomachs once it was done. But now i can certainly say that house has been painted from top to bottom.

Tomorrow if weather is good we intend to attack the blackberry bush that growing up by my front door and blocking the drainage and guttering. So shall be swearing like a little trooper and putting the builders to shame but needs must.




16:48 May 02 2013
Times Read: 656

My son came home with his end of year school report. He has done very well in all his subjects with the exception of one. His teacher and i had a falling out so i brought it to the attention of his senior teacher a few months ago. Guess she feels she should have her final say.

She can have it unless he gets her again in his second year.

I am such a proud mother this afternoon and yet i cant take any of the credit as it is him who puts in all of the effort with his subjects. He has achieved well this year and he has come away the reward. Shall have to mark this occasion in some way :)



16:53 May 02 2013

Congratulations to you and well done him!!

17:49 May 02 2013

Thank you but it is him who gets all the credit. He is the one who puts in his effort and does the work. Five more years to go of studying and then who knows what......................


16:07 May 01 2013
Times Read: 658

Contract all signed up woohoo. I could have just kissed my postman. But i cant afford a law suit ~chuckles~




14:13 May 01 2013
Times Read: 660

Well didnt get much sleep last night. My eldest decided to sleep talk for most of it. When i finally did drift off the neighbor across the street their house alarm went off twice. So woke up still tired as had felt when i went to bed.

Once i got the kids off school my phone decided to go into overdrive with texts. So i was blunt and basically said i was to tired to be sociable. It was at that point someone thought i was making it as an excuse due to today's date. Being a relatives birthday that i have not had any contact with for several years. Great little reminder for me and one that i could have done without. Tried to drift back off to sleep after but i couldnt so have been drinking lots of tea and am sure i will make it till this evening. Either way for safety purposes think i shall avoid cooking and order in a take away.



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