MasterOfMadness's Journal

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War of the Gods

14:12 Feb 12 2010
Times Read: 729


Through many ages of man there have been the Gods and Goddesses watching over the mortals, over aeons Man has evolved and now walking the land are many races and they all follow one specific God or Goddess. The main leader of Mythanilia is the Goddess known as Cristella, she is the goddess of Nature, she has born many children of the Mythanilia.

Her husband, Marus is the god of Time, they are both very much in love, they have moved around a lot not settling in one place for to long, but they are currently high above the city of New Grellas, along with the other Mythalians, their city is a wondrous place and the main palace is made of a reddish gold marble with 14 thrones in the shape of a U.

Down in the mortal world, New Grellas is a bustling hive of activity, they still do believe in their ancient Gods and pray to them in temples that are scattered throughout the city, Cristella’s in by far the most impressive and there is a huge delicately carved marble statue of her prominently placed outside the temple. Sometimes the gods walk through the city, chatting to the inhabitants but they do so in a human guise so as not to freak out the people.

The Gods have been at war many times with different groups, the last great war was several centuries ago, but there are whispers of a new uprising being planned, the Gods are aware of this but know this could be nothing more then rumours as Antonius has sensed nothing in his visions that he receives.




Characters for new story

16:42 Feb 07 2010
Times Read: 739

New story idea:

Gods and Goddesses

Vampire - Female

Lycan - Male

Fae/fairy - Female

Elf - Female

Siren - Female

Centaur - Male

Human - Female

Merman - Male

Witch - Female

Sphinx - Male

Angel - Female

Demon - Male

Father Time

Mother Nature


Mother Nature - Cristella

Father Time - Marus

Lycan - Zander

Vampire - Harlequin

Witch - Diana

Elf - Winturn

Fairy - Amaranth

Centaur - Blaze

Siren - Cassandra

Human - Ophelia

Sphinx - Antonius

Demon - Azreal

Angel - Lenora

Merman - Alteus


Cristella and Marus

Antonius and Cassandra

Zander and Harlequin

Blaze and Ophelia

Azreal and Lenora

Winturn and Alteus

Amaranth and Diana

Character Looks

Cristella: She has auburn hair, she is curvy and round, she has a healthy warm glow about her, not tanned but golden like, she has soft brown eyes and is quite short about 4ft11, she is sweet and motherly, coddling and is always trying to provide comfort….but she will change into a cold hard bitch if you hurt any one of her children.

Marus: He is 6ft3 and broad shouldered, he has chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair, he is protective of Cristella even though it’s pointless as she is already a serious ass kicker. He is her second in command and sometimes over steps his boundaries they are very much in love but they don’t show it like the other couples they just stare in each others eyes and just stare. He is almost always shirtless, and he has a 6 pack, he has a good body and is not afraid to flaunt it, he has dark brown chest hair, not to much but just enough to look hot.

Cassandra: She has flowing blue hair, she is very curvy, her song will attract any man to come to her, she is 5ft8, she has stormy ocean blue eyes which seem to change colour with the tides of the ocean. She is most at home in the sea, or sitting on rocks, she has a fiery temper much like her mother Cristella, and is a very powerful fighter, she wears mostly the colour blue, or white.

Antonius: Sun baked skin to a nice golden glow, quiet in demeanour which plays perfectly against his mate, Cassandra, who won't stay quiet. Antonius' eyes are a glowing green with orange flecks and his mane is a rich honey colour. He stands at six feet, very broad and very proud, his tale whips against his leg when he walks, his hands are paws with long, sharp claws, even though he's very gentle.

Harlequin: She is tall about 5ft11, she is quite thin and lanky, she has thin lips, almond shaped eyes, she has deep maroon eyes with crimson red pupils, she has a very pointy face, she is cold as ice, hard skin and is very pale. She is somewhat moody and is mostly a loner, the only one she really has anything to say to is Zander even though their two species are meant to be at war, she finds peace with him

Winturn will be thin, with two tone hair, black underneath and snow white on top she has ice blue eyes. She'll wear strictly blue, always be in silk slippers, be pale as the snow, and ice cold. Her lips will be full and pouty and red, and her eyes will be blue as ice. She'll breath frost, and have a very musical voice. She seems cold until you get to know her, and then she is very sweet.

Alteus: he has a long silver tail, his hair is silver to match, but his skin is pale, he looks very young despite the silver hair, his eyes are clear, almost barely tinted a silvery blue. When he has to walk on land his tail separates forming around two pale muscular legs. He doesn’t carry a trident and being Cristella’s son he inherited the glow but his was silver. He looks like he would be cold hearted, but he isn’t he is very warm and loving, he just gives off a very cold appearance, he and Winturn are very sexually active hence all of the major snow storms/glaciers/ice ages.

Blaze: He has long flaming red hair with mossy green eyes he has a fire symbol burned into his chest over his heart, he’s black all over with hair covering his body, he is more muscular then the others and the horse part of his body is a browny reddish colour with slight patches of silver because of his age. He is very gruff, not classically affectionate, he’s very silent, he’s proud and strong, it’s more like he would rather help and do things for people then show his emotions…but when he does speak….then you know that it is very important.

Ophelia: She has long waist length blonde hair, she has grey blue eyes, she is slim and is about 5ft3, she is of mild temperament, not mean….but not nice either. She is beautiful among the mortals but her beauty seems pale compared to the beauty of the gods.

Azreal: His whole body is a crimson red colour, he is quite tall about 6ft8, he has wickedly curving horns and a long tail which he can use like a whip if he ever needs to, his eyes are like volcanoes, bubbling with fire and if you were to look directly at him you might find yourself collapsing to the floor, the touch of Lenora pains him but he cannot bear not to feel her touch, so in the end it is a double edged sword. Lenora doesn’t know her touch burns and hurts Azreal for he has never told her and he wants to keep it that way.

Lenora: She is about 5ft2, she has brilliant white wings, she has short cropped blonde hair which seems to dazzle and sparkle like sunlight, she has light blue eyes, she is VERY soft tempered, she tries to avoid the drama brought up by the other gods, she likes everyone and wants everyone to like each other, she isn’t naïve though, Lenora knows that Harlequin wants to get her hands on Azreal not to be his lover but for his power, Lenora isn’t thin she has a booty and she likes shaking it to music and dancing and generally having fun

Amaranth: Baby pink hair down to her waist. thin, but not a stick figure. she has magenta eyes, her cheeks are rosy and she's pale. she glitters. She’s generally happy, in the more realistic sense of the word, not bubbly and upbeat like Lenora, she wears clothes when in the meeting hall but when she’s alone she is naked constantly, She is very sexual and playful, she is in a relationship with Diana, but she enjoys the occasional frivolity with a male.

Diana: She has shoulder length brown hair with dark green eyes, she is about 5ft3, she has darker skin….like a deep tan. She is protective of Amaranth and finds her happiness endearing, she’d rather she not sleep with random human men or even women but wont deny what makes her smile, she is quiet speaking usually only to Amaranth unless directly spoken to otherwise not because she is stuck up….but because she doesn’t think people need her input constantly.

Zander: Is about 5ft5, he is very studious and is a bit of a nerd, he was someone who was very shy and very withdrawn….before he was bitten by a Lycan and since he was affected with a curse he might as well use it right? He rose up through the ranks using his intellect more then his strength, now he leads the Lycans and that is how he earned his place amongst the Gods. In his wolf form he has honey coloured eyes and in his human form he has blue eyes.



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