MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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A Jynx In The Tale

23:31 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 593

Chapter Seven

As Jynx woke up a few hours later she rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she heard voices coming from the front door, she peeked her head over the top of the couch seeing Grimmau and Zane arguing heatedly over something as Grimmau said aggressively “No, she is staying here….she can’t be taken anywhere else it wouldn’t be safe for her” Zane ran a hand through his newly short hair, two bangs covering his eyes, he seemed to Jynx to have changed somehow as he replied “But you don’t know how long she’ll be here for….as your Beta I must insist that you let the whole pack protect her” Grimmau growled softly replying tersely “No, if I need help then I’ll ask for it but right now….no one knows that she is here and I wanna keep it that way alright” Zane bowed respectfully turning around and leaving Grimmau standing there muttering to himself.

Jynx felt a wave of confusion washing over her as she puzzled over the fact that Zane was Grimmau’s Beta when Jynx had always thought that it was Sita, she ducked back down and pretended to be asleep as she heard Grimmau’s footsteps approaching her and shaking her gently awake, she looked up and stared into his eyes smiling “G’morning Grim, what time is it?” Grimmau ruffled her head before replying gently “It’s 8:30.…you feel like having some breakfast?” Jynx nodded her head as Grim headed into the kitchen to start cooking.

A little while later as they both sat at the table eating, Jynx with a mouthful of eggs said “So, what can you tell me about the Witch Trials Grim, I’ve always wanted to know what really happened…..after all the Mortal’s books have always been more prejudiced” Grimmau sipped some of his coffee as he put his knife and fork down on his plate before looking seriously at Jynx and saying “They were very dark times Jynx….the witches were being burned left, right and centre….Vampires tried to help them but got staked, Lycan’s tried to help but they got put down with silver bullets…we all realised that someone was hunting us down but we could never figure it out….well not until much later anyway.

Grimmau’s eyes grew misty as he pulled out a book, one that he had had for many years and was an account of everything that had happened, Jynx leant forward expectantly ready to hang on to his every word as his soft voice began to read.


The world has changed much in recent years, but now we go back to the times when mortals feared the unknown and the supernatural, Grimmau was younger then, he was in love with a vampiress known as Cordelia. Grimmau was standing outside the log cabin that he and Cordelia lived in, chopping wood for the fire with his axe when he heard screams all around.

Cordelia rushed out with a look of concern on her eyes as Grimmau motioned for her to stay as he ran towards the nearest village…as he neared, he smelled the scent of burning rotting flesh, he heard the cries of agony as he saw two young girls only about fifteen being burned alive at the stake.

He looked around and saw all the mortals…for that’s what they were clapping and cheering as a preacher stood on a wooden platform saying in a deeply hypnotic tone “And there we have it my children….these young girls are WITCHES….and like all witches they will burn and be sent back down to their lord Satan” the crowd let out a thunderous cheer as Grimmau felt tears sting at the corners of his eyes as he fled back to the cabin.

As soon as Cordelia saw him she knew something was wrong as he said in her gentle soft voice “Husband….what is wrong?” Grimmau looked at her, brushing a loose strand of blonde hair out of her face as he replied “They are burning children….accusing them of being witches” Cordelia covered her mouth and gasped dabbing at her face with the apron that hung around her waist.

Cordelia took Grimmau’s arm and led him inside where he collapsed onto his favourite armchair, he had made it from the skin of a deer that Cordelia had killed, she never killed humans or at least didn’t try too. Cordelia poured him a glass of whisky and handed it to him as he downed it before carrying on “It was horrific, all you could hear were their screams of pain and terror…I don’t know what’s happening but I think that the mortals must have seen those girls using their powers” Cordelia nodded her head slowly knowing that Grim needed his time to vent, Grimmau then looked up at his wife and said “You must promise me that you wont harm any mortals…..they cannot know what we are….I know you feel you must right some wrongs but no good will come of that if your dead” Cordelia chuckled as her aquamarine coloured eyes sparkled.

Grimmau ran a hand through his hair and grabbed Cordelia by the waist pulling her down onto his lap as he kissed her with a fiery passion, Cordelia melted into him letting his body heat warm her slightly as they stayed in each others arms for what felt like hours but was really only several seconds as Cordelia brushed a finger over his lips saying softly “I am sorry my love….but I must go and wreak vengeance on these villagers” Grimmau tried to move but he found himself stuck in position as Cordelia kissed his forehead and left the cabin.

Cordelia’s black dress pooled around her bare feet hiding them from view, she had long curly gingery red coloured hair which reached down to her shoulders, her skin was pale as snow as she saw the villagers standing around and the smell of burnt flesh stung at her nostrils, but also made her salivate for it had been a long time since she had tasted human flesh, several of the villagers saw her and instantly knew that something wasn’t right with her.

Cordelia spoke in a soft hushed tone making the villagers move slightly nearer to her so they could hear what she was saying, she suddenly sprang at one of them making him shout in fear, he was a middle aged man with a pot belly, he couldn’t have run very far anyway. He was dead as soon as he hit the floor as Cordelia snarled her eyes flashing a deep dazzling red as the villagers screamed as the preacher strode towards her with a cross.

He held it up towards Cordelia as he said to the villagers in a deeply authoritative tone “Get behind me my children, I shall rid us of this infernal beast” Cordelia let out a soft chuckle saying in an even tone “I don’t think you will Man of God, your crosses hold no power over me” she lunged for him but he merely swatted his hand and sent her flying back into a tree making her gasp as she realised that maybe this preacher wasn’t all that he seemed.

Cordelia struggled to her feet shaking her head to clear the fuzziness as the preacher strode towards her and grabbed her hair slamming it again into the tree as she cried out in pain, the preacher chuckled whispering into her ear “These stupid humans, they have no idea what is happening here….but you and I both do….and soon the world will be ours” he then smashed her head once more into the tree sending her into a pit of blackness as she fell unconscious.

It was nightfall by the time Grimmau could move, he jumped out of the chair and ran towards the village as he saw another fire blazing, as soon as he reached the edge of the trees he could already tell that it was his wife….he fell to his knee’s and wept as he saw the preacher standing once again on his wooden platform, Grimmau tuned into his words as the preacher said”….And thus….the vampire whore was killed, have no fear my children the creatures will never overthrow our good village and God shall thank his children” the villagers all cheered as Cordelia’s body burst into flames and turned to ash.

Grimmau let out a deep guttural roar as he sprang towards the crowd but he found himself being held back by a young girl who could be no more then 10 years old, she put a finger to her lips wanting him to be silent, her skin was a shimmering silver colour, and she knew that Grimmau was stricken with grief , the young girl was a member of the Fae she took his hand leading him away from the gathering.

Grimmau looked down at the young girl, whose body seemed to be covered in leaves as he whispered softly, “Who….are you?” the girl giggled before replying “Aye Sir, that is a question that many have asked….but none have known the answer to, I have been known by many names, Isabella, Rebecca, Amethyst….but I have chosen the name Sarah for this lifetime” she giggled again leading Grimmau down a winding path through thick bushes.

Grimmau thought that he was probably going mad as he followed the young Fae girl, he then heard chattering just up ahead as Sarah brushed apart some bushes Grimmau found himself in a village full of the Fair Folk, Sarah let go of his hand as she walked over to an ancient looking man, his grey hair done up in a ponytail as his purplish green eyes seemed to hang onto the girls every word, he nodded as he made his way over to Grimmau his oak staff throwing up dust every time it hit the ground.

The old man placed a fist over his heart and bowed to Grimmau saying in a deep rumbling voice “Greetings to you my friend, I am Sigdren…I am the leader of this group of Fae, I have heard from my daughter that your life mate was killed” Grimmau nodded slowly as he replied “Aye, those bastards cut her down….I will have my vengeance on them all” his eyes blazed a deep amber as he felt himself turning into his Lycan form, Sigdren rested a hand on Grimmau’s shoulder saying kindly “Be at peace brother, you are among friends here….all of our kind are being hunted, from Fae to Vampires…..from Lycans to Witches….and everything in between….we must act but not too rashly for otherwise it will be our undoing” Grimmau snorted and shrugged off Sigdren’s hand saying angrily “And whilst we do THAT….millions of innocent creatures will die at the hands of those stupid unknowing mortals” Sigdren’s eyes flashed a dangerous colour, he wasn’t used to having his judgement questioned he spun his staff around knocking Grimmau to the floor before pressing the staff to Grimmau’s throat and hissing “You dare question me child…..you are a mere pup compared to the many aeons that I have lived” Grimmau choked as he stared up at Sigdren finally seeing him for what he truly was….a dangerous enemy or a powerful ally.

Sigdren looked around seeing all of his people looking at them with a scared look in their eyes as he studied his hands and realised his skin had gone pale black and he was sparkling as though diamonds had been embedded into his skin, he slowed down his breathing calming himself as he turned back to his normal shade, which was of a light golden hue as he moved away from Grimmau and walked to his hut. Sarah ran over to Grimmau and lifted him to his feet saying in her soft sing song voice “I’m sorry about him….he….it’s said that he fell with the Angel’s from heaven…I don’t know if that’s true or not” Grimmau let out a soft groan as he rubbed his throat “Well whatever he is…..he’s a psycho…how does he expect to save all of the supernatural creatures that there are” Sarah shrugged her shoulders as she led him to a river.

He stripped down to his underwear and slid into the river washing the dirt and grime from his body, he floated and stared up through the leaves as he saw the sky and let out a deep sigh thinking about Cordelia and how he could avenge her. He felt a flutter beside him as he saw a butterfly, it then slowly morphed into Cordelia’s form as she said softly “Do not avenge me my love, for that man….if that’s what he truly is….is far more powerful then anyone could expect….he is a warlock….and a dangerous one at that….he has twisted the minds of all those poor villagers” Grimmau hissed angrily “Poor….they KILLED you my love and for that they must die” Cordelia shook her head saying again in a whisper “Vengeance will not get you anywhere….what will happen once you kill him? Where will it stop? Vengeance will just lead to more pain and suffering” the butterfly fluttered it’s wing as it lifted away from Grimmau leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Sarah peeked her head over a rock to look at Grimmau as she said “Uhhh…I thought you might be hungry, we have some fruits and berries and some of our hunters have caught a wild boar” Grimmau nodded his head as he swam to the shore sliding out of the water letting the water drip down his muscular body, which was also covered in scars from the many fights he had been in, he slid his shirt back on and then slid his pants on following Sarah back to the main camp.

The smell of roasting meat hit Grimmau as soon as he entered camp, his mouth begin to salivate as he suddenly realised how hungry he was as he felt his stomach rumble, Sarah looked at him and chuckled going to sit down on a Indian style blanket and motioned for him to join her which he did. Sarah looked at Grimmau saying “I know that your in pain Grimmau and I know that you might think we don’t know what we’re doing but….we do….and I think we can help each other” Grimmau sighed softly and ran a hand through his hair as he replied “Aye we probably could, my….wife told me that the preacher was a Warlock and that’s why he’s got such a hold over those people” Sarah nodded her head slowly saying “Hmmm of course that would explain why he can do all the things that he can do” a long legged blonde Fae came over with a plate of food for Grimmau, she smiled kindly at him as though knowing the pain that was in his heart as he thanked her and began to dig into one of the boars legs.

Sarah and Grimmau talked for many hours, and suddenly he found that it was almost midnight, Sarah stood up and brushed her skirt saying “I’ll find you a hut to sleep in, you must be exhausted” Grimmau nodded his head as Sarah motioned for him to follow her which he did taking in his surroundings, Sarah pushed a curtain aside as they entered a smallish hut, Sarah turned to him and said “Well this is my place, I’ll be sleeping up in the roof, but feel free to make yourself at home down here, there are pillows and a blanket” Grimmau nodded and thanked Sarah before settling down onto the floor grabbing some pillows and a blanket and falling into a deep sleep.

Sarah watched him for a few moments before aging herself slowly so she was 21 years old, her legs grew longer, her breasts fuller and her lips plumper as her hair became a shimmering gold, almost the colour of straw, she climbed the ladder silently and slipped out of her clothes and into her nightdress as she closed her eyes falling asleep.

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, the warlock, for that’s what the preacher really was as Cordelia had suspected, was locked in a conversation with a young man with black hair and amber eyes, the young mans name was Alexi…Alexi stared at the preacher hissing “Your mad, the council will never stand for this” the preacher stood up slowly, seeming to almost grow in height as Alexi withered under his gaze, the preacher whose name was Adriel Vertolli and was a very powerful warlock chuckled as he said softly “I could snuff you out at any time that I choose boy, don’t forget that….I keep you around because I need you” Alexi bowed his head in submission as he said softly “Of course Master I apologise” Adriel nodded his head slowly as he walked towards a heavy oak door and opened it turning to Alexi saying “You will do well to remember the price that your parents paid” he then left Alexi alone with his thoughts.

Alexi leaned back on the almost empty mattress, it’s stuffing long since disappeared, he guessed that the monks that had lived in this monastery weren’t really that bothered about comfort, he snorted softly banging his head on the metal frame cursing softly to himself as he mulled over many thoughts in his head, he then reached down underneath the bed pulling out the small black leather notebook that he used as a diary he opened it up and began to write inside it.

Adriel was a tall man, perhaps reaching almost seven foot, he had piercing jet black eyes with white pupils, he was quite muscular and had trained in many forms of unarmed combat, he took the cross that he was wearing around his neck in between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed at it chuckling to himself. He had long jet black hair which he kept short, but when he was free of this existence he would grow it back down to his shoulders and then he would wreak a terrible vengeance on the mortals that he said he would help, their blood would run and he would devour their very souls.

As he moved through the long corridor to his chambers, his clothes seemed to morph from those of his preacher attire, to a long black cloak, with black trousers and a blood red shirt, he sighed in happiness feeling himself again as he entered the room to see a young girl of about fourteen tied to his bed, he let out a dark evil chuckle as he stroked the girls cheek saying softly “Hush, don’t worry….it will all be over soon” the girls screams reverberated around the monastery and then suddenly she fell silent.

Alexi stopped writing for a moment as he shook his head, he often wondered how these girls could be so stupid to come here, but then again he knew that Adriel had a way of corrupting innocent girls to his will, the only reason Alexi had agreed to serve Adriel was because it had been the only way to save his own sister from being taken. He looked down at his diary and rubbed at the corners of his eyes throwing it onto the table as he put out the candle beside his bed and settled down to sleep.

Adriel was lying on his bed, surrounded by the blood and entrails of the young girl, her heart was still freshly warm as he had ripped it out of her chest, her broken body was on the floor, her face a grotesque mask of the beauty that had once been upon it, he squeezed her heart and licked the warm blood off of it as he began to laugh maniacally. Suddenly a voice boomed into his head as it said “Adriel, we sent you to this place for a purpose….not to meddle in human affairs” Adriel growled and stopped laughing as he replied “Oh shut up Corbin, the mortals are all part of my plan, we will destroy the supernatural beings and then take this world for ourselves” a shadowy figure shimmered in front of Adriel looking down at the girl, smoky tendrils caressed the girls face as though it was her lover before plucking out her eyes as they rolled across the floor and stopped below the ledge to the fire.

Adriel rolled his eyes saying “Come now Corbin, when have I ever failed the ones that we serve?” Corbin chuckled darkly as he replied “Well I could name a few times my old friend” Adriel shrugged as he sipped a glass of wine before swirling it around in his glass before speaking again “So is there anything that you actually wanted or is this more a social call?” Corbin’s smoky form swirled around the room coming to rest on the window ledge as he said “Well the fella’s downstairs just want to make sure that you know what the hell your doing?” Adriel waved his hand casually “Aye of course I do….tell them not to fear” Corbin snorted as he slipped through the cracks of the floor.

Adriel threw his hands up in surrender as he muttered “Demons help me, I know what I’m doing” he then threw his wine glass into the fire as he thought about his plans, he knew that they were sound and that he could bring about the rise of his Masters….yes it was true even he had a Master that he answered too, he feared his Masters just like Alexi feared him, he shook his head closing his eyes and falling asleep.

As the sun rose over the tiny gathering of huts, Grimmau woke up suddenly unsure of where he was, he then looked around and realised that he was in Sarah’s hut, he sat up slowly and rubbed at his sleep coated eyes, he threw off the blanket and exited the hut to a cacophony of noise and hustle and bustle as 20 Fae and their children busied themselves with work, he felt a presence behind him as a soft delicate hand rested itself between his shoulder blades as Sarah said “Good morning Grimmau, I hope that you slept well” Grimmau turned around slowly to face Sarah who had suddenly grown up as if overnight as he said softly “Uhh….yeah I did thank you….What the hell happened to you though?” Sarah let out a laugh replying “It’s a gift of the Fae, we can make ourselves appear however we wish, I changed into a ten year old to infiltrate the village….and I found you….a Lycan” Grimmau felt his head swim as he studied Sarah, she was wearing a loose top and a skirt which had a slit up each side showing off her tanned and toned legs.

Sarah took his hand saying “Come, lets go and join the others for breakfast I am sure that you must be hungry” Grimmau nodded his head before adding “Yeah….and call me Grim….it’s what my friends call me” Sarah smiled before replying “Well I am glad that you consider me a friend” Grimmau shrugged as Sarah led him into a crowd of Fae.

When he had been suitable fed and watered, Sarah took him to see Sigdren, who was sitting in his hut, surrounded by maps, Sarah walked over to him and kissed his cheek saying softly “Father, I have come with Grimmau as requested” Sigdren looked sideways at his daughter letting a small smile cross his face as he then looked up at Grimmau saying “Ahh…the Lycan….yes you will be very helpful to us and to our plans….together we can save every Supernatural being that there is around here….and stop the rise of the foulest creatures that have been seen on this plane for aeons” Grimmau raised an eyebrow before saying “What evil is that…” he then added for good measure “Sire” Sigdren brought out a scroll and threw it down onto the table as it unfolded, he pointed to a paragraph on demons known collectively as The Frili, one was a Minotaur, one a chimera, one a hippogriff, and one a Sphinx they each had almost unpronounceable names, he saw text under them in a language he had never seen before as he looked at Sigdren saying respectfully “Uhh….what does the writing say I cant read it?” Sigdren chuckled as he replied “And why should you my boy? It’s in ancient Fae and it says that to bring about the Frili, the blood of four supernatural beings must be bled…so far two have already been killed….so we must look out for any Lycans or any of the Fair Folk that are hidden….and we must also band together the witches and the vampires….it is the only way that the demons will not rise” Grimmau nodded his head as he let out a deep sigh.

Sarah turned to her father saying in Fae “Father I should take Grimmau somewhere for a while, this is probably all far too difficult for him to understand and comprehend” Sigdren nodded slowly and almost distractedly as he was lost back in the scrolls as Sarah dragged Grimmau out of the hut.

She then turned to Grimmau and kissed his cheek saying softly “I know that it’s probably far to much to take in Grim, but we cant let these demons rise up or the world that we know and love will cease to exist” Grimmau looked down at her saying with steely determination “No…I wont let these things rise up and I wont let any more innocent people get hurt….I became a Lycan for a reason…I was changed for a reason and I guess that this is it” Sarah nodded her head and smiled at him as Grimmau looked up at the sky to see the sun piercing the thick forest canopy and seeming to almost bathe him in light.




A Jynx In The Tale

19:58 Jul 10 2012
Times Read: 610

Chapter Six

As Jynx woke up the next morning she felt totally refreshed and somewhat at peace with herself, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stifled a yawn as she slipped out of bed wearing just her bra and her red thong. She left the bedroom and headed for the kitchen to see Xander standing at the cooker making fried eggs and sausages.

Xander heard Jynx and turned around smiling at her, before saying “Well good mornin’ sleepy head….did you sleep well?” Jynx smiled replying somewhat shyly “Yes thank you Xander I did…I slept like the dead” Xander chuckled and served the eggs and the sausages on two plates before bringing out some orange juice and pouring two glasses and handed one to Jynx who sat down at the table.

They ate in silence before Xander said “Well I gotta leave for work Jynx, but feel free to use the bathroom and get yourself clean…and you know you can stay here for as long as you need to” Jynx smiled appreciatively at him and kissed his cheek before Xander grabbed his jacket and keys and left the apartment.

Jynx stood up slowly and walked over to the window to look outside, it was a grey day, rain was beating heavily against the frame as the wind howled outside, last night had pretty much been a blur, she had seen Xander and told him some of what happened, making up a story about how Mime and her had had a falling out and she needed her own space, she had cried in his arms before being taken to the spare room where she had promptly undressed and slid into bed falling into a deep sleep.

She shook her head out of her revere heading for the bathroom where she slid off her bra and thong and got into the shower to clean herself of all the dirt and grime that had seemed to accumulate on her body. She slid out of the shower grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself drying herself off as she headed back into the spare room sitting down on the bed, she wondered what she was going to do, she couldn’t stay here indefinitely, she groaned inwardly and flopped back onto the bed looking up at the ceiling.

Meanwhile Xander was hurrying down an alleyway, he did have work but he needed to stop off somewhere first, he came towards a heavy lead door and knocked on it, the boom seemed to reverberate through the alley as a shutter opened and lizard like eyes appeared as the voice hissed “Yessss what do you want Alexander? We told you never to come here” Xander shifted about nervously before replying “I couldn’t complete the ritual last night….someone came to my house” the lizard like creature seemed to hiss in fury. The door was flung open, standing in front of Xander was a towering creature with scales all over it’s body, it looked like a dinosaur, it’s eyes were yellow slits with red pupils Xander bowed his head before saying “I give you a thousand apologies Freya, I shall try harder and I will not fail you or the Frili again” Freya grunted, she was clothed in leather, she didn’t have any hair she studied the young man and stroked the side of his face motherly before hissing softly “If you do fail….then you will die” with that she slammed the door in his face as Xander dug his hands into his pockets and headed for work.

Freya grunted in annoyance as she sat down at a table, sitting across from her was one of her companions, whose name was Odin he looked at her saying in deep voice “So, the boy has failed at the first chance has he, you know what we must do if he fails again?” Freya nodded slowly and sighed replying “Aye but it would be a shame, he’s such a pretty boy but if needs must then that’s what we must do” Odin grunted in agreement as he chewed on a chicken leg.

A feline shape slinked into the room morphing into a young girl of about eighteen, she looked at the two reptiles and flicked a strand of her black hair lazily behind her ear as she purred softly “So…the boy has failed so far has he? Now there’s a surprise” Odin furrowed his eyebrows before replying “Well it takes time to call the Dark One” the young girl hissed saying with some annoyance “Well he’s a pathetic child, by his age I had already committed several acts of mass murder and brought about the return of the Dark Ones” Freya rested a hand on the girls shoulder and said kindly “Yes Nikki we know and we thank you for that, but the time has come to strengthen our ranks and this boy is the one to do it” Nikki scowled, her skin was pale as she shifted back into her Panther form, her amber eyes glowing as she stalked away.

Freya looked at Odin saying “Children today are so over dramatic, we were never that bad were we?” Odin threw the chicken leg down on the floor as he stood up and walked towards Freya kissing her softly as he replied “No my darling I do not believe we were…the times have changed and we must change with them” Freya nodded her head slowly and rested her head under Odin’s chin.

Nikki had been a shape shifter ever since she could remember, her earliest memory was shifting into an owl, it had scared the life out of her mother and father, this was during the age when witches were still feared by many, Nikki or Nicole as she had been called back then….had been ostracized from society and she had had to go on the run, she grew up fast by the time she was fourteen she had killed the people in her village that had meant to do her harm….she even killed her parents for they were just as guilty, she chuckled as their blood had sprayed over her.

Nikki had wandered for many years alone until she had happened upon a Cult known as the Frili, they had taken her in and helped her harness her shape shifting powers, she had finally settled on a panther, for she had seen one hunting it’s prey…she could change to anything but she felt most comfortable in that form. She was a reasonably pretty young woman, she had sapphire blue eyes, her hair reached down to her lower back, she had no friends and she didn’t particularly want any. She knew that Odin and Freya were talking about her, they normally did they thought that she was too hot headed but she preferred action over anything else.

The Dark Ones were a breed of dark and ancient evil, they had tried to break through the veil between worlds several times but had always failed, Nikki had tried to bring them back several decades ago but had been stopped she wasn’t happy that the fate of the Dark Ones was now in the hands of a child. Nikki flew out of a window and shifted into her human form, with tight leather pants clinging to her legs, and a black tank top showing off her arms, on her left arm was a tattoo of an eagle and on her right a tiger she was hungry, her leather boots hit the pavement as she headed for the café that Xander worked in.

Xander was cleaning a table as he noticed the girl enter, he took a step back sensing the wave of dark energy that seemed to roll off of her as she walked towards him slinging her jacket over her shoulder saying “Hey there hot stuff….can I get some food?” Xander let out a soft hiss as he said “What are you doing here Nikki?” Nikki let out a soft chuckle as she sat down at a table flicking her eyes over the menu.

She then looked up at Xander and said “Hmmm I’ll take the omelette please, with some cheese and ham in it….and I’ll go for salad instead of chips I am watching my figure after all” she fluttered her eyelashes at him and then said “Oh and I’ll take a diet coke” Xander nodded as he moved away from her to go and take the order to the chef as Nikki looked around the café wondering why he with all that he could accomplish was working in a dive like this.

As Xander came over with her food he sat down at the table across from her saying “So you never answered my question….what are you doing here?” Nikki let a small smile creep across her face as she replied “Well you know I get bored with the reptiles, and I thought I’d come see what you did….and if you needed any help with your task” Xander growled softly and hissed “What I do is none of your business I told them that I would do it and I will….I just couldn’t last night because of Jynx” Nikki looked up at him, her eyes seeming to gaze into him and through him as she said sharply “You should kill the girl then…..and then get on with your mission” Xander stood up abruptly and stormed away from her as Nikki shifted into her panther form and lunged at Xander knocking him against the counter, Nikki bared her fangs at him snarling as Xander grabbed her by the muzzle and threw her off of him as he grabbed a knife.

Nikki growled softly as Xander glared at her saying “I wont hurt Jynx unless it’s absolutely necessary is that understood?” Nikki shifted back and slapped Xander across the face as she stormed out of the café. Xander sank against the wall and rubbed his head thinking about how all this could of gone so wrong so quickly he saw Nikki walk past the window of the café she was rubbing the ruby necklace she wore around her throat and he knew that he had made a dangerous enemy.

Meanwhile Jynx had left Xander’s apartment and was dressed in a pair of jeans along with a red top, her leather coat billowed around her feet as he biker boots splashed in a puddle from the rain from the previous night, she didn’t really know where she was heading she was just wandering, she heard a soft flutter behind her and spun around to see Atreyu standing there, she growled softly and said angrily “What the hell do you want? I thought I told you where to go” Atreyu’s hair was done up in a ponytail and Jynx was trying hard not to look at him but she couldn’t deny that she didn’t find him slightly attractive Atreyu said in a soft lilting voice “I know what you said childe but….the powers that are above are greater then you….and they have commanded me to look after you until all the dangers have passed” Jynx sighed softly and looked up at him saying softly “But what dangers are they?” Atreyu chortled softly….the first time that Jynx had ever heard one of the fair folk laugh as he replied “You will soon find out and then you will need all the allies that you can find” Jynx nodded her head slowly and leant against a wall.

Atreyu studied the young girl saying softly “You should go back to see Mime….or the Lycan…..either of them might be able to give you more information” Jynx looked stricken as she turned her gaze up at him and said softly “But I don’t wanna go see either of them….I cant trust them now….I don’t know where I belong anymore” Atreyu laughed softly and replied “You belong on the side of goodness….never let anyone tell you anything different” with that his wings billowed out as he took flight leaving Jynx to gaze up after him.

Jynx shook her head mocking Atreyu’s last words to her as she knew she stood at a crossroads, she could either go and see Grimmau or Mime or stride out and make her own path wherever that would lead her, she wasn’t sure as she growled with frustration, she felt a shadow behind her and spun around with a dagger in her hand as she saw Renette standing in front of her. Jynx immediately went on the attack as she lunged at Renette who dodged her and grabbed her by the hair and grabbed her in a headlock hissing angrily “Would you calm the FUCK down you silly little bitch I’m here to help” Jynx dug the dagger into the back of Renette’s leg making her scream in pain releasing Jynx who flipped away from her gasping for air.

Jynx’s dagger was made of silver with a cross embedded into the blade, Renette hissed savagely Jynx grabbed Renette by the throat and forced her down onto the ground as she grabbed her dagger and pulled it out making Renette scream in pain. Jynx fixed her with a dangerous gaze before spitting out the words “What the hell do you want you bitch?….last time I saw you and your boss you tried to kill me” Renette coughed and struggled beneath Jynx as she replied “I came to offer my help….I know you think I meant to hurt you but I didn’t and now Kristoph wants you dead but the person that we work for…..he doesn’t want you harmed” Jynx sneered as she replied “Well good for your boss, but that still doesn’t excuse what the hell you did” Renette raised her hands to calm Jynx saying softly trying to use her power of persuasion “Yes…I know it doesn’t and for that I’m sorry sweetheart” Jynx scoffed and then chuckled “Your powers don’t work on me Vampire….Mime’s tried these sorts of tricks countless times but I am immune” Renette staggered to her feet the wound on her leg healing as she said softly and dangerously “You will regret this Jynx….I tried to help you” she then flew away leaving Jynx once more on her own.

As Renette landed on a roof, her cell phone began to ring, she didn’t look at the number and answered it tersely “Yeah what?” the voice on the other end didn’t take kindly to being spoken to like this and replied “You should watch your manners girl, I could kill you whenever I wish….but I need to keep you around to protect the girl” Renette swallowed the bile she felt rising in her throat replying “I’m sorry sir….it’s just I had another exchange with her and she still doesn’t like me” the voice grunted before saying “Well is it any bloody wonder, you and your boss have both tried to kill her” without letting her reply he hung up.

Renette ran a hand through her hair and looked up at the sky, she was alarmed when she saw the shape of a bald eagle hurtling towards her and shifting into the form of someone that Renette knew well, Nikki chuckled softly before saying in an acidic voice “Well well, look what the Bat dragged in….the little whore herself Renette” Renette curled her lip saying with just as much acid in her voice “What the hell are you doing here Nikki, I thought you were dead after that little spell you tried to do backfired tremendously” Nikki chuckled cracking her knuckles before lunging at Renette shifting into her Panther form and clawing at Renette’s face who wasn’t expecting it and had claw marks down her face.

Renette jumped back and grabbed the panther’s legs and kicked it in the stomach sending it flying backwards as the panther shifted back into Nikki, she wiped some blood from the corner of her mouth as Renette lunged towards her, Nikki grabbed some bars that were hanging above her and lifted her body up powerfully making Renette run past her and into a wall as Nikki jumped and spun around kicking Renette in the back sending her back into the wall breaking her nose.

Nikki breathed heavily as she said “Come now Renny, you know I was always the better fighter, you just go and play with your little human dollies” Renette let out an almost insane laugh turning to face Nikki forcing her nose back into place as she replied “You’re a fool Nikki, nothing you do matters anymore….we’re all gonna get fucked in the end….change is coming and it’s change that none of us….Mortal or supernatural will like” Renette then jumped up onto a ledge and flung herself down to the ground as Nikki growled softly.

Renette gazed upwards staring at Nikki knowing that she had been bested again, she didn’t really like it but she accepted it as she limped away, Nikki spun around as she ran to gather speed before shifting into an eagle and soaring away she enjoyed flying but not as much as she enjoyed stalking prey…she always missed the taste of human flesh she landed on the balcony of an apartment and shifted back into her human form, she walked over to her fridge and opened it pouring herself a glass of orange juice and downed it as she walked over to her answering machine and saw a message on it.

She pressed the play button and the message was from Freya telling her that she and Odin needed to see her as soon as possible, Nikki growled softly and downed the last of her orange juice as she ran towards the balcony and shifted into an eagle soaring to the abandoned warehouse where Odin and Freya were hiding out.

Meanwhile Jynx was sitting against a wall, she hadn’t moved since she had been accosted by Renette, she felt emotionally drained she had dried tears on her face as she sniffled softly feeling a hand on her shoulder…she slowly looked up and saw Grimmau standing over her with a look of concern in his eyes as he said softly “Are you alright Jynxie?” Jynx slowly raised herself to her feet as she replied “I don’t know Grim, I don’t know where my life is heading anymore” Grimmau pulled her to her feet before engulfing her in a huge hug and stroked her hair softly.

Atreyu watched the scene and let his wings flutter behind him, he knew that she would be safe with the Lycan for now….but knew there would be a time when nothing would ever keep her safe unless she learnt how to use all of her powers to their full potential, he shook his head and lifted himself up flying back to see Sigdren. Grimmau released her from the hug as he looked into her eyes and said in his soft even tone “Your coming home with me and I’ll look after you” Jynx shook her head as she replied “No I can’t Grim, I don’t wanna be a burden to you” Grimmau let out a chuckle and swung her easily onto his back and walked with her towards his home.

As Grimmau undid the front door Jynx looked around her in amazement as she said “Wow Grim….I never knew you lived here….this is like one of the most expensive areas in the city” Grimmau shrugged running a hand through his hair as though he was embarrassed as he replied “Well, my family come from a wealthy background…I never really told anyone cos I didn’t want anyone to make a fuss about it” he swung open the door and Jynx walked inside breathing in the deeply intoxicating scents that wafted around her.

Grimmau walked into the kitchen and shouted out “So are you hungry Jynxie, what would you like to eat?” Jynx snapped her consciousness back to where it should be as she replied in a wondering tone “Yes please Grim….could I grab a cheese and bacon omelette” Grimmau made an affirmative noise as he begun to cook.

Jynx sunk down onto a red leather chair, taking in the scent of Grimmau and thinking to herself that for all the time she had known him she had never once asked about him, she thought to herself that she would rectify that after all Grim had been there for her ever since she had started walking even though Mime hadn’t liked it.

Jynx thought back over the past few years and wondered if in fact Mime had ever truly loved her or cared about her or whether he was just using her for her talents, she rubbed at her temples as Grimmau placed a plate of food in front of her smiling, she felt tears brimming in her eyes as she sniffed softly “Thanks Grim, I haven’t ever had anyone cook for me” she gave him a hug before digging in.

Grimmau sat down in another chair grabbing the television remote and switching on the TV to show a riot that was taking place….Jynx looked up at the screen as she ate and saw a banner scrolling along the bottom of the screen saying “Two new females dead….no leads” Jynx finished her mouthful before saying “Surely we should tell the mortals what’s going on, it hardly seems fair to let them walk to their death like lambs to the slaughter” Grimmau interlocked his fingers before replying “Over many years the supernatural elements have tried to tell the mortals that we exist, but it has always ended badly for her….take the Salem Witch Trials for instance, Witches tried to tell the mortals that they had nothing to fear from them and yet they were still all slaughtered in their hundreds….Vampires and Lycan’s also had to hide in fear that we would be discovered, the Fae hid as they always do in times of crisis…I’m sorry Jynx but it would all come to nothing….the humans now would call us mad and throw us into a mental institution or something of that sort” Jynx growled in frustration knowing that Grimmau was right but she had never really learnt that much about the Salem Witch trials.

Once Jynx had finished her food she let out a soft yawn suddenly feeling very tired as Grimmau walked over to her grabbing a blanket and wrapped her up in it as he said softly “Go to sleep, you’ve had an exhausting day…don’t worry I wont let anyone disturb you” Jynx nodded feeling her eyelids flutter as she slipped into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile, Nikki was seething with rage, her eyes were a blood red as she threw Odin into a wooden box making it shatter around him as he let out a grunt of surprise sprawling on the floor as Freya stood in Nikki’s way saying angrily “What the hell has gotten into you, you BITCH!” Nikki growled and spun around storming away from them as she shouted “The WHOLE FUCKING world is gonna come down around our heads and your worried about me” she shook her head angrily muttering under her breath.

Odin stood up slowly, green blood pooling on the floor from the wound in his side as he growled softly his tongue flicking from his mouth as he said to Freya “What on earth has gotten into her?” Freya merely shrugged and replied in a hissing tone “I have no idea, it’s like she had flipped and become insane or something” Odin walked slowly towards Nikki and said in a calming voice “Whatever is going on Nikki, it cant be that bad” Nikki grunted saying angrily “Why cant it? Shit is gonna hit the fan soon…and we’re putting all our trust in a child, and what’s worse a child that has been brought back from the dead” Odin looked confused as Nikki stormed out of the warehouse into the moonlit night breathing in the cold damp air as the rain spattered down onto her and puddles formed all around.

She shook her head and changed into her panther form as she ran out of the city and towards the mountains where she often went, she always found mountains wherever she went, she shifted back into her human form and looked up at the sky, the clouds covering the half moon that was lighting up the sky, she clambered up into a tree and rested leaning against the ancient trunk as she whispered to herself “What am I gonna do? I cant let the boy do what I SHOULD have done” but a tiny voice whispered in her head “But maybe you should, then when he dies again you can take all the glory for yourself” she nodded to herself slowly as she rubbed at the corners of her eyes.

Thunder began to rumble overhead as lightning lit up the sky, Nikki breathed out slowly, she leapt down from the tree landing deftly on the ground water and mud splashing up onto her jeans as she growled softly before shifting into her panther form heading back towards the city to get back to her apartment.

As she entered her apartment she felt a presence surround her, she growled softly as Renette grabbed her shoulders and threw her into the patio window covering Nikki in glass, as Renette let out a dark evil chuckle her eyes flashing red as she said in a twisted voice “Now it’s time for round two bitch” Renette then grabbed Nikki by the hair and threw her back into the living room making her smash into a cupboard as things fell down around her, Nikki let out a cry of pain as Renette kicked her in the stomach and cackled insanely saying aggressively “Your time will come and then I shall end you” with that Renette ran towards the balcony crunching the glass and throwing herself out of the window and flying away.



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