MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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6 entries this month

The Elementals

15:21 Jun 29 2006
Times Read: 836


It is the year 2018, 12 years into our future, parents have been able to change certain features in their children, and disabilities have all but disappeared. A group of 4 different sets of parents are about to take part in an experiment, which they think, will give their children happier and longer lives. But what they don’t know is that their cells will be tampered with to see what will happen to their children.

It is now the year 2019, a year after the first experiment the result of which a young baby boy called Apollo Castor. At first glance he seems to be a normal boy but he isn’t, Apollo has certain powers, he can control fire although it is not as prominent now as it will become as he grows older.

It is now the year 2021, 2 years after Apollo’s birth and let’s introduce Latanya May who will one day (when her powers have developed) become Spiritluna, her powers are developing slowly just like Apollo’s. Next we have Melchior, he is a riddle, and his past is a history no one knows where he came from. He has power over the earth and he is already quite powerful but he still has much to learn about controlling his powers.

It is now 2022, 3 years after the birth of Apollo, his powers are growing but his parents do not know what is happening to him. We now have the birth of Aella Io, her powers are just emerging slowly but already she floats when she sleeps.

We have now reached the last member of the team that will soon be together. The year is 2024, 5 years after the birth of Apollo, his powers are beginning to scare his parents they did not know that this would happen. Here we have the birth of Jennifer Epona, her powers are not yet unleashed, but they will soon be unlocked when she reaches her 5th birthday.




The Elementals: Characters

22:43 Jun 23 2006
Times Read: 848

The Elementals

Firen: Apollo Castor


Age: 21

Human Form

Looks: He’s 6ft5, Short hair spiked into a Mohican with the ends red and green eyes.

Clothes: Dark Blue baggy jeans with a black T-shirt and a red jacket, and he also wears trainers.

Superhero Form

Looks: He’s 6ft5, blazing blood red eyes, he has short spiky red hair.

Clothes: Red jeans, a yellow/orange T-shirt and a black jacket.

Waterine: Jennifer Epona


Age: 16

Human Form

Looks: She’s 5ft7, Long Brown hair with pink Tint which she wears in pigtails, and crystal blue eyes.

Clothes: White tanktop, short denim skirt with white flip-flops.

Superhero Form

Looks: She’s 5ft 7, ocean blue eyes, sparkling blue hair which reaches down to her hips.

Clothes: Dark Blue jeans, a light blue strap top and a white jacket.

Eartherio: Melchior

Age: 19

Human Form

Looks: He’s 6ft1, short spiky brown hair and deep mysterious black eyes.

Clothes: Black jeans, a black T-shirt with a skull and cross bones on it and trainers.

Superhero Form

Looks: He’s 6ft1, long earthy brown hair and dark brown eyes

Clothes: Dark brown jeans, light brown T-shirt and brown boots

Airyuna: Aella Io

Age: 18

Human Form

Looks: She’s 5ft8, shoulder length purple hair, and green eyes.

Clothes: Grey jeans and a white T-shirt, converse (Baseball Boots)

Superhero Form

Looks: She’s 5ft8, really long light blue hair, pure white eyes

Clothes: A white skin tight suit, a white cape and white boots

Spiritluna: Latanya May

Age: 19

Human Form

Looks: She’s 5ft10, long blonde hair and blue eyes

Clothes: Denim shorts, and a white shirt with light blue stripes and light blue flip flops.

Superhero Form

Looks: She’s 5ft10, shoulder length white hair, deep blue eyes

Clothes: Black top and a black skirt and black knee high boots




Gangsters Revenge (Work in Progress)

15:52 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 856

It begins in a little town in the north east of America, where a mob war has broken out, the two families the Harletoe’s and the Guiseppie’s are fighting for control. The main boss of the Harletoe’s is called Franco Harletoe – he is a grey haired man of 45 years old. He has piercing emerald eyes, a short man but very strong and he rules his criminal organisation with an iron fist- he turned to his wife Lidania Harletoe – a blonde haired woman of 39 years of age, blue eyes, a beautiful figure and a sweet voice- saying “Where is Alessandro?” Lidania replied “I do not know Franco he has not yet returned from his errands for you” Franco scowled his disapproval and turned to look out of the window.

Meanwhile in San Francisco, a young man by the name of Antonio Barnisad – a man of 20 years of age. With long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and strong build- was standing outside a club with a black trousers, black jacket and red shirt on waiting for his companion by the name of Alessandro Porto. Antonio heard a scream from inside so he raced inside the club and drew his weapon – a Walther PPK – and saw Alessandro being manhandled by a rival mobster so he shouted out “Leave him alone or you’ll have me to deal with”. The mobster spun round and spat at Antonio before shoving Alessandro’s head into the bar and saying to Antonio “I will destroy you like I have destroyed your friend”. Antonio walked over to the mobster and punched him in the stomach before grabbing him by the throat and saying “I think that you will be the one that pays today Giafranco”. Antonio put the gun to Giafranco’s stomach and shot him the bullet flying out of his back and impaling itself into the wall.

Antonio ran over to Alessandro and heaved him up onto his shoulders and carried him out of the club before opening the door of the Mercedes Benz and lying Alessandro down on the back seats. He then got into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition and sped off back to the headquarters of his employer Franco Harletoe.

Franco Harletoe was waiting anxiously in his office when Antonio came racing in and said to his boss “Mr Harletoe I’m afraid I have some bad news, Alessandro was hurt by Giafranco. But don’t worry he paid for it with his own life”, Franco intertwined his hands and said “Good job Antonio, you may leave” as Antonio left Lidania went into her husbands office and said “Does he have any idea of what we have in store for him?” Franco shook his head and leaned back on his chair and laughed loudly.

Antonio went into his room – a large room decorated in his favourite colour of red -the symbol of fire-, which has a large double bed in it. A computer with a flat screen and a whole library of books- he sat down at his desk switching on his computer, beginning to write in his diary.

Meanwhile Alessandro was lying in his bed with his sister Sahara Porto gently wiping his brow with a damp cloth, she whispered to him, “Don’t worry brother we will soon escape from here”. Her voice was filled of sorrow as she gently wept for the parents that she had lost to the Harletoe’s by being assassinated by a powerful assassin known only as Z.

Antonio sat up and went out onto his balcony and looked out across the Harletoe’s estate. He heard a knock on his door so he walked over to the door opening it he saw Lidania standing outside Antonio motioned her in before saying "How can I help you Mrs Harletoe?” Lidania replied “Please Antonio, we are friends call me Lidania. I wanted to talk to you about Alessandro can we go to my study” Antonio nodded his head and closed his door and followed Lidania out of his room.

Lidania sat at her desk and went into her draw and pulled out folder and said to Antonio “My husband has a job for you Antonio. He would have asked you himself but he is busy in a meeting” Antonio looked quizzically at her before saying “Of course Mrs Harletoe I will do what I can to help” so he took the folder and went back up to his bedroom.

Antonio flicked through the folder and found that he had to deliver a consignment of cocaine to the Russian Mafia so he went down to the garage and drove the Mercedes Benz out of the garage and drove to where the cocaine was being stored.

He got out of the car and went into the warehouse and saw 3 Russian Mafia henchmen standing inside waiting for him, the lead henchman turned to Antonio and said in Russian, “Your boss screwed us over. You will pay for it with your life” Antonio looked around him and saw that he was surrounded and he realised that the Harletoe’s had set him up. He was unarmed as a Russian henchman twirled a metre long piece of metal chain, another mobster put a knuckle duster onto his right hand as the main mobster drew a flick knife.

The mobster with the chain tied it tightly round his hand and left a foot of it hanging out before lunging at Antonio who dodged, but then got punched in the back of the head by the mobster with the knuckle duster a deep gash opening with blood starting to trickle out. The main mobster slashed at Antonio’s face with his knife and left a deep scar across Antonio’s left cheek before kneeing him in the stomach making Antonio drop to the floor. The mobster with the chain started whipping Antonio across the back with it and then when Antonio was totally unconscious and nearly dead the leader took his knife and cut off Antonio’s left finger. The blood from the wound spurting out over his face as he motioned for the other two mobsters to follow him.

Meanwhile in the office of Franco Harletoe his phone rang he answered it and the voice on the other end said "The job is done Franco and now we want our money". Franco thought a while before replying "You will get your money when I see proof that you killed Antonio Barnisad", the voice on the other end said "You'll get it in the post" with that the voice hung up and Franco Harletoe locked his fingers together and smiled.

Antonio Barnisad drifted in and out of consciousness during his time in the warehouse; his finger caked in blood and dust as he struggled to stand. It was the middle of the night when he finally managed to drag himself out of the warehouse. He got into his car and drove slowly into Chinatown –the territory of the infamous Sazuka triads- where he suddenly lost consciousness again and his car spun out of control and hit a tree.

Hoshi Sazuka was asleep in his bed when he heard a rapid knock on his door, Hoshi came round from his dreamless sleep and said irritably in Japanese “Come in” Xiao Song rushed into his employers bedroom and said “Boss, we have a situation. A gang member from the Harletoe’s has crashed his car we brought him here so that you could torture him, but he looks in pretty bad shape already” Hoshi nodded his head and beckoned Xiao away.

Antonio was chained to the wall his scar still fresh from the brass knuckles, his finger bandaged for risk of infection. He let out a loud moan as his head was throbbing as well as his finger, Hoshi Sazuka entered the room and looked Antonio up and down before saying in fluent English “So, you’re a Harletoe are you?” Antonio said nothing as Hoshi continued “You look pretty roughed up, did your employers betray you?” again Antonio said nothing so again Hoshi continued “Perhaps if I cut out your tongue I will get more answers!” Antonio looked at Hoshi before saying “I got betrayed by the Harletoe’s and now I want revenge. I was hoping that I could come here and join you”.

Hoshi laughed and then fell silent as he contemplated for a while before saying “On one condition, You help me out with a little job first”. Antonio nodded his head before replying “I have nothing to lose Mr Sazuka”. Hoshi let Antonio loose from his bonds and then helped him to a small room, which was furnished with just a bed.

Antonio fell onto the bed and slept for several hours before being woken up by a young girl, the young girl smiled at him and said “Greetings Antonio, I am Jisushika Sato, Hoshi Sato is my father. I have been told to look after you and that I will do with ease”. Antonio looked her up and down before saying, “It will be a great honour to have you looking after me Miss Sato”. Jisushika turned and walked away – she was 5”9, slim, pretty, very long jet black hair (past her bottom) that’s never been cut, her deep brown curved eyes with long thick eyelashes penetrating even the toughest exterior. Quite pale very soft, smooth skin and extremely pretty- Antonio fell back onto his bed and looked up at the ceiling as Jisushika came in and brought some food for Antonio saying to him, “Please eat! You need to recover your strength before my father gives you the details of your mission that you will have to do for us”.

Over the next few weeks Antonio grew stronger as a result of Jisushika’s nurturing, she often came into his room during the day and sang to him. Antonio slept well while he was staying at the Sato household, he found out several things about the Sato’s like Hoshi Sato’s wife had been killed by the Harletoe’s during a take-over, this all happened when Jisushika was only 4 years old. Hoshi had vowed revenge on all members of the Harletoe family but Hoshi realised that Antonio could be an asset to him now that the Harletoe family had disowned him.

Franco Harletoe swung back on his chair as Marco hurried into his office and said to him “Here Boss, I found this on the doorstep outside” Franco took the envelope from him he then bellowed at Marco “WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN HERE? GO ON GET OUT OF HERE”. Marco hurried off as Franco opened the envelope and tipped out the contents of the package along with a note saying “Your proof as requested Franco” Franco looked deeper inside the envelope and saw the finger of Antonio Barnisad and he laughed loudly as he picked up his phone.

Antonio walked into Hoshi’s office and sat down at his desk, Hoshi looked at him before clearing his throat and saying “Antonio, I need you to go to Nice for me. I need some business taken care of there”. Antonio looked at him before saying “What kind of business Mr Sato?” Hoshi turned away from Antonio and contemplated for a while before saying “I want you to deal with an assassin for me, she has been causing my operatives trouble in Nice for quite a while now. She is getting bothersome and I want her taken out and also she works for the Harletoe’s so I know that you will want some retribution” Antonio looked at his stub where his little finger was and nodded his head before getting up and leaving Hoshi alone.

Meanwhile in a little alleyway in Nice a 20 year old woman called Danielle Millar – she had dark wavy hair, golden brown skin, green eyes and very athletic – was running down the alley dressed in tracksuit trousers, a Nike T-shirt and a jacket which was tied around her waist. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail as she pounded the streets in her grey sport’s shoes.

Danielle Millar turned and ran down the street passing by the office where the target that she would have to assassinate worked. She smiled as she stopped outside and looked at all the security devices which were meant to keep her out. She then turned and ran back the way she had come and went back to her dingy apartment where she changed into her ice blue catsuit and slung her sniper rifle over her shoulder and went over to a ladder and climbed up to the roof’s.

Antonio Barnisad was watching every flicker of movement and when he saw a blue suited figure running along the roofs he signalled for the henchmen that Sato had organised for him into suitable positions and crept to the most likely place that the assassin would shot from.

Antonio drew his gun and waited for the assassin, Danielle crept to the top of the building and got her rifle and took aim at the window. She was then suddenly aware of someone standing behind her and spun around and kicked out at the stranger who jumped back and kicked Danielle in the stomach and said “Put the gun down bitch!” Danielle looked up at the figure whose face was hidden by the sun beaming down on her face before saying “Who in the hell are you?” Antonio stepped back and said “My name is Antonio Barnisad. I was sent here to stop you from making a terrible mistake, and that terrible mistake would be working for the Harletoe’s”. Danielle got up and looked at her rifle and is if Antonio picked up on her thoughts he said “I wouldn’t try anything Danielle. We have you all surrounded by Japanese Triads and if you so much as twitch then you will be blown to hell” Danielle growled at Antonio before spitting at his feet and saying “You know nothing of my job you fool, I will destroy you”. Antonio laughed and then struck Danielle across the face and Danielle screamed out in pain as she passed out.

Antonio’s phone rang and he answered it the voice on the other end of the phone was Hoshi who said “Antonio, we need you to go to Istanbul now, there is another assassin working for the Harletoe’s, she is even more dangerous then the one that you have just neutralised. You must act with utter caution for she will be deadly”. Antonio answered “Yes sir I understand, I will bring her back to you unharmed but maybe with a few cuts and bruises” Antonio then hung up his mobile phone and climbed down the ladder and got into his car and sped off to the airport.

In Istanbul the world’s best assassin known as Rushan Bozcan – she had dark brown hair with red low lights, dark brown eyes. She was 5"3 tall and tanned - was lying down on a roof the hot sun beating down on her as she used her powerful binoculars to spy on her target - she was dressed in a tight fitting red top, black leather jeans and a flowing black coat- she smiled at the security around her target. She never named her targets in the end they were just all lungs, heart and brains, specific organs to be destroyed by the shot of a single perfectly aimed bullet.

She lifted herself up off the ground making sure that she didn’t make any sound as she quietly crept away back to her waiting car and speeding off back to her apartment to prepare for her night’s work.

Antonio Barnisad arrived in Istanbul and immediately caught a cab to where the assassination attempt was to take place. He went up in the lift after talking to the receptionist and went into the office of Kim Sulaki saying to him in fluent Japanese “Mr Sulaki your life is in grave danger. An assassin will kill you tonight and I have been sent here by Mr Sato to make sure that it doesn’t happen”. Mr Sulaki looked at Antonio before replying “No-one will be able to assassinate me here, no-one could even get close to me. My windows are bullet proof and besides your just a stupid Italian who knows nothing"” Antonio bristled at this before saying “Even so Mr Sulaki I have your best interests at heart and I want you to be safe”.

Antonio clicked his fingers and 4 of Sato’s henchmen came running into the room and surrounded Sulaki and dragged him away from his desk kicking and screaming. Once again Antonio looked across the street and saw the perfect place for the assassination attempt to take place so he made the henchmen take suitable positions before he himself went and hid on the roof in wait for the assassin.

Meanwhile in her apartment Rushan got changed into her blue ninja outfit and fastened her samurai sword and her rifle to her back before climbing out of her window and scaling the wall to the roof. She then took out her grappling hook and swung across the rooftops until she reached the building that she had been on that very same afternoon.

Rushan took out her nightvision binoculars and laid back down on the roof and looked into the building and saw the man still sitting at his desk so she swung her rifle off her back and settled down on the ground before taking aim. Antonio saw all of this and moved around behind her and said “Hello Miss Bozcan how are?” Rushan spun round and pointed the rifle at Antonio before saying “Who in the HELL are you?” Antonio laughed before saying “My name is Antonio Barnisad, I’ve been sent here to stop you from killing that poor man and anyway you won’t have much luck he’s not at his desk, sorry about that”. Rushan growled before kicking Antonio in the stomach making him fall to the floor with a grunt of pain.

Rushan then dropped her gun and drew her samurai sword before saying “I will get him, I’ve been paid by the Harletoe’s to get rid of him and I never fail in my job”. Antonio stood up and brushed the dirt off of him before saying “Now that’s your problem, the Harletoe’s will kill you whatever happens. I should know they screwed me over and I will make them pay”. Rushan spun round and brought her sword an inch from Antonio’s neck before saying “Well they will not kill me for I am to valuable to them”. Antonio laughed before saying “Your even more of a fool then I took you for, they will destroy you because so long as I’m around I will never let you kill Mr Sulaki”. Rushan dropped her sword and took off her mask to reveal her flowing dark brown hair, she then looked him in the eyes and said “I will destroy you to get to him then Barnisad”. She then flipped round behind Antonio and kneed him in the back before sweeping Antonio’s legs out from under him, Antonio let out a grunt of pain before kicking Rushan in the stomach and saying “We do not have to do this. Come and join the Sato’s and we will protect you from the Harletoe’s and Mr Sato will pay you even more money”.

Rushan stood up and wiped her forehead before saying “He will never take me in, I have dishonoured him for failing him once before, he told me to kill the assassin that killed his wife but I failed. He saw me as weak but I tried to help him get revenge but I couldn’t murder that assassin”. Antonio looked at her and said “Why not Rushan?” Rushan collapsed to the floor and started to cry as she said “Because he was my tutor and he was also my father”. Antonio went over to Rushan and held her close to him before saying “Well I will help you get back into Mr Sato’s favour just come back with me Rushan and I will help you”.

Rushan nodded her head as Antonio led her down the ladder and to his waiting car and they sped off to the airport and flew back to Miami. They then got into Antonio’s red BMW Z3 and they sped off towards Hoshi’s house.

Hoshi was waiting in his office when Antonio and Rushan walked in, Hoshi stood up and quickly said “What in God’s name is she doing here? I told you that I wanted her dead”. Antonio looked from Rushan to Hoshi before saying “Mr Sato I could not bring myself to kill Rushan, she promised that she would break her contract with the Harletoe’s and come and work for you, please allow it sir I beg you”. Hoshi looked at Antonio and said “Ok I will hire her, but if she betrays me again then I will have your head Antonio do you understand?” Antonio nodded his head and he got up with Rushan following him out of the room.

Antonio took Rushan up to his room and they sat on his bed and Antonio said “Well, your gonna have to be on your best behaviour Rushan. I guess I’m gonna have to watch you closely aren’t I?” Rushan looked at Antonio before replying “What ever happened to the second assassin that you stopped Antonio?” Antonio looked out of the window before replying “She was brought back here, she is down in the cells, I should probably go and check on her, your room is down the hall and on the right make yourself comfortable”. With that Antonio got up and left Rushan sitting on his bed as he went down into the cells.

Danielle was beaten and battered in the cells, blood coming from a wound in her head when Antonio came down and said to the guard “Leave me with her, I want to have a talk with her”. The guard nodded his head and left Danielle and Antonio alone with each other, Antonio looked at Danielle and spat on the floor in front of her before saying “You will not last long down here, the guards will be unmerciful and they will torture you and make you suffer”. Danielle looked up at Antonio with tears forming in her eyes before breaking down and sobbing loudly and saying “I’m sorry I never meant to hurt anyone. But it’s not my fault it’s what I was paid to do, it’s what I was born to do”. Danielle looked up at Antonio with deep sorrow in her eyes, her eyes all red and puffy from crying. Antonio walked out of the cell and locked the door and went back up to his bedroom and laid down exhausted on his bed.

Antonio fell into a deep slumber and was awoken 4 hours later by an urgent tap at his door. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and walked over to the door still half asleep and he opened the door and see Jisushika standing there in her silk night-gown with a look of worry spread across her face, Antonio took Jisushika into his arms and held her tightly.

Jisushika looked up into Antonio’s face and said “I was so worried about you Antonio, you were gone for so long, I feared that you would never come back to me”. Antonio stroked her hair and wiped away a few loose strands of hair as he said “Hush my love. I’m here now and I will always be here to protect you and look after you. I’m not letting you go anywhere and I never will”, Antonio led Jisushika over to his bed and they laid down on it and fell into a blissful sleep.

Antonio woke up his heart beating rapidly as he sensed a shadow creeping in through his window, he drew his gun and saw the shadow moving towards him, Antonio fired the gun at the shadow and then felt himself falling down into a black pit screaming in anguish as he saw the shadow, it was Lidania, a person that he trusted but in the end betrayed him. Antonio woke up with sweat running down his face as he looked around and then saw Jisushika lying next to him and he felt safe again.

Antonio woke up several hours later feeling refreshed as he got up out of bed and went over to the French doors and opened them stepping out onto the balcony outside resting his arms on the steel safeguard. Jisushika woke up a few moments later she then when outside and crossed over to Antonio and said “My love are you alright?” Antonio turned around to face her before saying “I think I’m losing my mind baby, I just can’t forget what the Harletoe’s did to me”. Jisushika took Antonio’s hands in her own and looked him deeply in the eyes before saying "My love, you will beat them and you will take back what is rightfully yours”.

Antonio let out a loud exasperated sigh as he turned and went back inside, the brilliant sunshine beating down on the earth. Meanwhile inside the Harletoe’s estate Lidania was plotting the murder of her husband Franco, Lidania went into her drawer and pulled out some rat poison from her desk.

Lidania then went into her parlour to decide how best to administer the rat poison to her husband and decides to do it that night at dinner. She then leans back in her chair as she swivels her chair around and looks out of the window. She then softly muttered to herself “Soon the business will be mine, soon I will control it all” she then laughed loudly.

Meanwhile Antonio was down in the grounds of the Sato estate sitting underneath a willow tree reading a book and watching the little lake that was in the estate and let out a deep and heavy sigh.




Quest for Light 1: The Beginning

16:08 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 858

(Authors Note: This is just a first draft so I apologise if it seems to drag on a bit)

Rema a fair-haired, brown eyed, tall man drew his sword and confronted a troll with spit dripping from its fangs. Rema put his sword into the air and shouted “Change me into a more powerful form” and with that lightning came down and changed Rema into Sreteah a powerful and wise warrior.

Sreteah turned to the troll and slashed at the troll who fell down screaming in pain the troll picked up his club and swiped at Sreteah but he had moved behind the troll. With his sword glinting in the sunlight he ran his sword straight through the back of the troll.

The troll fell down screaming in pain and then Sreteah ended the troll’s life. Sreteah raised his hand into the air and turned back into Rema, Rema carried on with his journey to find the Orb of Light when he saw a girl being hurt by another human. He turned into Sreteah and ran over to the human crying angrily “GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER”. The man said, “Leave me to deal with her before you get hurt” Sreteah shook his head and then drew his sword and struck at the man who dodged quickly. Sreteah flipped over then struck his sword at the man who fell down screaming in pain.

The man got up and said “I am the Lord Zeron and I will kill you soon” and with that he vanished into thin air. Sreteah raised his hand and turned back into Rema. Turning to the girl he said, “My name is Rema who are you?” The girl with her blue eyes, long blonde hair and very short replied “I am the Honourable Princess Arabeller that man was an evil sorcerer who destroyed some of my family if you hadn’t come along when you did then he would have destroyed me as well”. Rema bowed and kissed Arabeller’s hand and then replied “A pleasure to be of service milady”.

Rema and Arabeller walked side by side until they came to a bridge where they saw a heavily built man guarding the bridge. Rema looked at the man then said seriously “Who are you? And can we cross this bridge?” the guard said harshly “My name is Draea of Gretea and you can only cross the bridge if you fight me” Rema drew his sword and ran towards Draea.

Draea drew a sword and battled with Rema, Rema fell down in pain. Then he shouted “By the Power of the Light” and he turned into Sreteah, Draea looked startled and then said to Sreteah “I have no wish to fight a child of the Light I want to join you” Sreteah nodded his head.

Sreteah raised his hand and turned back into Rema who said “Draea would you like to help us find the Orb of Light which in the wrong hands could be very deadly” Draea nodded his head and they walked over the bridge.

Meanwhile in the Crystal Palace Lord Zeron paced and shouted at a troll. He stood up and went over to his viewing globe and said “Show me the whereabouts of the Princess Arabeller” the globe flickered and Zeron saw that Arabeller was joined by the man that helped her and another stranger.

Rema ran into a clearing drawing his sword to face the flying demon that was in their path so he turned himself into Sreteah and struck at the demon which fell down and then split into two and attacked Sreteah. Sreteah fell down on the floor panting then kicked out and connected with one of the demons which let out a screech then Sreteah got out his mighty sword and thunder came down and disintegrated both of the demons.

Arabellar came out quietly saying to Sreteah “You have a lot of power I am glad you are helping me”. Sreteah nodded his head replying with his booming voice “I am glad to be of service to somebody that is doing good for people, unlike Lord Zeron who would only want to use my power for evil”.

Sreteah turned back into Rema and looked out towards the distance and said quietly to Arabellar “That is where the Orb of Light is” and Arabellar turned to him and said “How do you know Rema” Rema shook his head and then walked over to sit on a broken log.

Draea looked out into the distance and then got up quickly and said to the others “There is a disturbance I sense two creatures sent from Lord Zeron coming towards our location”. So Rema quickly got up clutching his sword and cried out “Give me my POWER” a lightning bolt came down and changed Rema into Sreteah who stood silently his armour glinting in the dying sunlight.

The two winged demons flew towards the small group with their long fangs dripping with spit. Sreteah said quickly “I want Draea to take you to safety Princess while I take care of these demons” Arabellar nodded her head and followed Draea. Sreteah stood there waiting for the demons when he heard a loud cry coming from either side of him he looked around and saw two armies of lizard soldiers coming towards his position.

Sreteah swung his sword and then said to one of the lizard soldiers “You will never defeat me. You will perish before you come anywhere near me” the lizard soldier made a sound which could be a laugh. Sreteah looked up to the sky and swung his sword in an arc then a bolt of lightning hit both sets of lizard soldiers as they screamed in pain Sreteah turned around.

Arabellar looked around and then she saw Sreteah turn back into Rema so she ran over to him and hugged him and then said, “What happened to them?” and Rema replied “They were struck by lightning and they died a swift death”. Draea ran over to the two others quickly saying, “I sense that the Orb of Light is close. But I can’t tell where it is” Rema closed his eyes then opened them quickly and said “I know where it is, it is 2 days journey from here and it is perilous”.

Rema took his sword out of the cover and then pointed it into the air and just as he was about to utter the command a powerful magic knocked Rema’s sword out of his hand. As it feel onto the hard ground Rema was flung into a tree by a serpent soldier Arabellar was hiding behind a tree when she saw Lord Zeron going over to Rema then she heard him say “You will never feel the sun on your face again. Unless you tell me where Princess Arabellar is,” Rema said with ferocity in his voice “I WILL NEVER TELL YOU ANYTHING”.

Arabellar ran out behind Zeron and smacked a log around his head and Zeron went down on the floor screaming in pain and Rema got up rolled over to the tree picked up his sword and turned into Sreteah. Zeron got up looking at Sreteah then drew his sword and ran at Sreteah who pushed his sword down into the ground and sent a lightning bolt down through the ground which sent Lord Zeron flying through the air as it came up and struck him.

Arabellar and Draea looked at Sreteah and they both said at the same time “Sreteah look out behind you”. As Sreteah turned around he saw a serpent soldier so he wielded his sword and struck the soldier who fell down with dark red blood pouring out it’s body and then it fell down on the floor and melted into the sand.

Zeron got up and got his sword and said evilly to Sreteah “You will pay for this and I will destroy you soon” and then he took out his staff and made a portal to the Crystal Palace.

Sreteah got his sword out of the ground and then turned back into Rema who said quickly to Arabellar and Draea “We need to find a cave and then we can travel to find the Orb of Light. Princess where is your castle so that we can get some supplies” and Arabellar replied “It is a days journey away and it might be treacherous but with you I’m sure it will be ok”.

The three heroes carried on to the Jasmine Castle the home of Princess Arabellar and as they entered the gates Arabellar’s father King Elma ran out and said lovingly to his daughter “My daughter you have come back I knew you would. Who are these two gentlemen?” and Arabellar replied quickly “These two men are Rema and Draea. Rema has the Power of the Light and we need some supplies to go and find the Orb of Light”.

The king nodded his head then Rema cocked his head and said to everybody “GET INSIDE NOW THERE IS AN EVIL BEING COMING”. So everybody ran inside and Rema drew his sword and shouted out “BY THE POWER OF THE LIGHT” and turned into Sreteah who faced the giant that was coming up in front of him. The giant roared and grabbed Sreteah and said with his booming voice “You will die. Then Lord Zeron will be free to take control of this land and he will get the Orb of Light haha” Sreteah drew the sword that was in his boot and stuck it into the giant’s arm who screamed in pain and dropped Sreteah to the floor. Sreteah drew his sword and climbed up the giants leg and then stuck his sword into the giants right leg Sreteah dropped down onto the hard ground and then put his sword into the air and lightning came down and struck the giant down dead.

Sreteah turned away as the giant disappeared and then he turned back into Rema. Arabellar ran out and hugged Rema who said to the king “It’s safe for now we have to get moving soon because Lord Zeron wants me and nobody else” King Elma nodded his head then told his servants to get three of the finest horses for the three heroes. As they rode out of the castle Princess Arabellar turned around and blew a kiss at the king who smiled a kind smile at the three as they rode into the rolling valley hills.

Lord Zeron roared with anger and went over to one of his minions and said cruelly “THEY will die! Otherwise I will kill each one of you for everyone that fails me” the minions shuddered and said to Zeron “Yes but my master Sreteah is too powerful if we need to defeat Sreteah then we must take away Rema’s sword and stop him that way”.

Rema rode on his horse and travelled in front of Arabellar and Draea, Draea rode to the front and said to Rema “We will need to find somewhere to rest soon wouldn’t you agree?” Rema nodded his head and came to a stop and took out a map as the Arabellar and Draea caught up to him Rema said “There is a cave just a few metres up ahead we can rest there” so they travelled back to the cave and rested.

Rema awoke just before sunset listening to the noises outside and then he heard the distinctive hiss of a lizard soldier so he drew his sword and went outside to face the lizard soldier. The lizard soldier hissed at Rema and said, “You will not survive for much longer”. So Rema swung his sword into the air and shouted out “BY THE POWER OF THE LIGHT” and as he transformed into Sreteah he brought his sword down onto the lizard soldier who leapt back out of the way. The lizard soldier drew his sword and Sreteah and the soldier battled until Sreteah caught the lizard soldier off guard and sliced the soldier into two with dark red blood pouring out as the lizard soldier fell down.

Arabellar and Draea awoke to find Rema sitting on the grass outside the cave meditating, Arabellar said to Rema “What has happened?” and Rema replied “My friends Zeron tried to attack us again but I killed the lizard guard that he sent so we will be safe for now”. In the Crystal Palace Lord Zeron was fuming and he struck a lizard soldier who fell down on the floor.

Rema and the others rode into a cavern and Rema said to Draea “We will need to go through here before we can reach the Orb of Light and then I can save this world from the clutches of Lord Zeron”. Draea nodded his head, and then they travelled through the cavern to the other side where they saw a brilliant stream of penetrating white light.

Rema ran forward and saw that the light was coming from inside a cave so he got out his sword and transformed into Sreteah. He then went into a cave where as soon as he got in a rock rolled down and blocked the entrance. Arabellar and Draea couldn’t get in so Sreteah shouted out loudly “I’ll see you when I get back stay there and I’ll be back soon” so he travelled further into the cave.

Sreteah reached a dead end and then he heard an eerie voice saying “You must first solve a riddle before you can go any further once a wise king did find a cup that cup was full of woe now what was that cup that he found? You must answer in five minutes or you will be trapped here for ever”. Sreteah thought he then answered saying “The object that the king did seek was the Holy Grail” and the eerie voice said, “You have passed the test you may go further into the cave and find what you do seek”.

Sreteah saw a bright light and went towards it and seeing the Orb of Light he walked forward and he heard another voice saying “Before you take the Orb I must warn you that if you are not the right one to handle the Orb then you will be destroyed”. Sreteah nodded his head and then took the Orb in his hands and felt the power coursing through him; he turned into Zednic an even more powerful form. Zednic walked out of the cave and slashed through the rock seeing Arabellar and Draea he turned back into Rema saying to his two friends “I have the Orb and I am more powerful so I will be able to fight Zeron and free the world from his tyrannical power”.

They rode back to through the cavern when they saw a monster sent by Zeron stalking towards them so Rema took his sword and transformed into Sreteah and faced the monster. Sreteah wielded his sword and then brought it down onto the monster, which roared in anger as it swiped at Sreteah who fell down on the hard ground with a grunt of pain. Sreteah got the Orb of Light out of his side bag and as the power coursed through him and the Orb of Light turned him into Zednic.

Zednic turned to face the monster and drawing his sword of light struck the monster who fell down onto the ground with a deep red gash down his left side. As the monster got up again Zednic leapt onto the monster and stuck his sword into the back of the monster and as it roared in pain and started to fall down Zednic jumped off flipped over and landed on the floor.

Arabellar ran over to Zednic saying quickly “There will be more monsters soon we will need to go back to Jasmine Castle where we can rest and think of our next plan of action”.

Zednic took his sword and transformed back into Rema, who said, “That would be a good idea. I don’t want to stay here anymore” so the got onto their horses and rode back the way that they had come until they reached Jasmine Castle. King Elma said to them “Come in my children before Lord Zeron spots you and realises that you are here”.

Elma showed his daughter back to her chambers while the Rema and Draea were waiting in a study. When King Elma came back he immediately said “I thank you for bringing my daughter home to me. She is the only one that I have left since Lord Zeron destroyed my wife and my other 3 daughters she means the world to me” Rema and Draea nodded their heads and were then showed by servants into separate quarters.

Rema woke up with a start and saw a shadow moving towards him. He got his knife out as the mysterious figure came closer he drew the knife and pulled the figure close to him and whispered angrily “Who are you?” The voice replied softly “It is me Rema, Arabellar I came to warn you that we will have to move out in the morning as Zeron’s forces are progressing closer” Rema nodded his head and kissed Arabellar softly on the cheek and then escorted her back to her chambers.

Early next morning Rema awoke to find himself sleeping in a chair in Arabellar’s chambers so he silently got up and walked out of the door back to his quarters where he got dressed into clean clothes and attached his scabbard around his chest. Draea, Arabellar and Rema all met in the hall for breakfast and the King quickly came in and said troubled “I have just received a letter from one of my spies. It seems that Lord Zeron is searching for you and he appears to be coming here” Rema spoke up and said quickly “I will face him he will not take control of this land”. So Rema got up and went out into the courtyard got on his horse and rode out onto the grassy plain where he got his sword and pointed it at the sky and then with a flash of lightning he turned into Sreteah.

Sreteah looked out across the landscape and then saw Zeron coming towards him so he got off his horse and landed on the floor with his sword glinting in the sunlight. Zeron shouted at Sreteah “GIVE ME THE ORB OF LIGHT AND YOU WON’T GET HURT” and Sreteah replied angrily “I will never put this island in danger because of your idea of a world under your tyrannical reign”. Zeron drew his sword and ran towards Sreteah who jumped over Zeron and landed on the other side of Zeron.

Zeron spun around and he saw Sreteah draw the Orb of Light and transform into Zednic. Zednic drew his golden sword out of his scabbard and struck at Zeron who blocked it with his sword and then he made a portal and went back to the Crystal Palace.

Zednic turned back into Rema and walked back over to the horse and mounted it and rode back to the Jasmine Castle. As he entered the courtyard Arabellar and Daea came out, Arabellar said quietly to Rema “Rema what is the status of Lord Zeron”. Rema replied quickly “Zeron will take all of my power to destroy. I will need to go on a journey to a sacred place of my people and ask for power and protection from my God”, Arabellar nodded her head.

Rema got some supplies and then said to Arabellar “My journey will take several days you will be able to communicate with me telepathically if the need arises” Arabellar nodded her head and Rema rode out of the courtyard with his supplies.

Rema rode through a dark forest when he saw a shadow moving through the trees. He quickened his horse and carried on through the forest when a beast leapt out at him and knocked him off his horse and knocked his sword into the undergrowth and knocked the Orb of Light down a hole. Rema leapt to grab the Orb of Light then he saw the beast coming towards him so he leapt over the fallen log and flipped onto a log and grabbed his sword and transformed into Sreteah.

As he faced the beast he saw that it was a gentle lion so he went over to it touched it with his sword and transformed the lion into a powerful creature, which would help Sreteah. Sreteah mounted the lion and said “You will have the power of speech and you will be called Sergei and when I transform into Zednic you will be called Fregei”.

Sergei said to Sreteah “What will we do now master?” Sreteah replied “ We must continue on to the clan of my people where we will be able to gather advice on how to defeat Lord Zeron”. Sergei nodded his head then they travelled on through the forest until they reached the end.

Arabellar and Draea were in the hall of the castle when they heard a crash like thunder so they ran outside and saw that a group of lizard soldiers was coming towards the castle so Arabellar closed her eyes and contacted Sreteah.

Sreteah felt a strong physic link with Arabellar so he said to Sergei “We must go back to the Jasmine Castle my friends are in danger” so they turned around and headed back to the castle. As they neared the castle Sergei said to Sreteah “ I sense danger we might need to change again” Sreteah nodded his head took out the Orb of Light and transformed into Zednic and Sergei transformed into Fregei.

They bounded towards the lizard soldiers who scattered, Zednic leapt off Fregei as Fregei snarled at two of the lizard soldiers who ran away. Zednic drew his sword and sliced at the soldiers who feel down with greeny red blood pouring out of their heads. Zednic ran towards the castle and called for Fregei who ran towards him as Zednic shouted out “OPEN THE DOOR NOW” as the door opened Zednic and Fregei ran into the courtyard.

Arabellar and Draea came out as Zednic changed back into Rema and Fregei turned back into Sergei. Arabellar said to Rema “So you did receive my message” Rema nodded his head then said to Sergei “Is everything peaceful out there now my friend” and Sergei replied quietly “Yes it is there will be no problem for now” so then they all went inside to see the king.

King Elma looked at each of the heroes individually and said “We must find a way to make this castle safe from more attacks from Lord Zeron. We must also find out how to destroy Lord Zeron” Rema nodded his head and replied “My people will know they are very wise I must travel to see them it will be treacherous but I promise I will be as quick as I can” King Elma nodded his head.

As Rema rode out of the castle on Sergei’s back Arabellar shouted out to him “Rema don’t forget I will contact you if the need arises” Rema nodded his head as he and Sergei went deeper into the forest. Rema and Sergei rode on through the forest during the night until they reached the end of the forest Rema said quietly to Sergei “We will soon be at my village but we must be quiet there are many hidden dangers” Sergei nodded his head.

As they neared Rema’s village a lizard soldier leapt out so Rema transformed into Sreteah and brought his sword down onto the soldier who immediately fell down screaming in pain and then it changed back into a frwege a creature with magical transforming powers. Sreteah changed into Rema and entered his village where he was welcomed back by the chief of the village who was Rema’s father.

Rema said to Fregama “My father I have come back to gain information from Serabados” Fregama nodded his head and led his son into the sacred temple. Inside the temple the powerful god Serabados was waiting for Rema as Rema entered Serabados spoke in a booming voice and said to Rema “My child I know what you want from me but the truth is Lord Zeron is to powerful even for me to stop. You must use all your power and wisdom if you want to stop him” Rema looked shocked and then nodded his head as he turned and walked out of the temple.

Fregama saw his son coming out of the temple so he ran over to him and said quietly to Rema “My son what did Serabados have to say?” Rema replied “Serabados said that there was no way for him to beat Zeron and I had to use my wisdom and power to defeat him”. Rema called out for Sergei and then leapt onto his back and rode back to the Jasmine Castle.

Lord Zeron was waiting in a cave for one of his spies when he saw Rema riding past on Sergei so he quickly got up mounted his horse and rode after them. Sergei said to Rema “Master there is a strange scent it smells like a lizard soldier”. Sergei slowed down and then Rema got off drawing his sword he changed into Sreteah then got back onto Sergei and carried on until a lizard soldier leapt out and knocked Sreteah off Sergei.

Lord Zeron and the lizard soldier looked at Sreteah then Zeron said angrily “Sreteah you will pay for not coming over to my side” Zeron then drew his sword and stabbed Sreteah in the leg. He then said to the lizard soldier “Take away his sword and the Orb of Light if you can find it”, Sreteah healed quickly and then jumped up striking the lizard soldier he then drew the sword out of the scabbard slicing the lizard into two.

Sreteah looked at Zeron with eyes filled with hatred then drew the Orb of Light and transformed himself into Zednic he then jumped up with his sword out in front of him and slashed at Zeron. As Zeron hit the ground Fregei leapt onto him and slashed him across the face with his claws Zednic then put his sword into the ground and the lightening came down and struck Zeron who screamed in agony.

Meanwhile in Jasmine Castle, Arabellar and Draea were in the banquet room talking to King Elma when a soldier ran in and said “My liege a monster has just come over the brow of the hill and he is making his way back to the castle to attack”. Elma looked shocked and then turned to Arabellar saying quickly “You must contact Rema and tell him that we need his help”.

Zednic was battling with Zeron when he received a message from Arabellar so he kicked Zeron to the ground mounted Fregei and rode off to the Jasmine Castle to help his friends.

The monster came crashing towards the castle and brought his club down onto one of the battlements sending soldiers flying. As Zednic neared he saw the destruction that the monster was causing so he told Fregei to go faster then leapt at the monster sinking his sword deep into the monsters stomach making it roar with agonised rage.

The monster fell onto the ground and Zednic sent a lightening bolt through the ground and incinerated the monster hearing it let out a long loud roar as it disappeared. Zednic looked at the castle then seeing Arabellar he went into the castle and bowed before King Elma he then got up turning off his power. He went over to Princess Arabellar and said to her quietly “I got your message and I came immediately but I let Lord Zeron get away as I was battling him at the time” Arabellar looked shocked.

Lord Zeron was sitting in his throne when he saw a lizard soldier come over to him the soldier hissed and said “Master Rema is back at the Jasmine Castle. We must attack there now so that we can get his power” Lord Zeron nodded then he called for his lizard General then told him to go to the Jasmine Castle and capture Rema. The lizard General hissed and then went to capture Rema from the Jasmine Castle.

Rema was in his chamber when Arabellar came in quietly and said to him “Rema I was worried for my own safety I am glad you came back to rescue us from that evil monster sent by Zeron”. Rema nodded his eyes as Arabellar left he slowly got changed into his nightwear and slipped into bed.

Zeron paced up and down restlessly waiting for news from his Lizard soldiers when he felt a violent shudder rock his Palace which made him fall on the floor and he groaned with pain as his leg cracked violently.

Rema was wakened by the sound of footsteps outside the castle walls so he quickly got up and got dressed he then put his sword into his scabbard running out into the courtyard he then drew his sword and as the lightening came down and transformed him into Sreteah. As the first lizard soldier came over the wall Sreteah called out for Sergei who came running over to aid his master Sreteah looked into the eyes of the lizard soldier before slicing him open with his sword.

Sreteah drew the Orb of Light, which transformed him into Zednic. Zednic flipped over the platoon of lizard soldiers. Shoving his sword into the ground allowing a bolt of lightening to flow through the hard dirt and frying some of the unlucky soldiers who were unable to get out of the way in time. Fregei leaped at some of the soldiers while Zednic slashed at two soldiers who had him cornered as Zednic turned around one of the lizard soldiers kicked Zednic in the stomach making him drop his sword and change back into Rema who looked at them with shock on his face.

A lizard soldier grabbed Rema’s sword and then cut a deep slice into Rema’s chest, which made Rema scream in agony. Sergei ran over to his master and then pounced on the lizard soldier who had his masters sword but as he was leaping through the air the soldier sliced a deep wound into Sergei’s underbelly which made Sergei fall down to the hard ground gasping in pain.

The lizard soldiers ran back to their master’s palace when Rema got up and with his last remaining ounce of strength he got up and ran after the lizard soldier who had his sword but collapsed outside the castle groaning with pain.

As morning dawned the castle began to be a hive of activity when a few of the kings soldiers came out and saw Sergei lying down wounded on the ground. They heard a loud groan coming out from the castle walls, so they ran out to investigate and saw Rema lying there injured with a deep wound in his chest. Rema awoke to find himself in his quarters with Arabellar, Draea and King Elma standing around his bed when he finally managed to say quietly to them “They stole my sword and the Orb of Light. Lord Zeron will be all powerful now, I will never be able to stop him” Arabellar asked the king and Draea to leave so that she could speak privately to Rema so the king and Draea left.

Arabellar looked at Rema and then said softly to him “No matter what you have lost you will defeat Lord Zeron I have not lost faith in you my friend” Rema nodded his head and then slowly fell asleep seeing Arabellar slip out of his chambers. Arabellar walked out to the courtyard to see how Sergei was doing when a flaming arrow came down toward her but suddenly a fast moving figure pushed her out of the way deflecting the arrow on his shield. Arabellar looked at the figure standing before her and realised that it was Rema so she said “Rema, Who and what are you my friend?” Rema replied “I am more powerful then I have ever been all I needed to do was channel my power and focus on what I could do. I realised I don’t need my sword to defeat Zeron.” Rema walked slowly over to where Sergei was and healed Sergei’s wounds then he turned Sergei into Gregeri.

Rema picked up his new glinting sword which was encrusted with golden jewels he then leapt onto Gregeri and rode off to defeat Lord Zeron. Zeron was sitting on his throne when one of his lizard soldiers came running into the throne room with Rema’s sword and the Orb of Light. They gave them to Zeron who grinned with pleasure and then said to the lizard soldier “Good job my Lizard soldiers I trust you have destroyed Rema and his damn tiger Sergei” the lizard soldier nodded his head and Zeron laughed with pure malice.

Rema rode through the thick forest towards his home ground to seek further advice from the wise Serabados when he saw a lizard soldier running away from his tiny village so he quickened his pace on Gregeri. When he got to the village he saw huts burning, so he got off Gregeri looking around for his father he ran over to the hut that he had grown up in. He saw his father and his mothers burning bodies lying under the ashen base of the now burnt hut Rema knelt down on the ground and then screamed out in agony for the deaths of his mother and father.

Rema was seething with anger when he got on Gregeri and quickly and angrily said to him “GREGERI, I WANT YOU TO GET ME TO THE CRYSTAL PALACE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SO THAT I CAN KILL ZERON AND AVENGE MY PARENT’S DEATH”. Gregeri nodded his head and ran towards the Crystal Palace meanwhile in the Crystal Palace Lord Zeron held both Rema’s sword and the Orb of Light and transformed into Seronas.

Seronas with his eyes burning like fire looked at a lizard soldier and said in a powerful booming voice “I AM MORE POWERFUL THEN I WOULD EVER HAVE IMAGINED. NOBODY WILL STOP ME NOW”. He then picked up the lizard soldier and broke his neck with the cracking reverberating through the Palace.

Rema and Gregeri crept forward towards the castle when they heard a loud crack coming from within the castle so Rema said quietly to Gregeri “I think that Lord Zeron has got the power of my sword and the Orb of Light. Which means that he will be very dangerous and I am not sure whether I can defeat him”. Gregeri replied to him “My friend you must have the strength to defeat him, Zeron thinks that we are dead but we are still alive so that means that we have the power to defeat Zeron”.

Seronas walked out of his throne room when he heard a loud roar coming from outside the castle so he transformed a lizard soldier into a flying serpent then flew down to face the intruder to his castle. Rema looked up and saw a strange being, which he guessed was Lord Zeron. So he drew his sword leapt off Gregeri and swung his sword in an arc, he leapt up striking at the winged serpent, which fell down heavily onto the floor allowing Rema to pull Seronas onto the ground. Seronas kicked Rema in the stomach and then said to him “I thought you were dead” Rema replied while striking Seronas with his sword “No I survived. To have even more power then I had before” Seronas laughed then drew the Orb of Light and shot a blast at Rema who was knocked back into one of the castle walls. Rema got up shakily and then drew his bow and arrows and then shot an arrow deep into the chest of Seronas. Rema then drew his sword pushing it deep into the ground then let a bolt of lightening go through the ground striking Seronas and making him cry out in pain.

Rema looked deep into his soul and then saw that Seronas was getting up and moving towards him so he ran at Seronas leapt up and kicked him in the stomach. Then punched him in the stomach making Seronas fall onto the ground dropping the Orb of Light and the sword. Rema drew his sword and walked over to his other sword picked it up and said out loud “By The Power of the Light” and as a brilliant beam of light surrounded him he transformed into Sreteah he then picked up the Orb of Light which transformed him into Zednic. Zednic looked at Seronas then walked over to him picked him up and threw him into a castle wall he then drew his swords and slashed at Seronas who groaned with pain.

Seronas got up from the rubble of the castle walls and then looked at Zednic and said angrily “Zednic you may have got back your sword and the Orb of Light. But you will never free this country from my reign unless you can kill me which I doubt you will be able to do hahaha”. Zednic kneeled down onto the floor and then said to Seronas “I can and will kill you Lord Zeron as you killed my whole village. So I think that I can summon all my power to defeat you and end your tyrannical reign” he then drew his swords and slashed down at Seronas who screamed out in pain. Zednic then kicked Seronas in the stomach, and then he jumped up kicking him in the face making Seronas’s nose crack.

Seronas lay on the floor then said in a raspy voice to Zednic “Go on end my life you will feel better” Zednic then drew both his sword and plunged them deep into Seronas’s heart. Then as soon as Seronas had died Zednic chopped off his head and threw it onto Fregei he leapt up onto Fregei and rode off back to the Jasmine Castle.

As he was nearing Jasmine Castle he was transported to the temple of Serabados who said to Zednic “My child you have defeated Zeron and now you must be a protector of the Jasmine Castle. Tell Elma that he will be safe from harm now” Zednic nodded his head and was then transported back to his body where he was riding back to the Jasmine Castle on Fregei when he saw a winged demon attacking the Jasmine Castle. So he quickened Fregei’s pace he then as he neared the Jasmine Castle he leapt up off Fregei’s with both swords glinting in the sunlight struck the winged demon out of the air and onto the floor.

Zednic walked into the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle and saw Arabellar, Draea and Elma come out of the castle and he said to all of them “Lord Zeron is dead, your kingdom will be safe now”. He then turned to King Elma and said “My liege I must speak to you in private” King Elma beckoned to Zednic and they both walked into the castle to King Elma’s study where they sat down on two comfortable chairs.

Elma looked at Zednic as he transformed back into Rema and then said to him quietly “Rema what has happened?” and Rema replied quickly “Serabados my god said that I was to protect your castle from any more incidents he also said that you will be safe from harm. But I think from what I saw before that he might have been lying as I had to kill a winged demon” Elma nodded his head. A loud cry ran throughout the castle as Arabellar came running up to her fathers study and said quickly with tears in her eyes “Father something terrible has happened, Draea had been kidnapped by an evil monster”. Rema got up quickly changing into Zednic then went over to the window and leapt out landing on Fregei.

Fregei quickly said to Zednic “Master, Draea was taken somewhere like the caves towards the north but I am not sure. I lost them when they flew towards the north of the region”. Zednic nodded his head then shut his eyes and saw that Draea was trying to contact him and saw faint images of a drawing on the walls of a cave. He then said to Fregei “Fregei Draea is in the north-west region of the island we need to get there quickly”. Fregei nodded his head and ran towards the northwest region, a winged demon flew down out of the sky and attacked Fregei, which made him fall down in pain making Zednic fall off so that the winged demon could attack him.

Zednic leapt back up and then struck at the demon with his twin swords glinting in the sunlight but the demon dodged and as Zednic came back up the demon grabbed him and squeezed him so that Zednic couldn’t breath. The demon then dropped Zednic on the floor making him groan with pain the demon then transformed into a monster and said viciously to Zednic “You killed my master. Now I will kill you and all your friends” the monster then lunged at Zednic who grabbed his swords slashing quickly at the monster who fell down and screamed in pain as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Zednic ran over Fregei and helped him up before saying to him “My friend are you alright?” and Fregei replied “Yes I am fine we must carry on to our objective” so Zednic leapt up onto Fregei and then continued onto the journey to find Draea. Draea woke up in a dark cave and he tried to get up from the stone table that he was lying down on but he couldn’t as metal shackles were holding him down so he looked around but couldn’t see anything as it was to dark.

Arabellar and Elma were waiting anxiously in the castle when one of the kings soldiers came in and said quickly to Elma “My Lord we have a problem, there is a monster coming towards the castle and I believe that he is after you or at least your daughter”. Elma looked shocked and then quickly said to Arabellar “My daughter you must leave. You are in grave danger, you must go and find Zednic and bring him back to us” Arabellar nodded her head and then fled to the courtyard where a horse was waiting. As she mounted it she picked up a sword and rode off into the northwest region of the island.

Zednic was riding on the back of Fregei when he received another mental blast from Draea and Zednic quietly said to Fregei “Fregei I know where Draea is he is in a cave which is a days journey from here. We must stop and rest for a while” Fregei nodded his head and trotted over to a small cave which they both could shelter in for the night.

Zednic transformed back into Rema while Fregei stayed as himself to protect his master. Rema was dreaming when he received a message from Arabellar, which told him that she was in trouble and she was coming to get him to help her. He asked her where she was and then he woke up quickly saying to Fregei “My friend I have to go and find Arabellar will you come with me and help me find her” Fregei nodded his head as they left the cave and Rema transformed back into Sreteah. Sreteah leapt onto Fregei and they travelled to where Sreteah knew Arabellar was. Arabellar was huddling inside a cave with her horse when she heard a strange noise outside so she drew her sword and went outside to investigate. As she got outside there was light rain falling down onto the grass when a monster came down behind her and she quickly turned around and slashed the monster into two.

Sreteah was nearing Arabellar’s position when he saw her battling a strange monster so he quickened his pace on Fregei and as they neared Arabellar Sreteah leapt off and when he landed he had transformed into Zednic with his twin swords drawn. Zednic leapt at the monster and saw that there were now two monsters so he shouted to Arabellar to run over to Fregei while he sorted out the monster.

Zednic got into a fighting stance then lunged at the monsters with his twin sword glinting in the moonlight but as he neared the monsters they disappeared. He felt a strange entity grab hold of him and fling him into the wall of the cave the entity then picked Zednic up by his throat and begun to strangle him. Zednic was beginning to lose consciousness when a being flew down and landed on the ground then proceeded to batter the two monsters and when they reappeared Zednic kicked the monster in the stomach then plunged his sword deep into its chest making it cry out in pain. Meanwhile the other being was battling, the other monster when the being drew out a crossbow and fired it deep into the heart of then monster, which made it disappear. Zednic turned to the being and said quickly “Who and what are you?” the being replied in a booming voice “I WAS ONCE A FRIEND OF YOURS BY THE NAME OF DRAEA. I AM NOW A BEING CALLED DRAEAD I HAVE POWER THAT YOU ZEDNIC DO NOT HAVE”. Zednic nodded his head and the asked him another question softly “So can you turn off your powers like I can” and Draead replied “YES I CAN, ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS DEACTIVATE AND I WILL BE MYSELF AGAIN” Zednic nodded his head.

Zednic transformed back into Rema but as he was turning back into Rema Draead kicked him in the stomach and said angrily “I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND. I MIGHT HAVE BEEN BEFORE BUT I AM POWERFUL AND I WILL DESTROY YOU”. Rema was lying on the floor clutching his chest and then he closed his eyes and transformed himself into Zednic. He then flipped up over Draead and kicked him in the back making him fall onto the wet grass. Arabellar and Fregei were in the cave watching Zednic and Draead battle when a strange noise cam from behind then so Fregei spun around seeing what the noise was and he was flung out of the cave closely followed by Arabellar.

Zednic brought his sword down onto Draead making him cry out in pain. He then saw Arabellar and Fregei lying hurt on the grass outside the cave so he began to run over to them but Draead grabbed his foot and made him fall onto the floor where blood cam out of his nose as it connected with the ground. Arabellar and Fregei were lying on the grass when they saw a shadow pass over them and carry on towards Draead as it reached Draead it rushed into him making him cry out in triumph as he became even more powerful.

Zednic slowly got up but just as his head came up Draead put his foot onto the back of Zednic’s head and forced it back down to the grass. Fregei ran towards Draead launching at him and knocked Draead down so that Zednic could get up. Zednic picked his swords up from the grass then he turned to Fregei and said quietly “My friend you must take Arabellar to safety. I might have to die to defeat Draead” Fregei nodded his head then ran over to Arabellar while Zednic got into a fighting stance waiting for Draead to get up.

Draead got up and drew his double sword staff and swung it around his head before running at Zednic. Zednic ran at Draead then leapt over him bringing his sword down and dug it deep into Draead’s back, Draead screamed in pain as he threw his sword and it landed beside the cave. Zednic panted heavily as he again ran at Draead drawing his crossbow and firing two arrows deep into Draead’s chest making him fall onto the floor screaming in pain. Draead was panting heavily when he grabbed the two arrows from his chest pulling them out as he slowly got up drawing a knife.

Draead ran at Zednic with his knife raised but Zednic side stepped grabbing Draead’s shirt and throwing him into the cave wall making the bones in his skull crack. Zednic looked triumphant but saw that Draead was rising so Zednic drew his swords and ran at Draead striking him in the back making him smack into the cave again and Draead groaned out in pain as he began to lose consciousness as the blood slowly drained from his body.

Zednic spun around as a winged demon came from behind him grabbing him around his chest and squeezing him. Zednic tried to draw his swords but the demon cut away Zednic’s scabbards making them fall down to the ground, which resulted in Zednic, being transformed back into Rema. The demon dropped Rema and he plummeted down towards the ground and as he struck the ground Rema’s skull shattered as he begun to die.

Rema awoke in a strange place when he heard Serabados say to him “MY CHILD YOU HAVE DEFEATED ALL THE TASKS THAT HAVE BEEN LAID OUT BEFORE YOU. YOU WILL NOW BE A SUPER BEING JUST IN CASE A MORE POWERFUL THREAT THREATENS THE ISLAND” Rema was sent back to the Jasmine Castle.

Rema walked into the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle and saw Arabellar and King Elma coming over to him so he said quietly to both of them “My friends I have defeated Draead so your kingdom should now be safe from anymore threats that we will have. I will be your protector” he was about to say more when a brilliant bolt of bright white light came down and engulfed him as he was filled with power and as he began to open his hands he saw two swords appearing before him which he took. Rema was then transformed into a powerful being known as Zednicreteah so as the white light disappeared; Zednicreteah walked towards Elma and bowed to him.

Arabellar and Elma looked shocked when Zednicreteah turned back into Rema who collapsed on the floor from the experience. Rema woke up in his chambers when he saw the ghost of Draea say to him “Rema, my friend I am sorry for trying to kill you but there is a threat that I don’t know the name of. He attacked me and turned me into Draead, the strange new threat is like a, like a demon but needs human blood to survive that’s why he killed me” Rema nodded his head and then fell back to sleep.

Rema woke up when he heard the rooster crowing so he threw aside his sheets and slowly got up with a pounding headache he then walked to the banquet hall and sat down at the table to think about what was now going to happen. As Arabellar and Elma came down Rema said to them “I received a message from the now dead Draea he said that there is a new threat but he didn’t know who or what it was”. Elma nodded his head while Arabellar sat down but then Rema got up quickly changing into Zednicreteah and jumped out of the window bringing his swords down onto the demon that was listening outside. As he landed on the floor he looked up at the sky he was joined by Arabellar and Elma…To be continued




Quest For Light 2: The Summoning

16:06 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 859

Zednicreteah, Arabellar and Elma were standing outside in the courtyard when Zednicreteah transformed back into Rema saying to his two friends “My lord and my princess. We have many more difficult trials ahead we must be brave and face them” Arabellar and Elma nodded their heads then a beast swept over the castle screeching in anger. As it picked up a tree dropping it onto a horse which was in the courtyard making it whinny in pain as it died.

Rema took his sword out of its scabbard and turned himself into Zednicreteah he then leapt onto Fregei riding out of the courtyard and after the winged beast. Fregei and Zednicreteah were riding through the forest when a demon lunged out knocking Zednicreteah to the floor as he rolled onto his feet. Zednicreteah leapt up with his swords glinting in the sunlight, as he sliced the demon making it hiss in pain as it fell onto the floor disappearing.

In a distant place a strange being known as Cxerty walked over to a Minotaur called Dretyl and hissed angrily “Dretyl I want you to find and destroy the super being known as Zednicreteah”. Dretyl nodded his head and then replied in a booming voice “Yes my master I will attack and tear him limb from limb. Presenting his head to you as a trophy” Cxerty laughed in a booming voice as he transported Dretyl to a hidden cave.

Zednicreteah and Fregei were riding into a clearing when Dretyl jumped out and landed his club on the side of Zednicreteah’s head making him fall off Fregei. Dretyl laughed then drew a sword out of his scabbard bringing it down striking Zednicreteah on the side of his face as Zednicreteah lay on the floor groaning in pain Fregei leapt at Dretyl who knocked him away with his hand. Zednicreteah slowly got up drawing his swords he then ran at Dretyl first flipping over him and then elbowing him in the back, Dretyl let out a loud bellow of pain then collapsed on the floor.

Zednicreteah ran over to Fregei and said quietly to him “You will be all right my friend. I must finish off Dretyl and then I will come back to help you” Fregei slowly nodded his head. Then Zednicreteah got up just as Dretyl came running towards him with sword drawn ready to cut Zednicreteah into two. Zednicreteah leapt up over Dretyl then swinging his sword in the air sliced Dretyl in half and as Dretyl’s scream echoed through the afternoon air Zednicreteah then chopped of his head walking over to a cliff and dropped it into a deep chasm.

Arabellar and Elma were in the castle when they heard a loud roar coming from far away made them run out into the courtyard so Arabellar contacted Zednicreteah and told him that they needed his help. Meanwhile Zednicreteah was riding back to the Jasmine Castle when he received a message from Arabellar so he quickened Fregei’s pace as they hurried to get back to the Jasmine Castle.

As they reached the castle a strange monster was attacking it so Zednicreteah leapt off Fregei’s back and launched himself at the monster. The monster turned around swatting Zednicreteah back down onto the floor the monster then picked up Zednicreteah squeezing him making him scream in pain as his bones cracked the monster then dropped him to the floor and ran off into the distance.

Zednicreteah changed himself back into Rema when Sergei came over and helped him up as they rode into the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle. As they entered the courtyard Rema fell onto the floor groaning in pain as two soldiers came hurrying out and took him back to his quarters.

Rema awoke in his quarters then saw Arabellar standing in the doorway so he softly said to her “My princess, what happened to me?” and Arabellar replied “You were attacked by a monster but you are alright now” Rema nodded his head.

Rema got out of the bed picked up his sword then ran out into the courtyard where he saw a monster so he turned himself into Zednicreteah and slashed at the monster, which roared with pain. He then flipped up over the monster kicking him in the back making him fall down onto the wet grass the monster got up roaring his fire breath at Zednicreteah who put his shield up to stop the fire from getting him.

Zednicreteah then put his shield down striking at the monster which made it fall heavily down onto the floor Zednicreteah then leapt up onto the monster and struck his sword deep down into the monsters heart which made it scream out in pain as it slowly died. Zednicreteah then leapt off changing back into Rema as Arabellar came running out to see the last of the monster disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Arabellar looked at Rema and then said to him “Rema what has happened?” and Rema replied quietly “There was a monster which I had to destroy. It was sent by a new evil being who I don’t know the name of” Arabellar nodded her head then turned back towards the castle and went inside.

Fregei came running over to his master and said quietly “Master we must leave and see if we can find this new being. But we must go now otherwise we will never know” so Rema leapt up onto Fregei and they rode off out of the courtyard over the green hills. Rema turned around and looked back at the castle he then looked forward to a place where they could gain wisdom.

Serabados was in his temple when he transported Rema to him and said in a godly voice “Rema, you now know that there is a new evil being that is trying to stop the calmness of this isle. I can tell you that the being is called…” he was cut off in mid-sentence as he screamed in pain and his face was replaced by a being that spoke with evil in his heart and voice “Rema you will never stop me. I am known as Cxerty and I am more powerful then you will ever know” Rema looked shocked and then he was transported back to Fregei where Rema fell onto the floor with a deep gash in his face.

Cxerty was in his cave when he walked over to a pool of water and then saw that Rema had once battled a being called Zeron so he summoned up his power and made Zeron rise from the dead. Zeron stood there and said angrily to Cxerty “Who are you? What do you want from me?” and Cxerty replied calmly “I am a powerful being known as Cxerty and I brought you back from the dead to aid me in my quest to destroy the one known as Rema”. Zeron snarled when he heard that name and replied carefully to Cxerty “I will help you defeat Rema. But I want to be joined with you and then that way we can share our powers to defeat Rema” Cxerty nodded his head and then moved his hands up chanting some words which made Zeron join with Cxerty to make Zercxeronty.

Meanwhile Rema got off the wet ground, shook his head then went over to Fregei getting on riding back on towards a deserted village where he knew that there was someone that could help him. In the deserted village a human called Abanderwe- who had light brown hair, deep crimson eyes and was strongly built- was eating a piece of meat when he heard a voice outside so he slowly got up taking his sword out of its scabbard then went stealthily outside.

Rema was calling for Abanderwe when he saw a slight movement so he slowly drew his sword and leapt off Fregei and whispered to him “Stay here my friend I don’t know if my other friend still lives here”. He ran behind a hut then heard footsteps close to the hut so he leapt up putting his sword to their throat then he said cheerily “Abanderwe, my old friend how are you?” Abanderwe pulled away spinning round and grabbed Rema’s hand and shook it vigorously

Rema looked at Abanderwe then said to him “My old friend I need your assistance I need to find a being called Cxerty”. Abanderwe took a few steps back and said quietly “Rema my friend I have not heard that name in a long time, Cxerty was I think an old demon who has the power to bring back people from the dead. He can also make demons out of his mind and send them to destroy whole villages”. Rema then said to him “My friend, I would like you to come back with me to the Jasmine Castle so that we can talk about how to defeat this new demon”. Abanderwe nodded his head and said “I will come with you. Let me just pack a few things that I will need and ready my horse for the journey”.

Rema leapt back onto Fregei and waited for Abanderwe and when he finally came out Abanderwe leapt up onto his horse and followed Rema back to the Jasmine Castle. Meanwhile Zercxeronty was in the cave when he said in a loud distorted voice “I want to make a new monster to help Dretyl who I will bring back from the dead. This new monster will be called Cerwon and together they will be all powerful” he then smiled a cruel, smile as he set about his plan.

Rema and Abanderwe entered the courtyard of Jasmine Castle when they saw Arabellar and Elma run out. Arabellar said quietly to Rema “My friend who have you brought with you?” and Rema replied in a loud voice “My King and princess this man is Abanderwe and he will help me in my fight against this powerful new demon who is called Cxerty. We think that he may of brought back Zeron from the dead to help him destroy me but that won’t happen”. Elma walked over to Abanderwe and shook his hand saying to him “I am glad that Rema has such good friends to help him” Abanderwe smiled as they all entered the castle.

Zercxeronty watched as Dretyl and Cerwon rose from the ashes he then said to both of them “I want you to go and find the one known as Rema and bring him to me so that I can kill him”. The two monsters nodded their heads then transported to a secret cave then Cerwon changed into a tiger and Dretyl changed into a bull and ran to the Jasmine Castle.

A soldier was on the battlements of the castle when he saw a bull and a tiger racing towards the castle so he ran into the castle and raised the alarm. Rema ran out into the courtyard turning himself into Zednicreteah he then leapt up onto Fregei and rode out to face Cerwon and Dretyl. Cerwon and Dretyl changed back into their monster forms and Cerwon said to Zednicreteah “Our master Zercxeronty wants you dead”. Zednicreteah replied angrily “You will never defeat me I will always stop you. Eventually good will always overcome evil” he then ran at Cerwon with his sword drawn and slashed a deep slice into his stomach.

Dretyl drew his sword swinging it at Zednicreteah who ducked then swept his leg and tripped up Dretyl who fell onto the floor with a grunt of pain. Dretyl leapt up with Cerwon close behind Cerwon then drew his club and bashed Zednicreteah round the head who fell onto the floor with blood clouding his vision. Abanderwe saw the Orb of Light and then quickly said to Arabellar “My princess what is this object?” and Arabellar replied “This object is called the Orb of Light. Only people with pure goodness in their hearts can transform into a super being” Abanderwe picked up the Orb and he then transformed into a powerful being known as Abandrety he then leapt out of the window and ran to help Zednicreteah.

Zednicreteah was on the floor when he saw a strange being run out with his twin swords glinting in the dying sunlight. Abandrety leapt up into the air and kicked Cerwon in the stomach he then leapt over Dretyl turned around quickly and stuck his swords deep into Dretyl’s spine making him scream out in pain.

Zednicreteah slowly got up disorientated he then shook his head clear then saw that Cerwon was coming up behind Abandrety so he took his dagger out of its sheath then threw it at Cerwon making him fall down screaming in pain. Zednicreteah then shouted out to Abandrety “Let’s get back to the castle and regroup” so Abandrety and Zednicreteah both leapt up onto Fregei and rode back to the castle.

Cerwon and Dretyl slowly got up then transformed back into a tiger and bull running back to Zercxeronty’s cave. Meanwhile Zednicreteah and Abandrety changed back into Rema and Abanderwe, Rema then said to Abanderwe “My friend thank you for your help I was almost finished” Abanderwe nodded his head and then walked into the dining hall for some food.

Cerwon and Dretyl looked at their master and Dretyl said quietly to Zercxeronty “Master, there is a new being who helped Zednicreteah he surprised us as we were about to strike the final blow against Zednicreteah”. Zercxeronty turned towards the wall and spoke in a soft voice “You must find out who this new being is and try and destroy him” Cerwon and Dretyl nodded their heads as they settled down into a slumber.

Rema walked into his chambers when he saw Arabellar run towards him so he stopped then turned towards her and said “My princess, what is the matter?” Arabellar spoke softly and said, “Rema I would feel safe if you could look after me tonight I feel that something strange is going to happen soon” Rema nodded his head and followed her to her bedchambers.

Arabellar undressed while Rema waited outside and then he went inside with his sword in it’s scabbard hung round his side he then sat in the chair beside his bed and watched her fall asleep. As Rema slowly fell asleep his sword fell onto the floor making a loud clatter he slipped into a deep slumber.

Rema woke up the next morning to the sound of the birds chirping he opened his eyes and saw that Arabellar was still asleep so he picked up his sword and put it around his waist and went to his own bedchambers to wash and put on some fresh clothes. Arabellar awoke suddenly and realised that Rema was not in her bedchambers so she got up and ran to Rema’s bedchambers and saw that he was looking out the window. So she went up behind him and said quietly “I was afraid when you weren’t there in my chambers this morning”. Rema turned around and said to her “Arabellar I spent the entire night in your chambers. I got up early this morning while you were still sleeping. I went to change my clothes” Arabellar nodded her head and hugged Rema.

Abanderwe ran up to Rema’s chambers and burst in saying to Rema “My friend there is a threat outside we must go and stop it” so Rema took his sword out of it’s scabbard and transformed into Zednicreteah and Abanderwe took the Orb of Light and transformed into Abandrety. They both jumped out of the window leaving Arabellar in Rema’s chambers.

The flying monster outside the castle walls screeched angrily and dived at Zednicreteah who drew both his swords and swiped at the monster, which screeched in pain. Abandrety drew his sword then leapt up onto the monster and dug his sword deep into the monster's muscle, which made it fall on the hard earth. As he leapt off Zednicreteah sent a bolt of lightening rushing through the ground at the monster that sizzled away screaming in pain and agony.

Zednicreteah and Abandrety began to walk back into the castle when they saw Cerwon and Dretyl running towards them so Zednicreteah said quietly to Abandrety “My friend I will take Cerwon, you take Dretyl” Abandrety nodded his head launching himself at Dretyl kicking him in the stomach. Zednicreteah walked slowly to Cerwon and said to him menacingly “You will die today” Cerwon sneered then drew his axe running at Zednicreteah who leapt up into the air and landed behind Cerwon who roared out in anger as he turned around trying to strike Zednicreteah again. Dretyl drew his horn swords then sliced at Abandrety who leapt back Abandrety then drew his sword and sliced Dretyl across the face, which made him fall on the floor.

Cerwon lunged at Zednicreteah who leapt high up into the air casting a lightening bolt down striking Cerwon who fell down hard onto the wet grass. Zednicreteah then landed on the floor and kicked Cerwon in the stomach, which made him fly through the air and made him impact into the castle walls making Cerwon fall unconscious.

Dretyl slowly tried to get up but Abandrety forced his head back into the ground Dretyl then forced himself up grabbed Abanderty’s foot and snapped it making him scream in pain. Abandrety fell onto the floor as his sword flew though the air and landed a few feet away. Zednicreteah heard Abanderty’s screams and ran over to him striking Dretyl around the face and helped Abandrety to his feet and called for Fregei who ran out to take Abandrety back to the castle.

Abandrety and Fregei rode into the castle when they saw that Dretyl and Cerwon were both attacking Zednicreteah, Zednicreteah’s screams echoed through the air as he was picked up and thrown down onto a rock. Dretyl said to Zednicreteah “You are about to die, any last words before I end your pitiful life”. Zednicreteah turned and spat out blood on the floor before saying “You will never defeat me. No matter how many times you try to kill me” he then grabbed Dretyl’s foot making him fall onto the floor Zednicreteah then leapt up drawing his swords and striking Dretyl in the back making him cry out in pain.

Zednicreteah saw that Cerwon was trying to gain entry to the castle so he ran as fast as he could drawing a dagger and threw it at Cerwon making him cry out in pain. Zednicreteah then grabbed Cerwon’s head and smashed it into the wall making Cerwon’s skull crack as he fell onto the floor. Zercxeronty saw the destruction that was happening to his monsters so he chanted a spell to bring them back to the cave meanwhile Zednicreteah was about to strike the final blow against Dretyl and Cerwon he saw that they were both disappearing so he cried out in anger.

Zednicreteah changed back into Rema and walked into the castle where he went over to Abanderwe and said to him “My friend how are you feeling now?” Abanderwe replied quietly “I am still weak but I will recover but what happened to Cerwon and Dretyl” Rema shook his head before saying angrily “I think that Zercxeronty transported them back to his hideout”.

Arabellar came running out the castle then said quietly to Rema “Rema I have found out that I am psychic. I can transform myself into a super being called Qerbellraty” Rema nodded his head saying quickly to her “I knew that you were special. That must be why Lord Zeron wanted you so badly before” Arabellar nodded her head.

Zercxeronty was fuming when Dretyl and Cerwon came back so he went over to his pool of water making a new female monster called Sweryon who looked like a snake he then sent all his monsters back to the Jasmine Castle to destroy the heroes. Cerwon, Dretyl and Sweryon ran towards the castle then changing into their monster forms and Dretyl shouted out “Come and face your destiny to be destroyed by our master Zercxeronty”.

Arabellar, Abanderwe and Rema ran out into the courtyard and they then turned into Qerbellraty, Banditry and Zednicreteah. As the courtyard doors opened the three heroes ran out with their swords drawn and Zednicreteah said in a fighting stance “YOU will never defeat us not as long as we are all together” he then lunged at Cerwon striking him round the face.

Sweryon lunged at Qerbellraty who flipped up over her and then spun round pulling out a dagger and stuck it deep into Sweryon’s back making her scream out in pain. Abandrety stood toe to toe with Dretyl then Abandrety punched Dretyl in the stomach and then kneed him in the face which made Dretyl fall onto the floor writhing in pain.

Zednicreteah drew his swords and then sent a lightening bolt down through the ground which struck Cerwon making him fall on the floor with burning fur. Dretyl slowly got up grabbed Abanderty's foot he then picked him up holding him over his head and then threw Abandrety into a tree which made him fall unconscious Zednicreteah saw this he then kicked Cerwon into a rock and ran over to aid his friend.

Qerbellraty looked at Sweryon then said angrily to her “You really don’t know what forces you are dealing with at all”. Sweryon hissed and then spat some venom at Qerbellraty who dodged and then punched Sweryon round the face. Qerbellraty then leapt up onto the castle wall and said out loud “The surrounding force ignite. Release your force” as she said the last word a gigantic earthquake ripped through the ground making Sweryon stumble Qerbellraty jumped leapt down off the wall then kicked Sweryon in the stomach making her scream out in pain.

Abandrety was coming round when he saw Dretyl and Zednicreteah battling heatedly so he slowly got up regaining his balance drew his sword and ran to help Zednicreteah. Zednicreteah cut a deep gash into Dretyl’s side making him roar out in pain. Abandrety came up behind Dretyl grabbing him saying to Zednicreteah “Quickly, I can’t hold him for long” so Zednicreteah drew his dagger and slit Dretyl’s throat making him fall onto the floor dead Dretyl then disappeared back to Zercxeronty’s hide-out.

Abandrety and Zednicreteah turned around seeing Cerwon run towards them so Zednicreteah leapt up onto Abanderty’s shoulders and then drew his swords doing a spiral kick into Cerwon’s chest. Zednicreteah then slashed his swords across Cerwon’s face making him roar out in pain. Meanwhile Sweryon and Qerbellraty were fighting so Qerbellraty kicked Sweryon in the chest and then leapt up into the air then flew down and kicked Sweryon in the head striking her with his sword.

Zercxeronty was in his cave when he made Dretyl once more rise again from the ashes even more powerful then ever. He then said to Dretyl “My monster I want you to go into the depths of a deep forest and find me a magic sword that will enable you to be able to defeat Zednicreteah. When Cerwon comes back I will tell him about another magical piece of armour and when Sweryon comes back I will tell her as well”. Dretyl nodded his head and then transformed into a bull and transported into a cave near to where the forest was. Meanwhile Sweryon knew she was losing so she turned into a serpent and slithered back to the cave where Zercxeronty was operating. She then communicated telepathically with Cerwon and said to him “Cerwon you must come back with me to the cave” Cerwon nodded his head and then transformed into a tiger and ran back with Sweryon.

Zednicreteah, Abandrety and Qerbellraty all changed back into themselves Rema then turned to Arabellar and said to her quietly “My princess I think that they must be going on a quest. Can you tell me anything?” Arabellar closed her eyes and concentrated and then opened her eyes suddenly saying quickly “Rema I think that the 3 monsters are going on a quest to find magical pieces of armour which will help them to defeat us we must get to them first. The 3 pieces of armour are in strange places: The first piece, which is a shield, is located in a hidden forest. The second piece of armour which is a scabbard is located in an ice cave to the west of the isle and the final piece is a helmet is located on the north of the isle”. Rema nodded his head in thought and then said “Listen we must each split up and go on different quests. I will go and get the shield, Arabellar would you go and get the scabbard and Abanderwe you can go and get the helmet are we all agreed on that?” The other two heroes nodded their heads then walked back into the courtyard.

Arabellar and Abanderwe mounted their horses Rema whistled for Sergei and leapt up onto him as they all went their different ways. Meanwhile Sweryon and Cerwon were with Zercxertyon when a strange thing happened for a split second Zeron and Cxerty split apart they then merged again shaking his head. Zercxertyon explained what he wanted Cerwon and Sweryon to do and what he wanted them to find he then sent them off.

Zednicreteah rode through the forest on Fregei when he saw a shadow moving towards him so Zednicreteah leapt off Fregei drawing his sword as he landed on the floor. The shadow belonged to Dretyl who leapt out at Zednicreteah and drew his horn swords bringing them down onto Zednicreteah who fell onto the forest floor screaming in pain.

Meanwhile Qerbellraty was riding on her horse towards the ice caves when a tremor passed through the earth. Sweryon leapt up and struck the horse with her fangs the horse fell onto the floor and Qerbellraty was unconscious when Sweryon was about to strike Qerbellraty leapt up and kicked Sweryon in the head.

Abandrety was riding on his horse when he saw a tiger so he went over to it and said to it “Friend, tiger I will make you into a powerful creature to help me. I will transform you into a powerful beast called Dreaty, and you will be able to speak and give me guidance if I need it” and with that Dreaty said to his master “Come we must find the helmet before Cerwon does”.

Zednicreteah leapt up drawing his sword and then he said to Dretyl “You will never get the sword. Not if I can help it” Dretyl laughed and said angrily “You will never stop me I can take you out any day” Zednicreteah lunged at Dretyl leaving a deep scar in his side he then grabbed Dretyl and forced him down kneeing him in the head. Dretyl fell down onto the floor gasping in pain Zednicreteah then picked him up and threw him into a tree as he leapt back onto Fregei to go and find the sword.

Abandrety and Dreaty rode through to the north of the isle when they saw Cerwon quietly duck into a cave so they followed him and as they entered Cerwon kicked Abandrety in the back making him fall on the floor smacking his head onto the hard rock floor. Cerwon then drew his claw swords cutting Abandrety’s chest Abandrety rolled over and then leapt up spinning round kicking Cerwon in the face Abandrety then drew his sword held Cerwon and sliced Cerwon across the stomach.

Zednicreteah and Fregei heard a strange humming noise so they went over to a cave to investigate and saw a cave. They went inside and were engulfed in a stream of white light as Zednicreteah saw a sword before him so he took it and then they were transported back to the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle.

Meanwhile Qerbellraty was battling with Sweryon when she heard a noise so she struck Sweryon with the butt of her sword and then brought it down on the back of Sweryon’s head making her scream out in pain. Qerbellraty ran into the Ice Caves and saw the scabbard so she grabbed it and then she was transported to the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle where Zednicreteah was waiting.

Abandrety was in the cave so he went further inside to investigate some more Dreaty followed closely behind when Abandrety whispered “We’ll have to stop I want to go on alone wait for me here my friend” so as Abandrety went further into the cave Dreaty stayed behind reluctantly. Abandrety saw the helmet and was just about to grab it when he heard a disembodied voice booming loudly “THIS IS THE LAST PIECE OF ARMOUR. YOUR FRINDS HAVE THE REST BUT I MUST WARN YOU THAT WHEN YOU PUT ALL THE PIECES TOGETHER THERE WILL BE A NEW THREAT” Abandrety took the armour as he and Dreaty were transported back to the Jasmine Castle.

As King Elma came out he said to Rema, Arabellar and Abanderwe “My children I want to look more closely at the armour”. As the three friends gave the pieces of armour to the King he was transformed into a powerful being called Palperker he roared with anger turning towards Rema and picking him up then throwing him into a castle wall the impact made Rema cry out in pain.

Palperker looked at Arabellar with malicious intent and then said viciously to her “THIS ARMOUR HAS MADE ME STRONG I WILL TAKE OVER YOUR FATHERS BODY AND YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME HAHAHA”. Arabellar spun round and transformed into Qerbellraty and then said to Palperker “I will defeat you and get my father back”. She then leapt up quickly drawing her sword and brought it down onto Palperker who didn’t move an inch.

Rema slowly got up clearing his head after the impact he then saw that Qerbellraty was in trouble so he ran over to her changing into Zednicreteah, Zednicreteah got out his swords and struck simultaneously at Palperker’s chest which made Palperker grunt in pain. Abanderwe ran over quickly changing into Abandrety as he went behind Palperker sticking his dagger into Palperker’s back, Palperker fell down onto the floor and then leapt up fleeing to Zercxeronty’s hide out.

Zercxeronty was in his hideout when he felt a blast running through his whole body, which meant that all his monsters were dead. He then felt a presence moving towards his cave so he transported them into the cave and said to them “Who are YOU?” Palperker said angrily “I am Palperker I came to bring you King Elma. But if you don’t want him then I’ll take him away” Zercxeronty frowned and then said quietly “I will have him give him to me” so Palperker separated from Elma as he fell onto the floor gasping in pain.

Palperker then got a dark gleam in his eyes and silently cast a spell on Zercxeronty which would make him separate back into Zeron and Cxerty when the heroes came to get Elma back. So he transported himself out of the cave and laughed wickedly as he ran to the north west part of the island. Zednicreteah leapt up onto Fregei, Abandrety leapt up onto Dreaty and Qerbellraty leapt up onto her horse which she changed into a talking beast which she called Nomader and they rode to Zercxeronty’s cave.

Elma was shackled to the wall when Zercxeronty walked over to him and said violently “I will kill you and you won’t be able to…” he was stopped as he sensed the heroes outside his cave so he transported himself outside to face them. As he got outside a strong tremor ran through his body and he was again separated but this time it was permanent. Zeron and Cxerty looked shocked when the heroes jumped off and Zednicreteah said quietly “I beat you once Zeron I can do it again” Zeron looked at Zednicreteah and snarled as he drew his sword lunging at Zednicreteah who grabbed Zeron and threw him into the rock of the cave.

Qerbellraty transported herself into the cave where she saw her father shackled to the wall so she ran over to him and broke the chains that were keeping him to the wall. She then lay him on the ground and said “My father you will be safe now I will get you back to the Castle and then you will be safe” she then transported them to outside the cave as they mounted her horse and rode back to the Castle.

Abandrety kicked Cxerty in the stomach making him fall down onto the grass, Abandrety then drew his sword and swung it around his head then brought it down onto Cxerty slicing his face open. Meanwhile Zednicreteah again picked up Zeron and brought Zeron down onto his knee breaking Zeron’s back and making him scream out in pain.

Abandrety and Zednicreteah looked triumphant as Zednicreteah leapt up into the air and sent a bolt of lightening down through the ground, which made the two evil beings fly up into the air and then come crashing down onto the hard ground. Abandrety then leapt up into the air and sent a fireball down again towards the two evil beings who caught on fire and then Zednicreteah drew his swords cutting Zeron and Cxerty into two as they continued to cry out in pain and anguish.

In the Jasmine Castle Arabellar was tending to her father when Rema and Abanderwe came rushing in. Rema said softly “Is your father alright?” and Arabellar replied quietly “He is weak from Palperker’s attack on his body. He should be alright and he should survive but he needs to rest for a couple of days” Rema nodded his head.

Meanwhile Palperker was in the north west part of the island when he realised that he still had work to do so he sprouted wings and flew to the ice cave where he settled down and made his new base of operations. He realised that he could bring back Dretyl, Sweryon and Cerwon from the dead to help him destroy the 3 heroes. So he closed his eyes and brought back the 3 monsters, Dretyl the leader of the monsters said to Palperker “What has happened to our master?” Palperker replied “They were killed by Zednicreteah, Qerbellraty and Abandrety they showed yours master no mercy they managed to split him apart and destroy him” the monsters looked shocked and then decided that they would destroy the heroes.

Rema leapt onto Sergei’s back and said to him “Sergei I want you to take me to Serabados’s temple so that I can see if he is alright and tell him that I have destroyed Cxerty” Sergei nodded his head and then ran towards the location of the temple. Arabellar ran out and saw that Rema was leaving so she said to Nomader “I want you to take me to wherever Rema is going because I want to ask him something” so Nomader galloped after Sergei.

In the Castle Abanderwe was looking after King Elma when he heard a shout from one of the soldiers outside. Abanderwe looked out the window and saw that the three monsters were again coming towards the castle so he shouted down to one of the soldiers to come and look after the King while he sorted out the monsters.

Abanderwe quickly changed himself into Abandrety and leapt out of the window and landed on Dreaty who was waiting down below they then rode out to face the monsters. Abandrety said quietly to Dreaty “See if you can contact Rema and Arabellar and tell them that we need their help” Dreaty nodded his head.

Abandrety looked at the monsters then knew that he would be outnumbered quite severely as they all came running towards him. Dretyl drew his horn swords and brought them down on Abandrety who fell down onto the wet grass with blood mixing with the dew. Dreaty contacted Sergei and said to him “Sergei, my friend we need your help the three monsters are attacking the castle we need to get Rema and Arabellar back here immediately”.

Sergei quickly said to Rema and Arabellar who was on Nomader “We must get back to the Jasmine Castle it is under attack by the monsters” so they quickly turned around and ran back towards the castle. As they neared the castle they saw that Abandrety was being mauled by the monsters so Rema turned into Zednicreteah and Arabellar turned into Qerbellraty as they leapt off their animals and ran towards the monsters.

Zednicreteah ran towards Dretyl and drawing his swords cut a deep gash into his side, Qerbellraty drew her staff and then leapt up over Sweryon striking her in the back with the end of her staff. Zednicreteah ran over to Abandrety helping him up he then blocked a blow by Cerwon as he struck him in the stomach.

Qerbellraty looked deep into the snake like eyes of Sweryon and then focusing her power she encased Sweryon in ice then shattered the now frozen body of Sweryon as it flew up into the atmosphere. Zednicreteah ran towards Dretyl then flipped up over him kicking him in the back as he spun round landing on the grass with his swords drawn. Zednicreteah said to Dretyl “I will destroy you this time. I destroyed your masters so I will destroy you”. He then as quick as lightening sliced several deep gashes into Dretyl who fell down onto the floor screaming in pain Zednicreteah then leapt up into the air and sent a lightening bolt down towards Dretyl who caught on fire and then died.

Abandrety slowly got up and then faced Cerwon with his sword drawn Abandrety said to Cerwon “You will pay for every crime that you have ever committed by dying right now”. He then lunged at Cerwon striking him down to the ground, Abandrety then drew his dagger and slit Cerwon’s throat, as Cerwon was dying Abandrety leapt up into the air and sent an earth shower down on top of him making him suffocate and be encased in earth for eternity.

The three heroes gathered and saw King Elma looking out his bedroom window so they all turned back into themselves and ran up to the Kings bedchambers. King Elma was sitting up in bed surrounded by his finest guards when he turned to Arabellar and said quietly “My child what has happened?” Arabellar replied “My Father you were overtaken by a strange and powerful being called Palperker. But he left you and gave you to Zercxeronty but we rescued you and I brought you back here to rest. Then the three monsters came and tried to overrun the castle but we managed to stop them Abanderwe fought bravely to save you”.

He looked at Rema and then said to him “I am glad that you are all alright and that you overcame the evil that is still plaguing our land”. Rema and Abanderwe were then transported to the temple of Serabados who said to them “My children there is still one matter to deal with and that is Palperker. He is strong and you might not be able to defeat him unless you all work together” Rema looked at Abanderwe and then said to Serabados “Serabados we will defeat Palperker. As we can all work together as a unit to defeat him” Abanderwe nodded his head in agreement as they were both transported back to Elma’s bedchambers.

Rema turned to Arabellar and said to her “My princess we must use all our power to defeat the last threat to this land but me and Abanderwe cannot do it without you and we need you to be with us on this”. Arabellar nodded her head as they heard a noise outside so they all leapt out changing as they landed on the courtyard floor.

Zednicreteah, Qerbellraty and Abandrety looked at the sky as they sun set and they heard a noise coming from the mountains and… To Be Continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Quest for Light 3: The Reckoning

16:04 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 860

Zednicreteah, Qerbellraty and Abandrety all looked towards the mountains when they saw a comet come whistling down towards the mountains so they all decided to go and investigate.

Dreaty, Fregei and Nomader were all waiting outside when Zednicreteah, Qerbellraty and Abandrety all came running out and leapt onto their animals spurring them on to the mountain.

In the mountains a being by the name of Archesaur came out from the comet and stretched as he retracted his claws and got his bow out from his holster as he moved swiftly and silently to face the being Palperker.

As the heroes reached the comet they saw that there were footprints leading out from the comet so they followed them to see who or what they belonged to. Archesaur stopped to sniff the air realising that he was being followed so he stopped and ran into a bush to hide. As the heroes neared Archesaur’s location Archesaur leapt out with his bow drawn and said in a cat like tone “Who are you people?” Zednicreteah replied “I am Zednicreteah and these others are Qerbellraty and Abandrety. If I may ask who are you?” and Archesaur replied “I am Archesaur I come from a planet far away called Sercer and I came to fight the one called Palperker”.

Zednicreteah nodded his head and then said quietly “We are also fighting him, he has much strength but what need do you have to fight him”. Archesaur replied purring in a cat like noise “He destroyed some of my planet and my people sent me here to destroy him before he could do any more damage”.

Zednicreteah nodded his head and then said to Archesaur “I understand your position and we will help in any way we can” Archesaur nodded his head as he ran deeper into the forest.

Meanwhile Palperker was pacing and he felt as tremor in the air and he knew that there was a being coming to search for him. Palperker knelt down on the soil and chanted a strange eerie hymn, which made a legion of soldier’s come up from the dead, which would serve him.

Zednicreteah leapt up onto Fregei and said to Archesaur “You must come back with us and meet our King who will help you”; Archesaur nodded his head then turned himself into a cat and followed the heroes back to the castle.

King Elma came out to meet the heroes and as Zednicreteah turned back into Rema he quickly said to the King “I must speak with you in private” so Rema and the king went to a study to talk. Qerbellraty turned back into Arabellar, Abandrety transformed back in Abanderwe.

Archesaur got up and then went over to Abanderwe saying quietly “Where am I?” he then howled in anguish as he fell on the floor as he was being controlled by a far away force. Palperker laughed as he controlled Archesaur, Palperker then told him to get up and destroy Abanderwe.

Rema was in the Kings study when he heard the commotion outside so he transformed into Zednicreteah and leapt out of the window to find Archesaur hurting Abanderwe. Zednicreteah drew his sword which glittered in the dying sunlight he then brought it down on Archesaur slicing him across the chest Zednicreteah then kicked him in the stomach making him release his grip on Abanderwe as he fell to the floor gasping for breath.

Archesaur screamed in pain as he managed to gasp “I… mean you no… harm. I am being controlled…by the one I was sent here to destroy”. Zednicreteah felt with his mind and saw that Archesaur was telling the truth so he withdrew his sword from Archesaur’s throat.

Abanderwe slowly got up and Arabellar rushed over to him to see if he was all right. Zednicreteah turned back into Rema and then helped Archesaur up and bound his hands tightly together before escorting him down to the dungeon and locking him in a cell.

Rema then ran up to his chambers and put his sword in his closet. He then picked out his finest clothes and put them on before going down to the main banqueting hall.

King Elma stared around the room and then said to everyone assembled “I am glad that we are all here to eat and speak with one another”. He sat down as the servants brought in the food. Princess Arabellar who was sitting next to her father she stood up and walked quickly over to Rema and said to him “I want to be with you forever Rema. I will ask my father to marry us if you wish it.” Rema looked shocked then nodded his head before taking Arabellar’s hand and kissing it.

Rema quietly got up and went outside to get some air when he heard a commotion coming from the dungeon so he quickly ran down and saw that Archesaur was loose. Archesaur looked at Rema with eyes that did not belong to him; he then got out a hidden knife and struck at Rema who dodged quickly. Rema drew his sword and turned into Zednicreteah and then said quietly to Archesaur "I don't want to hurt you. But if you continue doing this then I’ll have no choice”. Archesaur managed to gasp out in pain “Zednicreteah please help me, kill me now and end my suffering before Palperker makes me do something that I cannot control”. Zednicreteah looked at Archesaur then drew his dagger and struck Archesaur before chaining his hands and feet together. He then shut him back in the lowest dungeon where he could not escape.

Zednicreteah ran back up to the courtyard where he transformed back into Rema and went back to the banquet. He sat back down and then looked at Arabellar whose golden hair was glinting in the candlelight. Abanderwe was in the battlements of the castle meditating when he heard an eerie noise floating over from the frozen north so he contacted Rema telepathically.

Rema ran quickly up to the battlements and seeing Abanderwe he said “My friend what is the matter?” and Abanderwe replied “I sense that there is something afoot and that it is to do with Palperker. I sense that he is rising beings from the dead to fight for him I doubt whether we will be able to defeat him this time”. Rema leant on the battlement then received a mental blast from a far away source and fainted on the floor with pain.

Arabellar was in Rema’s room waiting for him to wake up when she heard a soft voice behind her and as she turned around she saw her father so she said softly to him “My father I am worried about Rema. I sense something about him that he does not know about and it does not make any sense to me”. King Elma looked at her and said “My child, I shall tell you a story, which begins many years ago. ‘In a distant time there were many Orbs of Light, which were protected by the Guardians of the Light. Rema is one of a long line of these Guardians and now he is the only one left, these Orbs as you have seen contain great powers and only ones that follow the Light can control them. Rema will need to follow his own destiny to destroy the evil that is in this land and bring eternal peace to it’ My child I must ask you not to utter any of this to Rema” Arabellar slowly nodded her head.

Palperker was high on a cliff when one of his undead soldiers came up to him and in a raspy voice said “My master we must strike now…before…Rema awakens to the trouble and can stop us”. Palperker put his hand up to silence the soldier and then said in a booming voice “We will not move until I say so. We must pick ultimately the right moment to destroy every last bit of light in the land” he then laughed which made the whole earth shake around him.

Rema woke up four days later since he fainted and saw Arabellar asleep next to his bed so he silently got up and then went over to the window and looked out of it. Arabellar stirred and saw that Rema was awake so she said quietly to him “Rema you must get dressed. You must be hungry” as Rema turned around he saw Arabellar and went over to her and said “My Love I must depart for a place which I do not now the name of. But I know it will help me defeat Palperker” so he got dressed in his bathroom and then went out into the courtyard and mounted Sergei.

Rema said quickly to Sergei “We must go to the south of the island and find the fiery volcanoes of the sacred tribe of the Zuman, which will aid me in defeating Palperker” Sergei nodded his head and sped up as they travelled.

Meanwhile Abanderwe was in his chambers when Arabellar ran in and said quickly to him “Abanderwe, Rema has gone, you must go and find him before he does something” so Abanderwe ran outside and leapt onto Dreaty.

Abanderwe searched for Rema’s mental powers and then found him and said quickly to him “Rema I must know where you are, as I want to come and help you”. Rema told Abanderwe where he was going. He then asked him to stay with the King and Arabellar to protect them from harm.

Abanderwe turned around and rode back towards the castle when the ground exploded beneath him and up came a soldier of the undead who grabbed Abanderwe’s foot and pulled him to the ground. Abanderwe got out his sword and changed into Abandrety. Abandrety stuck his sword into the soldier’s hand and then kicked him in the face which exploded into dust as he quickly leapt up onto Dreaty then rode back to the castle.

Meanwhile Rema was nearing the hot volcanoes of the south when he realised that he was being tracked so he stealthily got of Sergei and changed into Zednicreteah and Sergei changed into Fregei. Zednicreteah then walked beside Fregei as he searched around for the shadow which was tracking him.

Fregei said quietly to Zednicreteah “I sense something is nearing us but I can’t” he was broken off in the middle of his sentence when a soldier leapt out and struck Fregei across the back making him fall onto the hard earth. Zednicreteah quickly spun around and then with his sword drawn struck at the soldier who jumped up striking at Zednicreteah with his feet.

Zednicreteah landed on the hard ground with a thud as he was beginning to get up the soldier looked at him and kicked him in the face, Zednicreteah cried out in pain then he closed his eyes and summoned up all his powers to make the soldier catch fire. Fregei slowly got up wincing with pain and seeing his master was in pain he leapt onto the soldier and tore at his back and then leapt off as the soldier burst into flames.

Meanwhile Abanderwe was outside the castle walls when he sensed that Archesaur was in trouble so he leapt off Dreaty and ran down to the dungeons. Archesaur was lying on the floor clutching his head when Abanderwe entered and said softly to him “Archesaur it’s alright. You will be free from Palperker’s powers soon”. Archesaur looked up and then said quietly “Palperker will never leave me. Not now that he knows what is happening and he will rise the dead soldiers and this will be your reckoning” he then lunged at Abanderwe and extended his claws and slashed at Abanderwe then left the dungeon to find Palperker.

Palperker was pacing on the wet soil when he saw a shadow moving stealthily towards him and he smiled as Archesaur came to his side and said breathlessly “My…master…we must move against them now. While we have to chance to catch the castle unguarded” Palperker nodded his head then he turned and walked into an underground cave where he thought about what to do next.

Zednicreteah slowly got up off the hard wet ground and then went over to Fregei and said kindly “My friend you will be alright in a few days but we must continue onto the volcanoes” Fregei nodded his head as Zednicreteah mounted him and they continued on.

In the Volcanoes of Zuman the tribal leader Desfre chanted a strange chant which echoed through the valleys. He then went over to a child and said to him “You will find the one that they call Zednicreteah and bring him here, he will protect you from danger if you tell him what tribe you are from”. The child nodded his head then mounted a Seremen and went to find Zednicreteah.

The child was known as Qwearn and he knew that his task was important for the sake of mankind so he spurred on his Seremen as he rode on to find Zednicreteah.

Zednicreteah was nearing the volcanoes of Zuman when he heard a haunting sound, which chilled his spine so he dismounted and went to see what was making the noise. Qwearn was nearing the position that he knew Zednicreteah was last seen when a figure jumped out and grabbed him from behind.

Qwearn was struggling when he saw a figure jump out and cut the monster that was holding him down. Zednicreteah stepped out from behind the dead monster and said to Qwearn “Are you all right?” Qwearn turned too Zednicreteach and said quietly “I am indebted to you, you are my new master”.

Zednicreteah shook his head and said “No I want you to live free and maybe we can help each other, can you take me to the tribe of the Zuman?” Qwearn nodded his head and said to Zednicreteah “I am from the tribe of the Zuman I would be happy to take you to meet our leader” Zednicreteah smiled and then mounted Fregei and the young boy mounted his Seremen.

Desfre was in his hut when he heard the clattering of talons and paws on the hard, dry earth. He got up and walked briskly outside saying to Zednicreteah “My child I knew you would come to us when you came of age to ask the questions about yourself and your powers. All I can say for now is that you are the last surviving guardian of the Light and that Qwearn has been waiting for you to come so that he can take his place as your apprentice”.

Zednicreteah looked from Qwearn to Desfre and then said “I will take on Qwearn as my apprentice and I will do my utmost to protect him from the dangers that lurk in this ruthless land. But I wanted to know how to defeat Palperker as he seems to powerful for me to stop”. Desfre looked at Zednicreteah with a haunting smile on his face and said “Zednicreteah you and your friends will find the power to stop the evil being known as Palperker. But you must take this from me and use it to help you break the hold that he has on the one known as Archesaur”, and with that Desfre gave Zednicreteah a potion which when Archesaur had it thrown on him would break the evil hold on him.

Zednicreteah and Qwearn rode back to the Jasmine Castle when Zednicreteah received a psychic blast and knew that his friends were in jeopardy so he and Qwearn rode on faster and faster until they reached the entrance of the Castle to find it over run with Palperker’s minions.

Zednicreteah turned to Qwearn quickly saying to him “I want you to wait here this battle will be bloody” he then drew his sword without waiting for Qwearn's response and leapt to fight the undead legion of soldiers. Qerbellraty and Abandrety were fighting the soldiers when they heard a sickening thud up against the wall and they then saw Zednicreteah leap over the castle walls and slice the two enemy soldiers standing behind them.

Qerbellraty drew out her sword and then drew out her dagger and sliced a soldier while Abandrety drew his crossbow and fired it into a soldiers eye making him fall down to the ground screaming in pain then exploding. Qwearn turned to Fregei and said to him “I must go and help my master. That is what I am destined to do” so with that Qwearn turned into a being known only as Vemansa and flew up into the air and landed in the courtyard, saying to the evil soldiers “You must leave now or I will kill you all”. The soldiers just glared at Vemansa they then attacked him but Zednicreteah leapt over to help him and killed a couple of soldiers before Vemansa roared with fury and burned the few remaining soldiers to death.

Vemansa slowly turned back in Qwearn and said to Zednicreteah “My lord I must ask your forgiveness for disobeying your command to stay with Fregei but I thought your life might be in danger”. Zednicreteah turned back into Rema before replying “Qwearn you were a help to us all, I was wrong to make you stay behind and you shall be a good soldier when you grow older”.

Qerbellraty and Abandrety changed back then turned to Rema and Arabellar said “Rema I am glad that you came back when you did. We were in trouble and they were just too powerful, I am also happy that you found this child that could possibly turn the tide of the battle for us”. Rema turned to them and said quietly “Qwearn will not win this battle for us we must release Archesaur from the spell that he is under and then we will be another person up to finally defeat all the evil in this land”.

Qwearn turned away to look at the fading sun and then turned to Rema and said privately to him “My master, Palperker will come and attack soon we must be ready for him”. Rema nodded his head then turned back to the King who had just come out saying to him “My king. I have found out how to release the being known as Archesaur from the clutches of Palperker, but I will not be able to tell you until the time is right”.

Elma looked at Rema and then nodded his head before saying to him “I trust your judgement will be correct on this, but if I feel my kingdom is in danger then you will have to tell me”. Rema walked away from Elma when he heard Qwearn shout out “Master there are enemy soldiers coming over the ridge, they are being led by Archesaur you must use the potion to break the spell on him now”.

Rema drew his sword out and transformed into Zednicreteah he then leapt up onto Fregei and rode out of the courtyard to face Archesaur. Archesaur locked his steely gaze at Zednicreteah before crying out “You will never win this fight, you will be enslaved to Palperker forever”, Zednicreteah drew the potion out of his pocket and threw it at Archesaur then leapt up off Fregei striking Archesaur with the flat of his sword.

Archesaur screamed out in pain and then as the mind control left him he turned to Zednicreteah and said, “No more, I am free from Palperker I must now join you and destroy the evil that resides in this land and free my people”. Archesaur bowed and then drew his crossbow and fired a barrage of arrows at the undead soldiers who screamed in pain as their ashes mixed with the grass and blew into the wind.

Meanwhile Palperker was pacing in his cave when he felt his connection with Archesaur was severed so he roared in anger and slammed a soldier into the wall killing him. Qwearn felt a tremor running through his body so he turned to Rema and said, “I must go back to my tribe. I sense a disturbance there”. Rema nodded his head before saying “I will come with you, my apprentice” so he leapt up onto Sergei then he helped Qwearn up and they rode back to the Zuman tribe.

Desfre was lying on the floor with blood flowing out of a deep wound in his chest when Qwearn and Rema rode up before he died he managed to cry out to them “DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER IT IS A…” his voice wavered and he managed a last gasp of air before he died. Rema closed his eyes and saw that the whole village was surrounded by soldiers so he quietly said to Qwearn “We are being watched, when I give the signal transform” Qwearn nodded his head slightly to show he had heard.

Rema leapt off Sergei and ran over to Desfre and checked his pulse before crying out to Qwearn “DO IT NOW” so Qwearn transformed into Vemansa then flew high up into the air and used his ‘morning glory’ attack power to show where all the soldiers were. Rema drew his sword and transformed into Zednicreteah before running at a group of soldiers and striking them down. But he was ambushed by soldiers behind him who grabbed him then let the other soldiers strike him knocking his sword to the floor and carrying him off to their master Palperker.

Palperker smiled as his soldiers bought Zednicreteah in, Palperker then said “Well, well Zednicreteah you have tried my patience for the last time you will be destroyed here and now”. So Palperker drew his sword and plunged it deep into Zednicreteah’s heart making him cry out in pain as he felt the last ounce of his strength draining from his body he then crumpled to the hard cave floor cracking his head.

Palperker laughed evilly then cried out in triumph, as he knew that without Zednicreteah he would be free to destroy the land. Meanwhile Qwearn felt the pain that meant that his master had been killed so he rode back to the Jasmine Castle where he breathlessly said to Arabellar “My princess. Rema has been killed by Palperker I could not help him” he then ran out of the courtyard and went into a forest where he sobbed loudly.

Arabellar ran up to Abanderwe’s chambers and said to him in between sobs “Abanderwe…Rema has been killed by Palperker. We must stop him now before he can do any more damage to this kingdom”. Abanderwe spun round and said comfortingly to her “Hush Arabellar, Rema will be alright he is a Child of the Light. All we have to do is wait for the new dawn and go to the Temple of Serabados where he will have risen again”.

So the next morning Abanderwe and Arabellar mounted their animals and rode to the Temple of Serabados where when they entered they saw a magical thing, Rema was engulfed in a stream of white light. They then heard Serabado’s booming voice say to them “My children. When Rema awakens he will have a new power which will enable him to change all of you into one powerful being which will be able to destroy Palperker you must be able to control this power otherwise the whole island will be lost”.

He then let Rema go and when he awoke he said to them “We must go and find Qwearn. Arabellar search for his wave pattern and then tell me where to find him”. Arabellar closed her eyes and then said to Rema “He is in the forest crying for you”; Rema thanked Arabellar then grew wings and went to tell Qwearn he was still alive.

Qwearn was sitting on a log when he heard a noise above him so he transformed into Vemansa. He then flew up into the forest canopy and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Rema flying towards him so he dived back down and changed back and waited for Rema to land down beside him. Rema glided down through the undergrowth and then said to Qwearn “I am glad that you are all right my apprentice, I hope my death did not cause you too much distress”. Qwearn shook his head then quietly said “Master we must find a way to destroy the evil Palperker before he is truly strong enough to kill us all”. Rema was still weak from his experience so he closed his eyes and contacted Sergei asking him to come and pick him up.

Sergei bounded into the forest and Rema leapt onto his friend, Rema then turned to Qwearn and said, “Come on lets go back to the Castle where I can rest”. Qwearn leapt up onto Sergei; they then rode back to the Jasmine Castle where Arabellar and Abanderwe were waiting for them.

Rema, Abanderwe, Arabellar, Qwearn and Archesaur went into the banquet hall and sat round the table before Rema said to them all “My friends, we face a dire threat to our land, that threat is called Palperker we must destroy him before he can destroy any more worlds”. All the heroes nodded their heads and then Archesaur looked at Rema and said, “But, Rema you will never destroy him, I am a experienced warrior but I still failed to destroy him” he hissed with anger.

Palperker walked over to a soldier and transformed it into a beast called Zerwortey and Palperker then said to Zerwortey “I must ask you to help me strip this world of Light, we will then be able to rule together as allies”. Zerwortey nodded his head then said to Palperker “Yes that will be good my friend”.

Rema cocked his head in the banquet hall and then said, “I sense that there is a new threat called Zerwortey but I feel anger that will not work on the side of Palperker”. Rema then changed into Zednicreteah and ran outside jumping onto Fregei. He quickly said, “Fregei my friend we must go to a sacred place that is known only to Serabados and other Guardians of the Light. So they rode through a thick forest until they reached a small cave Zednicreteah leapt off and then drew his sword and getting into a fighting stance his senses heightened for any danger.

He stealthily walked into the cave with Fregei following close behind him when he heard the gentle sound of a child laughing. So he stopped and saw the child appear out of nowhere and say to him “Zednicreteah, I am Gretqwa I am all knowing about everything that happens in this land. I know of your battle against the evil forces and I want to give something to you”. Gretqwa opened out his hands and blew some dust into Zednicreteah’s face transforming him into Beranses a powerful form and Fregei transformed into Casjunil. Beranses looked at Gretqwa then said in a powerful voice “Thank you, will I be able to transform my friends now as well” Gretqwa nodded it’s head then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Beranses mounted Casjunil and rode back to the Castle and as they rode through the courtyard Beranses said to Arabellar and Abanderwe “I will change you into more powerful beings which will possibly be able to defeat Palperker”. So he leapt off Casjunil and transformed Arabellar into Hymal he then turned to Abanderwe and transformed him into Kiloip.

Kiloip looked at Dreaty and turned him into Umansa, Hymal looked at Nomader and transformed her into Gecsas. Beranses looked at his friends and said to them “We will have the power to defeat Palperker once and for all and end the darkness in this land”. Hymal said quietly “But Beranses what if we can’t defeat him, the land will fall into darkness and nothing will be able to stop Palperker”.

Beranses looked at the sky before saying loudly “Palperker will be defeated and then the land will be free to live in peace”. He then leapt up onto Casjunil and rode out of the courtyard to face Palperker. Kiloip mounted Umansa and followed behind Beranses, Hymal looked worried and then mounted Gescas and followed the other two heroes.

Palperker was in the cave fuming when he heard that the 3 heroes were coming towards the cave his ears pricked and he said to the minion “Three but I killed the one known as Zednicreteah, damn them all to Hell. Send out the armies to attack them and let them use full force” the minion bowed and ran outside to let the troops know what was happening and then to get them into their positions.

Beranses smiled as he neared the cave and said to Casjunil “We will soon be free my friend and then we can live a life of solitude”. Casjunil spoke softly to his master and said, “Are you sure that is what you want master? I think Arabellar wants you to wed her and don’t forget you agreed to that”. Beranses smiled and then dismounted Casjunil, he then drew his sword waiting for the enemy soldiers to make the first move.

Kiloip and Hymal ran over to Beranses standing beside him with their weapons drawn. Hymal turned to Beranses kissing his cheek she then said, “That kiss is for luck and because I love you”. Beranses smiled and then said quietly “I would like to wed you Arabellar if your father will allow it”. Hymal nodded her head then looked at the legion of soldiers.

Meanwhile in Jasmine Castle Qwearn and Archesaur where pacing furiously when Qwearn turned to Archesaur saying “We must go and help them defeat Palperker”. So he transformed into Vemansa and picked up Archesaur flying them both to the caves for the final battle between good and evil.

Beranses ran at a soldier and slashed his sword in an arc and then brought it down on the soldier’s head. Kiloip drew his broadsword then spotted a soldier creeping up behind Beranses. He leapt up into the air screaming with fury and bringing the sword down he hit the back of the soldier’s head ferociously making the soldier fall down onto the hard rocky ground with yellow blood pouring out of his ears.

Palperker knew that his soldiers wouldn’t be able to hold out, so he moved out of the cave and turned into a monster called Zeramsan then went to join the fray. Vemansa flew down and saw Zeramsan and he hissed with fury as he dived down and landed beside his master.

Archesaur jumped down off Vemansa’s back then drew his crossbow and fired a barrage of arrows at the soldiers that were running towards them. Archesaur then leapt up and drew his claws and raked down on a soldier’s eyes making him scream out in pain.

Vemansa fired a fire blast at a group of soldiers then flew high up into the air and roared angrily before diving down and gripping a soldier in his claws and biting it’s head off.

Beranses leapt over a soldier then drew his sword slashing the soldier in half, then roaring in pain as Zeramsan grabbed him from behind and leaving a deep wound in his chest from the claw marks. Vemansa flew behind Zeramsan then raked his back before grabbing his master and healing him with his powers he then said to his master “Will you be alright?” and Beranses nodded his head slowly.

Zeramsan roared with fury then turned back into Palperker saying angrily “I WILL KILL YOU ALL”. He then chanted and up from the rough soil exploded a creature that was pure evil. The monster called ‘Frewaq’ roared with pleasure as he sensed the light that was surrounding the heroes, Beranses drew his sword as Hymal, Archesaur Vemansa and Kiloip joined him.

Hymal turned to Beranses and whispered to him “I think you must use the power that Serabados gave you”. Beranses shook his head and then replied “No, I must save them until the time is right to take out Palperker”. He then ran at Frewaq slashing it across the chest making it scream out in pain, Archesaur drew his bow and arrow and fired some arrows into Frewaq’s stomach making it fall onto the floor, roaring with anger as he managed to struggle to his feet. He drew a spine sword and threw it at Beranses flipping him over and making him land face first on the hard soil.

Kiloip drew his axe and his boomerang then threw them both at Frewaq hitting him in the head making him roar with pain as Kiloips axe and boomerang came back to him. Kiloip lunged at Frewaq and then drew his dagger and stuck it deep into Frewaq’s rough skin then he leapt off and landed on the soil before Beranses came running up leaping onto Kiloip’s back and digging his sword deep into Frewaq’s heart.

Frewaq collapsed he then disappeared down into the ground. Before Zeramsan came up behind Beranses and then as he grabbed him, Zeramsan picked up Beranses and licked his lips and as he was about to eat him Kiloip suddenly leapt up and drew his sword then dug his sword into the skin of Zeramsan making him drop Beranses.

Zeramsan transformed back into Palperker then turned to Kiloip and said angrily to him “I will destroy you and then you will be doomed forever ”. Laughing evilly he then shot electricity out of his fingers and as it connected with Kiloip he was illuminated in blue. Meanwhile Beranses was lying unconscious and when he finally awoke he saw Palperker standing over Kiloip and muttering “I will kill you and then you won’t be one of the many thorns in my side”. As he was about to strike Kiloip, Beranses drew his sword and flung it at Palperker making him drop his sword and fall onto the hard ground.

Beranses closed his eyes and muttered to himself “Now it is time”. He held his sword up into the air and his voice boomed out “I the last surviving Guardian of the Light use my power to transform my friends and I into a powerful being known as Xrunium”. He then plunged his sword deep into the earth and felt all his friends’ souls mixing with his own and transforming him into this powerful being.

Xrunium towered above Palperker then boomed out in his many voices “I will destroy you and I will free this land from evil and let it become engulfed in Light again”. Palperker smirked before getting his staff out and plunging it deep into the earth but then Zerwortey ran up behind him and said to him “You will die now”. He then brought his claws down and struck deep gashes into Palperker’s back he then bit off Palperker’s head and dropped his bloody body to the floor.

Zerwortey laughed evilly and then grew to Xrunium’s size and said angrily “I will destroy you and take this land for myself”. Xrunium replied calmly “No this land will bathe in light once again and it will be free from tyranny”. He then drew a light sword and sliced Zerwortey across the chest and flew up into the air and blew flames at Zerwortey making him crash down to the earth.

Zerwortey’s gargantuan size finally got up and then turned to Xrunium and drew a staff and struck it across the face before leaping up and kicking Xrunium in the face making it fall onto the floor gasping in pain. Xrunium gasped in pain and then closed its eyes and said “Serabados, why have you forsaken me to die like this?” It then managed to get up but then something strange happened. Serabados came out of his temple and joined with Xrunium to make Xrunbadman it then flew at Zerwortey striking him with hits that could not be seen with the human eye. Xrunbadman then drew its twin swords and delivered the final deathly blow, Zerwortey fell hard onto the floor and he screamed in pain as he vanished into thin air.

Beranses, Hymal, Kiloip, Archesaur and Qwearn were all transported to Serabado’s temple and he said in his godly voice “You have finally defeated all the evil in this land and the light will rule once again”. Beranses, Hymal and Kiloip all changed back Rema then said to Serabados “My lord I have something to give you”. Rema then bowed in front of Serabados and presented him with his sword Serabados looked at Rema before replying “My child you must keep your sword you may still have need of it in future years if darkness threatens this land again”. Rema nodded his head before he and his friends were transported back to the Jasmine Castle where King Elma ran out to great them.


Arabellar and Rema finally got married soon after the land had gone back to a beautiful landscape. When King Elma died Rema became the new king along with Arabellar as his queen and they ruled the land together fairly and wisely, Archesaur returned to his home world to a hero’s reception and he was made the master warrior for the world.

Abanderwe lived with Arabellar and Rema in the Jasmine Castle and he was the wise warrior that is always on hand to lend advice to Rema and Arabellar. Qwearn is being taught the ways of the Light by Rema and he grew up to be a wise warrior who will make a new tribe.

The Darkness never troubled that peaceful land of Kilas but if it did then the Guardian’s of the Light would always be on hand to defeat it and bring peace back again.

The END!

By Anthony Barnes



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