MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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The Children of the Light Trilogy

15:01 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 802

The New Age


15 years have now passed since Rema, Arabellar, Qwearn, Archesaur and Abanderwe defeated Palperker. Rema and Arabellar have now got two children 1 boy-Abser- and 1 girl-Amser they do not know it yet but they have inherited their parents powers.

Qwearn was meditating in his hut when he received a powerful physic blast he jumped to his feet and cried for one of his tribal members to bring him a horse. He then sped off to his master’s castle to warn him of the dangers that were to come.

Rema and Arabellar were walking into the Rema’s study when their son Abser-who had brown hair like his father and dark crimson eyes and very tall- ran to his father and said, “My father there is someone that needs to see you. He is out in the courtyard waiting for you” Rema looked quizzically at Arabellar then ran down to the courtyard.

Rema walked out into the courtyard and saw Qwearn then shouted out loudly “Qwearn, how are you my old friend?” Qwearn replied softly “My master I have some bad news. I was meditating and I sensed a new being that is coming to threaten this land, I do not know its name yet but it is coming to destroy everything that we worked for”. Rema nodded his head then called out for a servant to bring his sword to him he then turned to Qwearn then said “I am troubled by your news my apprentice. We must find out more about this threat I will find Abanderwe and tell him that we all need to get back together”.

Meanwhile Arabellar and Amser-who had light brown hair and dark blue eyes and was of average build- were sewing in one of the main towers when Amser received a powerful blast, then transformed into a powerful and wise warrior known as Dredoata. She then turned to her mother and said “What’s happening to me?” Arabellar comforted her daughter and said “So now you know, I suppose it is time to tell you. Your father and myself are people that follow the Light and your father is the last surviving Guardian of the Light, you and your brother have had that power transmitted too you and you are now Guardians of the Light”.

Dredoata changed back into Amser then said to her mother “Will you help me learn how to use my powers” Arabellar nodded her head then they both left the tower to go into the courtyard. In the courtyard Rema had his sword and then transformed into Beranses then roared out for Casjunil and leapt onto his back to find Abanderwe.

Beranses rode through the forest and searched for Abanderwe’s mental pattern when he spotted a shadow moving towards him so he leapt off Casjunil then slowly drew his sword. Abanderwe was in the forest when he sensed someone riding through the forest so he changed into Kiloip then stealthily walked through the forest.

Beranses saw a flash of gold then he cried out “Kiloip, stop it’s me Beranses your friend”. Kiloip emerged from the shrubs and then said quietly “I am sorry my old friend but I can’t be too careful when there is air of a new threat surrounding the island”.

Beranses nodded his head then said “Would you come back with me to Jasmine Castle and meet your god children?” Kiloip nodded his head then mounted Umansa who had just appeared and gone over to greet Casjunil they then all rode back to Jasmine Castle.

Arabellar and her two children were waiting for the arrival of Kiloip when Arabellar suddenly knew that something was wrong. So she transformed into Hymal just as an evil winged being flew down to try and attack her children so she drew her sword and swung it in an arc cutting the being in half as it screeched in pain and disappeared into thin air. Hymal changed back into Arabellar and then ran over to Amser and comforted her and then as another winged being came flying out Abser transformed into Bemendad and drawing his sword he spun round threw some knives at the monster before unsheathing his sword and slicing the beings head off.

He then changed back into Abser and collapsed on the floor as Beranses rode through the castle doors and seeing his son on the hard courtyard floor he leapt off Casjunil then ran over to help his son up. Abser came round slowly and then said to his father “I believe I am alright now my father” before passing out again.

Abser awoke in his room with his vision swimming and he said quietly “What happened?” and Rema who had been keeping a vigil by his sons bed said “My son, both you and your sister have inherited the power of the Light. You can change into a powerful being when ever anything threatens this land, now get some more rest”.

Abser nodded his head gently and then settled back down to sleep as his father exited his room. Rema went into his study and sat down at his desk and rubbed his head with worry from this new threat that was going to come and destroy everything that he and the other Guardians of the Light had worked for. A soft knock on the study door interrupted Rema’s train of thought as he said wearily “Come in”, Arabellar came in and said “My husband you are tired. Why don’t you go to our chambers and get some rest?” Rema nodded his head slowly and then said to Arabellar “What if we can’t defeat this new being? What will become of this land? We cannot let it fall once again into a reign of darkness” he then got up kissed Arabellar lightly on the cheek and went to his chambers to rest.

Arabellar knew that Rema was under great strain but she didn’t know what to do so she went into the banquet hall and saw Abanderwe sitting at the table. Abanderwe was drinking some wine when he saw Arabellar so he raised his glass and said “Arabellar, how is Rema doing?” Arabellar replied softly “He is weary but he is still as strong as an ox, he will defeat this new being and then hopefully this land will be quiet once again”

Hadosi laughed as he saw the fear that he was bringing to the once quiet land of Kilas. He knew of the Guardians of the Light, which protected the land, but he knew he would be able to defeat them. He then went back to his mountain hide away to plan his first attack, which would be a test to see how powerful the Guardians of the Light really, were.

Abser and Amser were talking in the library when they heard a thundering roar come from outside so they ran out and Amser changed into Dredoata and Abser changed into Bemanded. Dredoata drew her sword slowly and saw a horrific creature which had 5 heads with spit drooling from the teeth and a blood red body with dagger like claws and vulture like wings the creatures name was Heclomi.

Bemanded thought about changing into a dragon and as soon as the thought entered his mind he did. The dragon was powerful with huge wings and a destructive tail. Dredoata lunged at Heclomi with her sword drawn but the creature snapped her sharp teeth at her.

Bemanded flew high into the air and attacked Heclomi with a burst of flames he then imagined himself changing back into his human self with a sword in each hand so as he fell he slashed at the back of Heclomi who roared with pain.

Arabellar finally heard the commotion so she, Abanderwe and Rema ran outside and saw the creature known as Heclomi so Arabellar transformed into Hymal, Abanderwe transformed into Kiloip and Rema changed into Beranses.

Qwearn who was with his tribe heard his master beckoning him to help them so he changed into Vemansa and flew to his master’s aid. Dredoata leapt onto one of the creature’s huge feet and stuck her sword deep into its flesh as Hymal threw some shurikens deep into the beast’s heart.

Beranses drew his sword and threw it at one of the creatures many heads and as it struck the head fell to the ground still writhing. Vemansa saw his master battling the monster so he swooped down and drew a sword hidden deep within his wings and sliced at the creature making it scream angrily. Vemansa then threw Beranses’ sword back to him as he saw Bemendad striking the beast with short sharp shots which angered the creature greatly.

Bemanded changed into a snake and sunk his fangs deep into Heclomi’s skin pumping her full of poison he then changed back into his normal self and leapt off Heclomi and spun around landing gently on the ground.

Beranses nodded to Vemansa and then leapt up with his sword drawn and spun around onto Heclomi’s back. Vemansa then flew down throwing a sword to his master allowing him to strike Heclomi then as he leapt back off Heclomi a torrent of greeny blue blood poured out of Heclomi as she collapsed onto the floor letting out a loud roar as she died.

Meanwhile deep in the woods of a forgotten forest there lived a young woman known only as Angie. She had no last name her parents had been killed when she was young during the reign of Lord Zeron. She lived with a pride of lions, which had adopted her and cared for her all these years. She walked over to her adoptive mother and purred at her before she heard a noise behind her and drew her sword, she crept stealthily through the trees then leapt out at Abser who was riding through the forest.

Abser leapt off his horse drawing his sword ready to defend himself when he saw this young woman, he studied her before saying “My name is Abser, what is yours?” Angie studied him and though how like her he looked she then said, “My name is Angie” before turning away from him, she then ran back through the tree’s leaving Abser on his own once again.

Abser mounted his horse and continued back through the forest when he saw a monster flying towards him so he drew his sword once again and transformed into Bemanded. He grew wings and flew into the air drawing his sword and battling the monster, the monster roared furiously as Bemanded struck its chest with his sword.

Bemanded transformed into a dragon and breathed fire at the monster who shrieked with pain as it spiralled down towards the ground and landed on the hard dew ridden ground with a loud bang. Bemanded then changed back into his human self spinning round and landing on the ground deftly with his swords drawn ready to strike at the monster.

The monster slowly got up and hissed at Bemanded it then launched itself at him but was too slow as Bemanded spun round out of the path of the monster and then with amazing accuracy threw his sword between the monsters eyes.

Bemanded then changed back into Abser and went to find his horse. Meanwhile in the Jasmine Castle, Rema was worried about his son so he called for some servants to ready Casjunil he then ran out into the courtyard leaping onto Casjunil’s back and set off to search for his son.

Hadosi was pacing in his cavernous hideaway when a minion came to him and said “Master, Rema has left the safety of the Jasmine Castle. This would be an ideal time to strike out at him”, Hadosi shook his head and then got up taking his staff in his right hand and replied softly “No my servant, I have more use for Rema yet. This is not the right time to strike” he then stuck his staff into the minion’s chest and transformed it into a powerful creature known as Hor’Ra - who had the head of an eagle and the body of a snake. His eyes glinted in the sunlight- and with his powerful wings he took flight.

Hor’Ra screeched as he saw Rema, he swooped down as Rema looked up shocked before leaping off Casjunil and when he landed on the floor he had transformed into Beranses.

Beranses stood in a defensive posture before slowly drawing his sword and striking at Hor’Ra who screamed with fury before drawing his ‘Snake Fang’ swords and diving at Beranses. Beranses leapt sideways before jumping up and throwing a dagger at Hor’Ra, Hor’Ra screamed with pain and then landed on the hard ground before running at Beranses with his sword glinting in the sunlight.

Their swords clashed together as Hor’Ra struck Beranses across the chest with one of his swords making a scratch on Beranses’s armour. Beranses roared with anger before striking Hor’Ra in the stomach with his hand then struck him in the back of the head with the butt of his sword making Hor’Ra spin round and land on his back.

Beranses changed back into Rema and then leapt onto Casjunil’s back and took off swiftly to get away from Hor’Ra. Meanwhile Abser was riding back to Jasmine Castle when he saw his mother run out towards him saying quickly “Abser, where is your father?” Abser shook his head replying “I do not know mother, Did he go to look for me?” he then turned around on his horse and rode back to find his father spurring his horse on faster.

Hor’Ra slowly came round and shook his head clear before slowly getting up and taking flight back to his master’s hideaway. Rema saw his son riding quickly through the forest so he quickly rode after him before getting attacked once again by Hor’Ra and he shouted out for his son.

Abser heard the shouts of his father and tried to see where the voice had come from but he couldn’t so he transformed into Bemanded and grew wings and took flight into the air. Rema laid unconscious on the floor when Hor’Ra came over to him and picked him up and spun him round then threw him onto a hard rock. Bemanded saw his father being thrown around like a rag doll so he flew down feet first and struck Hor’Ra in the chest and drew his sword striking Hor’Ra across the face.

Rema came around and was in immense pain as his neck had been broken on the rock he saw his son battling Hor’Ra and cried out “My son help me” before falling unconscious again. Bemanded picked up Hor'Ra and threw him high into the air before running over to Rema and picked him up and they both flew back to Jasmine Castle.

Bemanded landed gently in the courtyard of Jasmine Castle and turned to a servant and said “Take my father up to his room, get my sister she should be able to heal him as Dredoata”. The servant nodded his head as he took Rema and carried him up to his bedchambers, Bemanded changed back into Abser just as Casjunil came limping back into the courtyard and fell on the hard floor.

Abser went up to his room and sat down at his desk and began writing in his diary, which he kept to put all his thoughts in. Meanwhile in the forests Angie the Lion Princess was running through with her pride and saw the magnificent Jasmine Castle so she howled softly at the pride to wait there and then went forward to examine the castle.

She walked around the castle walls and then saw the one that she knew as Abser and howled softly before running back to her pride and howled at them and then leapt onto the Alpha male and rode to the entrance of the Castle. Abser saw the commotion outside so he ran down to the courtyard and said to a soldier, “What’s happening?” The soldier replied “There is a girl with a pride of lions outside the castle walls”, Abser replied quickly “I know the girl outside please let her and her family in” so the soldier went over to the doors and opened them.

Angie rode into the Castle and leapt off the one she knew as Dredal and walked slowly over to Abser and said quietly “Abser, I missed you very much. I would like for me and my family to join you in your fight against this new evil”. She breathed softly on Abser’s neck, Abser looked deep into Angie’s eyes and knew she was telling the truth so he turned to her and replied “We will be pleased to have you and your family join our side”.

Dredoata looked at her father’s frail figure and then healed him with her special powers before turning back into Amser and collapsing on the floor beside her fathers bed. Rema woke up and saw his daughter lying on the floor beside his bed and his neck felt like it was beginning to mend so he slowly got up and stroked his daughter’s hair and then went back to sleep.

Abser was in the great hall talking to Angie when he saw a servant running over to him so he looked at the servant and said quietly so that Angie could not hear “What is it?” The servant replied with a slight quiver in his voice “There is a great beast coming towards the castle, The soldiers will do their best to defend it but it looks hopeless”.

Abser with a look of pure determination on his face ran out in the courtyard and changed into Bemanded and growing wings he beat them powerfully and launched himself into the air. Amser heard her brother calling to her in her mind so she quickly ran outside changing swiftly into Dredoata. Then drawing her sword quickly she faced the beast known as Gredrea.

Gredrea reared its head and roared loudly before charging at Dredoata who spun out of its way striking the beat with the back of her sword. Bemanded flew down and struck the beast with his sword before seeing his sister was in danger so he flew over to her picking her up before the beast had a chance to strike at her.

Gredrea roared angrily at the two heroes before rearing up on its hind legs and snapping at Dredoata’s feet. Dredoata looked up at her brother and said quietly “Drop me on the back of the beast I should be able to paralyse him long enough for you to strike a fatal blow to his heart”. Bemanded nodded his head and dropped his sister onto the beasts back allowing her to work her magic on the beast, Dredoata placed her hands on the back of Gredrea and closed her eyes allowing her powers to be absorbed into the beast so that it could be paralysed.

Gredrea collapsed on the floor as Bemanded transformed into a huge dragon and roared flames at the beast before transforming into a powerful tiger with a sleek body and striking the beasts eyes. He then slunk under Gredrea and tore into the beasts chest and then he transformed again into his normal self and grabbing a sword he struck it deep into the heart of the beast killing it instantly.

As the beast collapsed Bemanded rolled out from underneath it and saw his sister running over to him. Bemanded grew wings and taking his sister in his arms they flew back to the castle.

Rema woke up in his chambers a few days later feeling much better so he went down to the hall and saw the feast that was laid on so he sat down and saw his wife he shouted at her “Arabellar, I feel better now”. Arabellar walked over to him and changed into Hadosi before saying “You will never be free from ME, I will destroy you and all the light that this land has to offer”.

Rema cried out in terror as he woke up in terror with beads of sweat dripping down his face he then swung his legs over the side of the bed and washed his face in a pot that was next to his bed. He then changed into his robe and putting his scabbard around his waist with the sword of light in place. He walked out into the courtyard and turning to one of the guards he said, “Where is my wife?” the soldier replied, “She has gone out with your children to the tribe of your apprentice Qwearn”. Rema nodded his head slowly before calling out for Casjunil and mounting his friend he rode to the tribe of Qwearn, Casjunil said quietly “My friend, what is troubling you?” and Rema explained his dream to his friend.

Arabellar, Qwearn, Abser and Amser were sitting in Qwearn’s hut when Qwearn heard a cry coming from outside so Qwearn transformed into Vemansa and ran out of his hut to face the creature that had disturbed the peace of his tribe.

Rema saw the creature swooping down onto the tribal lands of his apprentice Qwearn so he spurred Casjunil on faster until they reached the outskirts of the tribe. Rema leapt off and drew his sword slowly before changing into Beranses and running into the tribe to help Vemansa fight the creature.

The creature snapped it’s jaws at Vemansa then roared with triumph as Vemansa fell onto the floor but then as it was about to strike the deadly blow Beranses ran onto the scene and struck the creature with his sword. Snapping the creatures head back as he plunged his sword deep into the creatures mouth. Then as the creature started to sway he pulled his sword out and using his feet he leapt off the creature as it collapsed on the floor.

Beranses ran swiftly over to Vemansa and taking his arm he said to his apprentice “Are you alright?” Vemansa replied shakily “Yes my master I am fine. I would have been killed if you had not come when you did” he then transformed back into Qwearn and limped back to his hut with Beranses following closely behind.

As Beranses entered the hut he transformed back into Rema and seeing his wife he went over to her and hugged her softly before saying to his family “I was told that you were here by the guards. You should not journey out alone it is too dangerous in this land now”, Arabellar looked up at her husband and saw his twinkling eyes before saying “The children wanted to see Qwearn, he was telling them about the land when it was covered in Darkness from Lord Zeron’s reign”.

Rema nodded his head and then looked at his children who were watching their fathers every move before Rema said to them “I’m sorry for getting cross but this land is dangerous. There is a new being coming to destroy the Light once again and I must not allow that to happen”. Abser looked up at his father and said quietly “Father I will never let anything hurt mother or Amser they will be protected by me but my strength is still unequal to yours and Qwearn was telling me how to give myself more strength during a battle to aid me”. Rema studied his son and said “I know you can protect them my son but you cannot be with them for a whole day and they will need to be careful”.

Meanwhile Angie was walking around outside the castle when she heard a terrifying roar so she quickly ran back into the courtyard and mounted the alpha male and rode out to face the danger. The beast hissed angrily as Angie rode up to meet it, the beast’s name was Wretre and it had the body of a rhino the head of a vulture, the paws of a tiger and the eyes of a snake.

Wretre hissed once more and lunged at Angie, who drew her sword and stuck it deep into the beast creating a deep wound, Wretre pulled back with blue green blood pumping out. Angie closed her eyes and contacted Abser telepathically before getting swiped off the alpha male by the paw of Wretre.

Meanwhile Abser was asleep in Qwearn’s hut when he heard Angie’s desperate cry for help, he immediately leapt up and changed into Bemanded before growing powerful wings, racing out of the hut and launching himself into the air.

Bemanded flew through the air before seeing Angie lying face down on the ground he thought silently pleading to himself, that Angie was still alive. As he landed on the ground he changed back into Abser and ran over to Angie turning her over looking for any sign of life.

Abser saw her eyelids flicker and so he picked her up gently and changed into Bemanded before taking flight back to Qwearn’s tribe. As Bemanded came into land gently on the ground Angie let out a soft moan and looked at Bemanded before losing consciousness again. Bemanded changed swiftly into Abser and took her to Qwearn’s hut he laid her down on his bed and covered her up with a blanket to keep her warm.

Abser went over to Qwearn and woke him before saying “Qwearn, one of my friends has been attacked by a monster, Can you look at her for me please?” Qwearn nodded his head as he got up and went over to see Angie. He gently laid a hand on her forehead before chanting an incantation and seeing where the trouble was he said to Abser “Take your parents and sister back to Jasmine Castle. I will need to be left alone to heal Angie as she is weak and the poison inside her is strong.” Abser nodded his head as he woke up his parents and sister and explained the situation to them as they left Rema said to Qwearn “Take care of Angie, I think she is precious to my son”.

Meanwhile in his cavern hideaway Hadosi laughed wickedly as Hor’Ra and Wretre came and kneeled before him. Hadosi looked at the both of them before saying “You have done well my servants. Soon this land will be under my control and I will be able to control everything” Hor’Ra looked up at his master before saying in an alien tongue “Master, what is your next command of us. We will do anything to please you.”

Hadosi took his staff in his left hand before saying “You will now destroy Jasmine Castle and everybody that lives in it apart from the Guardians and their children, I want them kept alive.” He laughed cruelly before changing Hor’Ra into a beast known as Swrea who had cruel talons for feet and claws for hands powerful wings and poison in his teeth. Hadosi then turned to Wretre and bringing his staff down onto him. He was transformed into a monster known as Zedasre who had the power to break anything with his howl and he had two chains wrapped around his waist for destroying people he also had a bow and arrow and a sword strapped to his back.

Hadosi looked at his two new creations and said to them “If you ever want to change back all you have to say is ‘Darkness’ and then you will change back.” The monsters nodded their heads obediently as they ran out of the cave. The monsters roared with anger as they neared Jasmine Castle so Swrea beating his powerful wings launched himself into the air and towards the courtyard of Jasmine Castle. As Swrea landed in the courtyard several guards rushed towards him so he drew his swords and dealt deadly blows to the soldier before running over to the doors and letting Zedasre in. Abser awoke from his dreams in his chambers and heard the terrifying roar which came from outside so he grabbed his sword and transformed into Bemanded he then leapt out of the window and spun round and landed on the ground ready to face the threat.

Swrea and Zedasre looked around the castle before seeing Bemanded blocking their path so Swrea raised his sword and Zedasre swung his chain menacingly and then threw it around Bemanded’s neck choking him. Swrea stood over Bemanded and kicked him in the stomach before smacking him over the head.

Amser woke suddenly and knew that her brother was in pain so she leapt up and changed into Dredoata and ran out into the courtyard. Dredoata was shocked when she saw her brother being torn apart by these two monsters so she drew her swords with no thought to her own safety and ran at the two monsters.

Rema and Arabellar woke immediately when they heard a huge crash outside so they changed into Beranses and Hymal before sprinting out into the courtyard. Dredoata was being strangled by Zedasre’s chain and her brother was trying to fight off the beating that he was getting from Swrea but was now too weak. Kiloip was near the castle when he heard the shouting so he crept silently towards the castle before seeing his godchildren being attacked by these two monsters. He scaled the castle walls stealthily and drew his sword before landing silently on the hard courtyard floor, which seeped with the blood of the dead soldiers who had died trying to protect their King.

Kiloip silently moved up behind Swrea and then with a swift move drew his sword, striking the monster making him roar in agony. He then saw Hymal launch an arrow at Zedasre making Zedasre fly over and land on the ground grunting painfully. Hymal then drew her sword and slashed Zedasre across the stomach before kicking him in the head meanwhile Kiloip launched his knife at Swrea making him fall with a thunderous roar to the floor.

Hymal and Kiloip ran over to Bemanded and Dredoata helping them up, Bemanded turned to Hymal saying quietly “Mother, me and Dredoata could not stop them. We were too weak” Hymal shook her head and took Bemanded in her arms and hugged him. Hymal whispered softly “No my son, you tried your best. Your powers are still developing and you will soon be able to defeat those two monsters”.

Swrea and Zedasre slowly got up and hissing fiercely, Swrea picked up Zedasre and they flew back to Hadosi’s hideaway. Bemanded turned into a dragon to go after them but Hymal said “No let them go my son. We will destroy them soon and bring peace and Light back to this land once again”. Meanwhile Qwearn was standing over Angie finishing his healing of her when he saw her eyes flicker and she softly moaned “Where am I?” Qwearn replied “You are in my tribal hut, you were injured and I had to heal you. Would you like to have powers to help you fight the darkness in this land?” Angie’s eyes flickered open as she silently mouthed yes to the question before falling deeply asleep.

Qwearn heard the shout and immediately turned into Vemansa and drew his swords and saw a lion roaring angrily at his tribe’s people and then he realised that is was Angie’s mother. So he walked over to her and laid down his swords in a signal of trust and led the lion into his hut where Angie was sleeping.

Abser was sitting in the dining hall when Amser came up behind him and sat down on the chair next to him and said “My brother do not feel bad, we could not have stopped them yet. Our powers are still developing” Abser turned to her and slammed his hand down on the table before replying angrily “We should have been able to stop them now. We could have ended it now and Angie and all the other people in this land would have been safe”. Amser looked at her brother and hugged him before getting up and going to her chambers.

Abser ran outside and told a servant to ready a horse for him and when that was done he leapt onto it and rode out of the courtyard on his way to see Angie. As he neared the tribe he stopped the horse and got off and walked into Qwearn’s hut and saw him helping Angie up. Angie turned to Abser saying quietly “You saved me didn’t you from that beast that attacked me” Abser nodded his head and then turned to Qwearn and said “How is she?” Qwearn replied as Angie fell back to sleep “She is still weak but she will improve over the coming days, her mother is with her looking after her as well and she also wants to have powers like ours and I have agreed to give them too her”.

Angie slept soundly before waking up again and she saw Abser standing over her so she reached out her hand and stroked his arm softly. Abser looked at her and smiled before taking out his sword and sliding it over her and transforming her into a being known as Zvendrea. Zvendrea swung her legs over the side of the bed and said, “I feel better know, Abser I love you and I want to help you defeat this new evil”. Abser nodded his head then turned to Qwearn and said “My friend thank you for healing Angie and I hope my family can count on you for help in defeating this new evil", Qwearn nodded his head as he went outside.

Zvendrea changed back into Angie before running over to Abser and putting her hand through his arms and said to him “We must get back to the castle” Abser nodded his head and changed into Bemanded and taking Angie in his arms they flew back to Jasmine Castle.

Bemanded changed back into Abser and stroked Angie’s hair before seeing his father come striding over so he turned away from Angie and said “Yes father what is it?” Rema replied “My son we must have an immediate meeting to decide what is going to happen when we strike at this new evil being” Abser nodded his head before collapsing on the floor. One of Abser’s new powers was emerging he could see things in the future and he saw darkness in the land and he knew that he would have to destroy it and then he saw the one known as Archesaur battling Hadosi.

Abser came round and jumped up with a start and then turned to Rema saying quietly “My father I know the name of this new being. He is called Hadosi and I also so a cat like creature whose name was I think Archesaur”. Rema looked at his son before saying “Now there is a name I have not heard in a long time, Archesaur helped us defeat the Darkness in this land when it resided before. He may be the key to helping us defeat Hadosi”.

Rema helped his son off the hard courtyard ground and then went into the dining hall and sat down at the head of the table. Meanwhile on the planet of Sercer, Archesaur was practising with his bow and arrow when he heard of the new evil on the quiet land of Kilas the home of his friends. He called for a soldier to ready bag so that he could once again go to the aid of his friends.

Hadosi was in his hideaway when Swrea and Zedasre came flying back and Swrea changed back into Hor’Ra before kneeling before his master and Zedasre changed back into Wretre and also kneeled before Hadosi. Hadosi opened his eyes from his deep contemplation and then said “I think we are getting more powerful by the day. The Darkness is once again coming to this land and we will be triumphant” he laughed menacingly and his laugh echoed throughout the cave.

Rema was in the dining hall when he asked the servant to get all the other Guardians of the Light together so that they could discuss a plan when a loud knock came at the courtyard door. Rema slowly got up and told his soldiers to position themselves by the doors as he turned into Beranses and slowly opened the doors. Archesaur looked at Beranses and hissed loudly before drawing his sword and lying it at Beranses’s feet, Beranses realised that it was Archesaur so he changed back into Rema and also laid down his sword.

Archesaur looked at Rema before saying “My friend, you are older and much more wiser” Rema laughed and replied “Yes I am. You are powerful as well will you come into my castle so that we can talk”. Archesaur nodded his head as he saw Rema’s soldier’s standing down he then followed him into the castle.

Arabellar was in her sewing room with Amser when she heard Archesaur’s voice so she stood up and said to Amser “There is someone downstairs that I would like you to meet. Get your brother and meet us in the dining hall”. Amser nodded her head as she raced off to find her brother.

Angie and Abser were sitting against a tree in the grounds of the castle when he received a mental blast from his sister so he stood up and said to Angie “We need to get to the dining hall”.

As Arabellar, Amser, Abser and Angie walked into the hall Archesaur turned toward Arabellar and said “My you have grown more beautiful Arabellar” he then took her hand and kissed it softly. He then turned to Abser and Amser and said “I have heard much about you my children, you will make your mother and father proud”.

Then as he was about to turn to Angie a thunderous roar echoed throughout the land as a rival from Archesaur’s planet crashed down on Kilas and roared angrily. This creature’s name was Huodsa and was a dog like creature but with an even more powerful sense of smell and acute eyesight.

Archesaur roared angrily as he ran out into the courtyard and leapt onto the courtyard walls and then over to face Huodsa. He then drew his sword and snarled at Huodsa.

Children of the Light

The Guardians of the Light

Archesaur growled angrily at Huodsa before saying, “Why have you come to this land?” Huodsa looked at Archesaur and then said viciously “I wanted to make sure that you didn’t come back. I will be the rightful ruler of Sercer and I will make the Catrala our slaves and the Dogream will rule forever”. He then laughed wickedly before changing into a dog and running towards where he could sense evil brewing.

Archesaur howled as he saw Rema, Arabellar, Abser, Amser and Angie running towards him. Rema went up to Archesaur saying quietly “Who was that Archesaur?” Archesaur turned to study Rema before saying “That was the being known as Huodsa. He wants to destroy me and take over my land so that he can rule with his band of Dogream.”

Abser walked up to his father and said quietly “My father I sense a disturbance”, Rema turned to face him and said “I feel it too my son”. Rema then turned to Arabellar and Amser saying quickly “Get inside, Abser senses something. We will find Abanderwe and go and see what the threat is”. Arabellar nodded her head then taking Amser’s arm she led them both into the castle.

Abser changed into Bemanded and Rema took out his sword and changed into Beranses. Beranses turned slowly towards Bemanded before saying “You go and find the source of the disturbance I will find Abanderwe”. Bemanded nodded his head with a look of fear on his face before growing wings and launching himself into the air.

Beranses called out for Casjunil and as he came running in Beranses did a back flip and landed on Casjunil’s back and said softly to him “We must go and find Abanderwe my friend”. Casjunil roared softly as they went deep into the forest.

Abanderwe was resting in his wooden hut when he heard a strange sound so he transformed into Kiloip and drew his sword before slowly walking outside. Swrea saw Kiloip coming out of his hut so he signalled to Zedasre who dropped onto the floor and struck Kiloip before kicking his sword out of his hand.

Kiloip roared out in pain as Swrea dropped down and raked him across the face with his claws. Beranses felt the pain of Kiloip so he spurred Casjunil on faster while trying to contact Bemanded.

Bemanded was flying high trying to find the nature of the disturbance when he heard the cry of his father so stopped in mid air and flew back the way he had come and drew his sword out of his feathers. Meanwhile Kiloip was lying bloodied on the floor when Zedasre came over to him and took his chain striking him with it before kicking him in the stomach.

Kiloip knew that his time was nearly over so he muttered a chant to the gods, which surveyed the land, as he slowly crept into darkness. Beranses rode into the clearing and saw Zedasre and Swrea standing over the now still figure of Kiloip, so he howled with rage leaping off Casjunil drawing his swords and brought his swords down slashing at the evil creatures.

Bemanded flew to where he could feel his father’s physical presence and saw Kiloip lying dead on the floor. Bemanded flew down crying with rage and kicked Swrea from behind and then plunged his sword deep into the creature’s back. Zedasre growled at Beranses then drew a short staff and threw it at Beranses before launching himself into the air grabbing Swrea’s chain.

Kiloip lay dead on the ground with his eyes still open, Bemanded walked over to him and knelt beside him closing his eyes before turning to his father and saying quietly “We must take him back father. He needs a proper burial” Beranses’s shoulders dropped down in a sign of defeat and turning slowly to Bemanded he said “My son, we shall leave him here. The animals will make better use of his body but we will avenge his death” he then called out for Casjunil and leapt onto his back before galloping away.

Bemanded knelt beside Kiloip for a few minutes more stricken with grief before taking flight on his wings back to Jasmine Castle. Hadosi waited in his hideaway when Swrea and Zedasre came in and knelt before him, Swrea spoke slowly to his master and said “It has been done, they have been weakened and we can strike soon”. Hadosi slowly nodded his head deeply in thought.

Swrea then transformed back into Hor’Ra and Zedasre transformed back into Wretre. They then went deep into the caves to recover and sleep. Meanwhile in Jasmine Castle, Rema paced the Great Hall with meaning and then slammed his fist down hard on the table with rage. Arabellar walked over to him slowly and said “My love you could not have stopped what happened to Abanderwe, you are not all powerful” Rema turned to face her before saying “But I should have made him stay with us. He would have been safe here”. He then got up slowly and walked into the courtyard and leapt onto Casjunil and rode out across the plains.

Rema stopped Casjunil on the shores of a sandy beach and then said quietly “Stay here my friend I will not be long” he then took off his boots and waded into the sea and bowing his head he chanted a prayer for Abanderwe’s soul to rest in peace. He then turned around and slowly put his boots back on before mounting Casjunil and saying, “We head for the cavern regions of Fretya. I sense a great power there”.

In the cavern regions of Fretya an elven princess and her warrior stood guarding the entrance to a secret passage. Princess Keleltrya turned to her protector Becklas saying with a soft silky voice “I sense a man coming to find us. He has the power to bring the Light back to this land” Becklas nodded her head softly before replying “Yes Princess, but we must be careful of this man just in case he tries to hurt you”.

Rema and Casjunil reached Fretya and Rema stroked Casjunil’s mane before saying, “I sense something. Can you sense it too?” Casjunil slowly said, “Yes I can my friend”. Rema leapt off and transformed into Beranses and motioned for Casjunil to stay at his position. He then drew his sword slowly and began to walk into the caverns.

Becklas stood on a ridge watching Beranses and she then leapt down and faced Beranses before saying, “You must fight me if you want to find my mistress”. Beranses laughed softly and said, “I do not want to fight you, I have seen enough death to last me for a millennia”. Keleltrya stood hidden in a deep path of thick foliage watching this human, then with all her courage she stepped out before Beranses saying, “What do you wish of us?” Beranses looked at this beautiful elven princess before replying “I sensed a great power here. I though you might be able to help me defeat the being known as Hadosi.”

Keleltrya looked at Beranses and then looked deep into his heart before saying “I will do whatever I can to help you and so will Becklas. But I have only one condition, you must help us open a secret passage because I believe that your heart is true”. Beranses nodded his head as he followed Keleltrya and Becklas to the passage. He then sheathed his sword and turned back into Rema before resting his hand on the stony door and saying “This door is tough, but it will open to my command” he then closed his eyes and muttered sacred words of the Guardians of the Light. The door slowly rumbled open as Rema collapsed on the floor from the effort, Keleltrya then ran down into the passage and grabbed the secret supplies of her people before running back out into the caverns.

Keleltrya helped Rema up and said “Thank you, you have done my people a great service”, Rema nodded to Keleltrya and then motioned for her and Becklas to follow him to Casjunil so that they could all go back to Jasmine Castle.

Meanwhile in Jasmine Castle, Abser was writing in his dairy when he heard a knock on his chamber door he called for the person to come in and as Angie entered Abser turned around in his chair before saying, “What is wrong Angie?” Angie replied softly “Nothing is wrong I just thought I would see how you were after the death of Abanderwe”. Abser stood up and went over to his window before replying “I am coping, but his death was in vain we should have been there sooner to help him instead of arriving too late and allowing him to die”.

Abser then turned to Angie and said, “I’m going flying I need to clear my head”, he then ran out into the courtyard and transformed into Bemanded and as his wings grew he launched himself into the air disappeared into the clouds.

Meanwhile Huodsa slowly walked towards Hadosi’s cave when he saw Hor’Ra run and with his sword drawn, looking piercingly at him before demanding “Who are you?” Huodsa stared hard at him before saying, “My name is Huodsa and I would like to see your master”, he then pushed past Hor’Ra and saw Hadosi sitting on a stone throne.

Hadosi’s eyes opened from his deep concentration and studied Huodsa before slowly saying in his deep voice “What can I do for you Master Huodsa of the Dogream tribe?” Huodsa studied this evil being before finally saying I want you to help me defeat the one known as Archesaur. Then I can take over his world and lead my Dogream to victory” Hadosi nodded his head and said “Yes, I will help you but first you must help me to bring the Darkness to this land” Huodsa howled his response then walked further into the cave following Hadosi.

Rema, Becklas and Keleltrya neared the castle when Rema sensed a disturbance so he drew his sword and transformed into Beranses saying to Keleltrya “Wait here I sense something”. Keleltrya nodded her head as Beranses ran ahead to find Xenreas, an elf that wanted to kill Keleltrya so that she could take the throne for herself. Xenreas looked quizzically at Beranses before drawing her twin swords and saying, “Where is the Princess?” Beranses stood still and then replied “She is out of your reach” he then lunged at her and slashed her across the stomach. Becklas closed her eyes and saw Xenreas opening her eyes quickly she turned to Keleltrya who was sitting on Casjunil and said “Princess, it is your step-sister that Beranses is fighting we must help him!”

Keleltrya nodded her head and then said to Casjunil “We must help your master, he does not know what he is dealing with” Casjunil roared ready for battle as Becklas leapt onto his back as well and they rode into the battle. Beranses smiled at Xenreas before saying “It seems I have the better of you, would you tell me your name?” Xenreas roared angrily at him before replying “My name is Xenreas, learn it well as it will haunt you in your death”. With that she muttered dark elven magic “Pelekta Yassen Runya” and as soon as she had finished a huge flame strike came at Beranses who quickly had to leap out of the way.

Beranses started sweating as Keleltrya and Becklas came riding to help Beranses. Keleltrya decided to summon a water elemental to stop the flame strike and put out the burning trees so she closed her eyes before saying softly “Yala onna en’ alu”, the earth quaked as the water elemental called Shiraz came up and put out the trees that were on fire. She then disappeared as Keleltrya turned to Xenreas and said in elvish “Amin delotha Ile, Ile nadorhuan” Xenreas roared with anger as she ran into the dark woods.

Beranses turned to Keleltrya and said, “Thank you for saving me, I thought I was dead” Keleltrya stroked his face before saying “Lle quena i’lambe tel Eldalie?” Beranses replied slowly “Lle naa belegohtar” Keleltrya smiled as she got onto Casjunil. Beranses changed into Rema before saying “We should head back to the castle before the night draws in”.

Xenreas ran through the forest and saw Wretre hunting for food so she silently crept out behind Wretre and muttered “Nai uuvanimo turamin” she then said “Creature what is your name?” Wretre replied “My name is Wretre and my master’s name is Hadosi, Would you like me to take you to him?” Xenreas nodded her head as Wretre led her to the cave.

Bemanded was coming back into the courtyard when he heard a voice in his head saying to beware of the dark magic. He shook his head and landed transforming back into Abser before opening the huge castle doors and going to the dining hall. Angie was sitting in her room practising her magic when she felt a huge physic blast telling her to destroy Abser so she transformed into Zvendrea leapt out of her chamber window and roared with anger.

Abser heard this roar and immediately ran out into the courtyard and saw Zvendrea. Zvendrea turned slowly to see Abser and said evilly “I will have your blood”. She then sent a fireball at Abser making him leap out of the way, Abser then drew his sword and transformed into Bemanded shouting "I don’t want to hurt you Angie, but you may not leave me much choice. I cannot allow you to hurt the people that I love.” Zvendrea laughed as she drew her staff and goaded Bemanded to strike.

Amser was in her chambers when she sensed a great evil emanating from Angie so she ran down the cold stone steps and transformed into Dredoata and stood by her brother saying, “What is wrong with Angie?” Bemanded shook his head as a single tear slid down his face and onto the wet earth. Dredoata looked at Angie and then closed her eyes to search inside Angie’s soul. Meanwhile Rema, Keleltrya and Becklas were nearing the Jasmine Castle’s heavy wooden doors when a great explosion rocked the courtyard and Rema saw Bemanded and Dredoata flying through the air and landing on the hard wet ground beside the walls.

Zvendrea laughed evilly before summoning a winged horse from the ground and she mounted it and flew to the cavern hideaway of Hadosi. Rema ran over to his two children and called for his best medics to come and carry them to the chambers and tend to their wounds. Keleltrya stopped Rema from getting the medics she looked at both of the children before muttering “Tanka tel’ taurnin”, Rema turned to study his two children as they began to heal. Bemanded slowly got up and helped his sister up before saying “My father, we could not stop Angie, her heart is so full of evil”. Rema looked at Bemanded before saying “The powers that Zvendrea has might make her impossible to stop. But stop her we will she must not be allowed to help Hadosi destroy this land and maybe we can bring her back to the Light”. He then hurried everybody inside the castle before getting his soldiers to make a new stronger defence of the courtyard and rebuild the heavy courtyard doors.

Zvendrea laughed evilly and entered Hadosi’s cave and then walked in before saying to the crowd that was gathered “I will take you and lead you to the end. I will help you destroy the Guardians of the Light and bring this land into darkness”. She then kneeled before Hadosi before creating a throne for herself and sitting next to Hadosi.

Hadosi looked at Zvendrea before saying, “You think that you can lead us and help us destroy the last surviving Guardians of the Light” Zvendrea nodded her head and then looked at Hor’Ra before saying, “You are the one that I need to help me with my plan. Come and kneel before me” Hor’Ra looked at Zvendrea and then kneeled before her.

Zvendrea drew a vial from her pocket and said to Hor’Ra “With this potion you will grow stronger”. She then sprinkled it over Hor’Ra and he roared in agony as the magic took effect it then made his muscles bulge. After a few minutes he began to roar in triumph as he stood up and bowed at Zvendrea saying softly “I will serve you mistress, you have made me stronger”. Zvendrea chuckled softly and then stroked Hor’Ra’s head softly before turning to Hadosi and saying, “Well it seems that I can help you destroy the Guardians of the Light” Hadosi nodded his head slowly as he got up and went outside.

In Jasmine Castle Rema called a war conference and as they all entered the hall Rema said, “Do you know why I have called you all here?” everybody nodded their head as they sat round the table with Arabellar sitting next to her husband. Abser quickly said to his father “What are we going to do about Angie? We need to unleash her from the evil that has taken over her” Rema closed his eyes before saying, “We must expect the worst my son. We may not be able to save her from the evil that has taken over her and someone may have to in the end destroy her”. Abser slammed his fist hard on the table and as it echoed around the hall he said angrily, “We cannot hurt her, she means the world to me. I would give my life to her if it would mean saving her” Arabellar looked at her son saying quietly “My son we will try all we can to help Angie. But in the end it may already be too late, your cause is noble and I know that you care greatly for her but if it comes down to it we must be the ones to survive”.

Abser looked at his mother and then stood up and stormed out of the banquet hall and went out into the courtyard. Arabellar turned to look at Rema who shook his head and beckoned her to sit back down. Rema then spoke out again saying loudly “My companions, we all know why we are here. We must stop the threat of Hadosi and all the other tyrants that have joined him we need to have a plan but we must all be aware of the consequences if we lose this fight”. Everybody nodded his or her head as meanwhile Abser walked around outside the castle and then heard an echoing voice in his head.

This disembodied voice was of Serabados the last original Guardian of the Light and Abser was transported to his temple. Serabados was sitting on his throne and he stared deep into Abser’s soul before saying “Abser, I am Serabados your father was my apprentice. He may have already told you this story”.

Abser nodded his head slowly as Serabados continued to speak “Your father must be able to rely on you and your sister to help him through these troubled times”. Serabados came off his throne and his bones creaked he then laid his hands on Abser’s shoulders and said, “My energy will help you gain more control over your powers and also it will allow you to bring forth a new weapon and change into an even greater being”.

Abser gasped with pain as Serabados’ energy crackled through him and he spun round and transformed into Bematranya and then landed gently on the floor and said with a croaky voice, “I feel stronger. I will help my father destroy Hadosi” he then bowed before Serabados and thanked him before being transported back to the banquet hall where he landed heavily on the table and grunted with pain.

Rema drew his sword but Amser saw inside this being's soul and cried out “No stop it’s Abser something’s happened to him. He seems to have grown more powerful but I don’t know how” Rema looked at Bematranya then realised that Serabados had bequeathed some of his power to Abser to help him in the fight against Hadosi. Bematranya looked up and changed back into Abser before saying, “I am sorry for my outburst Father. I will do anything I can to help you stop the evil in this land”.

Rema placed his hands on his son’s shoulders and looked into his eyes before saying, “I know you will my son”. He then turned to the rest of the room and said loudly “We will march against Hadosi tomorrow at noon” everybody cheered at this news but Abser was still troubled so he went up to his chambers to meditate.

Amser felt her brother’s unease and went up to his chambers and knocked lightly on his door. Abser was sitting on the floor meditating when he was disturbed by a knock on his door, so he got up before saying, “Come in”, and as the door opened he saw his sister looking lovingly at him before saying “My brother what is wrong? I thought you would be glad to go against Hadosi and maybe free Angie from the spell that she is under”. Abser looked at her uneasily before replying “Yes I do but I can’t but think that there may be a better way to help her” he then went over to his window and looked out across the land.

Abser closed his eyes and felt the movement of the wind around him and felt the dark presence of Angie, he opened his eyes with a gasp and fell out the window. He fell quickly to the floor before stopping just inches away from hitting the ground as Amser used her power to slow him down, Abser then changed into Bematranya and grew wings and flew high up into the air.

He roared with anger as he bellowed out “Angie you will never win, we will destroy the Dark and bring you and this land back to the Light once again.” He then flew back to the courtyard before changing back into Abser and going into the Castle.

Zvendrea knew what was coming so she called for Hor’Ra as he came over she said “Hor’Ra, are you loyal to me and only me?” as Hor’Ra nodded his head she then continued “Well there will soon be a battle between the us and the Guardians of the Light. We must make sure that this battle will be won by us, I can foresee that the Dark will rule the land once we have destroyed the Guardians. Do you understand my servant?” Hor’Ra nodded his head once again as he said “Mistress do you think that I will be able to have my own part of this land to rule over?” Zvendrea smiled at Hor’Ra before closing her eyes.

Meanwhile Hadosi looked at Wretre and said “I don’t think we should trust Hor’Ra anymore my servant. He seems to have a bought what ever Zvendrea told him” Wretre nodded his head in agreement then bowed before his master and left the cave to scout the area.

Abser and Amser both changed into their silver armour as noon approached, Abser looked at his sister and watched the sun as it beat down on the land and the rays of light glinted off their armor. Rema was on Casjunil wearing his golden armour with the emblem of an orb of light on it, his red cape flowed behind him and by his side his sheathed sword.

Arabellar was wearing armour that reflected her beauty, it was a deep blue colour it reflected the sun’s light as she sat atop Gecsas. Qwearn stood next to his master wearing no armour just his dagger by his side; his sword was on his back his senses heightened since the death of Abanderwe.

Princess Keleltrya and Becklas rode atop Rema’s finest white horses Becklas’s golden silvery armour shined bright, while Archesaur pawed the ground eagerly waiting for the battle that was to come.

Hadosi felt a smile creep slowly across his face as he waited for the battle that he knew would almost certainly come since Zvendrea had foretold it. He walked out into the sunlight but had to cover his eyes as it blinded him. He called for Wretre and said to him “Find Hor’Ra and tell him to go and find his mistress and bring her to me” Wretre ran to find Hor’Ra and thought to himself that Hadosi was getting anxious about something.

Rema turned Casjunil round and said loudly “A few of us will ride out now, those few will be myself, Abser, Qwearn and Archesaur. Abser will signal Amser when the rest of you are needed to join us in battle” everybody nodded their heads as the courtyard door’s opened and Rema, Abser, Qwearn and Archesaur rode out onto the land and headed for the cavern regions of the north.

Rema stroked Casjunil’s mane and said softly to him “Do you think we can beat Hadosi my old friend” Casjunil thought for a few minutes before replying in his rough growling voice “Rema, we have faced tougher opponents then this. Hadosi will not know what has hit him, we will destroy him”.

In the cave Hadosi paced outside uneasily awaiting Zvendrea, when he saw a brilliant flash of light behind him he spun round with his sword drawn and saw Zvendrea so he relaxed before saying “So, when will the Guardians come to face us?” Zvendrea replied softly in a mystical voice “They are already coming you must be quick if you want to destroy them, the son is the weak link. If you kill him then the whole world will fall into Darkness like you have wished”.

Hadosi laughed loudly and then asked for her to assemble everybody together outside, she nodded her head and went to find all the evil beings. Zvendrea, Hor’Ra, Wretre, Huodsa and Xenreas all converged outside the cave where Hadosi said with a hint of anger in his voice “The Guardians of the Light must not be able to discover our cave, we must attack them now while they are still too far away. Hor’Ra you and Wretre go and lead the first wave we will be behind you” Hor’Ra looked at his mistress and saw her nod her head so he transformed into Swrea and Wretre transformed into Zedasre.

As Zedasre was about to launch himself into the air Hadosi stopped him and muttered some dark magic. Zedasre changed into a powerful creature known as Jumasil- he had powerful wings, a skin made of the hardest scales, the head of a powerful eagle with a cruel curved beak, He had two swords which curved wickedly so that they would stick into his victims- he then launched himself into the air following Hor’Ra

Abser sensed a change in a distant part of the world and said to his father “I think they know we are coming father, Angie has told them. We must turn back otherwise we face certain destruction” Rema looked at his son before saying softly “My son, we must do this now otherwise we may never get another chance” he turned round to face the way he was riding and went into a deep state of meditation.

Abser sighed heavily, his soul in turmoil he knew that he had to free Angie from the spell but somehow knew that it might not work. He was disturbed from his inner thoughts by a loud screeching and as he looked up he saw Jumasil so he transformed into Bematranya and flew up into the air to face this being.

Jumasil let out an earth shattering squawk making Bematranya cry out in pain and as he spiraled down to the ground Rema awoke to the danger and leapt out to grab his son, when Rema landed he had changed into Beranses. Jumasil landed on the ground and felt Swrea’s presence coming up behind him so he drew his swords and prepared to face Beranses and Bematranya.

Bematranya drew his sword, which glowed with a silver hue and then ran at Jumasil who leapt out of the way and kicked Bematranya in the back making him fall onto the hard grass with a cry of pain. Beranses looked at this scene and drew his sword and said to Jumasil “Tell us, where is your master hiding?” Jumasil smiled and said in a bird like voice “I will never tell you. You will never find out where my master is hidden and I will make sure of that”, with that Jumasil lunged at Beranses with such speed that Beranses was taken aback and felt Jumasil’s sword graze past him.

Bematranya shook his head to clear it and then he saw the shape of Swrea so he put his hands on the ground spun round to a standing position then ran at Swrea. Qwearn and Archesaur were bringing up the rear when they saw a cloud of dust billowing from in front of them so Qwearn changed into Vemansa picked up Archesaur and flew them both to the scene of the action.

Archesaur sensed a dark presence and said to Vemansa “Let me drop I must head north, I sense Huodsa and I must avenge my people and stop him before he destroys me and takes my land for himself”. So Vemansa nodded his head before dropping Archesaur and when he saw Archesaur had landed on the ground he swooped back and went to help his comrades.

Swrea struck Bematranya across the face and then drew his sword and sliced him across the chest making Bematranya fall on the ground wincing in pain. Swrea was just about to strike a deathly blow when Vemansa came swooping down and striking Swrea in the face with his feet.

Swrea staggered to the ground and was on his knee’s when Bematranya leapt back up kicked Swrea in the face and spun round sinking his sword deep into Swrea’s neck. Swrea screamed in agony then swiped Bematranya away before standing up and roaring with anger. He changed into a powerful creature known as Bulleaop – a bull like creature with horn swords, his muscular body rippled and his golden eyes glared in the sunlight- he drew his swords and struck Vemansa across the face then picked him up and threw him against a tree.

Vemansa roared with pain and tried to get up but Bulleaop kicked him in the stomach making him moan in agony. Bematranya slowly got to his feet and saw Bulleaop torturing Vemansa so he roared angrily and ran like lightening at Bulleaop grabbing him around the waist and throwing him high into the air.

He then ran over to Vemansa and helped him up before saying, “Are you alright my friend?” Vemansa nodded his head and said, “You’d better help your father Bematranya” so Bematranya spun round and saw his father battling Jumasil so he leapt into the air spun round and landed by his father.

Jumasil laughed evilly and then looked at Bulleaop then closed his eyes and chanted an incantation which made Bulleaop’s soul mix with his and change them both into a powerful being known as Cramalioa. He loomed over the three heroes’ then said in a booming voice “I will destroy you all, you will never be able to defeat me” Bematranya looked up at him before replying “I will be able to”. With that he started to chant and inside the courtyard of the Jasmine Castle, Amser felt a strange sensation and felt her soul beginning to mix with her brothers and transforming them both in a being known as Jukamansa.

Jukamansa drew it’s twin sabres and stood before the evil creature known as Cramalioa, Cramalioa leered at Jukamansa before drawing a horn sword and striking at the Light being, Jukamansa blocked the sword and then flew up into the air spun round and smacked Cramalioa in the face. Beranses and Vemansa watched this before Beranses turned to Vemansa and said, “Where is Archesaur my apprentice?” and Vemansa replied “He went to the north he sensed Huodsa’s presence there” Beranses nodded his head and said “That is where Hadosi will be. We must head there now”. Beranses called for Casjunil and mounted him and said “My friend we must head to the north, we will leave Abser and Amser here to finish off this creature” Casjunil roared his acknowledgement and turned to the north and began to lope off.

Vemansa took flight and said a silent pray to the god’s before following his master to the north. Jukamansa roared with anger as Cramalioa picked up and tree and threw it at him/her, Jukamansa said in a booming voice “You must not ruin this land, we will defeat you and you will never bring the Darkness to this land”. Cramalioa laughed cruelly then drew a whip and cracked it against the ground making a huge crack, which ran, for several miles. He then used the whip to tie up Jukamansa and pulled him/her over before Cramalioa kicked him in the stomach and made him fly through the air and into a tree. Jukamansa tried to untie himself from the whip but he was unable to. Cramalioa bounded over to him/her and picked him up once again and this time through him into a pile of rocks, which crumbled beneath him and cut deeply into him leaving deep wounds.

Vemansa saw a dark shadow creeping over the north and felt a cold breeze sweeping over him and he closed his eyes and felt the presence of Zvendrea. Zvendrea chanted an incantation, which made Vemansa clutch his head in agony and spiral down to the ground making a deep crater in the earth. Beranses stopped Casjunil and turned to see where Vemansa was when he also felt Zvendrea’s presence and he got lifted up high into the air and thrown against a rock knocking him unconscious. Casjunil roared with confusion as he slowly got spun round and thrown right back to the Jasmine Castle where he lay crumpled in the courtyard on the ground with broken limbs.

Keleltrya ran over to Casjunil to heal his wounds before turning to Arabellar and saying “My lady what do you think happened to your husband’s fine steed?” Arabellar was suddenly scared before replying “I do not know. I sense that my children and my husband may be in danger. But my senses are clouded do you know what is happening Princess Keleltrya?” the princess shook her head as she received a terrible physic blast from Xendrea and as her legs buckled underneath her Becklas grabbed hold of her and said in her silky voice “My lady are you alright?” Keleltrya shook her head and said “Beranses, Archesaur and Vemansa have been taken prisoner, Your children are in danger as well they are losing the fight with Cramalioa”.

Arabellar looked shocked as she fell to her knees and tears began to fall down her cheeks as she wept. Keleltrya knelt down beside her and said “Arabellar do not worry, I can foresee far in the future that we will rescue them all and that the land will be free again”. Becklas helped Arabellar to her feet and said quietly as if to herself “My life will be indebted to Rema”. She then drew her sword and dug it into the ground before chanting a strange and eerie sound, which Keleltrya had never heard before. Becklas looked up to the sky and then a bolt of lightening came down, she grabbed her sword and she was transformed into a powerful Elven warrior called upon in times of need called Tel’raa.

Meanwhile in a distant and forgotten part of the island a sorceress called Dontrya and a warrior from her tribe called Aslehra were discussing the future of the land when they heard the chant of the forgotten warrior Tel’raa. Dontrya turned to Aslehra and said quietly “We must head for the Jasmine Castle. I sense that that is where the Guardian’s of the Light reside, they will be able to stop the Darkness that I can feel creeping across this land”. Aslehra looked at her oldest friend before replying “If you think that we can do anything to help Dontrya. But it may also be in vain. What if we are more of a hindrance then a help”. Dontrya closed her eyes and said “My friend we must trust our instincts and let them guide us. I will go to the Jasmine Castle it’s your choice if you would like to accompany me I will not force you”. Aslehra laughed loudly and replied “Of course I will come with you my friend, I wouldn’t let you have all the fun would I?”

They then left Dontrya’s hut and mounted their palomino horses and rode off to the Jasmine Castle. Tel’raa transformed back into Becklas and collapsed to the floor before hauling herself to her knee’s and looking at Keleltrya saying “Mistress I am sorry. I should of told you about the Elven warrior that in times of needs can be called upon to help normal warriors like me to face evil and Darkness”. Keleltrya looked at her and said “My friend, it is fine at least we now have a warrior who can help us”.

Dontrya and Aslehra neared the Jasmine Castle when they saw several soldier’s moving towards their position so Dontrya rode carefully closer to the soldier’s before saying “I am Dontrya, a sorceress I work for the Light this is a warrior from my tribe and one of my closest friends Aslehra. We would like an audience with King Rema” the soldier looked up at her before replying “You may not see King Rema he has been captured but you may see Queen Arabellar she may be glad of your assistance”. So the soldier led Dontrya and Aslehra into the courtyard where they dismounted and curtsied before Arabellar.

Dontrya looked at Arabellar and said “Queen Arabellar, I pledge myself to the cause of fighting the Darkness and would like to be part of the Guardian’s of the Light as would my friend Aslehra”. Arabellar slowly nodded her head, as she looked out of the courtyard and told the soldier’s to close the door’s. As the soldier’s started to close the door’s Abser and Amser were thrown into the doors unconscious.

Arabellar ran over to them and felt their pulses then ordered them to be taken to their rooms, she then vowed to herself to stop the Darkness and rescue her husband just as a brilliant light streamed across the sky.

Children of the Light

The Triumph of the Guardians

Part 1: The Darkness

The light that streamed across the sky signified the coming of trouble, as a cold wind blew through the land Arabellar shivered and then told everybody even the soldier’s to make their way into the castle.

Dontrya looked at Arabellar before saying “My queen may I speak?” Arabellar looked at her with weariness in her eyes before saying “Yes please do, do you have anything to tell me?” Dontrya looked at the ground and breathed softly before replying “My queen I sense a darkness sweeping over this land, I feel it in my bones and I see it every where else. Ask Princess Keleltrya and ask her what she sees”.

Arabellar nodded her head as she turned and walked into the hall and then asked a cook to prepare a meal for her. Meanwhile in Hadosi’s cave Rema, Archesaur and Qwearn where all chained to a wall, their mouths gagged as a minion of Hadosi tortured them the minion then left them to recover from their wounds.

Rema was in agony and could only imagine what his other two friends were going through when he sensed a brilliant blaze of light streaking towards him and enveloping him. He knew what this light meant it was the soul of Abanderwe, and he could feel his power growing and soon it would transform him into a powerful being.

Archesaur tried to free himself from his binding’s when he saw Rema being enveloped but could not so he finally managed to spit out his gag to shout to a groggy Qwearn “Qwearn your master is in danger help him”. Qwearn quickly cleared his head and with all his power he transformed into Vemansa broke free of the chains and roared with a fierce anger, which shook the cave.

When he had transformed he suddenly felt the presence of his Master’s best friend Abanderwe and realised that this white light must be his soul come to bestow his powers onto Rema. He ran over to the chains holding his master to the wall and ripped them off and slowly lowered him to the ground while the light still enveloped him.

He then walked over to Archesaur and broke his chains before saying, “This white light is the soul of Abanderwe he is helping Rema, I think we should let the light go on to it stops” Archesaur nodded and then looked back over at Rema.

Rema felt a strange peace wash over him as Abanderwe in a ghostly voice said to him “Rema my old friend, you must stop the darkness in this land. If you don’t then my death may well be in vain and I know you would not want that to happen”. Rema shook his head before replying “My friend I will do all that I can to keep this land free from Darkness, but I cannot do it alone”. Abanderwe laughed loudly and said “My friend you are not alone, You have a whole group that are willing to help you. Just look at Qwearn and Archesaur and do not forget Arabellar, Abser and Amser”. Rema nodded his head as he felt a sense of peace smother him like a warm blanket.

The light left Rema and he looked at Vemansa before saying, “We must all get out of here, Vemansa you bring up the rear we will need your strength if we do get attacked from behind”. Rema then used the power that Abanderwe had given him and transformed into a powerful being known as Hyajumas, he then drew a long sword and led the way out of the dungeon.

Hadosi laughed as he knew that he had a few of the Guardians of the Light locked up, so he turned to Wretre saying quietly “Do you think we can trust Hor’Ra again my servant?” Wretre nodded his head then stopped as he sensed an unnerving presence.

Hyajumas crept slowly into Hadosi’s throne room and as the creature known as Wretre cocked his head Hyajumas leapt out and struck the creature across the face with his sword before spinning round and dug it deep into the creatures back making him roar with agony. Hadosi looked on with a bubbling fury rising up in him before crying out with all the hate that he had inside him before crossing his arms chanting a dark magic spell and transforming into a powerful creature known as Grenama.

Hyajumas eyed the creature carefully before saying to Vemansa and Archesaur “Quickly go back to the Castle tell them to build up the defenses and be ready for my arrival”. Then with a sense of urgency in his voice he said, “GO, Now, quickly”. Vemansa and Archesaur quickly hurried out and Vemansa took flight with Archesaur riding atop his back, to the Castle.

Grenama growled with anger as Hyajumas turned back to face him. Grenama stood up and drew a sword from inside his back and looked at Hyajumas before leaping with such ferocity that when he landed on Hyajumas he landed heavily on the stone floor making him roar in agony.

Hyajumas kicked the creature off him before taking his right hand and putting on the ground he leapt up and spinning round he faced the creature before striking several rocks and making them fall down on Grenama.

Hyajumas wiped his hand across his face to get rid of the blood before picking up his sword and slowly walking towards the rocks.

Grenama groaned loudly and threw the rocks off him then slowly got up and faced Hyajumas saying angrily “You cannot defeat me, you do not have the power too”. Hyajumas stared at Grenama spinning his sword in his hand before replying “Maybe I can’t but if I do then it will not be today”. He then swung his sword at Grenama and it dug deep into his shoulder making him collapse onto the floor screaming in pain.

Hyajumas walked over to him pulled his sword out of Grenama’s shoulder making him roar in agony, Hyajumas kicked him in the head then walked out of the cave. Hyajumas grew wings and taking flight he sped off to the castle, in the darkest depths of Kilas a new being was awakening his name was Fennux he felt the presence of his ally Tel’raa had awakened and knew that he must go to her side.

Fennux stretched his arms and then launched himself through Kilas’s core and went to Jasmine Castle where he sensed that Tel’raa was. Becklas was pacing uneasily in her room when she sensed a being watching her so she drew her sword and transformed into Tel’raa. She leapt out of her window and down to the ground the being disappeared as Vemansa and Archesaur landed in the courtyard with deep scars all over their bodies.

Vemansa turned to Tel’raa and said “Go and get Queen Arabellar and bring Princess Keleltrya as well.” Tel’raa changed back into Becklas before nodding her head and disappearing into the castle.

Hyajumas flew to the castle when he saw Zvendrea standing on the ground laughing so he landed on the ground behind her and said, “What are you laughing at witch?” Zvendrea drew her sword and said quietly “The light will soon be gone from this land, you can sense it and so can I” she then spun round and sliced Hyajumas across the chest before disappearing.

Hyajumas roared with anger and then launched himself into the air back to Jasmine Castle. Archesaur and Qwearn were resting in bed when Hyajumas landed in the courtyard and transformed back into Rema before going to see Arabellar and saying “How are Qwearn and Archesaur?” Arabellar replied “Qwearn is on the mend but Archesaur is still ill, he took a beating at the hands of your tormentors”, Rema looked despaired but then said “Take me to him” so Arabellar led Rema to the room where Archesaur was recuperating.

Rema knelt down beside Archesaur’s bed and said softly to him “My friend we will help you get better and then you can destroy Huodsa and go back to your land and be a hero”, Archesaur laughed painfully saying wittily “If I live that long my old friend”. Rema turned away and then walked out of the chamber and went up to his study where he sat down at his table.

Becklas was still outside on one of the walls listening for any more of the strange presence that she sensed when she suddenly got knocked off the wall and fell onto the floor her back twisting in unnatural positions, she got out her sword and turned into Tel’raa. She then hissed in elvish and shouted “Show yourself foul creature”. Fennux appeared and said “Tel’raa, stop it is me Fennux. I am bound to you by an ancient spell. When you returned from your bindings I was also summoned to come to your aid”. Tel’raa looked at Fennux warily before saying “I don’t know what to believe but if you say you want to help me then I will believe you, I was cast into darkness for so long I don’t know what to think any more. I only know that I was summoned here by an Elven warrior to protect this land from Dark and defend it I shall”.

She then turned away from Fennux and went into the castle, Fennux disappeared and as he disappeared he said “Whenever you need me, call my name and I will be there with you in an instant. I will always remain by your side”. Tel’raa turned back into Becklas and went to see Princess Keleltrya, as she entered the Princess’s room she said “My lady, I need your help. I awoke a being called Fennux when I brought Tel’raa back to life” Keleltrya turned to her and said “Becklas, I know of Fennux he was once a proud warrior who destroyed the evil of our forefathers. But there was one flaw he had, he was tied to the warrior known as Tel’raa, when Tel’raa was banished to the netherworld Fennux went down to the earth’s crust to sleep until the time would be when Tel’raa was awakened and Fennux could rise again”. Becklas sat on the floor to think about this then turned to Keleltrya and said “Maybe I should meet Fennux and talk to him” Keleltrya nodded her head slowly as Becklas left the room.

Becklas went out into the courtyard and asked a servant for a horse, when it was brought out she mounted it and rode off into the forest searching for Fennux.

Becklas scanned the tree’s for Fennux and sensed a strange presence so she drew her sword and changed into Tel’raa. She then got down from the horse and whispered to it “Stay here I won’t be long” the horse whinnied uneasily and pawed the ground. Becklas drew her sword and transformed into Tel’raa she then heard a creaking noise behind her as a solider sent by Hadosi lunged out at her.

Tel’raa ducked underneath the first blow and spun round drawing her sword and stabbing it into the soldiers back as it roared out in agony. Meanwhile Fennux was in the forest when he sensed that Tel’raa needed his help so he grabbed a vine from the tree that he was sitting in and swung to Tel’raa’s aid.

Fennux saw the soldier and shouted too Tel’raa “Tel’raa my friend, watch out there is another soldier behind you”. Heeding this advice Tel’raa swung her sword in an arc and caught the second soldier in the stomach she then kicked his kneecaps and smiled when she heard a distinctive cracking of the soldiers knee caps breaking as he fell to the floor.

Tel’raa swung round as the first soldier got up with the knife sticking out of his back he laughed insanely and lunged at Tel’raa just as Fennux leapt in front of Tel’raa and sliced the soldier into two.

Tel’raa turned to Fennux and said “My friend you should not be here” Fennux looked quizzically at Tel’raa saying “Why not Tel’raa?” Tel’raa started walking away from Fennux as a large ear splitting roar came out from beneath the feet of Fennux to devour him. Tel’raa looked back at Fennux saying quietly “That is why Fennux”.

Tel’raa lunged at the beast that was pulling Fennux down and struck deep into the beasts deep core before Fennux managed to struggle free and fired several arrows into the beasts mouth.

Tel’raa helped Fennux off the forest floor and said “Maybe we should go somewhere and talk my friend” Fennux nodded his head slowly as Tel’raa whistled for her horse and it came bounding towards them both. Tel’raa mounted Mist and held out her hand for Fennux to jump on behind her as they rode back to Jasmine Castle.

Rema was in his study looking at his books and studying his maps when he heard a loud rap on his door he jerked his head up and said in a booming voice “Come in”. Abser came in quickly and said “Father you must come. Archesaur is asking for you and I fear that he is near death”. Rema got up and ran to the room of Archesaur and said to him “My friend are you alright?” Archesaur with his yellow cat-like eyes looked at Rema and said “My friend I fear that I will not be able to last much longer, I cannot fight this darkness and my strength goes away from me”. Rema took Archesaur’s hand and held it for few seconds before saying “Archesaur, you will survive because if you don’t live then I will not be able to defeat all of the darkness in this land”. Archesaur shook his head and closed his eyes to sleep as Rema left the room and went back to his study to think.

Meanwhile in the darkness of his cave Hadosi was bringing about the destruction of the Light from the land by raising up Antonius Lord of the vampires and his mistress Princess Julenka. He muttered an incantation and Antonius rose up and said, “Who dares disturb my slumber?” Hadosi bowed before Antonius and said quietly “My Lord Antonius I disturbed your slumber to request your help to destroy the light in this land” Antonius chuckled softly and led his queen over to Hadosi’s throne before saying “Well I could but there is a price for my help. Isn’t there my love?” Julenka nodded her head and said in her light and airy voice “There is indeed Antonius, Hadosi come over here and look into my eyes” Hadosi warily walked over to Julenka before staring into her eyes and being hypnotized by her.

Julenka looked at her Lord and said “He is under you can make him do as you wish”. Antonius walked over to Julenka and kissed her lips softly before turning his attention to Hadosi and saying “You will relinquish your control over to me, and you will be my second in command. When my lady clicks her fingers you will do as I command but remember nothing of our conversations” Hadosi nodded his head as Julenka clicked her fingers and Hadosi dropped to the floor.

Antonius smiled at Julenka and took her in his arms and held her before kissing her lips softly and stroking her hair. Meanwhile in Jasmine Castle Rema felt a dark presence washing over the land and he felt like he knew this presence so he turned into Hyajumas and leapt out of the window and landed on the courtyard floor and shouted for Casjunil who rode out in front of Hyajumas.

Hyajumas took out his sword and pointed it at Casjunil and infused him with the power that Abanderwe had given him and he changed Casjunil into Horzus who roared as Hyajumas leapt onto the back of him.

Horzus looked round at Hyajumas and said, “Where are we going my friend?” Hyajumas looked uneasy and said “We are going to Hadosi’s cave because I sense a great and powerful evil there and I have sensed it before once many years ago”. Horzus continued to run to Hadosi’s cave when he saw a young woman standing by the road and he collapsed on the floor as a hidden rope tripped him. Hyajumas tumbled off of Horzus and rolled onto the ground before leaping up with his sword drawn. Julenka looked at Hyajumas saying softly “Stop I mean u no harm. I just wish to talk”. Hyajumas put his sword back in it’s sheath before saying “Who are you milady?” Julenka played girlishly with her hair before saying, “I am Princess Julenka, Mistress to Lord Antonius of Greda” Hyajumas immediately drew his sword as he said “You know Antonius, do you know what he did to the people of Greda? He pillaged their villages and cut their throats before drinking their blood and taking their money. Antonius has no honour”. Julenka laughed lightly and then said, “Yes, he told me I was one of those people I am from Greda and he spared me because he loved me. He only killed those people because I told him to because my family would not have let me marry a vampire otherwise”. Hyajumas looked puzzled “Antonius is a Vampire, that surprises me but then again it is not a shock. He has the foul stench of a vampire and he will die by my blade just like you shall now”.

Hyajumas lunged at Julenka and slashed her across the stomach before kicking her in the small of the back making her collapse to the ground in pain. Hyajumas spun round as Julenka got up and said angrily “You will never defeat my Lord he will destroy you and he will rule this land”.

Julenka stared at Hyajumas before spinning round and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Antonius was sitting on Hadosi’s throne when Julenka appeared before him and said “My love I met a being called Hyajumas and I got the feeling that he knew you because he spoke of the destruction of Greda”. Antonius put his chin on his hand and said “There are only a handful of people who knew about that, and out of all of those people only 1 could have really known and he is called Rema”. Antonius stood up and pulled Julenka close to him and kissed her lips softly and smelled her beautiful aroma before going down into the depths of the cave to find Hadosi.

Hyajumas rode towards Hadosi’s cave and saw that Wretre was standing in his path so Hyajumas drew his sword and said angrily, “Stand away Wretre I do not want to harm you. I just want to talk to your master”, Wretre snarled at him and said “You may not talk to Hadosi, he is no longer the master of evil. I serve Lord Antonius of Greda now” he then drew his sword and lunged at Hyajumas who over him and dug his silver sword deep into Wretre’s back.

Wretre howled with anger as he collapsed on the floor as Hyajumas came over to him and grabbed his fur and pushed his face down onto the hard earth and struck his back with the butt of his sword. He then kicked his head as he walked into the cave.

Antonius was sitting on his throne when Hyajumas walked in; he stood up and said, “Well, well, well Rema how are you my old friend?” Hyajumas changed back to Rema before saying with anger in his voice “You know how I am. You destroyed the place that I called home and I swore that I would get revenge for that”. Antonius laughed softly and putting his hands behind his back he said “Well sometimes need’s must. You have met Julenka and you know that she said she would never be able to marry a vampire”. Rema spat on the ground before saying “You poisoned her mind, you are trying to make her believe what only you say”. Antonius laughed evilly and then said “Your right Rema but she will still stay by my side because we were destined to be together”. Rema drew his sword ready to strike Antonius when Julenka came up and said to Antonius “Hadosi is waiting for you my love” she then turned towards Rema and said “You will leave this place now King Rema or you will face my wrath”. Rema turned away from Julenka and walked out of the cave and mounted Horzus and rode back to Jasmine Castle.

Julenka turned to face Antonius and said quietly “My love we cannot hold out against Rema for long”, Antonius shushed her as he went down into the cave and started work on a bodyguard for his queen, which would protect her.

Rema rode back to the castle still under the spell of Julenka when Horzus spoke and said, “Rema are you alright?” Rema shook his head out his daze and said, “What’s happened where are we?” Horzus replied “Do you not remember anything?” Rema shook his head as he tried to remember that few minutes before saying “No old friend it is just a haze of images, which I cannot recall. I think that Julenka must have hypnotised me to make me leave the cave and come back to the castle”. Rema shook his head and then rode back to Jasmine Castle.

Arabellar, Amser and Abser were sitting in the banquet hall when Amser said to her mother “Mother I fear for our fathers life I sense something deeply wrong with him” Arabellar looked at her daughter and said quietly “Do you know what is wrong with him Amser?” Amser shook her head before saying, “No I cannot see into his mind it’s so clouded and it is difficult to see”. Abser said out loud, “We will have to keep our eye on him, he may be under a spell that Hadosi put on him” Arabellar and Amser nodded their heads in agreement.

Rema rode back in the courtyard and dismounted Horzus and said to a servant “Please take good care of Horzus for me” he then went into the castle and went up to his study. Rema got out his map book and started to draw a detailed replica of his map to give to Julenka when he next received orders from her.

Amser sensed that her father was being overpowered by a stronger force in his mind and tried to help him combat the strange force so that he could go back to his own self, Rema rejected her and Amser fell backwards onto the banquet hall floor.

Abser ran over to help his sister up and said “Amser, are you alright?” Amser nodded her head and said “Father’s mind has been overpowered by a strong physic force, I cannot break through it” Arabellar looked shocked before saying, “Well what can we do to relinquish the control that this person has over him?” Amser shook her head and said “I do not know mother, it will take a being even more powerful then anybody here is to break the hold that this person has over our father”. Arabellar looked shocked as she said “Well we must find that person and bring them here to help us win the battle for your fathers mind”. Abser stood up and ran out into the courtyard and called for a horse to be brought to him.

Abser leapt up onto his horse and rode out of the courtyard to find a warrior or sorceress powerful enough to help his father defeat the mind control that was ailing him. In a deep dark part of a forest a demon princess called Jestrya was meditating in her hut when she saw a vision of a young warrior from Jasmine Castle coming to find her. Her eyes flew open as she called for her daemon a unicorn called Tori “Tori I must ask something of you my beauty. I must ask you to find a young Prince by the name of Abser and bring him here to me”, Tori nodded her head and said in a sing song voice “Yes Jestrya I will go now and find him for you” with that she galloped off to find Abser.

Abser rode his horse when he saw a unicorn riding across the plains towards him, he pulled his horse back and changed into Bemanded before drawing his sword and staring at the unicorn. Tori looked warily at the human before saying “My mistress wishes to seek an audience with you” Bemanded changed back into Abser and followed Tori to where Jestrya was waiting for him.

Jestrya looked up at Abser as he entered and she said in a quiet voice “Welcome young prince, I have been waiting for you, you want to know if there is anything that you can do to stop the darkness from sweeping over this land do you not?” Abser looked at Jestrya warily before saying “Yes I do. So please tell me, is there anything that I can do to stop the darkness?” Jestrya looked into her herbal tea that she was drinking before replying slowly “No there is nothing, the Darkness must fall on this land and then the Light must rise up and destroy the light and then the cycle will be complete. Be patient young Prince and everything will become alright eventually” Jestrya went silent as she looked into her tea as if trying to gain insight from it and when Abser knew he was not going to get anything more from her he stood up and left her hut.

Meanwhile high up on a cliff a warrior Queen known as Blessing was looking out across the land sensing the darkness that was creeping across it and also sensing the many battles that were being fought. Blessing has dark emerald green eyes which are enchanting almost hypnotic. She is tall and graceful with long blackish wavy hair that cascades down her face and falls just over her right breast one strand of her hair is woven into a red braid. She has an air of grace and regality about her and she has dark brown almost chocolate like skin. She sensed also that one of her friends from many moons ago was deeply troubled so she morphed into an eagle and took flight to the Jasmine Castle to try and help Rema overcome the darkness that was absorbing his mind.

Blessing was then attacked by a powerful demon known as Zalaba and Blessing was knocked out of the sky and spiralled down to the ground as she transformed back into her Elven form and hissed angrily in Elvish. She then muttered a magic spell and started to glow an unearthly colour. Her hair transformed into a snowy white and she hissed as her eyes turned from their normal colour into a pitch black colour and turned to the beast and said, “I am Queen Blessing…I am not afraid of you!” She then leaped up and kicked the beast in the face before muttering “Koron en' naur” and a fireball left her hand and hit the demon in the back as he exploded and his guts flew everywhere apart from onto Blessing as she was shielded.

She then transformed back into an eagle and continued on her journey back to the Jasmine Castle. Meanwhile in Hadosi’s underground cave Antonius had finally finished creating Yualea the beast with an elephant like head and a bear like body which would protect Julenka from the Guardians. He then turned to Yualea and said “Rise my servant…it will be your task to take care of Julenka and make sure that no harm comes to her” the beast growled as it spoke it’s first words carefully “Yessss my masster” Yualea then trumpeted.

Blessing landed in the courtyard of the Jasmine Palace and said to the guards “Take me to Rema…he is in terrible danger” the guards looked at once another before nodding their heads and taking Blessing to see Rema who was sitting at his desk writing. One of the guards knocked on the door and Rema said absent-mindedly and almost sharply “Yes, Yes come in” and Blessing entered the room her emerald green gown flowing out behind her and her piercing green eyes taking in everything.

Rema looked up and saw Blessing and stared at her for a few moments before saying “Hello Bless and what can I do for you?” Blessing looked at Rema before saying “Don’t fool me Rema.. I know you have been over powered by an evil force.” An evil grin spread across Rema’s face as he picked up his sword and he said “Your right there Blessing and now you will have to DIE.” Rema growled as he transformed into Hyajumas and Blessing spun around and transformed into her powerful Elven form. She muttered a spell “Pelekta yassen runya” which sent a fire strike at Hyajumas and sent him flying out of the window as he then landed flat on his back on the hard courtyard floor.

Blessing leapt out of the window and muttered “khelek hurro'.” Down came hundreds of hailstones, which hit Hyajumas making him hiss in agony as he battled up to his feet and stared at Blessing saying sarcastically, “You have made a mistake…your Highness.” He then leapt at her and struck her across the face with the butt of his sword and then spun around and smacked her in the back with his fist.

Blessing howled in agony as Abser, Amser and Arabellar came running out of the castle. Blessing looked at them and shouted, “Stay Back…Your Father has been overpowered I must handle him on my…” But she was cut off as Hyajumas kicked her legs out from under her and she fell to the ground. Hyajumas then kicked Blessing in the stomach making her fly back into the castle wall as he roared, “You will NEVER DEFEAT ME” Horzus leapt at Hyajumas saying “My friend what are you!” Before Horzus could finish Hyajumas had thrown him into the castle wall and let out a long wicked laugh as Keleltrya ran out into the courtyard and towards Hyajumas saying “My Lord please listen to rea..” She was also cut off as Hyajumas roared at her and swung his sword around in an arc and sliced off Keletrya’s head and it rolled along the floor. The expression on the face a look of shock as Hyajumas’s panted and looked around at the devastation he had caused but before he could walk towards his family Blessing leapt up and shouted “Neuma en' templa” Making Hyajumas unable to move as Blessing walked over to him and said “Your evilness ends here and NOW…I will free you from the Darkness that has polluted your mind” she then turned to his family and said “Please form a circle around your father…I will need all the help I can get” as Arabellar, Abser and Amser surrounded Hyajumas he roared and spat at them but it just rebounded off the shield and landed on the ground Blessing then stood beside Arabellar and Amser and chanted “Tanka harwar” repeatedly and Hyajumas roared as the Darkness that had enveloped his soul began to leave him and he collapsed to the floor transforming back into Rema.

to be continued



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