MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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A Jynx In The Tale

16:04 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 626

Chapter Nine

As Jynx stood up she walked over to Grim and hugged him tightly, Grimmau sighed and stroked her hair before saying softly “Its fine Jynx, it was a long time ago” Jynx pulled away and nodded her head never taking her eyes from Grimmau before she suddenly asked “I thought that Sita was your Beta….but I saw you talking to Zane” Grimmau studied her for a few seconds before replying “It’s complicated…but Zane has always been my Second….as you saw….Sita was the leader of the other wolf pack….we tried to bring the packs together but it never worked….so we run two separate packs and Zane is my Beta” Jynx looked at him with a look of confusion before running a hand through her hair.

Grimmau stood up saying to her “I’m gonna go check on the club, you can stay here and get freshened up and I’ll be back soon ok?” Jynx nodded as Grimmau grabbed his jacket and left the house, she walked up the stairs to find a bathroom, she opened the first door she came too and found a room filled with pictures of people that Grimmau had obviously known over the years, she felt like she was getting to see a new side of him as she ran her hands over some of the pictures.

She left the room and opened up another door to find herself in a luxurious bathroom, it was a pale crème with dashes of black, she stripped herself naked as she got into the shower turning it on the hot water rushing over her body as she sighed softly. As she turned around she saw a figure in the bathroom, she let out a small cry before the figure turned around as she saw Atreyu standing in the middle of the bathroom, she yelled at him “What the fuck are you doing in here you pervert?” Atreyu blushed a scarlet red taking a few steps back before averting his eyes as he replied “Oh dammit…..I’m really sorry, I wasn’t here to perv on you in the shower, I just came to check on you and make sure you were alright” Jynx glared at him before shouting “Well you can see I’m fine…..go downstairs and wait for me” Atreyu nodded before fleeing downstairs as Jynx sighed and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her drying off her hair and putting on her clothes heading downstairs to the living room where she saw Atreyu hovering in mid air with his legs crossed as though he was meditating.

Jynx cleared her throat as Atreyu lowered himself to the floor and turned to face her with a boyish grin on his face as he said “Well I must say you have a fantastic pair of breasts Jynx” Jynx growled softly before grabbing his throat and slamming him against a wall saying angrily “What….do….you…WANT?” Atreyu gasped as he replied “Sigdren just sent me to check up on you, it seems that forces are starting to move, Sigdren and the rest of the Fae are getting antsy and so I was sent to make sure you were safe” Jynx released him replying “Well of course I’m safe, it’s not like anyone knows I’m here….apart from you, Grim and Zane” Atreyu nodded his head as he shivered slightly.

He was shivering just like many other magical creatures all over the world were because on a small island which had once been guarded by a dragon, before it had fled, lived the oldest and most dangerous of vampires. A gnarled hand broke through the soil, it was decaying and bony, the skeleton let out a roar of triumph before looking around him saying in Romanian “Se simte bine sa fie de acolo” he called to the darkness which came to him and surrounded him as a bolt of lightning struck the ground next to his feet, the world now knew of his return the return of the dangerous and psychotic Vlad the Impaler.

Atreyu looked at Jynx trying to mask the concern that was awash on his face as she said softly “What…..what is it?” Atreyu shook his head saying “Don’t worry I need to go and see Sigdren, you should be fine ‘til Grimmau comes back” with that he flew from the house to go to the fairy court.

Jynx sighed softly knowing that there was more then was being said to her, she grabbed her leather jacket from the chair and left the house, she wanted to get some fresh air, she wandered down into the town, the shops were hustling and bustling with trade. She saw Xander standing outside one of the shops smoking a cigarette, she was about to call out to him when she saw he was with another girl, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Anger flared deep within her, which was unusual for her she normally kept a good hold on her temper.

She looked upwards and saw or thought she saw Mime, she growled again before slipping down the alleyway and climbing up the ladder to reach the roof where she said harshly “What are you doing here Mime?” he spun around, his eyes fixed on her as he hissed almost savagely “What business is it of yours girl….you said you no longer wanted anything to do with me” Jynx looked crestfallen at the vampire that she had called her father for so many years could just callously toss her aside as she said in a softer voice “I never said that papa, I just….there are too many secrets and too many different loyalties for me to truly know where everyone is trying to lead me” Mime took a step towards her knowing he had been to harsh as he said softly “I know Jynxie, everything is different now, none of us are safe there is something coming….well perhaps a lot of things but we shall handle them just like we always…” before he could finish a lightning bolt struck Mime sending him flying from the roof as a figure settled down, he was swathed in fine clothes of red and black, his nails were sharp and almost dagger like, his hair was a slick oily black colour and his skin was deathly pale with eyes that looked dead, and seemed to be mere slits.

The vampire turned towards Jynx saying in stilted English “Ahh, you are the one that I have heard so much about” he let out a soft low chuckle before continuing “You may have heard of me….I am Vlad the Impaler….otherwise known as Dracula” Jynx stepped back suddenly scared as she replied “But…..but your just a fairy tale?” Vlad chuckled saying “Ahh and who told you that?” Mime leapt back up onto the roof snarling “I did….the real Vlad can’t come back there is meant to be a dragon safe guarding his bones” Vlad chuckled again saying “Ahhh yes…..that dragon I sent him away to a different island, in a monastery tomb on Lake Sangov, on which are buried animal bones but alas he has long since disappeared to where I don’t know or neither do I care” Vlad looked at Mime before snorting “Are you what passes for a creature of the undead nowadays….I must say I am disappointed” Mime leapt at Vlad who merely swatted him away sending him flying into a chimney breast as Vlad shook his head and leapt into the sky flying off.

Jynx ran over to Mime and helped him up as he growled softly “Damn him….damn him to hell, everyone thought he was gonna stay dead but apparently not, I never thought I’d say this but I need to go and see Kristoph and Renette and get their help” Jynx looked at him aghast saying “But, you know what happened last time you tried to talk to them you just all ended up fighting” Mime nodded before taking out his cell phone and dialling Kristoph’s number.

Kristoph was sitting on a chair, his left hand dangled over the side as Renette was gently suckling from him as his cell phone rang, he sighed with exasperation as he said softly “Renny be a dear and get that for me would you?” Renette licked her lips purring softly as she said “Of course Sire” she then walked over to the table and picked up his phone saying “It’s Stephen….do you wanna take his call?” Kristoph sighed before nodding his head “Aye I shall” he motioned for her to hand him his phone as he answered it with a clipped “Yes Stephen what do you want?” Mime’s voice was slightly shaky as he said “Vlad’s back Kristoph, we need to meet up” as Kristoph was about to answer a swirling black smoke entered the room making Renette shiver as it brushed against her thighs as the smoke formed into the figure of Vlad, as Kristoph said into the phone “Yeah sure, I’ll ring you back later” he hung up and stood up before walking over to Vlad and kneeling at his feet saying in Romanian “Master it does me good to see you alive again” Vlad let out a soft chuckle as he stroked the side of Kristoph’s face before replying “Ahhh my child it fills my heart to be alive again and I see you have found yourself a little play thing” Renette bowed low to Vlad, her blood red dress billowing out around her as she said reverently “Master, I have heard much about you” Vlad chuckled walking over to her and stroking the side of her face looking into her eyes.

Vlad then turned to Kristoph saying in a soft velvety tone “So I see much has changed since I last trod this earth my child” Kristoph knelt by Vlad’s feet and said reverently “Aye Sire, the world has evolved much and many changes have been brought upon these lands, many people just think of Vampires as belonging in myth” Vlad nodded his head slowly as he motioned to Renette saying “And what of this girl?” Kristoph looked momentarily confused as he said slowly as if not understanding “Uhhh what about her my Lord?” Vlad sighed softly and felt like he was talking to an imbecile as he said “What is this girl to you?” Kristoph said slightly warily “I saved her from being butchered by her father, I think of her as my child, but I also love her” Vlad chortled softly walking towards a window and looking out of it.

Meanwhile Mime growled with anger knowing that by now Vlad must be with Kristoph as he spun around to look at Jynx saying “We’ve lost Kristoph’s aid for now, and I doubt we can rely on Renette either, Kristoph was once Vlad’s most powerful Lieutenant he saw about the burying of his bones and I guess he must have known that one day he would be resurrected” Jynx tried to take all of this information in as suddenly and without missing a beat she found herself catapulted up into the air in Atreyu’s arms as she let out a scream and beat at his chest saying angrily “What the FUCK are you doing you moron?” Atreyu looked slightly taken aback as he said “I thought I was saving you….My apologies” Jynx growled as she replied snappily “PUT me down….I need to talk to Mime, he’s saying that Vlad the Impaler’s back” Atreyu let a look of fear cross his face before he quickly masked it as he landed back on the ground turning to Mime saying in a hushed tone “Is it true….Is Vlad really back?” Mime nodded his head replying “I seek an audience with Sigdren, do you think you can arrange it for me?” Atreyu nodded running and launching himself into the air to go and find Sigdren.

Mime for once started to look old as he let out an extended breathe of air, he then turned to Jynx saying “I want you to be extra careful, I don’t know what Vlad will do, he is one of the most powerful and dangerous vampires around, every vampire living has blood that is descended from his genes. He might well try and bring about a new vampire order I just have no idea…I thought that Vlad would stay dead but apparently not” Mime then turned and walked away from Jynx who shuddered and pulled her jacket tighter around her.

As Atreyu landed in the centre of the Fae village which was hidden in a park Sigdren crossed towards him saying “What’s wrong my son?” Atreyu fisted his hand over his heart as he bowed replying “Father, the vampire Mime would have a parley with you….it seems that the vampire known as Vlad the Impaler has arisen again” Sigdren growled softly and smashed his hand into a tree before replying “I knew we shouldn’t have trusted those vampires to hide his bones, some of our people watched over him for two decades with no sign of him surfacing so I pulled them back thinking the danger had passed but apparently not” he shook his head and then said “Arrange the meeting my son and we shall call for a war cabinet to discuss the plans….and also, find Stephanie I would have her finally meet her father….the werewolf Grimmau” Atreyu nodded and hurried away from Sigdren as he stroked the side of his face with a finger.

He turned and walked into his tent, where he saw a figure shrouded in a white blanket, he knelt down beside it and saying softly “Sarah, are you alright?” a hand slid out from the blanket grabbing Sigdren’s hand before a voice said in a raspy voice “I am father, thank you….for bringing me back” Sigdren kissed the hand of his daughter softly noting how cold it was against his warm skin as he stood up slowly and sat down at his desk.

Atreyu walked over to a young girl of about 14, she had long blonde hair, and pale blue eyes, her skin was the colour of ivory, she turned around and smiled at Atreyu saying softly “Hey there Uncle Atreyu, what’s wrong?” Atreyu always felt calm in Stephanie’s presence as he replied “Nothin’ for you to worry about kiddo, how ya doing?” Stephanie giggled softly and splashed him with some water replying “Yes I’m fine, I cant wait until Grandfather lets me out of here and goes to explore the city. When do you think he will?” Atreyu kissed the top of his niece’s head replying “Well he wants me to take you to go and meet you Father in actual fact Stephie” Stephanie looked up at him and clapped her hands in glee as she stood up brushing down her skirt, which was a pale green colour.

Atreyu pushed past some foliage which led them out into the polluted city, Stephanie coughed quietly as she said softly and timidly “How can anyone bare to live in this place, it’s so dirty and filthy” Atreyu hugged his niece replying “Its merely how the mortals of this world live now….we just have to learn to live with it, come on follow me” Stephanie nodded as she followed Atreyu as they walked down some steps into a bar where a big burly man was shouting orders at people, Stephanie tugged at Atreyu’s sleeve saying in a hushed tone “Is that my papa?” Atreyu followed her gaze nodding as he said softly “Wait here let me go and talk to him first okay” Stephanie nodded as he walked towards Grimmau.

They had a hushed conversation as Stephanie strained to hear what was being said, Grimmau was in the middle of wiping a glass with a dish cloth when he suddenly stopped as Atreyu explained who the young girl was, Grimmau shook his head and stormed away from Atreyu as his shoulders slumped and he walked over to Stephanie “I’m sorry sweetie, I think it’s all just a shock for him at the moment but we’ll come back another time and see him okay” Stephanie looked up at her uncle despondently and hugged him as they walked out of the club.

Meanwhile as Nikki was lying on a balcony cleaning her fingers from some chicken she had just finished eating she sensed a presence she hadn’t felt for a long time as she whispered to herself “Vlad’s back….dammit” she then leapt from the balcony before landing 20 stories down gracefully on her feet as she sent out a mental message to him saying “We need to talk meet me here” before sending him an image of where to meet, she then shifted into her panther form and ran towards the abandoned building to wait.

She shifted back into her human form, the bangs of her hair covering her eyes as she felt a rustling above as Vlad dropped down from the ceiling and smirked at her as he said still in a slightly rough English accent “So….your still alive are you then Nikki? even after what I did to your father” Nikki growled as she extended her claws and slashed at Vlad’s face who dodged and parried her blows, he then kicked her in the chest sending her flying back into some wooden crates as they exploded around her. Vlad walked towards her chuckling “Still haven’t learnt to control that temper either it seems, I recall that’s how you lost your father in the first place” Nikki stood up dusting herself down as she hissed angrily and almost in a yowl “You betrayed me….you said you wouldn’t kill my father and yet you went and did it anyway so what kind of man does that make you?” Vlad’s eyes turned a deep blood red as he hissed “I am not a mere man…I AM A GOD….and you will bow before me you fucking bitch” he grabbed Nikki’s hair and spun her round before letting her go as she flew into a rickety wooden stair case which collapsed down around her.

Nikki crawled her way out of the rubble as she coughed, blood pouring from a wound in her head as she shifted into her panther form and ran at Vlad knocking him to the ground and snapping at his throat whilst clawing at his face and his body, Vlad grabbed her muzzle and threw her off of him as he scrambled to his feet and touched the claw marks on his face as Nikki growled and circled Vlad. Vlad and Nikki both leapt at the same time…Nikki’s claws raked across Vlad’s face as Vlad kicked Nikki in the stomach winding her and sending her flying back into a window pane which led into a security office.

Nikki’s prone body shifted back into her human form, blood was oozing out of many wounds as Vlad walked over to her, he grabbed her wrist and snapped it making her howl in pain as Vlad said in a rough harsh voice “If you ever try and come after me again….I promise you I will kill you, you little whore” Vlad spun around and walked out of the building as Nikki’s vision faded into blackness.

Nikki’s unconscious mind took her back to the day when she was still young, and she had first met Vlad, he had wooed her well and she was smitten with him, after a few months he said that as long as she was with him her father wouldn’t be harmed unlike many of the other families who had suffered raping and pillaging at the hands of Vlad’s armies, she nodded and accepted his offer knowing that as long as her father was safe that was all that mattered.

But one day…she had come home to see her family home burnt to a cinder, and her father’s ashen body stuck on a pole, she sank to the ground letting out an anguished cry as tears streaked down her face as she fled away from the scene to confront Vlad who merely laughed at her and slapped her face telling her to grow up, Nikki grabbed a dagger and stabbed it through Vlad’s hand before she fled the castle running past the soldiers and towards her new life.

Nikki’s eyes fluttered open slowly as she found herself lying in a pool of her own blood, she gasped softly as she rolled onto her back to look up at the ceiling, she then managed to struggle to her feet, she then shuffled towards the door leaning against it to catch her breath before shifting painfully into her panther form and ran back to her apartment.

Meanwhile Vlad flew back into the mansion where Kristoph was letting Renette feed on his wrist, Vlad grabbed Renette roughly and slammed her against a wall as he sank his fangs into her neck as Renette moaned lustfully grinding against Vlad rubbing the bulge in his pants as Vlad chuckled softly whispering into her ear “You’re a tasty little Vampiress aren’t you Renette?” she nodded her head slowly as she looked over her shoulder to see Kristoph looking at both of them.

Vlad then pulled away from Renette as he turned around and looked at Kristoph, “I hope that you have a room ready for me Kristoph” Kristoph rose from his chair and nodded saying “Aye Sire I had the maids prepare a room for you” Vlad clapped his hands together replying “Ahhh that’s excellent news, dearest Renette would you show me to where I will be staying?” Renette curtsied nodding her head looping her arm through Vlad’s as they left the room as Kristoph growled softly.

Vlad felt the raw anger flooding through Kristoph and chuckled softly to himself as he slid a hand onto Renette’s ass and squeezed it gently making her giggle as she kissed his neck opening a door leading him into a room, Vlad kicked the door shut as he looked at Renette saying in a soft but commanding tone “Strip for me child, it has been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure of looking at a girls body” Renette blushed slightly and curtsied again as she slowly undid the buttons on her dress and slid it down over her pale shoulders, Vlad never took his eyes off of her as the dress bunched around her feet as she stepped out, she then said softly “Would you help me with the corset Sire?” Vlad walked towards her and stroked the side of her face kissing her neck and shoulders as he slowly undid the ties on the corset pulling it off of her body. Renette breathed heavily as she felt the hardness of Vlad against her ass without thinking she reached behind her and squeezed it lightly eliciting a slight moan from the ancient Vampire as he reached down and stroked her wet sex lightly nibbling her neck.

As Kristoph heard the moaning and groaning coming from upstairs something inside him snapped as he realised that Vlad was only out for himself, he grabbed his cell phone and dialled Mime as Mime answered Kristoph said “Fine, what do we have to do to rid ourselves of The Impaler, I want him gone and actually dead this….” he looked around and saw Vlad standing there, blood dripping from his fangs as he grabbed the phone from Kristoph’s hand and crushed it in his fist before slamming him against the wall growling “You dare betray me Kristoph, I am YOUR MAKER” Kristoph let out a mirthless laugh replying angrily “The only thing you can make is a hard on” Vlad growled and threw Kristoph across the room sending him into a cabinet making it shatter around him.

Kristoph got to his feet and wiped the blood from his lip as he said “You are no longer welcome in my home….go fuck off and find somewhere else you bastard” Vlad chuckled softly and whistled as Renette glided down the stairs and over to him as she took his hand kissing it softly saying “Yes Sire?” she looked up at him with doe eyes as he replied “It seems we are no longer welcome here darling we shall have to find somewhere else” Kristoph looked aghast as he said savagely “What the hell? She’s staying here with me” Vlad shook his head replying “Nay Kristoph, she has given herself to me and as such she will be joining me as my Queen” with that he formed into mist along with Renette and flew with her away from Kristoph.

Jynx was sitting alone in the corner of a café having a drink, the hot liquid scalded her throat but she didn’t care she was too busy being lost in her thoughts, she sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair as she looked around the café knowing that most of these people were just normal humans and they had no idea what was happening right under their noses.

She didn’t really understand what would happen next and she knew that Mime was shit scared which she had never seen before so Vlad really must be a threat to everything, she finished her coffee pulling her jacket on as she left, but she didn’t realise she was being watched for even now Vlad already had spies watching her and Mime along with everyone that Mime knew, these were Vlad’s cultists “The Dragon Order” they served him centuries ago and they had been resurrected when he had been to serve him loyally once more, the hooded figure’s eyes stared at Jynx with interest, his eyes were mere slits with the mildest hint of red showing through them, he turned around and walked into a shadow transporting himself deep into an underground cavern where a shrine had been built, he fisted his hand as he walked towards the cult leader saying softly “Vigo, the girl Jynx does not seem to be a threat at the moment but I shall carry on watching her just to be sure” Vigo nodded his head slowly replying “That is excellent news Nelea, we shall be ready to strike for our Lord when he commands it” Vigo was completely blind, his eyes mere milky wastelands but no-one could defeat him in combat, he stood up and rested on his staff, as he said softly to himself “The world will once again know the power of the Dragon Cult and fear us all as we sweep through the lands along with our master….the great and feared Vlad the Impaler” he then let out a deep booming ominous laugh which sent a shiver through Nelea’s spine.



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