Meska's Journal

Meska's Journal


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2 entries this month

they did it again

20:01 Apr 23 2008
Times Read: 791

I swear my parents don't really get it. They don't get that I am a adult. Yesterday morning my mother had to go to the hospital and instead of calling when it happened they didn't tell me until around 12 o'clock midnight

I guess they think that just becuase I am the youngest and they BABY that I cant handle it.



15:00 Jul 13 2009

did you voice your thoughts?


What I did in St. Louis

16:52 Apr 17 2008
Times Read: 807

Once we got there at 9am Tuesday morning we ate something that wasn't junk food and took a nap. When we woke up SEVERAL hours later Scott's parents inform us that his sister and her family (which includes an asshole brother inlaw) will be coming over soon when they did instead of us going out to eat which we didnt feel like it we ordered pizza (the niece and brother in-law were not happy becuase thye wanted to go to a resturant). I was not in the mood I had not had a shower and needed a full night rest.

The next day (wednesday) we went to Anheuser-Busch Factory (where my brother in-law works) anyway we went through and had a nice time I bought my mom a stuffed Clysdale horse (she love them) after the tour we went to Steak n Shake (YUM) Robyn and Karrie (inlaws) had to go to pick up there other daughter from school. So that left me, Scott, his mother and father we drove around Arnold, MO where he was raised and they should me the house he lived in, it was interresting. We also visited the Mastadon Park. After tht we went home and relaxed for the night.

Thursday- Decided to go to the St. Louis Park (COOL) well getting to the Merto link train station was not a problem (NOPE) getting a ticket was not a problem (easy as pie). Getting to the Zoo that was a problem. (SCREAM). we were supposed to get off at Forrest park train staion (we did) the station is on the East side of the park the Zoo is on the North side add that to the fact that it was starting to rain (perfect day) anyway Once we got on a Metro bus to take to the Zoo everything was good. (so far). Well as we are getting off the bus at the zoo she tell us that for us to get back to the station we need to get the same bus bus on the North entrance. We say thank you and go enjoy our day at the zoo. Well after a nice wet day at the zoo we go to the North side and catch the bus and start riding it. It goes all the to the end and he tell us that we should have gotten the other bus (GRR). He said no problem that he was gonna go to the bathroom and then change is bus to that bus and take us where we needed to go. We rode almost the entire route including going back to the Zoo. When we saw the me and Scott started to worry Scott said we have been here done that and me being the smart ass that I am I said Got the t-shirt (which we had). We go around the zoo and the back to the train station and then i think ran off the bus. We got home and just stayed there for the night. (I don't want to ride on another city bus for as long as i live).

Friday- We went to the Science Center and Planetarium and that place is so cool I could be there for a week and still not see everything we got to see a star show about the constalations and planets and it like laying outside in the night in a field it was wonderful. after that we went to the St. Louis Arch we were going to go up in it but it was to windy that day they were not letting anyone up (DAMMIT) so we headed home and started cooking for the next day.

Saturday- Since my birthday was the day after we were planning to leave they threw a birthday party/BBQ at Robyn and Karrie's house in Imperial, MO it was ok I got to help make apple salad and baked beans (Before Mrs. Margo moved back up here she would not let me cook in her kitchen They made me a pineapple upsidedown cake for my birthday cake :)

Sunday- Mrs. Margo took me and Scott shopping to Wal-Mart, Shnucks and Aldis. She bought alot of canned foods for us and bought Scott new shoes and new works pants . (she also bought me a new Betty Boop purse which I love). When we got home we loaded everything in the car except what we were going to need in the morning and relaxed.



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