PoeticHeart's Journal

PoeticHeart's Journal


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62 entries this month

21:54 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 598

Hey you guys. Wanted to quickly let you guys that I have to attend my step grandfathers vistation/wake (depending on what part of the country your from), and wont be on for a while.

So just feel free to message me.

Also.... about the whole second chance on love, yeah some things have changed inside my head. Like I said, new information = a better opinon. I think I have reached a descion.




02:24 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 611


I need some help.

Should love be given a second chance.... even when that same love damn near destroyed you before?

Just throwing that out there.



02:29 Nov 30 2010

Love is the most powerful magic that exists and if anything deserves a second chance it's love. There's no need to dive in blindly, of course, but if it feels right and it makes you happy, you can always count on our support ♥

03:50 Nov 30 2010

Lyk he said, do what feels right. :))

love you.


00:58 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 615

You know....

I am so glad that I came back and started talking to you.

♥ ♥ ♥



02:17 Nov 30 2010

Whoever it is is very lucky ^_^


22:56 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 625

Ok so let me say this you guys. Forgiveness is for you and not the other person. I have over the past couple of days acutally found a way to forgive someone who hurt me on quite possible one of the deepest emotional levels there is to be hurt at. (please forgive that humungous run on sentence all you gramar people out there.)

But yeah... like I still feel hurt but at the same time, there is something just so... releasing about just letting stuff go and finding a way to move on. Trust me... its totally worth it. 100%

Anyways, I totally love you guys. Like with all my heart. I thank you again for reading this post and my journal.



23:02 Nov 29 2010

I'm so proud of you ^^

Love you too hun.

23:29 Nov 29 2010

I love you too ^_^


05:18 Nov 28 2010
Times Read: 639

If shit is about to go down....




05:29 Nov 28 2010

let it all out cupcake.


The Fires of Pain and Fire. (Developed in collabration w/ bloodtoashes)

21:31 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 651

They will tear you to pieces.

Blood and body parts everywhere.

They will eat everything, flesh and bone.

Listen to the screams. Filled with pain and terror.

You will never breathe again.

Never see the light of day.

Embarking into eternity, cold and alone.

Their sweet violence is your bitter realease.

But you will be released from this hell into an even worse hell.

More torture, pain, terror.

Is life even worth living?

Ask yourself that question, better to born and die in fear and terror...

Then never to be born at all?

And in Hell, the fire will consume you.

It will purify you, an anastethic for the pain.

Just release yourself, drown in the flames.

And soon you could return to Earth, a new creature.

To rain fire down upon all those that have pursued you.

Everyone will feel the pain that they caused you. Their screams are music to your ears.

Their pain is your entertainment.

They will know how it feels.



22:19 Nov 27 2010


02:39 Nov 28 2010

the more gorier parts were mine. i guess i was in a gory mood at the time we wrote it.


00:51 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 656

I have lost count of the days. I think we might be at day number 5. At the least. I.... I opened myself up like I swore I would never do. And though you said you were busy, and that I never thought of this, I checked my stalking thing, and you have logged on twice today. Surely you couldve squeezed time in there for a quick hello.

So yeah, the more days that pile up, the more my heart begins to sink. Like today... I drowned myself in shopping just trying to get you off my mind... and no matter where I went or what I did, you still lingered in my mind. I wonder if you think about me... the way I think about you. Cause everytime I blink, I think about you.

But despite trying to get a relief from the stress of waiting, I still love you. And I want you to know that.

I just hope you still feel the same way.




14:11 Nov 25 2010
Times Read: 671

If you guys read my journal and are not on my friends this is what the friends I acutally talk to on here are getting. But its to you guys to for reading my journal.




17:12 Nov 25 2010

Happy Thanksgiving PH!


03:36 Nov 25 2010
Times Read: 684


I just wanna curl up and cry.

I mean I NEED to talk to you, and I'm not talking about the one message per day thing i've been getting, I'm talking about the 2-3 hour conversations we used to have. I mean if your incredibly busy just say so.

This is hurting me now and I think it's hurting someone elese. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on.



04:07 Nov 25 2010

reminds me of Justin, we used to talk all the time, then he started replying less and less to the point where we went weeks without talking, even when i can see that he was online he wouldnt reply to my messages. i hope u dont suffer the same fate.


Symphony of Stars

16:01 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 692

We dance,

To the glow of the moonlight.

The stars are watching in awe,

As we twirl and move,

To the rhythm of the universe.

And now the stars fall for us,

A symphony they are.

Streaking the sky like musical notes,

Our symphony of stars.



17:36 Nov 24 2010

The beautiful way that you see the world consistently inspires awe in me, Daniel :)


13:55 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 698

gay love

I had a major awwwww moment when I saw this picture so I just had to post it here.



03:43 Nov 25 2010



05:34 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 700

gay love

I love it!!!




05:15 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 709

I'm so sick of this. This fear. I really try to push it away. But it still lingers.

I live in an area where homosexuality isn't openly embraced. Although it's not as bad as someplaces, homosexuality is still ridiculed.

After today's incident, I'm afraid that the news may spread, which i'm okay with, but I don't wanna bring trouble to myself. My parents don't want the new going around, not because the really care that hey I could be killed, but because of how that would reflect on them. But you know what, I'd rather be killed for who I am, rather than adored for what i'm not.

Live for nothing, or die for something, is my new motto.



05:20 Nov 24 2010

Sweetheart, try being a lesbian in the styx of Mississippi. Black kids were still being lynched when I was in school.

05:25 Nov 24 2010

I could only imagine.

Hate amazes me.


Warning: Rant contained.

22:45 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 738

Ok. I have had a enough of this bullshit.

To all you homophobic hypocrites... uhmmm... allow me be to be politcally correct... Christians I should say. I have had enough. I am so tired of taking a backseat and just keeping my mouth shut. I have done that for too long now.

Like today, this girl introduced herself to me. I did the same, and one of my friends said "He's gay." The girl couldnt believe it. It was like I told her I just escaped prison. I had to tell her that I really was multiple times.

And she rides my bus. Where she commenced to have a very loud conversation with two or three people about how gays will burn in hell and that God destroyed Gorah and Godom... swear she didnt even know the names of the towns so that shows she clearly was being a very large biogot, excuse me politcal issues again, witness of her faith.

Here are some points for you dear.

A) The Bible very explictly, not hidden in meataphor, comes out and plainly tells us, in Leviticus for example, to kill people, which contradicts the Ten commandments.

B) The Bible also says slavery is right.

C) There are many other things I will throw into one big point- Ever eaten shellfish? Your declared an abomintion and are going to Hell to burn with me for enternity. Have clothes of more than one type of thread? Same as shellfish my dear. Oh and what about John 3:16. Yeah you conviently forgot that one my dear. Oh oh or Romans 7:4. Check that one out. Or what about "We are saved by grace, through faith, not by works, lest any man should boast". You even left that one out.

My opinon..... EPIC FAIL!!!

But hey... my opinon never really accouted for much so who cares right?



22:53 Nov 23 2010

I hate people that are like that. So brainwashed, so no brains to begin with.

22:55 Nov 23 2010

My opinon exactley.

23:25 Nov 23 2010

That's why I'm a Satanist, simply put.

00:08 Nov 24 2010

Don't worry about it dear.

If the is a god, you of all ppl would be way far ahead on the list to go to heaven, then any of those judmental hypocrites. I love you btw best friend :))

00:12 Nov 24 2010

i wanna make a sticker that says

the more people i know the more i like my rats!

00:50 Nov 24 2010

Poet I love you just the way you are and I wouldnt want you to change anything about yourself. We have already talked about this, but so everyone else will know not all Christians are like that. Some of us dont judge people for who or what they are.

On another note..... come post in the coven, I miss you and they way you make the threads fun to be in.


01:42 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 745

Once again....

Cynical people just keep amazing me.

My heart knows how it feels and no one can convince me otherwise.



03:02 Nov 23 2010

Your tell em' cupcake :))


22:28 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 754

-And not everyone carries the same message.... not every painter uses the same brush. And the only way our worlds can end... is if we stop believeing in the dream.-

The above is just something I wrote by the seat of my pants just now. I really like it. I hope you do too.

Anyways, my day has been sooo boring. I hope tommorw gets better.

Word from the wise.... never EVER read puritan liteature. It is the most boring shit you will ever put yourself through.

- And even if I cant hold your hand today.... I will wait. Even if I have to wait until the world burns around me... still I will wait-

Gosh I am feeling so creative and poetic today. I didnt know I had it in me right now.

Oh my gosh guys I have to tell you something. Today as we were going to our first period class me, Courtney, and Kara got stuck in this big "traffic" jam of people. I was behind Courtney and I was getting pushed from behind so I was being pushed into Courtney. In the middle of all these people she has the nerve to say "Daniel... stop ramming my ass!"

I about died. Yup. Right there.

And Franki.... Chapter 3, section 2, paragraph 3 hasnt changed. I still have to worry about you wether you want me to or not.

Drew.... I still have questions about that picture. (its an inside joke you guys).

I am trying to write a lot today. What to say....

Happy thanksgiving (again) you guys.

Ok I am tired of writinig for one day.

Love you guys!



22:35 Nov 22 2010

Love it dear. :]

wow... that was a moment huh?

maybe you should walk with your hands about your head from now on XD

and yes I know you will.

-hugs- your the bestest Daniel :))

happy thanks giving to you hun!!


01:41 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 766

Ok. Vent time.

It's like whenever I talk to you lately your just so distant. And that's when I do get to talk to you. But the quantity issue doesn't bother cause i'm prepared to wait forever + 1 day. It's the quailty. Where's the sweet boy I fell in love with???

I mean I know we have only been offical for like 4 days now, but you had my heart way before then.

And I know you'll read this, and know I'm not mad, I'm just frustrated.

Please... Don't hold anything back.

I give you 100% and i just ask you to do the same thing.




21:35 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 772

I wanna cry everytime I hear that song....

Our (ex)song...



21:39 Nov 20 2010

Sweetie, just give it time.

One day that song will have a

whole new meaning. I promise.


18:47 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 776

Hey guys!!

So... I am kinda worried. Just.... its a long story.

Maybe I am just paranoid. Well, I mean after all the shit I've been through, who wouldnt be?

I like Franki's line. Your lose, his gain. Thats how I feel right now!


Want you to make me feel like Im the only boy in the world...

Wait a minute.... you already do!! ♥ ♥ ♥




01:30 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 787


I MISS YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!! Where have you been love?




23:56 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 795



I just made these pics!



00:05 Nov 19 2010

well thats hott :P

22:03 Nov 19 2010

Great job! :)


22:20 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 802

Hiya guys!!!

So, my life is getting so much better. If only he knew how happy he makes me!! Although I try to tell him everyday.

Another shameless plug: ask your VR friends to add my journal, pleaseeee!!!

School is falling into a rhtym again, but now next week is thanksgiving, which means we get another break, which will throw everything off again.

So, next week being thanksgiving, I know I am starting early, but oh well. What are you most thankfull right now?

What I am most thankfull for is my best friends, which are: Kara, Courtney, and Franki!!! You guys are rocking awesomesauce!!!!

Then there is him.... *giggles*... If only I could tell you guys.

So thanks for reading this post my darlings, and this holiday season, I also urge you to try and make someones day!!!



00:06 Nov 19 2010

awww I'm thankful for you too cupcake!! :]

Love ya daniel. ^^

you rock my sox XD


03:30 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 809

i love you

This is for you... You know who you are.




02:08 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 811

Im just so excited.... I just cant hide it!!!

If only I could tell you guys...




23:18 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 818

You had better hope that I dont find out who the heck you are... Or else!




22:32 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 820

It feels as though I fell asleep in your arms... Well, the closeest thing to it I can have right now. Oh how I long to feel your embrace.... but maybe you dont want to give it...

Maybe you just want me to be a toy....




22:13 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 821

Agh.... you drive me insane!!!!

Anyways, my day has been beyond boring.... so yeah.

Oh just a sidenote... I will find a way to protect you. I swear it.




02:53 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 823

Dearest friends,

In the name of many blessings, I greet.

My day has been very busy, and even yet I have work to do. After I make this post I am signing out, well shortly after, I do have some things to look over here at the Rave. If your a dear friend, and you all know who you are, leave a message or comment telling me how you are. I miss hearing from you. I will get back to you, I just don't know when.

For now, I give you my best wishes and goodbyes!




04:09 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 828


Why do I get the strange feeling I've met someone with whom I'm gonna go heels over head, giggling at rando moments, daydreaming in class kinda crazy over?



22:45 Nov 16 2010

haha XD

your such a mess Daniel.

But I gotta love ya.


23:29 Nov 15 2010
Times Read: 834


Look at what I made using one of my old poems!!



02:28 Nov 16 2010

Beautiful :')


22:08 Nov 15 2010
Times Read: 837

Today has been uneventful.

So I really dont have anything to post here.

Get over it.

I would post this to the poerty section, but I will just go ahead and post it here.

And maybe I am tired,

Maybe I just wanna sleep.

I am so cold,

I just want to curl up inside the fire.

Maybe I want to live in your embrace....




02:43 Nov 15 2010
Times Read: 844

I've never been so giggly. You know... your just like a drug to me. You make me feel so much better after such a long day. I just wish I could be there... just to fall into your arms. And from there I would never desire to leave.



04:03 Nov 15 2010

This is so sweet. I would love for a guy to feel about me the way that you feel about him. He's very lucky to hold the heart of someone as great as you. Don't let him forget that ;)


23:57 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 850

I discovered,

My heart was decived.

I thought I felt one way,

But I did not.

Even with an ocean in between,

My heart can feel regardless of the miles...




15:07 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 853


So I had this really weird dream that I was the captain of this team of soliders and we were in this really strange place that I cant even begin to identify where it would be at. Anyways, we went into this camp of enemies and engaged and killed them all. But as we were getting ready to leave we got hit hard from some futuristic looking piece of aircraft that hit us with sniper fire, missles, and had multiple MG's on it. I comanded my team to retreat and we did and got into our vehicles and we all made it out alive thankfully.

It was a pretty weird dream.




05:09 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 856

Ok so I have come to a final descision. I don't have a crush on Kyle I just thought I did.




04:53 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 858

Gay Kiss





02:02 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 871

We got the laptop charger fixed today so that means I can upload pictures of me now! Yayz Im so excited.

Anyways, besides that, I have had a very busy day. First I took a one hour drive to go and see my grandmother and she had chocolate pie, which was absoutley amazing, so the drive was worth it. Then when I got back I had to take another hour drive to go to a store that sold a laptop chargers. So it goes without saying I have had a lot of riding.

And then I am home. And Im getting to talk to someone who is totally awesome! I havent felt this way since... well since Justin

So yeah...

I think I might be moving in the direction of happy again.




13:57 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 876

Sitting here, waiting is never fun. I acutally enjoy talking to you. Maybe.... Never mind.

Might be going to my besties today!! So happy!!



02:46 Nov 14 2010

I always enjoy talking to you. I'm sure the object of your enjoyment does also ^_^


03:16 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 884


The picture here isnt of great quality but it is fairly old. I made this as a tribute to my late great grandparetnts.




01:41 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 885


I dont know what to do anymore....

I mean.... AGH!!!!

Now I know how Bella fells....




22:40 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 895

Ok. Kyle now is equal to Hot and Cold. One day I am giving up the next he has my heart hooked.

Today on the bus ride home, I sat on the oppisite him (across the aisle) on purpose. Duh!

Anyways, we have talked more than we ever had... still not what I would like to, but hey progress is progress... Anyways, he did give me some very super cute side ways glance. Once he even laid his head on his seat and looked at me.

So.... who knows? I plan on texting him tonight. So... we will see how that goes.

I am so glad that you guys acutally suffer through my pathetic rants about my crushes.

Bye!! Much love guys!



23:12 Nov 12 2010

awwwe you and ur crushes Daniel

so cute ((:

23:32 Nov 12 2010

It sounds to me like you're not the only one with a crush lol ^_^

23:33 Nov 12 2010

Gordon... I wish


23:38 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 905

Love is Love


What a shocker! Lol




Bittersweet is never fun...

22:25 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 913

Yeah. I think I just realized something today. Kyle, the guy that I had become so insanely intrested in, wow, I really dont know what to think or do about him right now. Like I really stepped out on a limb last night to contact him and I still havent recived his reply. He wasnt on the bus today, so I couldnt talk to him there. Like, I really am thinking of ways to try and slowly become friends with him but it just isnt working for me at this point.

But anyways, thats not what I wanted to post this entry about. Today at lunch I saw him with one of his good friends. Like possibly his best. And they are both guys and I kinda did have some theories on this situation before I even thought about becoming intrested in Kyle. But the way the were sitting really close and the way they would look at each other. I just... His freind has always been nice to me, so I am thinking maybe I should just back off of Kyle. Because I dont want to upset him. Or Kyle. Like beacuse if Kyle is happy with him, if they are even together at ALL, then I dont want to hinder his happiness. I mean sure... I would die to win his affection. But still...

Anyways I hope you guys know what I mean with all the above crap. I may have even left some important points out because I'm so conflicted.




23:15 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 927

Ok so I wanted to write a post into my journal about my bestest friends in this entire world.

First is Kara (bloodtoashes). We met in 8th grade (we are in 11th now) so that means we have been friends for... 5 years. Wow thats kinda a long time. Anyways, she was talking to some of her friends about friends about sims (which we both adore) so I started talking to her about the sims. And then we just hit it off. And have been tight ass ever since. She has been the one who has been there for me through everything. I love her to death. My life wouldnt be the same today without her in it.

Then there is Courtney (DeathNote666). She became friends with Kara and so we became friends through association. I love her to death as well! We are complete goof balls. I swear we can do some of the stupidest things.

Then we have Franki (Muffin15). I dont really remember how we started talking... but I can tell you that I am glad that we did. She has made me smile when I thought the world was falling down around me! When all there was, was rain, she showed me rays of sun shine. I love you to dear!

There you guys have that!



23:25 Nov 10 2010

Awwwe I love you too dear!

I'll direct you to sunshine any day :)

your the bestest evers :3

23:55 Nov 10 2010

aww. thats so sweet Daniel. gracias. te amo. (spanish for i love you)


01:11 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 935

Hey guys! Well Im glad to report that I have a new reader! So glad!

Shameles plug- suggest my journal to all your friends here on VR please. I would apperciate it very much!

Not a whole lot to say today so.... bye!!




01:30 Nov 08 2010
Times Read: 940

Ello you guys! How are you?

Im good. Just looking at another day at school tommorw and the orthodontist as well. Ugh. Hate both XD.

BUT I might get my first car tommorw. Yayz!





14:19 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 945

HOPEFULLY, Monday I will be getting my first car.

Here is what it is hopefully going to look like.


Its a white 1996 white Firebird



15:31 Nov 24 2010


This car is gorgeous. o.o


What if...

01:37 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 959

What if the one thing you were taught, from your childhood, to hate.... was the one thing you happened to fall in love?

What if the thing you despised and hunted with all your being.... was the one thing that captured your heart?

(By the way I am taking down Burden of the Witch, and the above is an advertisment for my newest story (series???).)




01:55 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 966

Sometimes... Love seems so pointless. Like why do we even try?I need to stitch those wounds... So I'm thinking of talking to you for some closure, maybe some ease to this endless pain.

For Franki- no matter how many douche bags ruin your day, we still have the stuffed kittens!

I don't really have much to say in this post... So I love you guys! Peace out!



20:25 Nov 05 2010

I know!!!

I know, you know you can always come

live with me if you can't find "the one"

and we can live with 200 stuff kittens :D

who are very REAL by the way XD

Love you Daniel ^^


23:42 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 971

I'm offically declaring this- National Cheating Month. Ugh!




21:21 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 974

Hey my wonderful readers!

Ugh, I had three finals today in school, and I have two more tommorw, and I have to fit my job interview for Buger King in there somewhere, so it goes without saying my stress levels are a bit high right now.

I hate how one day you act like Im the world, and then the next day Im not even worth a glance. -_-.




02:05 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 976

Im becoming addicted to writing in my personal section. It's like flipping awesome! So, tommorw = high stress levels for me.

By the way, if your reading this(you know who you are) I hate your freaking guts ok? I no longer feel anything but resentment about you. I resent that I wasted that period of time in my life on you. So shut up!

I am considering taking Burden of the Witch down, because my characters no longer feel like particpating. I do have some new ones for a new story (line??). We will see how that works out.

Got one of my best friends bday gift today! Can't wait till Saturday girl! That party should be rocking awesome!

To Franki- I have missed you terribly tonight girl!! I wanna talk to you forever! Kisses!

Stop popping into my head! I don't have a crush on you! Ok... Maybe a tiny microscopic one. But I still have fresh, unhealed wounds. I need to stitch those up so I can move on!

Sorry that post was all over the place guys! Much love!!




01:05 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 981

Hey guys just realized I got 6 new readers. So yay to you all and welcome aboard. Looks like my shameless plug worked. I'll use that more often! Thanks!




00:41 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 982

You'll never know how you melted my heart,

With that perfect smile.

Your so cute,

In your own little way.

If only I could tell,

Even just in a whisper,

That maybe....

Maybe you made me have a small crush...




Hey Guys! Im back!

22:16 Nov 03 2010
Times Read: 987

Im back from my long day at school. It was pretty boring. We did a lot of review in every freaking class cause end of course aka finals are on thursday and friday.

Then on the bus ride I got to talk to this super cute nerd Kyle. 0_0. Franki- I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!!! Lolz XD

Anyways, much love you guys. Thanks for reading this boring post.



20:26 Nov 05 2010

yes you do :D


02:18 Nov 03 2010
Times Read: 989

I have been so lost lately. Sometimes I wonder if anyone will fill this hole in my heart... Like you did.

I still cry about what you did...




17:52 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 992

Hey guys!

My day has just gotten started. Spent the early part of my day watching MSNBC keeping up to date on the election today! By the way, if you are over 18, and are an American citizen, use your rights to vote! Get informed on the issues that are affecting us as citizens, find a canditate with whom you agree, and vote for that person!

So... I am still looking for some new friends! If you read my journal and think we would get along, dont be afraid to drop by and message me!

Love you all!





03:08 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 998

Ok guys, it is 9:58 right now and I'm am tired as hell.

Real quick, I wanted to make this entry to ask you guys to visit Muffin15's profile. She is tottaly awesome. But mess with her... And it's on!

Anyways, like I said, no school for me tommorw, so I will defintley be making lots of entries hopefully.

Ok, time for my shameless plug. Please you guys, ask all your VR friends to add my journal.

-sigh- I lost a reader. Oh well, their loss is the way I see it. For the rest of you fifty four (54) readers, thank you again so much!

Uh... I'm like running out of stuff to say.

One last word, to my special boy somewhere out there, I'm looking for you! I need you!

By the way, word of advice here, and I speak from experince, never make somebody your everything, cause they could up and leave, and then you nothing left.



22:17 Nov 03 2010

awww -hugs-

love you hun ^^

-points at you- this is what a best

friend looks lyk :D


01:45 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 1,000

Hot sports guy

-Drooling- ... Hehe...




23:24 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 1,001

"And time will break, the dreams, that take the pain away!!" I Am Only One- We Are The Fallen.

Loved the above line!

Anyways, Im out of school tommorw so... Maybe I can work on some new stuff for my journal! Must say, all you guys that read this, you all are awesome! I'm glad that you guys can bare to read through some of this stuff! Sorry I havent posted any poetry lately, but aside from the fact that I havent really wrote any new poems lately, I have become addicted to writing in my personal section!




03:33 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 690


The recent suicides by young and older teens have disturbed me. They did because they were being who they are. It's sad they felt the only way out... Was death. To imagine how alone they felt... It's heartbreaking.

And that's why we need to join hands and unite. Stand up to bullies!! Stand up to bigoted politicans!! Stand up to homophobia!!!!!

Homophobia must and WILL end if, only if we fight.




03:23 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 693

So the fuck what, I backed out off the haunted house. Get the fuck over it!

Anyways, here's what happened as I was leaving, btw I wasn't scared I was claustrophobic.

Me: Hold the door!

First random chick: you can't leave.

Me: (holding the door walking out) watch me.

(I walk back down the hall way to the first entry, where I run into random chick 2)

R.C 2: Where are you going?

Me: Uh... Outside.

R.C 2: you can't they want open the doors. Plus I'm leaving.

Me: I'll stand here all night if I have too. And goodbye then.

(R.C 2 knocks on the door and the people on the outside open it.)

In my head, not out loud: what now you stupid bitch?



03:27 Nov 01 2010

*laughs* No worries, Honey. :) I got your back. :D

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