<3 ^_^ <3
Set at 23:39 on December 01, 2011

Quote: Before the beginning was the Darkness and the Darkness was, is and ever shall be the Truth.
I'm an openly gay psychic vampire. I came out of the closet years ago but only recently came out of the coffin. I try always to be very open and honest because, frankly, lying and keeping secrets is exhausting and I'm too damnably lazy to keep up with it.
I draw my energy mostly from sex partners. Sex is not the only way that I can feed but I got into the habit before I came out as a vampire with the justification that if a guy consented to sex, then he consented to an intimate energy exchange, whether he was aware of my need or not. I do, however, disclose my nature to all my partners now.
Since making the decision to be open with others about what I am, I have been endlessly annoyed by people asserting that vampires do not exist despite the glaring evidence of my existence standing directly before them. If someone comes to me with questions and a sincere interest in understanding modern vampirism, I try to address them with tireless patience and an accurate and positive explanation of our community but I have no patience at all for people trying to convince me that I'm psychotic or misguided.
I found this site and decided to give it a try in the hopes of making friends who are better equipped to understand me and look forward to growing to understand myself and my community better with its aid. I have made a great many such friends, many of whom have sent me beautiful protections stamps which can be found in the Potions section of my Journal <3
Also, while here on VR, I met my boyfriend, Daniel, who is absolutely amazing and for whom I wrote this poem:

Member Since: | Oct 25, 2010 |
Last Login: | May 17, 2012 |
Times Viewed: | 12,100 |
Times Rated: | 599 |
Rating: | 9.83 |
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