PresumptuouslyPretty's Journal

PresumptuouslyPretty's Journal


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4 entries this month

Bored Entry....

23:31 Mar 21 2009
Times Read: 635

So I got home from practice a little while ago. Now I'm kind of bored. My father was supposed to take me out shopping for some hiking boots & a sleeping bag & other shit for my retreat to upstate New York. =] He should be home any minute....

I'm so glad I get to go. We leave Thursday morning and get home Sunday evening. I really really really need this time away. It might be exactly what I need to get my mind off things at home and at school.

It might be what I need to get my mind strait about what I want as far as my bf Bobby, too.

idk, but don't get me wrong. I mean, that boy has my heart.... But he's just that: a boy. I have to be honest, I'm used to, well prefer, men. I just do. He's 16, and my most recent were 17, 29, 20, 21, and 19. That's just how it is for me.

I hate to say it, but Bobby is still in that little kid stage where he doesn't get close enough to actually put real effort into it. The most he puts into his relationship is his extra time when he isn't chillin with his homies, and well, that's about it. Before I broke up with him and made him think he was about to loose me, he wouldn't even talk to me around his homies unless I would say something first or he wanted something....

But w/e.... I think that's enough rambling for one entry. Duecesz !





Updates and stuff !

23:57 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 641

So today is supposed to be the first day of spring or whatever. I was soooo souped winter is finally over. I woke up so happy. I looked out the window..... and saw SNOW........ o m blood....... I WAS SO PISSED ! I'm just glad it didn't stick. By the time school was over it was nice out. Cold as cheese, but nice.

So me and my bf are back together, which makes me very happy. =]]] We were only broken up for the weekend. On Monday he was all, "I'm sorry I put you through all that pointless drama, please take me back !"......... I'm weak.... So we're back together or whatever, and I have to admit, it's better now than its ever been before. :)

[[I luhv my BoBbito !]]

lolz..... So anyways, softball practice got cancelled today, so me and the peeps [[Kayler, Kiter, Tajer, Derer, Leener, &&Pitty-Pat]] went to Rita's [[First Day Of Spring ! Free Icies !]] even though it was super cold. Then we went downtown to McDonalds.

Me and the bestie Alina (aka Leener) didn't feel like going home so we stayed and walked around....... and saw my ex Jamel.......... so yeah........... Jamel broke my heart about 2 months ago...... Bobby's the one who put it back together............. He said he's still with the girl he cheated on me with. I told him I had a boyfriend.... then he kissed me..... twice............ But I think the worst part about all that is Leener told me I still loved him, she said she saw it in my eyes....

NO ! I take that back..... The worst part is that I cheated on Bobby..... I didn't mean to though... =(

But anyways....

I leave for my trip in 5 days =]] ! I'm so souped to get away..... !

So that's about it for the updates =] Duecesz !





16:27 Mar 14 2009
Times Read: 647

So, I broke up with my bf yesterday.... which sucks balls.... I love that guy, I wrote 2 poems about him. They're in the poetry section. I gave "The End" to my best friend and she gave it to him, and the rest of our crew read it.... I could tell the poem hurt him.... But I didn't let anyone see "I Lied." No one is gonna see it anytime soon either. I'm depressed.... This sucks sooo bad.

We broke up because this girl Tiana, [[who my friend Cherone told me was supposed to be his "first love" or whatever even though they were never official,]] heard me & him were goin out. He told me yesterday that around the time me & him started talking, Tiana & him started goin out on the DL or whatever.... But she never talked to him, and when they would talk she didn't claim him, even if they were alone. So he thought they weren't together. But the day before yesterday they were talking and she said they were still together. When he told me this, I asked him would he rather be with me or her, and he said that was a question he couldn't answer. I said that was too much drama for me, so I dumped him.........................

I was talkin to his best friend Dae-Dae yesterday, who I'm real close to [[I call him my big brother]], & I asked him about Bobby [[my ex]] & Tiana. He told me that this whole thing has been goin on for a while now. He told me Tiana only claims him when Bobby gets a girlfriend. Any other time she acts like she has nothing to do with him.

I don't know what to think anymore, but I know I don't want it to end........



18:08 Mar 14 2009

damn....hun sorry to hear about your break-up, but this rather sounds like my recent break-up :(

So i know what you going through just be strong :) and if you ever want to chat feel free to drop me a message hun ^_^



21:05 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 656

So I'm kind of bored..... Earlier I was koolin w/ my homie Lu & my brother 40. buh.... now I'm jus koolin w/ 40.

Nothin to do.... I should be rating things, considering I haven't rated nearly as much as I should have by now.... buh.... all well

I'm goin to upstate NY in a couple weeks. =]]]

idk I'm just special;; my assistant superintendant [I♥MrLeon] picked a few students from all 13 high schools in the city [well jus one from my school;; me] to go to the Frost Valley Y camp thingy in upstate NY.... ferr free !

Its for 4 whole days and we have no phones or computers there. X'/

Buh.... its soo worth it !

We get to do a zip line, rock climbing, nightime hikes, and soo much more.

Yay me !





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