Rayvin's Journal

Rayvin's Journal


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1 entry this month


Chaos and the Wolfs

14:12 Dec 09 2005
Times Read: 640

(I stepped out of my apartment with one thing on my mind. DEATH)

Chaos looked from left to right as she stepped into the lychen forest. No vampires allowed, might as well had been pinned up; much like a child’s fort forbidding the opposite sex from entering. Chaos took one step and knew all the lychen in that area could smell a vampire was on their turf. Her hips move with the beat of the song that blared from her head phones. Slow and meaningful steps everything planed. Snap, a twig broke under her hand as she took hold of the branch. More sent and some noise. She was trying to draw her pray to her. Lychen blood could sustain a vampire for weeks, and visa versa. It just seemed to be those damned claws each werewolf got equipped with. They could harm a vampire to the point of death and the vampire would be like that for weeks needing the blood of anything it can keep its hands on.

Chaos felt a pack enter the area she was in. Lychen weren’t completely stupid, they knew who she was. She had killed a pack on her own over a period of two weeks. An underworld record of some sort. She wasn’t to sure though. Even her own kind feared her.

“Howling my sweets? Setting up posts and plans?” Chaos whispered in spite the blaring music. Howling could be heard all around the forest at that point. Chaos would stop walking and put her music on pause so that she might listen to the howling. Okay three on her left, five on her right, and five behind her. That left two to come at her from in front. With a click her music it went back on as she lowered her self to a crouch. Her jacket flying from her shoulders to reveal a pure silver blade resting on her back. Howling and then whispers approached Chaos with each tick of the songs time.

“Bring It.” She would say with confidence showing on her face.

A wolf from her right would speed to her on the leaders command. Her eyes would shift to the right with in moments of the wolf precence he was laying dead on the ground. She was still crouched to the ground. The blood sprayed all over her face and back. Then another wolf from her left would speed at her with more stamina then the last wolf. He was still a little to slow. The blade would swing over her left shoulder. Then she would smile as another wolf lay dead before her. Then another from behind her came up over her. She just rose the blade and it fell to the ground in two. Another wolf from her right would go to run at her, but the female staggered as Chaos brought the blade to point right at her. Then Chaos would shimmer and would become dust. All the wolfs would howl and yip not seeing her anymore. She would appear next to the wolf crouched her head down. An order was barked out and Chaos had her teeth into the wolfs neck. Blood rushed into her mouth she would drink it down in mouth full gulps. The smell would change to that of death as the wolfs life would leave her.

“ENOUGH.” A male wolf would yell out now in his human form. The alpha male chaos guessed, because when he turned into a human so did all the rest of the wolfs. Making an exception for the dead. Chaos would push the wolf away from her. And stand slowly blood dripping down her chin. The blade hanging at her side, her eyes blazing blue at the wolf before her. She would reach up and pull the ear buds from her ear. The music coming to an end quickly. She would look to the Alphas.

He stood with all his glory. His hair bleach blonde, his bangs half black half green. He was tall, and pure muscle. Chaos would be in a rage set so her head would move from side to side to make sure she knew just were every one was. He would walk closer to Chaos. A female moving a few paces behind him. This must be the alpha female. Chaos would make to bow to him.

“Your majesty.” She would say to the male. Who would growl at her in return. She would laugh lightly it was more a sneering hiss. The girl next to the alpha male would turn into a wolf and advance on Chaos. Chaos would point the silver blade to the wolf.

“Come here puppy.” She would say as the female came forward another few steps.

“Back Kaywin.” The Alpha male would say. “What do you want here? You have killed four of my pack. I want you out of our territory. We haven’t set foot on your city.” He seemed to bark.

“I really don’t care what you have or have not done your Majesty. I was hungry.” Chaos would laugh loudly. Chaos would look to the girl and then back to the Alpha male.

“Get off our land or you will be bringing a war onto your kind.” He would say. Again she would just shrug it off.

“Well they don’t like me much, so go right on a head.” Chaos seemed to be on a light high from the blood. It wasn’t normal for vampires to drink lychen blood. So when they did they would get a light buzzed feeling. The alpha male would look to the rest of his pack that was advancing on Chaos. Who knew every single one of their positions.

“What are you talking about?” He was trying to keep her talking so that his pack could be around her and would then be close enough to take her down. Chaos would shake her head and then whisper. “Until we see each other again you’re Majesty.” And then would shimmer and become dust and shadows. She would then race from the area. Once in vampire city she would pull her self back together. Another of her kind would walk past her and hiss. Chaos would just shake her head a little as she would keep walking. Looking up she saw the blinking lights of “The fallen angel.” This was the club that vampires could take humans to and drink from them. Chaos wasn’t into that sort of thing, they were so bland. She would walk slowly and then passing the club with a hiss and entered a door right next to it, home. She was growing tired of the music that would penetrate the walls and enter the apartment that she so happened to sleep in. As she walks into the room that held the many doors to the apartments she would run into Abigail. Who was so certain that she was a vampire that she would kill rats just to prove it. Mind you Abigail was not a vampire, just some street rat that took up living in some boyfriends place.

“Hey Chaos. Find any good blood?” Abby would say as she moved her hand down her sides on a silk night gown this month’s boyfriend must have bought her.

“Yeah.” Chaos said simply. Her head not in the mood for Abby’s ramblings. Dawn was coming and she needed to get to bed. That is another thing that proved Abigail wasn’t a vampire or she would be tucked into bed with her vampire boyfriend, not lurking the halls.

Chaos would unlock the door as Abby started in on her rat ranting. How bad they taste and how she needs to get out and get some human blood. Chaos would slip into the apartment and close the door behind her. Happy that she was not listening to Abby, like she did the first time she came to the place. A happy little mew would come from the room before her.

“Hey, Midnight.” Chaos would say. The only thing she kept from her human life, her cat. The black cat would prance into the room and onto the counter. Chaos would fill a bowl with kitty food. She would pet the cat and then move to place her blade onto the floor before the couch that she promptly fell onto and passed out.

(Can vampires dream? I can. Not many of my kind know what a DREAM is.)

Chaos wakes up with a sudden start. Normally vampires just open their eyes. Nothing to worry about that night the days lights had passed, and the city lights were the only ones out. Not Chaos, she was having this odd dream. It never seemed to want to play completely through. It started out with her running thru the forest near her home. The Lychen forest she hunted in. she didn’t seemed to be chased, she was just running. Her legs moving quickly under her, her jacket bellowing out her hair catching just the right so the wind tangles it. The colors seemed to blur into black and whites. That’s when her dream would stop. As of recent she started to have the feeling in her dreams some one was running along side her. Not near her, just at the same pace the same beat.

“This is stupid Vampires do not dream!” Chaos said loudly to her cat that jumped from his perch behind her legs. He would look up at her and mew softly as if telling her she was crazy.

“I know that Midnight no need to tell me.” Chaos would get up and look out the window. The sun was just setting, perfect timing. She would move into the bathroom and shower up. Rubbing the dirt from the night before, her hunt successful. She had gotten blood and killed 4 lychen in the process. It was a good thought. A smile crossing her lips, just rising them enough to show off the white canines. She would dry her self off with the smile still plastered to her lips.

“Well Midnight I think I am going to party tonight.” She would mummer to the cat as she picked up two small daggers that she concealed in a pair of boots she had made. Then pulling her small body into a corseted dress. The top being a blood red and then the skirt part a black pleather look that went to her thigh. The boots she wore went to the bend of her knee. Then she would put her make up on. A nice gothic look, and then did her hair in the same style. She then smiles to her self and heads for the door. Blowing a kiss to the cat she walks out.

Chaos made her way down to the “Gothic” district of Vampire city. Wolf calls were blown in her direction as human males walk past her. Chaos paused out side of a new club. No real name to it. She steps inside and a rather good band is playing. The bouncer would touch her arm and with a simple look the guy would wave her in. She steps closer to the area where they are playing. Her eyes on the singer, he held the microphone like a rose in his hand. The same gentleness seemed to be applied to the instrument. He would look at her and keep singing. The guitarist joining in on the singing and then playing, followed by more back up singing. Her eyes look him over along with the main singer. Slowly the song came to an end and Chaos moved out of eyes reach. The band said their thank you-s. Chaos was in the shadows hiding, waiting for them to pass by.

“Did you see that chick in the red corset?” The singer asked the guitarist.

“Yes, Ouch dude.” He would reply. Chaos would slowly step from the shadows looking in the other direction and walks past them bumping into the singer.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She would say lightly her eyes locking on to his.

“No its cool.” The singer would reply. Then he watched her walk away. The guitarist would tap the guitar and then the singer lightly. Who would nod in return and follow after Chaos. He would watch her hips sway as she walked. She went to right to the bar. Sitting onto a stool she would order something that she wouldn’t touch. Chaos knew that he was following her. Once the bar tender set the drink down she would turn and look to the singer.

“Hey my name is Diemon.” He would say as he approached her. Her hand would go out to met his that he rose to shake her hand.

“Mine is Chaos.” She would retort. Her smile just hiding the fangs that lay underneath. She would run her tongue over her bottom lip. He would take the stool next to her and sit down. Once the bartender saw Diemon, he would bring him a drink and smile. Chaos would play with the ice in her drink. Diemon just watched her looking her over with keen eyes. He had done this many a time.

“So, where you from?” He would ask her his voice soft so she had to lean in to hear him.

“From around.” She would smile to him and put the ice in her mouth. He seemed to watch her every move. Intent on knowing just how to push her buttons to make her want him. She would get off the stool and then smile at him, “I think I will head outside.” She said softly as she moved from the bar area.

Diemon would nod the bartender and then follow after Chaos. She would look behind her once. Just like most human girls do. She knew he was back there, really had no need to look. It just gave the illusion she was one of his kind. As she stepped past the bouncer he would smile. She would look at him. Her eyes shine like a cats, as does the bouncers, once Diemon steps out the bouncer knew what was going on.

“Be sparing, he is rather talented.” The bouncer would say to her. Chaos would shake her head, he obviously didn’t know who she was. Sparing, that was rare for her, the word didn’t even cross her lips. As she walked the skirt part of her dress would sway about her. He would run up to Chaos and walk along side of her. She would turn her head a little to look at him.

“Hey there. Are you following me now?” she would say softly. He would nod and then walk a little faster then turn right in front of her.

“What are you up to tonight?” he would ask of her. She answered with a smile.

“Chaos.” She would laugh. He followed suit with a laugh of his own. He would reach out and take her hand. “Well want to play then?” he winks at her. Then proceeds to pull her down the dark street to some destination unknown to her. She just follows quietly then he pulls her into an ally way and presses her against a wall.

“There we go.” He says into her ear, his hands going to her waist. She would giggle lightly. As she leans against the wall, her eyes on his. He would let his arms snake around her waist and pull her closer to him. Then he would lean down and kiss her lightly. Once she started to kiss back, his kisses changed to one of hunger. She would lace her fingers into his hair and kiss him a bit harder. His hands would move up her back. She would place a hand behind his neck lightly she would pull from the kiss and tilts her head just to the right angle to make him tilt his the other way. His neck now exposed she would kiss it lightly flicking her tongue over the spot. She really didn’t need the blood but hell this was fun. She would let her fang come out a bit and then she slid them into his soft flesh. Making two tiny holes that allowed blood to rush from them. She would lap it up like a cat and milk. Just as she started to drink the blood in deep she felt Lychen around. She pulled her head from his neck licking the last of the blood that pumped to the wound. Her saliva closing the wound, Diemon would look at Chaos with dazed eyes. Feeling light headed he slid down the wall and sat on the ground. Chaos moved from him and started in the direction that she felt the Lychen. It was in Vampire territory, no doubt it was one of the Majesties. She saw other vampires sneaking along to the road to the same Lychen. When she would catch the eyes of one of them she would hiss, then was hissed back at. Then the vampire would pull back. Once they all saw the Lychen they stopped, not chaos. Her mind was set still in feeding. She could hear the hissing of the other vampires and then the howling that was coming from the wolfs in the woods. There he stood in all he manly glory. Chaos did a mock bow to him.

“Your majesty.” She mused. The vampires behind her hissed louder.

I would like to know if there is anything in this color in the story its me the author editing or adding or making a note.

also this is a story i started and i really have no want or need to finish it no one really seems to like it so why finish it right. Oh and there is a picture of chaos in my portfolio



22:00 Jun 29 2009

girl likes it sis but if you find no need to finish its understandable

10:41 May 10 2010

Rayven its a great story and the way you ended it makes the reader use their imagination to write their own ending

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