ShadowWolfGuardian's Journal


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8 entries this month

19:23 Feb 26 2006
Times Read: 694

Chapter 11: Gathering

Michael stopped up the road from the institute and took a moment to study the security around the place. In his opinion it was pretty pathetic, but then they weren't expecting someone with his background to be looking at getting in. He glanced at the dashboard clock then took his cell from his pocket and called the local branch.

"Defender's Incorporated, Melanie speaking, how can we be of assistance to you today?" came the woman's voice. Michael figured that she was chosen for her voice, since it was friendly enough, had the right amount of professionalism but wasn't to burdened with one or the other.

"This is Michael Gassington, I wo..."

"Ahh, Mister Gassington. The Lady said that you would be in touch with us. She's left a few things here at the office for you, if would like to pick them up. We have the release forms all prepared, you'll just have to sign and go."

"She's here?"

"Yes, Mister Gassington, and expecting you to drop by, at your convenience of course."

'My ass', he muttered.

"I'm sorry, Mister Gassington, but I didn't quite hear that."

"Nothing, I'm on my way now."

"Very good, then. We'll be seeing you in about 20 or 30 minutes then."

He almost asked how she knew that, but remember that the cell phone was company provided and most likely had a way of tracking it by satellite. "Yeah", he replied and closed the phone.

He stopped for lunch, to intentionally skew his expected time, hating to be pinned down like that and arrived almost an hour after they were expecting him. The woman at the desk smiled as he approached. "Mister Gassington, I hope you had a pleasant lunch, I have everything you need right here."

"Actually it gave me gas and I feel like I ate a beehive", he replied. It wasn't true but if he had to be woken up at 6am he didn't see any reason for anyone else to be happy.

The woman didn't miss a beat, however, "Well there's a pharmacy right up the street and we have a doctor on staff, should I call him?"

"No, I'll be fine", Michael replied, "what have you got for me?"

"Right this way", she told him and moved over to a private room off the Foyer. Once inside she closed the door, took out a key and opened a door in the room. After a second she was back out with a clipboard and a rather large metal box. She set the board in front of him and opened the box.

Taking out half a dozen clips she placed them in front of him. "Special rounds. Explosive tipped. They detonate a fraction of a second after impact and can penetrate most known body armor."

He wondered for a moment what good that would do until he pictured the round detonating inside the body rather than on the surface.

"And", she said taking out another half dozen smaller clips, "some for your backup."

"How the fuck does she know about that?"

"Mister Gassington, if there is something she DOESN'T know, then I would worry."

She removed a laptop and set it in front of him along with a Treo 650. "They already have encryption chips to access the databases here. If anything further is needed then we can access the mainframe from our location. It has a built in data card with full online access. I would recommend a wifi spot for quicker service but it will function anywhere there's a signal."

"And finally", she said, placing a credit card in front of him, "unlimited access. In the event of loss, contact us immedietly."

"Unlimited? This must be important."

"I wouldn't know. I'm only a desk clerk."

'My ass', he muttered.

"I'm sure your ass is of upmost importance to you, Mister Gassington, it is not, however, of any relevence to me."

"Story of my life", he said, standing up and gathering the items before him.

"Is a sad one with which I'm well versed and for which you have my sympathy", she replied.

"Yeah, well I don't want your fucking sympathy", he told her and walked out.

She could have just snapped the bastards neck, but apparently the Lady wanted him for something. She just wondered what proof his breakfast had been.

Robert returned to the house and found Sarah's note. She had gone to work and left her cell phone number and he debated calling her, but figured she wouldn't be happy by what he had done so far today. She saw only the murders before, not the danger the woman represented.

Some never saw the danger, it was how he had lost his partner. He couldn't stand to have that happen again. He felt danger all around, not only in the murders at hand but the woman as well. Unlike Sarah he wouldn't discount her so easily but even he felt she wasn't responsible. He did feel that she was tied in. Someone was killing her people and that seemed to indicate a personal vandetta.

He left the house, calling another cab and went to rent a car. From there he made his way to the companies and families of the people who were killed, trying to keep his mind open and find any link other than Lauralin. By evening his suspicions were confirmed. She was the only link, or her company at least.

Sandy sat down on Sarah's desk. "You know for someone with such power there isn't much information on her. She seems to be a recluse. But one thing is certain. When she gets involved with something, it gets solved."

"Really", Sarah said as she leaned back. "So she's either really good or really connected."

"Or both", Sandy put in, "though I think it's the first choice. She's almost never seen and very few know her by anything other than her name. I can't see her having alot of contacts."

"Her people or her companies might."

"Yeah, that could be ... still ...."

"Oh I hear you, there's something about her. I can't put a finger on it. I intend to speak with her today."

"I'll come with you", he said.

"No, I need you to do something else."

"Why are you keeping me out of this?" he asked her.

"I'm not", she told him, "this is important. But I'll tell you, it's personal, so this is off the record."

"Shoot", Sandy shrugged.

"I want you to go to any places where she has had bought places. Dig up all you can. I mean information, stories, anything."

"You got it", she said and stood up, "anything else?"

"Yeah, a cheeseburger."

He grinned, waited a moment and then snapped his fingers and pointed at a rookie who came in with a bag. "One cheeseburger."

She laughed as the rookie came over and handed him the bag then left. Sandy stood up and went to his chair, getting his light jacket.

"Sandy", she said, "be careful."

He looked at her for a minute then nodded and headed out. Sarah continued her search for information.

Lauralin spent most of her day giving and getting information from the new system. What confused her was that the personel of the institute were coming and going as normal. If one of them had taken the dark gift, were they still working normally? Did they realize that despite most popular myth they could go out in daylight? If so then this could be far harder than she had originally anticipated. On the other hand the name the doctor had sent her didn't appear on any of her files.

She entered the sitting room, "I want a full search done. All Defender's data bases and affiliate companies." She set the name down that she written in a beautifully flowing script like writing. "This man, Wendy, is supposed to work for me. I can't seem to find him anywhere."

Wendy nodded and accessed the sysem. There were two keyboards and six screens with multiple access lines. She seemed to be able to keep track of all of them at the same time while Lauralin didn't have a clue what she was doing. "This will take time, Ms. Silverlief. I have alot to check, unless I get lucky, just to let you know."

"Very well, thank you", Lauralin replied and headed out.

She returned to her meditation room and closed her eyes. The murders had happened at night, and although they were typically a few days apart they were becoming more and more frequent. Tonight she would hunt.




03:35 Feb 26 2006
Times Read: 700

Chapter 10: Quandaries

The bottle fell to the floor as Michael reached up and knocked the alarm clock off the nightstand. The sound, however, persisted and he popped open one bloodshot eye to try to find the source. There, still on the nightstand, lay his tormentor. The cell phone continued it's persist cutting into his skull until he finally picked it up and answered it.

"This better be fucking good", he croaked in a low, gravelly voice.

"Mister Gassington. I see that I have awoken you."

"Oh .. no shit. You think? You have about 5 seconds to get my attention and your already down to four."

"Very well. This is Lauralin Silverlief, your boss? Do I have your undivided attention now Mister Gassington?"

'Oh nuts', Michael murmured. "Yes ... yes, absolutely. I'm sorry. I just.."

"I'm sending you an electronic missive with some directions and instructions. Would you see to them please?"

"An electronic .... what?"



Michael barely caught a voice in the background before the Lady came back on the phone. "An E mail."

"OH. Alright, I'll see to it."

"Thank you", and with that she hung up.

He stumbled over his clothes that he had dropped by the side of the bed and into the bathroom to shower. He got the water hot and then reached into the medicine cabinet and took out a flask of whiskey, took a swallow and put it back before stepping into the stream of hot water. After washing he turned off the hot water and snapped awake as the ice cold water hit him.

He turned off the water, dried off and went into the den where he picked up a bottle of whiskey, took a drink and turned on the computer, reading the E-mail.

"So Doc", he muttered, "how did you piss the Lady off?"

He printed out the E-mail and went back into his room to dress. He tucked the 7.62mm into his boot and the combat knife into the sheath at his back then put the .44 into his shoulder holster. Finally he picked up the army jacket and made his way to the garage.

The "Enterprise" had been his pet project for a long time. The '79 Cadillac Calais had a huge engine, 472 cubic inch with 512 horsepower. It was solid metal, not like most these days. He had spent alot of time restoring her and she had become the only lady, lately, in his life. He slid in and hit the garage door opener then turned her over. It would take over two hours to get to the institute, but at least he would get there in comfort.

Robert had left before dawn, arriving at the old woman's house not long after daybreak. He reached up to knock on the the door when he heard her, "You come on in here, Robert, no need ta be bangin on ma door like that."

He hesitated,wondering, not for the first time, how she managed to do that, but finally entered.

The woman who appeared in the doorway of the kitchen was an older mulatto skinned woman who seemed ageless. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown and seemed filled with kindness and wisdom and had the jovial pounch of a beloved grandmother. "You ain't been eatin have ya?"

"I've b.."

"Shoosh, come in hea and take a seat. I'am makin breakfast, should be bout ready I should magine."

"Well, I ac..."

"You sit now, I ain't made this fer maself. Though you'd not guess with this figer."

"You haven't heard the more recent music then", he said taking a seat. "You never heard the one, 'I like big butts?'"

Jhondila let out a peal of pleasant laughter and turned with a filled bowl of hot oat cerial made with freshly ground cinnamon. "Then they'd just ADORE me, mon."

She set the bowl down gave him a spoon then turned and filled a cup with some hot cocoa and set it down before him as well.

"Now, you eat that up, hear?"

"Dil, I..."

"Shoosh now, and eat. Talkin's fer afta."

He ate the hot cerial and then two more bowls before he sat back with his second cup of cocoa, smiling. "You need to move in with me."

"Now", she said as she settled back herself. "Time fer tha problem o' yours."

"Why do I always have to have a problem to visit you, can't I just stop by for your company."

"Ohh, sure nuff. But ya never do."

Robert frowned and on thinking about it she was right. He never had.

"Now, honey, don you be frettin none. I'am here ta help people. An I'am right proud to do it, so you jus tell ole Jhondila what troubles ya."

"It's a woman", he said after a moment. Then after a long pause he continued. "She's enticing Dil. I find myself very attracted to her. Disturbingly so."

"An wha do ya say disturbinly?"

He hesitated a moment longer, "She's a death walker." He held up a hand and rushed to continue, "I know what you think, but I truly believe this."

"Chile, you don know what I think". She leaned forward, her eyes locked on his for almost a full minute before sitting back. "Ya need ta be careful Robert. Them that walk in death can be right dangerous, ya hear? Now she may not be the evil sort, but ya hafta be sure."


Jhondila frowned and locked eyes with him again, "An jus who you think you yellin at chile?" she said in a calm voice that held more menace than any other tone she could have used.

"Forgive me", Robert said instantly, "I ask you. But how?"

"There are those that walk in death what had no chosen one way or nother. Few o'em, but they out there."

"I find that hard to believe", Robert replied.

"Aye, aye, and I don spect you would. I've a few thins to help ya, but chile, I can stop her outen this house. Ya unerstand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Jhondala gave him a few charms and then escorted him to the door. "Now you be careful, hear? An don forget, she ain't necessarily evil, but be on yer guard."

Robert nodded and then decided to head back to Sarah's. Once there he would find out where she was.

Lauralin hung up the phone and headed out of her office then down the stairs to the foyer. The computer equipement was already arriving and the young woman who was supervising it's setup in the sitting room was an expert with it. She already had it the basic unit working, what was still coming in was apparntly to enhance it's capabilities. Wendy's mother had been the woman who was killed, so discretion was certainly not an issue.

"You have all you need I trust?"

"Yes", she replied, "Dad knows the components."

Lauralin thought for a moment before remembering that Dad was slang for Father, at least to her.

"Very well", Lauralin replied, not moving into the room. The equipement and it's use was well over her head and she left it to those who knew about it. Angra slipped up next to her, dressed more like a servant than she had looked last night and whispered in her ear. Lauralin nodded and looked back at Wendy, "I shall be around. Inform Angra, should you need anything", and with that she headed back up the steps to get Nightclaws report.

Sarah arrived at work and sat down at her desk. She had brought the clothes with her that Lauralin had provided so that it would give her a chance to visit the women again on 'less official' terms, hopefully lulling the woman into a more open frame of mind.

Sandy came over and sat down on the edge of her desk, "Sterling report", he told her.

"I'm sure it was, come here", she told him and headed to one of the conference rooms where she filled him in on what happened. As she thought he had bought into quick enough.

"That's AWESOME", he said smiling.

"Hardly, it's driven Robert to distraction."

"Well I mean it's cool, you know. That I met a real live vampire. Or unalive", he said grinning.

"Enough", she told him, "I need everything you can find on this woman."

"Sure thing", he said, and headed out the door in front of her, where she sat down to begin.




01:00 Feb 26 2006
Times Read: 703

Chapter 9: Plans

Doctor Shelinzer waited until all of them left before moving toward the computer to get the information that the Lady wanted for the authorities. He was almost finished when a hand landed on his shoulder, making him jump.

"You didn't capture her", David told him.

"I couldn't. She had two guards and the authorities", he told the man who stood above him.

The man was very pale with black hair and dark brown eyes. He had handsome features, though they were twisted and cruel. And his hand was strong on the doctor's shoulder.

"We need the living goddess. The others want proof. They want her power. They want the gift that she can give."

"I KNOW THAT!", the doctor snapped. "I know .... but I have to be careful. She's powerful, more powerful than you."

"We need her. The others have followed so far, but the time is coming to show them thier full potential. You have no idea of the power of this form. And the goddess can be our guide."

The doctor nodded, "She will, we just need a plan to capture her. She won't do it willingly, she's been tainted by being to long among us.

"She thinks I'm on my own, we can set up a trap", David replied.

"Yes", Shelinzer said firmly, "but it still won't be easy."

"She looks for the killer. We can turn a few others and then set up an ambush."

"We don't have enough of her blood to turn any others and yours is too new. There's no telling what it might do to them."

David stepped away and then turned back toward the doctor, "You know the composition of her blood, you could develop something."

"It would take to long", Shelinzer sighed.

"Then we'll have to weaken her to the point that we can capture her", David stated.

The doctor looked up at the fledgling. "I've been around you, and I've been around her. There's something more to her. Something ... powerful."

"Your respect for her, Doctor, is becoming, but don't let it weaken your resolve."

"Hardly. She deserves our worship and the obedience of all who live in this world. She is a living goddess. I'm just saying that it won't be easy."

"Then we should prepare", David stated.

"I've done all the research I can", Shelinzer replied, "but there's so much conflicting history and myth it's hard to sift through.

"I think we just need to overpower her", David replied confidently.

"Easy for you to say, you've got her blood. The others won't."

"Then I'll have to try to keep her focused on me, while the others seek to overwhelm her."

Shelinzer had serious doubts about their ability to capture the living goddess, but he knew that her place was as the leader of a new world. "I've managed to collect a few things, they should harm her, but we must be careful not to kill her. I think they should work."

"Don't worry yourself, doctor, the last thing we want is a dead goddess.

"Alright, I want you to personally pick half a dozen of the best we have. It's the most I'll be able to arm. Meet me at my house past midnight."

"Consider it done doctor. Soon a new world will be created", David said, smiling.

Sarah shook her head as she led Robert into her home, "This can't be happening", she said out loud.

"The monster can't be allowed to continue", Robert stated.

Sarah turned and looked at him, "Now wait a minute, I'm fairly certain that she's not the one committing the crimes."

"Who is killing isn't the issue right now Sarah. Don't you understand that what she is can be far more dangerous than any man in history?"

"Your not really buying into that are you?" Sarah asked, disbelieving.

"How else can you explain these things. I read you the report Sandy sent us. Those men were hired killers and she dispatched them in seconds."

"Yes I know", Sarah replied, "And if she wanted them to kill me then why stop them?"

"YOUR NOT LISTENING TO ME!" Robert thundered. Sarah took a step back, never having seen him like this before. "She's a MONSTER. Don't you understand? She get's to you. She entices you. She lures you in and seduces you."

Sarah was beginning to understand now, at least somewhat. Robert was infatuated with the woman and it was frightening him. Maybe it was warring with his normally iron control and he didn't like it.

"Robert", she said in a calm, somewhat pleading voice. She had to try to get through to him, "I believe she's innocent of the these crimes."

"These, maybe. But how many crimes has she commited through the ages? How many have died to her unholy need?"

Sarah knew that Robert had been Roman Catholic, but she didn't think he was this devout. 'Unless', she thought to herself, 'the death of his wife made his desire for an afterlife even greater'.

She knew that she couldn't get him off the case, not now. She could only hope to be there when she was needed the most and, hopefully, guide him along until the case was done. Then ... 'Then what?' she wondered.

"Well for right now I need to catch this killer or the Captain is going to have my ass", Sarah told him, "and then no FBI for me."

Robert took a moment and then seemed more like his old self, "Of course", he said and after a moment smiled, "of course. Let's see what we can do with that."

Sarah nodded and moved toward the kitchen, "But not tonight huh? I'm exhausted. I want a glass of wine, a hot bathe and a warm bed. In the morning?" she asked and tipped a wine glass toward him.

"Yes", he said, "to both."

She poured them wine and then went in to take a bathe. She needed to time to reason this out. It was insane, wasn't it? She looked down at where she knew the bullit had struck her the other night and then looked in the mirror. What bothered her was the she didn't have a definite answer to that question.

Lauralin returned to the house and didn't wait for the door to be opened. She was never one to stand on ceremony. She strode through to her meditation room and closed the door.

Sitting down she cleared her mind and focused on the problem at hand. It was, at least, not as bad as she had anticipated. She needed to find the man quickly, however, before he accidently turned someone. Something else was bothering her, however, and after a few moments of meditation it came to her.

"Now why", she asked out loud, "would he make a cage?"

"Shall I pursue him Mistress?", came a sepulchral voice from the shadows.

Lauralin considered a moment before replying, "No. I want you to stay in the alleyway. Report anything you see or hear."

The wraith familiar bowed in obedience. "By your will, Mistress."

"Thank you Nightclaw." Then she closed her eyes, meditating further on the matter at hand. The doctor should be watched, but she had someone else in mind for that, and the focus would do him good.




01:57 Feb 23 2006
Times Read: 710

Chapter 8: Myths

Angra stood at the door to the garage, waiting for them to arrive. She was not, however, the maid that had greeted them before. She wore a skin tight leather suit with wickedly sharp looking knives laid lengthwise on each hip and a modified, long barreled .44 automatic strapped to one thigh. When she moved, steel cabled muscle slid beneath the suit.

Robert took a moment to study the woman as they approached, as did Sarah. This woman was a bodyguard, and from the looks of it, well worth whatever she was being paid.

They entered the garage and the chauffer stepped from the car. He was caucasian, though well tanned and as big as Robert.

Another 'servant' bodyguard. He moved to the back of the car and opened the door, allowing them to enter while Angra moved to the other side and slid into the passenger side front seat.

Terrence closed the door and slid in behind the wheel. The car was already running and he pushed the button to open the door. Once it was high enough he dropped it into gear and started toward the research facility. Once they cleared the outer gates he accelerated away, watching the mirrors and the road as much with his peripheral vision as looking at them.

Darrel reached down and turned the key as the limo moved out of the drive, but nothing happened.

"Are you fucking KIDDING me?" he asked out loud, though not, particularly, of his partner. He tried again and slammed his hands against the steering wheel.

"PIECE OF SHIT!" he yelled and got out of the car as Frank yanked up the radio.

"Hey, we're dead in the water can.."

"We are too", came a reply from the other car.

"Damnit", he muttered and slid out of the car as well.

Doctor Shelinzer looked from the Lady to the other two and then to the two newcomers. He smiled, wondering who they were and intent on bringing the Lady 'up to date'. When he approached them the Lady gestured toward the two he didn't know that had entered the room with her.

“This is Detective Schanlein and Agent Menzil. She is from the police and he is a member of the bureau.”

Considering who he had walked in with, the doctor didn’t need to ask what bureau and suddenly he felt very uncomfortable. He tugged at his lab coat and glanced toward the Lady then the door, where Angra and Terrence had taken positions to either side. Now that he was in the presence of authorities he wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. How much blame could he redirect elsewhere and how much would have to be placed on him? He began perspiring, despite the fact that the air conditioning was working at peak efficiency and, in fact, the room was very cool, bordering on cold.

“They are here concerning the murders that have been occurring recently. I trust you have been investigating the problem and have an idea how we might proceed. I do not wish to have to contact my central security and get them involved, it would be extremely messy all the way around.” Lauralin looked the Doctor dead in the eye through her whole dissertation and saw it take effect. Although her security people wouldn’t harm him or anyone else except when absolutely necessary to protect, the Doctor didn’t know that. The messy part was dealing with the local authorities as it would take some time to get permission to use them and she knew that they didn’t have that kind of time. But if the Doctor thought that messy meant he would be hurt then he would be much more cooperative.

“Lady”, he said bowing, “I think I know what happened. He bent the bars of his cage and escaped. I tested the metal and found that it was flawed in the area it was bent. He probably tested them all or at least some of them before finding them. I HAD ordered the strongest available steel, I can even show you the request sheet, I kept everything on file.”

“You will provide it, but for now, go on”, Lauralin replied, “Please explain, who is the … he … to whom you refer?”

“One of our technicians, Lady. He, ahhh … well … He infected himself.”

Lauralin reached out to a table, momentarily overcome. She had suspected something entirely different. Many times over the millenia Orcus had tried to take his vengeance on her and she suspected the he had returned for another attempt, but she had never suspected this. “Why was I not informed?”

“That … ahh … That would be my fault Lady. I knew, but I was hoping to have the cure before you found out. I had nothing to do with it, but I’m lead researcher. That makes … me … responsible.”

Lauralin nodded, “Agreed. What have you done to rectify the situation?”

“I’ve been trying to research his pattern. I think I have something. When he was young, I mean, that is, he grew up in that area. So he probably knows it well. You see, there are underground tunnels in that area. Cargo was moved from one warehouse to another to avoid police searches. I’m sure he’s using those tunnels to come out at different areas and then escape back in again.”

“Well done, you may redeem yourself.” She turned and looked at Sarah and Robert. “You see, I suffer from a particular malady. I have been trying to relieve myself of it without success for a long time. Apparently, this researcher had infected himself and has now escaped. He is your killer and you see why I am involved.”

“What is your illness?” Sarah asked as she watched Lauralin.

"Difficult", Lauralin replied, "as I said, I have spent a long time trying to find a cure for the affliction."

"Is it?" Robert asked taking a step forward. "You haven't aged a day in twenty years. You slipped out of that house even though everything was being watched. The incredible power that just seems to flow from you. Steel bars that no human should be able to bend. Is it really that difficult to explain ..... Monster?"

Lauralin locked eyes with him and suddenly he felt as though his knees would give out. Sarah looked at him then back at her and for a moment couldn't decide what had changed, then she had it. The whites of Laura's eyes seemed to flicker as though backlit with flames and she caught a glimpse of flame flickering across the womans hands and fingers.

"You are aren't you?" Robert asked. "I've read about you, heard stories", he said as he reached up and pulled his cross out from under his shirt, holding it tightly. "I know someone who knows about monsters like you. Is this your idea of a game?"

"This is my idea of trying to protect my people."

"There's a word for you where I come from. Death walker .... vampire."

Lauralin only stood, watching him closely, trying to gauge what he would do.

“That’s not possible”, Sarah replied finally.

“So you said about your injury, yet it is healed, there is no denying that”, Lauralin replied.

“So, what? You infected me?”

“NEVER!” Lauralin growled loudly with such vehemence that both took a step back and moved their hands toward their guns. Angra's hand moved to one of the knives on her hip while Terrence reached around and pulled out a .45. “I would never curse anyone that way. How I healed you is something completely different, but let us deal with one disbelief at a time.”

Sarah wasn’t sure that she wanted to hear anymore. She looked at the woman and was studying her as Laura regained her composure.

“How”, she heard Robert ask beside her, “How did it happen? What would lure someone to sell thier soul?”

“The short version is that my father’s forces were under attack by an enemy that was hard to kill and superior in numbers. Their leader kept them in control. Without him they would become largely mindless and fall before father’s forces. To get to him meant bypassing his wards.” Laura stopped for a moment, thinking, then corrected herself, “bypassing his security. To do that, I needed to be as I am.”

“Not a big sacrifice”, Sarah uttered, “immortality for victory.”

“Not a big sacrifice”, Laura almost whispered. “I sacrificed my soul. If I am destroyed there is no afterlife for me. I watched family die. I watch friends die, decade after decade, century after century. How many friends can you watch die before you would consider your life to long? Do YOU know what it is like to have a hunger so powerful that it threatens to overwhelm you daily? To look at the very people you wish to protect and hear the beating of their heart like sensual music and smell the nectar that flows in their veins? Not a big sacrifice? Know what you are speaking of before giving opinion.”

Sarah stood, chastised, and tried to imagine what the woman described. She saw Robert shudder and realized that he was trying to imagine the same. Both had lost partners. He had lost a wife to cancer. How much WAS to much to bear?

Robert, however, wasn't thinking the same thing. He was thinking what this creature might be capable of. He was thinking that he had to stop her. He was thinking how he would get out of this room alive?

“Of course”, Lauralin told them, “I shall have to have your complete silence in the matter of my condition. I can provide whatever you need or whatever I need to see to it. The last thing I need is something like this getting around, I shall be inundated with everything from admirers who would seek the dark gift to religious fanatics who would see me destroyed.”

Robert bristled at the 'religious fanatics', his Roman Catholic upbringing stepping forward suddenly, but nodded, “We’ll do all we can. In the meantime we’ll pass the killer off as a failed genetic experiment, close enough to the truth to be as believable as the public would accept while still hiding the truth and making it more acceptable than a myth. Or”, he said, “what most everyone would believe to be a myth.”

Lauralin nodded, “This is acceptable. I shall have Doctor Shelinzer arrange appropriate documentation to support your story. However, you must realize that this man is dangerous to your people. He will be difficult for you.”

“Well”, Sarah replied to her, “perhaps you can be of assistance there. You said you have security forces, they must be equipped for this sort of thing.”

“Yes, but I would need permission to have them operate on behalf of the law enforcement agency rather than as security personnel.”

“I'll see what I can arrange”, Robert told her, “we’ll be in touch.” He and Sarah then left the building and he called for a cab. He didn’t say anything until they had reached Sarah’s home.




02:44 Feb 22 2006
Times Read: 715

Chapter 7: Questions

Schanlein pulled up outside the mansion just before sunset and stepped out of the car. She closed the door just as two men approached her from another vehicle parked across the street from the main entrance gates.

“Sorry Shane”, one replied, “I don’t know how she got past us. We were sitting outside the whole night.”

“It’s alright”, Shanlein replied, not in the least surprised that the woman had slipped past them and not sure why. “Let’s just pick it up and try not to let it happen twice, alright?”

The men nodded and headed back to their positions while Shanlein and Menzil made their way over to Sandy’s car. He stepped out as they approached.

“Sandy, this is Robert Menzil”, she said, making the introductions. “Rob, Sandy.”

They shook hands as she eyed the mansion then they went back to Shane’s car and got in. She pulled away from the curb and approached the gate, which opened as they made the turn into the drive.

“That just gives me the heebie-jeebies”, Sandy said.

“Want to wait out here?” Shane asked him.

“Hell no, it won’t make me feel any better.”

They followed the drive up to the large cul-de-sac at the main steps to the mansion where a figure stood backlit in the doorway. Sarah stepped out and looked toward the figure, trying to determine if it was Lauralin/Dana, but it was too dark and there was too much light behind the figure, though the height was about right. Menzil fell in beside her and Sandy behind as she made her way up the steps. When they got closer she could see that it was Angra and nodded toward the woman.

“I’d like to speak with your boss”, she told her.

“She’s expecting you”, came the woman’s reply.

Sarah wondered just how it was that the woman was expecting her but said nothing, only nodded. They followed her inside and to the room where Sarah had first met the woman. She was wearing a comfortable looking powder blue dress that came to her mid thigh and her hair was held, somewhat, in place with a long, diamond studded net that caught the firelight beguilingly.

“Lieutenant Schanlein”, she said in her oddly accented, though musical, voice. “Welcome back.”

She then looked at Robert and, smiling, nodded. “Lieutenant Menzil, if memory serves.”

“Your memory is impeccable, Lady Silverlief, though I’m no longer with the police. I’m with the F.B.I. now.” He felt that it was something she probably knew already but he decided to play along for now.

She nodded again, “Congratulations, if belated.”

“Thank you”, he replied, stunned by the fact that in twenty years the woman hadn’t aged a day.

Lauralin then looked at Sandy. “You are Sandy, as I recall, welcome back.”

Sandy nodded and just looked at the stunningly beautiful woman while Robert looked at Sarah. She knew what the look meant. The woman hadn’t aged since he had seen her twenty years ago and he was still attracted to her. She found herself drawn in by the woman’s beauty as well, but at least she didn’t feel alone.

“Would you sit down please?” she asked, and they sat down on the couch while she took a chair opposite the fireplace with the couch to her left. In a moment, while Sarah was still gathering herself, Angra entered the room.

“Miss? You have a call.”

Lauralin stood and exited the room with a grace that seemed otherworldly and again Sarah was surprised by the fact that the woman didn’t make a sound as she passed out of the room, even though she was wearing stilleto boots that reached to just above her knees. They sat in silence and Sarah looked around the room before noticing the portrait that Laura had been looking at earlier. Sarah noticed, again, the terrible scars that formed a V on the side of his face. One ran from behind his left temple to his jaw and the other from behind his left ear, severing the earlobe, to his jaw. She also wondered what could cause the skin to look as it had, as though it had melted and run. Then a couple of other things caught her eye.

Robert moved up next to Sarah as she gazed at the portrait of the terribly scarred Knight. His armor, at least what was visible from the chest up was battered and the horse behind him wore barding. She didn’t recognize the crest but it seemed clearly medieval.

“Fascinating piece”, Robert observed.

“Yeah”, Sarah replied, “especially since she says that it’s a portrait of her father.”

“See? See?” came Sandy’s voice from behind her. “You bitched because of a document from 1863, this is even older, it has to be.”

No one said anything for several moments until finally Sarah replied, “Yeah, but how is that possible?”

“Once you have discounted the impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”, came Lauralin’s voice from behind her.

Sarah gasped and spun around, not having heard her enter, “I’m sorry?” She asked.

“Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Canon Doyle”, she replied, “one of his maxims.”

The three stood, not sure how to reply. Was she saying that what seemed to be true was the truth after all? Had she survived through the centuries, untouched by time? If so, then how? Sarah finally stepped forward but stopped and sat down. A moment later Robert and Sandy did as well.

“I have some questions”, she said.

“I am sure that you do”, was the woman’s reply as she resumed her seat.

“You suddenly appeared in town the morning after the first murder. May I ask your business here?” Sarah asked her.

“I came to investigate something pertaining to one of my companies here.”

“And … Dana Oaks owns what companies?”

“Call me Lauralin, we both know that is my name”, she told Sarah with a glance at Robert.

“So you lied to me when I questioned you before.”

“Did I?”

"It would seem so", Robert cut in with a slight challenge to his voice.

“You told me your name is Dana Oaks", Sarah stated.

“So I am known. Or am I to assume that your partner, a police officer, is lying to me because he refers to himself by a name not his own? Many have chosen names, that does not mean they lie.”

Sarah looked at the woman a moment. The woman hadn’t lied, she had told the truth all around the truth, she would have to be careful with this cunning business woman. “Very well, then. After the second murder you bought a house. The excitement made you want to stay did it?”

A look of anger crossed the woman’s face and Sarah and the others were taken aback by the ferocity in those emerald green eyes. Sarah had touched a sore spot or pushed a button. “Perhaps you find the death of innocents exciting but I find it sad and unnecessary. To my knowledge others had bought houses as well, that same day, have you questioned them?”

“I’ll ask the questions”, Sarah replied, but didn’t pursue the subject. “Why were you in the alley on the night that I was attacked?”

“I was looking for the killer.”

“So your business here includes hunting murderers?”

“In this case, yes.”

Sarah stumbled at that point, unsure how to follow up. The woman admitted that her company was somehow involved. Was it her? Someone in her company? Perhaps one of her employees had gone homicidal and she was trying to catch him before he embarrassed her company.

“It’s not that, really”, came the woman’s reply to her unspoken thoughts.

“How…”, Sarah began, but Lauralin interrupted her. “I think you should study the backgrounds of the murders individuals. Know you for whom they worked?"

"Yes", Sarah replied, "I do."

Lauralin nodded and stood up again and Rober couldn't help but watch her, both in fascination and wariness. The way she stood seemed almost impossible, she hadn't even touched the arms of the chair to push herself up. She walked over to a desk and withdrew a folder that she handed over to Schanlein and sat back down.

Sarah looked through them and after a moment looked up at Laura as she handed to file over to Menzil. "They're subsidiery companies of yours."

Lauralin nodded. "They are MY people, and I do not like my people being harmed."

"Okay, so why didn't you contact the department. With your credentials you could have participated in the investigation."

Again Lauralin nodded, "Yes, I could have, however, that would have taken time, and time is of the essence."

"Do you know who's behind the murders?" Menzil asked bluntly.

"I have suspisions, nothing more. I am endeavoring to ascertain that information."

"I could have you put into custody for questioning", Sarah told her.

"I cannot allow that", Lauralin replied, and again her tone held an edge to it that no one wanted to challenge.

"I can't just walk away from this", Sarah told her in a firm voice.

"You would not, even if you could, I can tell that about you. I am going to speak with someone. You are welcome to join me", she said and stood up.

Sarah stood and looked at Sandy, "Go back to the precinct, get the report done."

"WHAT? Are you fucking kidding me?" Sandy asked.

"It would be a wise precaution", Lauralin told him. "After all, if I have all of you then who would be left to tell the others what is happening."

"Fuck me", Sandy muttered and headed out.

"How is it", Robert asked Laura, "that you haven't aged in twenty years?"

"Have you seen the modern miracle of plastic surgery?" Lauralin asked and headed toward the door, "follow me."

Sarah followed her but realized again that Lauralin hadn't actually answered him. She didn't lie, simply asked a question in place of his own. Robert knew it wasn't that simple of an answer and was suspicious, but he couldn't help but follow the woman as she led the way out.




09:28 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 720

Chapter 6: Enigmas

Sarah arrived at the station and braced herself for the good natured abuse she was about to take. Comments like ‘Wow, she is a girl’, or ‘Hey Schanlein you have a hot date?' went around the room as she walked through to Sandy’s desk.

“Wow Sarah”, Sandy said as she approached.

“Stuff it”, she replied, “Is the blob in?”


“I guess that answers my question”, Sarah said rolling her eyes.

Sarah made her way to the Captain’s office and stopped at the door. Looking in she saw Captain Korlington sitting at the desk, his large body engulfing the chair. She knocked on the door, “Cap?" The chair he sat on protested loudly as he leaned forward and waved her inside. Stepping in she immediately saw his eyes going over her and regretted that the shirt was rather form fitting but sat down taking great pleasure in the fact that the skirt was mid calf length.

“Speak to me Shane”, he told her. “What happened in that alley?”

“I’m not sure, Sir, I was knocked unconscious. Three men were in the alley but I just figured them for nothing more than some guys hanging out at night. Beyond that, nothing.”

“You mean to tell me that we have two dead men and one badly injured and you can’t tell me what happened?," he snorted, “I find that hard to believe Shane.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, I wish I could tell you more.”

Captain Korlington leaned back in his chair and Sarah winced at the protest it gave. “Are you aware of the condition of the men?”

“No Sir, but I can find out from Sandy.”

“Alright Shane. I expect a report on this case in the morning bringing me up to date. With this mess in the alley I’ll need to address it with the glory hounds.”

“Understood Sir, I’ll get it to you first thing.”

“Dismissed Schanlein.”

Sarah stood and headed out, feeling the lascivious eyes of the Captain on her back. She walked over to Sandy’s desk and just gave him rolled eyes and slight sneer as he said in a low voice, “Need a shower?”

“You have anything for me?” she asked him instead of addressing the comment.

“I would say Oh yes, I most certainly do, but I don’t want you getting arrested for murder.”

“Good call”, she responded.

“Well in that case, what would you like?," he asked as he pulled out a few envelopes. “I have useless. I have odd and I have bizarre. Pick your poison Barbie.”

Sarah grinned at the comment. That had become a nickname for her ever since the drunk they had pulled out of the levee two years ago had told her that she looked like a living barbie doll. “Can I have none of the above?”


“You’re a terrible, terrible man.”


“My desk, away from his lordship’s sphere of control.”

They moved over to her desk and she took a seat in her chair as he sat on the corner of her desk. “Yeah you just wanted to be over here so you had a comfortable chair”, he said with a mock look of shock on his face. Sarah just winked at him and grinned. “So what have you got?” She asked.

“Well here’s the useless part” he said as laid down several photocopied sheets. “This is the woman’s I.D.”

“All in order I suppose.”

“Immaculate”, he responded.

“Have you checked graveyards and obituaries to try to match up the name?”

“Just came in”, he said, “but I’ll do it first thing.”

“Now here we have odd”, he said as laid down Sarah’s micro cassette. “No match for dialect. But it’s not unheard of either. Something about east gabip rurals developing separate dialects if left alone long enough, so she might have come from some spot that’s not on the vacation maps.”

Sarah nodded, “yeah I heard of that before”.

“Now HERE”, he said as he laid down several other photocopied sheets, “is the bizarre. I went to her bank and the realty that sold her the house and got copies of her signature. I ran it through the criminal database. Zippo. So I ran it through government files.”

“Let me guess, she’s working for the government”, Sarah said looking at him.

“If so she’s buried”, he replied. “No. What’s odd is that I ran a general search, you know; see what else she might have her name on.” He shifted slightly on the desk to look at her. “Ever hear of Defender’s corp.?”

“Yeah. Personal, home and business security. Government contracts. It’s into lots of things.”

He nodded as he leaned back slightly. “Wanna take a stab who the owner and CEO is?

“Donald Trump?”

“Funny, Sarah. That was funny”, he replied as he gave a false yawn. “Lauralin Silverlief.”

“And she is?”

“Dana Oaks, according to an almost one hundred percent handwriting analysis match.”

Sarah sat back in her chair in astonishment. “Why would the head of a multi-billion dollar company be doing something like this?”

“Now that I’ve made preface let me get to the twilight zone stuff”, he said as he tapped the set of papers on her desk. Look at the dates on these. And these are all under Lauralin Silverlief.”

Sarah picked up all of the papers and went through them, then sat them back on the desk. “This isn’t the least bit funny Mervin.”


Sarah picked up the papers and shook them in his face. “THIS!” she said, “NOT the least bit humorous. This one here,” she said picking one out, “It’s dated 1863 and you expect me to believe this is authentic?”

“When have I lied to you about something concerning a case Sarah”, Sandy replied in a hurt tone.

Sarah leaned back in her chair and studied him closely. “Never”, she said. “You’re serious aren’t you? These are real.”

Sandy nodded, “The real deal.”

“I’m sorry Sandy it’s just…this case has me uptight. And now this?”

He nodded, “Hey no biggie. I understand. I triple checked them with the various organizations that had them on file. All of them turned up authentic according to the historians who checked them over.”

Sarah sat back tapping her lips lightly with her index finger. She ran over everything they had. ‘Vicious attacks and she could do that. But why save me? What is this business with old records she couldn’t have possibly signed? What happened to my injury?’ She stood up suddenly and looked at Sandy, “I need to see someone, would you do the report?”

“What am I? Your personal secretary?”

“I would say yes but you just want my new clothes.”

“Well you know,” he replied, “I never could resist satin.

“I really need to see someone or I wouldn’t ask you”

Sandy nodded and stood up. “I got ya covered, just fill me in okay?”

“Sure thing,” she said and headed out of the room.

Sarah drove the four and half hours out of the city into the country. Robert Menzil was her mentor when she entered the department. ‘Follow the evidence,’ he said, ‘But follow it where?’ she thought. ‘Where is all this leading?’ She saw the house as she headed down the dirt road and hoped he would be home. He worked for the bureau but she was certain he did a lot of his research at home.

Pulling up the drive she saw the front door open and recognized her mentor the moment she saw him. Robert was a tall man and looked like a linebacker. Dark black skin glistened in the sun and he kept his head and face shaved. She pulled up by the porch and got out of the car smiling up at him.

“Shane,” he said in an extremely deep and rumbling voice.

“Hi Rob,” she replied as she embraced him in return of his own. “I see the life of luxury in the bureau hasn’t done anything to decrease your strength,” she said grinning.

“Oh I still work out in between tea and Crumpets.”

Sarah laughed and took his arm, her tan light in comparison to his own skin. “So show me this place of yours.”

Robert obligingly led her around the outside, showing her the barn and old silo, telling her that he still planned to get horses sometime. When he pointed out the old outhouse Sarah laughed about his need for a heater in the winter to keep his butt warm. Inside he showed her around the spacious farmhouse, including the ‘newfangled indoor outhouse.’ Sarah laughed, having forgotten how pleasant ‘the old man’ was to be around. When he was done he poured her a glass of brandy and got a beer for himself then sat down across from her in the living room.

“I’m on duty,” she said when he handed her the glass.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he replied.

She smiled at him as she took a sip. “I miss your guidance and your friendship.”

“I’m here Sar, you just never call,” he said but smiled to alleviate the guilt that Sarah felt, though she still couldn’t meet his eyes. “Hey, it’s alright. I understand how busy things get, I may be lounging in the bureau but I still get busy. Speaking of which, they have a man retiring and I’ve sung your praises, interested?”

“Are you serious?”

“No,” he replied but couldn’t hold a straight face for more than a minute.

“Youuuuuu,” Sarah said unable to say anything else.

“Well I’ll take that as a yes. I have the paperwork here; I was going to get it to you in the next day or two.” He got up and went out to the kitchen, coming back with an envelope. “You know the routine. Take it in or give it to me, either is fine. Preferably give it to me, and then I can kidnap you for dinner and a chance to catch up.”

“Deal,” Sarah replied smiling.

“Alright, let’s hear what you have for me.”

“This case is bizarre,” she replied, “I just want to see what you think.”

Robert nodded and sat back to listen as Sarah told him everything that had occurred from her point of view. Then she showed him the things that Sandy had come up with and he went over them slowly, his face becoming granite. Something in the papers had set him on edge. Sarah hadn’t forgotten how to read her former mentor and she knew that something in the information she gave him hit a nerve. After a moment he looked up at her, his eyes were inscrutable. “What do you know of this woman?” he asked.

“The basics. She’s owner and CEO of Defenders Corp. which is into personal, home and business security. Government contracts, that sort of thing.”

He nodded. “She’s also a freelancer. The bureau knows about her activities, at least some of them. They don’t stop her. She works overseas as well. Hubbub is that once, before the fall of the Russian socialist government, she bumped heads with local deep cover operatives. I mean deep. They were born here to parents who legally moved here but still worked for the Russian government. The Russians got a bit upset with her and over the span of about two years had sent six KGB agents to remove her. I mean one then two then three. These people were government assassins. They all disappeared without a trace, Sarah. EVERY one.”

Sarah sat back in astonishment. Though she wasn’t as versed as Robert in such things she knew that many KGB were trained from childhood. They didn’t make mistakes and rarely failed a job. She downed the rest of her brandy and looked back up at him.

The bond between mentor and student had never dissolved and he knew that she had absorbed what he told her. “There’s more,” he said. “When the government fell, this incident was still a stick in their craw. They made requests to get information on their agents, wanting to know what happened to them. We asked her and she refused to answer. I don’t mean gave an answer that couldn’t be verified or misled or lied. I mean flat out refused to say, and we did….nothing. So whoever she is, she has contacts. Whoever she is she’s a real hard case when deal comes to play.”

Sarah leaned forward looking for a moment at the floor before looking back up at Robert. “So you’re saying I should let it go?”

Robert chuckled at her question. “You wouldn’t let go of a rodeo bull. Now understand that I’m not trying to scare you, or drive you off. What I know of her tells me that she’s never harmed anyone who didn’t harm someone else first. In fact she’s gone out of her way to avoid harming innocents. You’re just doing your job. All I’m saying is don’t step on her toes.”

Sarah nodded and sat thinking about the investigation. She wouldn’t let go, they both knew that. She wondered just how far she could get before she would be thought of as stepping on toes. She also wondered if she shouldn’t leave Sandy out of it. He was her partner but she was the one who would pursue the investigation rather than turn it over or ask for help from anyone.

“Now,” Robert said, “concerning the alley incident. I don’t mean to question you but I have to ask…”

“I checked for head injury. No pain, no swelling, no dizziness or nausea either,” Sarah said before he could finish.

Robert nodded. “Then maybe it’s some sort of tech we don’t know about. I don’t doubt what you saw; I’m just looking for an explanation.

She has companies all over the world so there’s no telling what she might have available to her.”

“I don’t think she did it,” Sarah said quietly, “I know what you told me about following the evidence, it doesn’t lie, but I don’t think she did it.”

Robert smiled and leaned forward laying his hand lightly on hers, “I said follow the evidence, I didn’t say its trail would lead directly to the culprit. It might or might just point you in the right direction. But in either case you should always follow it.”

Sarah looked up at him as she began to realize that she had always assumed it would lead directly to the perp. It never occurred to her that it might point somewhere that would hold the information needed to find them.

Robert stood up and went to the kitchen phone. He dialed a number and leaned against the counter. “Agent Menzil here. I need about a week for a personal matter …. It’s personal …. The time I’m taking off is for a personal matter.” At this point Robert looked at Sarah and rolled his eyes. “Look up personal in the dictionary for your own reference and just pass along my message.” Robert hung up the phone and mumbled “I wonder how some people get their jobs,” then went into the back of the house.

“I’m going to call Sandy and let him know your joining us, he’s my partner,” Sarah said loudly as she opened her cell phone.

“Right, I’ll just pack a few things and we’ll head out,” Robert called back before a loud crash sounded from the back of the house.

Sarah jumped up and pulled her gun as she moved quickly toward the back of the house. “ROBERT?”

“I’m alright,” Robert replied as he stuck his head out of the back room, “Just a poor packing job. I haven’t used the luggage in far too long.”

Sarah chuckled, holstered her gun and opened her phone. When Sandy picked up she told him that she was bringing her former mentor down and he would be giving them a hand and brought him up to date on the case. When she hung up after Sandy’s news she was frowning.

“What is it?” Robert asked.

“Last night there was another murder. It occurred roughly the same time I was in the alley. The same time SHE was in the alley.”

“You said she was looking for the murderer. Could be coincidence. Could be something going on that’s way over our heads.” He said winking at her.

“Sandy is going to meet us near her place. I want a word with her.”

Robert nodded. “I met her once before, but that was some years ago. She still have that ungodly long hair?”

“Yes she does,” Sarah said looking away from Robert and then about the room. “You ready to go?”

“I am, your not, what’s up Sar?”


“Who do you think you’re talking to? I know something is wrong,” he replied as he walked over to her.

“I just don’t understand,” Sarah said as she looked at him.

“Understand what? Talk to me Sar.”

Sarah sighed and looked down before finally saying “I think I’m attracted to her. But I’ve never been that way before.”

Robert burst out in a short fit of laughter before stopping abruptly. “Sorry,” he said. “First off there’s nothing wrong even if you are THAT way. Second it’s okay to notice and appreciate beauty in a same gender. Third she has a particularly strong attraction. I remember her so well because I remember how desperately I wanted to be with her.”

Sarah looked up at him with surprise evident on her face. Robert was always cool and controlled. Almost nothing bothered him and he certainly wasn’t one to give into base lust, yet he was strongly drawn to her.

Robert nodded, “Yes, me, of all people. There’s something about her, something powerful. What I can’t say.”

Sarah nodded “I know what you mean. A strength. An almost palpable aura.” Sarah felt better knowing that she wasn’t the only one affected by the woman. It had bothered her since their first meeting, yet here Robert was, equally affected. She looked up at Robert again, “What do you think it is?”

Robert shrugged, trying to hide his own embarrassment as he thought of the flame haired woman. “I have no clue. I only know that I avoided her after that meeting. She had met with us for an investigation. This was before you ever joined. I just know that it was a powerful attraction and that I wasn’t the only one affected. And,” he went on as he turned to look Sarah in the eye, “men weren’t the only ones she affected. I won’t pretend to understand it. It was just something extremely powerful.” He turned to pick up his suitcases and carry bags and a briefcase. “That was twenty years ago, she’ll be older now at least. Maybe she’s lost some of that exotic beauty.”

“Don’t bet on it,” Sarah mumbled as she headed for the door. After getting his things into the trunk they got on the road for the long trip back. “The woman’s an enigma Rob. There are so many things about her.” She glanced over to see Robert nodding absently as he was using the search and peck method to do something on his laptop. “I see your typing skills haven’t improved.”

He grinned at her and nodded. “I still believe in writing.”

“You Barbarian,” she said in a Scarlet voice, and chuckling they continued their drive back




04:21 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 729

Chapter 5: Secrets

Lauralin was still gazing out of the window when Sarah awoke. The sun had just cleared the horizon and was casting out its dim light in an effort to provide comfort for those afraid of the night. Sarah looked cautiously about in confusion and spotted the flame haired woman sitting in the chair by the window. "Who are you and where am I?" she asked.

"You do not know who you ask questions of when you come to their home?"

Sarah immediately recognized the voice. Sliding her hand down she was surprised to find no evidence of a wound and looked quickly under the covers. "How long have I been here?" Sarah asked suspiciously.

Lauralin sighed and stood up; picking up something from the table beside her that had been hidden from Sarah’s sight until now. Sarah tensed as she recognized her own holstered gun and badge. Laura walked with unconscious grace to the bed and offered them to the woman as nonchalantly as though offering a tissue. Sarah quickly grabbed them, checked the gun, and looked up at Laura as she retook her seat. "How long have I been here?" Sarah asked again more forcefully.

"Eight hours", Lauralin responded, looking out the window again.

"That’s impossible", Sarah replied as she studied the woman. Sarah couldn’t deny the stunning and exotic beauty of the woman by the window. She envied the figure, but the hair was too much for Sarah to even think about.

"Nothing is impossible", Laura replied, as though distracted by something.

"I was injured. It’s healed now. That couldn’t happen in eight hours."

Lauralin nodded. "Not without some kind of assistance."

"Assistance", Sarah echoed. "There isn’t any assistance that would be able to heal that kind of wound so quickly." Sarah, getting agitated now, looked around the room. "Where are my clothes?"

"I had Angra get their sizes. She will be running to the store as soon as she brings up breakfast for you. Your clothes were ruined." Lauralin turned her head to look at the woman in the bed, studying her intently while Sarah tried not to fidget under her scrutiny. Finally she turned to look out the window again.

Sarah couldn’t help but notice the sadness that seemed evident in the woman before the window. "How did I get here?" she asked, wondering what the woman was thinking about.

"I brought you here. It was not safe for you in the alley."

"How did you know I was in the alley?" Sarah asked. 'I've got you now', she thought.

"I was there", Laura replied simply.

Sarah fingered her gun nervously. 'Why? Why were you there?"

"You have some information awaiting you by now I am sure. We shall talk when you have checked with your people. The easiest answer at the moment is that I was there for the same reason as you, essentially. I am looking for a killer."

"I see", Sarah said in return, "I wasn’t aware that you had joined the force. You see, otherwise, it would be vigilante action and I would have to arrest you."

Lauralin turned to look at Sarah again, her eyes piercing into Sarah’s own. Sarah wasn’t sure what it was in the woman’s eyes and for a moment her whole world seemed filled with emerald green fire until finally she had to look away after a moment, unable to hold the gaze. "I cannot allow that", Lauralin said simply before returning her gaze back out the window.

The simple statement gave Sarah a chill that ran down her spine. Allowed or not, Sarah couldn’t let a vigilante run around loose. Somehow, however, She knew that this was no one to be trifled with. She didn’t know what it was about her but something made Sarah feel that the woman possessed a strength that she could never understand. She looked at the woman curiously when all the sudden she said "COME". She drew her gun from the holster out of reflex as the door opened.

Angra stood still as she looked at the woman in the bed with the gun pointed at her. Slowly she raised the tray of food and then waited for the woman to calm herself.

"Angra is a good cook", Laura said lightly, "I can guarantee that what is on the tray is dead and cooked. There is no need for the gun."

Sarah had to laugh lightly at the offhanded statement and holstered her gun. "Sorry, I’m a bit jumpy". Angra nodded and stepped in to place the tray on the nightstand. "I’ll head into town to get the clothes for our guest now, with your permission Lady." Lauralin nodded, "Thank you, Angra that would be wonderful." With a brief nod Angra left the room closing the door behind her.

Sarah’s mouth watered at the smell of bacon, sausage, eggs and hash browns that wafted up from the plate. A cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice stood to either side of the plate. 'You’re not eating?" she asked Laura.

"No, I just nibble here and there."

Sarah nodded and began eating slowly. Her pace quickened at the taste of the food and before long she had finished the entire tray. Looking at Lauralin, somewhat embarrassed, she said, "Sorry about the bad manners I was hungry."

Lauralin smiled and nodded before turning the chair to face Sarah. "I understand. I am sure you were famished." Her eyebrows furrowed a moment as though in concentration. "I shall return directly", she said then and stood and moved gracefully to the door. It wasn’t until she had left the room that it dawned on Sarah that the woman hadn’t made a single sound as she made her way across the room.

A few minutes later the door opened and Laura stepped aside to admit a young man in his late twenties. He stood around five and a half feet tall with a lean, athletic build. His brown hair was tosseled and his hazel eyes lit with relief at the sight of Sarah. "SARAH!" he cried as he entered the room and saw her.

"Sandy", Sarah said with some surprise as she saw the beach loving man who was her partner, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you", he replied as he gave a sidelong glance toward Lauralin.

"Well you found me, guess that’s why they call you a detective", Sarah said grinning.

"Only look if they’re as beautiful as you", Sandy replied, "So ahhh, what’s going on here?" he asked as he lifted the cover some as though to peek under.

"Not what your thinking", Sarah said as she slapped his hand, "Put it in your pants and go back to the office. I’ll be coming back soon, I needed new clothes."

"Hey look, Sarah. We got two deaders from the alley you were going to check out and you were missing. I only came here because you had question her", he said nodding toward Lauralin, "The boss is going to want something."

"So buy him lunch and let it occupy his fat face till I get there."

Sandy sighed in resignation, knowing that when Sarah was like this there was no budging her. "Alright", he said, "I’ll stall the old man but get back there as quickly as you can." He turned to go but stopped as his eyes found Lauralin. He looked her over quickly then tossed a glance back at Sarah and grinned. He managed to duck just in time to avoid the thrown pillow and retreated quickly from the room.

"Some men just need to be clipped", Sarah mumbled to herself as she lay back down.

"I have always preferred castration myself", Laura replied as she walked over and pulled the covers up further. "Though what he is thinking is a tempting thought."

Sarah looked up at the woman before blushing slightly and looking away. She realized then that for the first time she wished that Angra would arrive with her clothes so she could be away from the mansion.

"I am sorry", Lauralin said as she stood up. "I am making you uncomfortable. I shall go await Angra in the foyer."

"No, no", Sarah said, "It’s alright. I’m just not that way." Sarah looked up at her mysterious hostess and peered at her intently. "Angra wasn’t here. How did you know that Sandy had arrived?"

"Sandy, odd name for a man", Lauralin said, obviously confused.

"Yeah, we call him Sandy because he likes the beach and his car is usually an obvious cause for beach erosion. He showed you his badge with his real name. He hates that name. Who would call their kid Mervin?"

Lauralin’s laugh was musical to Sarah’s ears. "Indeed, you have a point. I suppose a sudoname would be much preferred in such a case."

Sarah grinned and nodded. "We only call him that when we’re mad at him for something."

The woman’s giggle made Sarah laugh in return. "He knows he’s in for it when I use his real name", Sarah finished.

Lauralin nodded smiling. "I shall send up Angra when she arrives", she said and headed to the door. Sarah nodded and relaxed, even closing her eyes for a few moments. Suddenly she opened her eyes again as she realized that the woman had managed to completely elude her question. She lay naked in the bed of a suspected killer and felt at ease. Pondering this she felt that though the woman could be dangerous she did not think that she did these crimes. ‘Follow the path that the evidence leads you down’, her mentor had told her. That was why she was here, at least partially. The rest of the reason she considered as her fingers found the area where she was sure the wound had been. Soon another realization hit her. ‘You were the cloaked figure in the alley weren’t you?’, She thought to herself. ‘The language is unknown but the voice, the inflections. Your inflections are perfect for that odd language.’

Jumping slightly as the door opened Sarah looked over to see Angra enter. "I adjusted the sizes based on your previous clothing, I hope it fits well enough."

"Adjusted the sizes?" Sarah asked, but Angra just set down the clothes and made her way back through the door.

Sarah got out of bed to look at the clothing. The pieces of underwear were satin with lace. The skirt a light blue satin and the shirt was pure silk and somewhat darker than the skirt. The low heels were Gucci. "Well I know to get myself shot the next time I want some good clothes", Sarah muttered. ‘Of course I shouldn’t be taking any of this’, she thought as she slowly pulled the clothing on, enjoying every moment.

Once she was dressed she opened the door to find Angra standing right outside in the hallway awaiting her. "I’ll lead you to the door", Angra said simply, and began doing just that.

Sarah followed her and looking at the woman intently asked, "You don’t like me do you?"

The woman didn’t turn around as she answered, "The Lady is my mistress. She saved me from the terror ridden streets of the Middle East. The hard labor, the rape gangs. You come to try to take her away for a crime I know she would have been incapable of performing." Angra stopped and turned to face Sarah as she asked, "How would YOU feel in MY place?"

Sarah nodded, "I understand, but I have a job to do and your boss figures heavily into it. I’ve seen saints hidden in the guise of bums and sinners hidden by the faces of saints. If she’s innocent then there’s no problem. If she’s guilty then she has to pay for her crimes."

Angra turned and headed back toward the front door and Sarah fell in behind her. They walked in silence as Sarah studied her own convictions and found that for the first time in her career she hoped that the person she was investigating was innocent. Angra opened the door and nodded to Sarah who thanked her and headed out to her car, which was parked out front.

Sarah sat in her car, thinking about what she had learned and what she had to do. Looking out the windshield as she thought she saw the woman ride out of a barn on a dappled grey horse. Sarah watched in awe as the mysterious woman put the horse through a series of complicated maneuvers that Sarah could only describe as horse soldiers moves in the Middle Ages. She continued to watch as a sword slid from a scabbard hidden behind the long flame red hair and the horse and rider wove in and out of posts with marks on them. To Sarah’s astonishment the woman never missed a target and to her further utter amazement the woman actually cleaved through several of the eight by eight posts. 'Tough woman', she muttered as she started her car and headed down the driveway, turning her thoughts to the items to which she needed to attend.

Lauralin reigned in and watched as Sarah drove away, wondering again about how much to reveal to this woman.

"MISTRESS?" Angra’s voice called out from the fence and Laura turned to face her. Moving with practiced ease Laura set the horse into a parade canter and made her way over to the woman.

"Yes?" She asked as she reached the fence.

"Doctor Shelinzer to see you Mistress", Angra said as she took the reigns of the grey mare.

"Very well, would you see to Frenbre please?"

Angra smiled as she said "Yes of course Mistress."

Lauralin dismounted and went inside to the sitting room. Doctor Shelinzer stood up and bowed to Lauralin as she entered.

"I shall make this brief, Doctor", Lauralin said as she approached the aging scientist. "It was your responsibility to safeguard the specimens. You failed. I shall give you a chance to redeem yourself, as I believe everyone deserves such a chance. Find a way to reverse the process or end the creature’s life. Here", she said as she handed him an envelope, "If you feel you cannot do this then consider that your severance, otherwise use it to get what you need."

"Thank you, Mistress", The Doctor replied, "I won’t fail you again."

Lauralin nodded as the Doctor stood smiling at her. "Tempus Fugit, Doctor", she said and with that he quickly left the room.

Lauralin sat at her desk and considered the ramifications of her actions. ‘My secrets now harm others’, Lauralin thought, ‘I shall not again attempt to reverse my condition.’




20:27 Feb 10 2006
Times Read: 732

Chapter 4: Choices

Lauralin slipped out of the mansion through the back door into the expansive grounds where the high wall and heavy foliage prevented anyone from looking into the yard from the street. She approached the side wall that led to the street and stopped. Mumbling something in an unknown language, she suddenly seemed to disappear. More words were heard and then stopped though nothing seemed to happen.

Laura walked through the wall and looked at the car parked across the street. The men inside were watching the side entrance to the back of the estate, to make sure no one came or left by that means. They didn't see her as she stepped out onto the sidewalk and began to move toward the main part of the city at a steady, ground eating, pace. Two and a half hours later she arrived at the location of the murders, a series of alleys that intersected in various places, connecting several buildings. She climbed quickly up the wall to the top of a three story building and began moving from rooftop to rooftop, easily jumping the distance between them that no mortal could have cleared, searching for the next victim that she knew would meet the target of her own search.

Leaping across one gap a figure caught her eye and she turned, upon landing, to look down into the alley as the figure entered. She immediately recognized Lieutenant Schanlein as she turned into the alley where the last murder had taken place and started down the narrow way toward the location of the last body. Glancing around, Laura noticed three figures in the alley. They didn't appear to be homeless or street people, but they weren't doing anything that Laura would take as suspicious and she turned to continue across the rooftop to search the next alley. Seeing nothing she leaped to the next roof and began across when she heard Sarah cry out and the thunder of the modern weapons as they expelled their metal projectiles.

Sarah entered the alley heading toward the last murder scene. The murder occurred at night and she liked to see the scene as it would have been viewed by the attacker and the victim. Sometimes little things were missed when looking at it in the wrong light, the wrong angle, even the wrong attitude. She glanced over at three hoodlums as they stood leaning against the wall and continued on, lost in thought. 'Why were you here?' 'What did you come for?' 'Who knew you were coming?' 'Was it random chance?' These questions kept echoing in her mind as she looked at the alleyway, trying to think and see things as the victim had that night.

A sixth sense, cop sense as some in the department called it, told her to turn around. The three men had moved away from the wall and were slowly making their way toward her. The way they moved was not the bravado of hoodlums, it was precise, crisp and well practiced. 'Like a S.W.A.T. team casually moving into positions.' She faced the three men and in a set, firm voice said, "I'm Lieutenant Sarah Schanlein, here on official police business". Pulling her jacket aside, she revealed the badge on her belt and the gun in the holster, just for intimidation purposes.

"Excellent", the man to her left said, "Then there's no need to verify who you are." He pulled back his own coat, as did the other two, reaching for the weapons they had beneath.

Sarah leaped to her right, hoping for some form of protection, as she pulled her pistol from its holster. Uzis thundered in the alley as they let loose with their deadly barrage. She hit the ground and rolled, hitting the wall hard, but at least with somewhat of a corner between her and her attackers. Chips flew from the wall near her as she raised her gun, ready to shoot anyone who stepped into view. It was then she noticed the pain in her side and looked down to see the blood seeping through her shirt. She didn’t remember getting hit, but it was evident, undeniable, and now she was pinned with no backup.

Two provided cover fire for the third that advanced. Moving in an arc, slowly getting into position to fire, he never saw what killed him, only a flash of light, and then nothing. The other two saw white flashes impact against their companion who was thrown back against the wall, dead instantly. His jacket and shirt were burnt and the smell of charred flesh was in the air.

The two turned as a something impacted the ground behind them. One briefly saw his attacker before he died; his head turn completely around, facing behind him. The other saw the dark grey figure when piercing pain shot up his arm from his wrist. A gloved hand held the wrist of his gun hand as he watched the weapon fall to the ground. The figures other hand wrapped around his throat and, although almost a foot shorter than he, lifted him off the ground and slammed him against the brick wall. Brief pain shot through his skull before blackness claimed him.

Sarah saw the dark figure appear on the top of the adjacent building. Fearing a fourth attacker she began to raise her gun when white light shot from the fingertips of the strange figure, disappearing at the corner of the building around which she hid. It then seemed to step off into midair, plunging toward the ground. It, too, disappeared because of the corner of the building. Suddenly she heard the clatter of what she knew to be a dropped weapon, then a man’s scream and another clatter followed by a thud. She slid down the wall and was surprised when the figure rounded the corner, the hood of the dark grey cloak hiding the face.

Lauralin reached the edge of the building and looked down at the scene below. Sarah was in a niche formed between two buildings. Two men were firing at the corner of her hiding place as another was working his way closer to her hiding place. Raising her hands, she quietly summoned her magic. White bolts of power arched from her fingertips to strike the man in the chest, killing him instantly. Once the immediate threat to Sarah was eliminated she stepped from the edge of the building and landed behind the other two. They began to turn as she reached out and easily snapped the neck of the one closer to her. The last man saw her but did not have the preternatural speed that she possessed. She reached out, crushing the wrist of his gun hand, allowing the weapon to fall to the ground. A brief flash of fury went through her as she reached for his neck, ready to kill him as well. Instead she lifted him up and slammed him against the wall, enough to knock him unconscious but not enough to kill him. ‘Someone has to be left alive to face charges’, she thought. Once the man was down she went around the corner to Sarah who looked up at her with pain filled eyes.

Laura reached into her cloak as Sarah, seeing the movement, tried to raise her gun. In confusion, Sarah lowered her weapon as she saw that the hooded figure withdrew only sand. Mumbling once more in the spidery language she pointed at Sarah and allowed the sand to slip through her fingers. Sarah didn’t recognize the language but the voice seemed to sit at the edge of her consciousness as familiar. Her neck hairs stood on end as she heard the strange syllables. She thought she had an idea of who this was right before darkness overtook her.

Lauralin knelt down next to the, now, sleeping lieutenant and opened the shirt. The blood was dark and Laura knew from centuries of battlefields that the liver had been hit and that she didn’t have long to live. She sat back wondering if she should interfere. Should she stop this death? Should she let her die? If Laura hadn’t been here then Sarah would surely die from this, yet, Sarah wouldn’t have been here if it were not for Lauralin. Sighing she leaned forward and placed one hand on the woman’s head and the other on her chest. Uttering the incantation that would allow Sarah’s body to slip a few moments back in time to a point where the wound had never happened, Lauralin slowly shifted her hand positioning in a counter clockwise motion, then, the wound now never having existed, she shifted her hand positioning again in a clockwise motion while continuing the incantation, allowing Sarah’s body to return to its present moment.

After she finished she stood, wondering what to do with Sarah. If she moved her then she would awaken from the sleep that Laura had put her into, yet to leave her here, where she had been attacked once seemed dangerous. Having considered her options Lauralin reached out and an ebony wood staff with a gold claw holding a large diamond appeared in her hand. She knelt down, lightly touching Sarah and muttered the command word for the staff. Once the word was spoken they vanished from the alley.

Laura stood up and uttered another incantation allowing Sarah to rise from the floor and over to the bed where Lauralin pulled down the blankets and allowed the woman to settle onto the comfortable mattress. After covering the sleeping woman she went to the window and sat nearby on a chair, knowing that her decision this night had cost someone else their life.



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