ShadowWolfGuardian's Journal


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Chapter 12: Discoveries

10:29 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 1,044

Michael returned and watched, waiting for the doctor’s car to leave the compound. Once it did he started the Enterprise and followed him a safe distance, watching the tracking system he had. Once the doctor hadn’t turned down any of the roads or streets that would take him home he sat up a bit more. ‘Where are you going’, he thought to himself.

He followed the doctor to the warehouse district, parking a discreet distance away. Then he returned to the doctor’s car and took the only possible route he saw. It led to blind alley with two doors, one each to a different building.

One showed signs of rust, obviously not having been used, the other was oiled and he picked the lock, entering what was, obviously, an abandoned warehouse. There was dirt, dust and debris on the floor, but a clear path had been formed from the door to a stairwell leading down where he could hear many voices seemingly chanting or singing. He pulled his gun and headed down the steps.

The stairway ended in a tunnel that stopped at a door. He listened to what was now definitely chanting and opened the door enough to get through. What he saw struck him. A huge portrait of Lady Silverlief, only her hair hiding her breasts and flowing down to cover her own pubic area. They seemed to be in postures of worship and the doctor was standing in front of them all. Michael grabbed the cell phone from his pocket and took a picture, then headed back up, sending the picture to his e-mail account as soon as he got a signal and then called the mansion as he headed back to his car.


Robert reached the precinct as Sarah was getting ready to leave. She looked up and frowned as she picked up some files and her bag.

“Uh oh”, Robert muttered, “what did I do wrong?”

“Nothing”, Sarah said, “we have to talk though.”

Not sure how to react he followed her

outside. “Where do you want to talk? I rented a car.”

“My house, we’ll get delivery.”

He followed her back to her house and waited while she ordered, then they sat down and she dropped the files on the table in front of him.

“Coroner’s report on the guys who attacked me in the alley and a copy of the Doctor’s report of the guy in the coma. They were specialists, worked as a team, hired as a team. But that wasn’t the amazing part.”

“What IS the amazing part”, he asked.

“Well perp one died from a broken neck. He died fast enough that the bruising that was left behind wasn't enough for good hand or finger identification, but there were part of what looked like fingerprints on his chin and some of his hair was pulled out. Coroner figures that someone snapped his neck by turning it completely around.

Perp two died from unknown cause. That is the instrument used was unknown. Ten entry wounds. Looks like something burned into his chest, right through flesh, muscle and bone. No metal fragments, no wood fragments, no chemical residue. What was used is completely unknown.

Perp three. He’s in a coma. He only had a few injuries. A crushed wrist with bruising indicating fingers. Same thing on the neck. Only other injury was the blow that fractured his skull and that was done by forceful contact to the wall and verified by forensics. Only brick shards in the wound.”

“How big of a hand? Could he estimate?”

Sarah nodded, “The bruising was pretty severe. About the size of a small woman…..”

Robert just stared at her a moment and then sat back. “What about the other victims?”

“Completely different M.O. I don’t think she’s doing it.”

“I checked around”, he told her, “the only connection to all the murder victims is her. Or her company at least, I find it hard to believe that she isn't involved in some way.”

"What is your problem with her?" Sarah asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Your obsessed with her, Robert. I can...."

"I'M NOT OBSESSED!" he shouted as he stood up. Sarah backed away, frightened, never having seen him angry. At the look of fear in her eyes he regained his senses, "Oh god, Sarah, I'm so sorry. I don't know what it is with her."

Neither did Sarah, but she had a good idea. Even SHE felt attracted to the woman. "Maybe you should back out."

He shook his head. "I have to see this through", he said. When she started to protest he shook his head, "For my own benefit, Sarah, I have to see this through.


Lauralin had spent the day meditating. Going over all that was told to her and everything that was whispered at in what was left unsaid. That the doctor was involved was without question. He was still mortal, she could tell that. But who had been changed? And why? And if the doctor knew more then why wasn't he saying.

As the sun slipped below the horizon, pulling down the blanket of night as it left, she opened her eyes and raised herself to her feet. There were no windows, but she didn't need them to know when night fell. Laura padded downstairs in her soft doe-skin boots and was confronted by Angra.

"Phone, Mistress. Mister Gassington."

Lauralin took phone and listened to what he had to say. When she hung up, she looked deeply concerned.


Lauralin shook her head. "Rest Angra, and thank you." Then she headed out back, into the rear yard.



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