Simplicity's Journal

Simplicity's Journal


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5 entries this month

Salt water and blood thoughts

17:29 Jun 22 2009
Times Read: 503

Couldn’t do it. Another night of tossing and turning. 3 nights in a row now. Don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to put up with it. Was up at 3 am this time. Made some coffee, put together his things and checked some messages. As soon as he left for work at 5, I put on my hang around the beach clothes, stuffed a pair of long jeans, tee and my favorite boots in my backpack with the various bills and stuff that needed to be done and I was out the door.

I love going to the beach before dawn. When you can barely see your hand in front of your face. I sat down on my usual rock, in the corner of the beach against the rocks and waited for the sunrise.

It was beautiful this morning. Seems every day the sunrise is more beautiful than the last. Either that, or I’m just too damn dull to apreciate anything else I see. With daylight, people start coming out. The usuals, as always. Locals coming to walk their dogs, the middle aged women doing their power walks to keep their figure and a few surfers here and there taking advantage of the last good waves of the morning. This morning, an eldery couple was on the beach. In their 60’s maybe. Just looking at them holding hands, gigling like two teens, ugh, I had suddenly got the vision in my head of me bashing their skulls together.

Snapping out of it, remembering my calling and my oath to do no harm, I cursed at myself for the thought and tried to meditate. But the vision of the old couple made me think about my current situation. I realized I want what they have. I want to grow old with the man I love. But who? And will it ever happen? Right now, things are so complicated. It could be months with his current situation.

Looking at my other half here at home, although I know he loves me (he tells me every day), I just can’t take out of my head the urge to repeatedly smash his head against the wall.

I’ve felt lonely before, but lately it’s grown stronger. All of my friends live out in the states, Jojo is an easy hour and a half away from me, which makes it hard to see her regularly.

I’m tired. Tired of trying to get what I’ll never have. Tired of looking for love and ending up empty handed every time. Tired of trying to be happy. Can’t even meditate anymore without negative visions popping in my head.

At this point, Maximum the Hormone’s “Zetsubou Billy” pops up on my MP3 player. Yeah, J-Metal, I know, but reading the lyrics on a web site, it couldn’t have come at a better time.

A clean world

A pure world

No suffering

No hate

No killings

No crimes


Can’t take this anymore. *frowns* I spend too much time alone.




Celebrating another year that almost wasn't

01:30 Jun 22 2009
Times Read: 506

The blade in my wrists felt somewhat comforting. The deep red, sticky warmth running down my arms and dripping on my lap felt familiar after all these years.

As the pain melts away into numbness, slowing spreading to my arms and shoulders, I feel somewhat relieved. Relieved I could be alone this time and not be found before I managed to let all of my life’s liquid bleed dry.

Resting my head on the table, looking at the pictures of those I love, my only regret is not saying goodbye. For the obvious reasons of course.

Closing my eyes, the sound of my heart beating loud in my ears, it grows weaker by the second. But upon opening them again just slightly, I see the black and red stilettos of the woman I thought would never return. The woman who loved me as a child, as a lover. As her pet. All goes black and I am gone.

Opening my eyes again, not being able to move, I see I am strapped down in a hospital bed. Survived, once again. Why can’t I just go?

But this time things are different. My room is full. People I thought I’d never see again were sitting all around me. And my dear Dame Mary, my first Mistress, sitting in a chair at the side of my bed, her head hidden in my hand, crying.

My friends are my family. My family are the most important people in my life. Maybe we fight. Maybe we say harsh things. But after all is said and done, I will always love them.

July 4th marks a year of life that might not have been if Mary didn’t come at that precise moment. She is the reason I am alive today.

Although the scars have been removed, I still see them. I still feel them. Touch my wrists and they still hurt. But Mary having them removed is in a way an attempt to right something that shouldn’t have been. And believe me, that time, was the last.




Incertainty and Discontent

01:29 Jun 22 2009
Times Read: 507

A typical Sunday morning

Breakfast with the boys

Food Network on TV

I’m trying to be the perfect wife

perfect mom

But deep down, this isn’t what I want in life

Don’t get me wrong, I love my sons and would do anything to make them happy.

Looking over at the man I swore and promised my eternity to, I realize I’m not happy.

It’s not his fault.

No one’s really.

I just grew out of him I guess.

The broken girl 14 ago has finally healed.

And she’s looking for a new path in life.

Apart from my husband, I have been graced with the loving attention of 3 men. 3 men who have shown they would do anything for me. And now the hardest part...what do I do?

4 men in my life…

1. My husband and father of my children.

2. My knight, big and strong, showing his love for me everyday.

3. My romantic, calling just to say he loves me, knowing I can’t say the same and not caring.

4. My discipline, dominance pure and unbridled, drawing me back to my old ways.

Things have never been simple for me. And I guess it would be only natural that this is not an exception.

I just wish I had a way of being alone. To dedicate time to myself. Because now that I look at it, I’ve been giving everyone attention but to myself.




No soy Cristiana, tu no eres Pagano, pero te quiero de todos modos

01:26 Jun 22 2009
Times Read: 508

Primero, perdon si cometo algun error gramatico. Mi espanol fue aprendido en la calle. Pero esta gringa sabe bastante. Suficiente para gritar al mundo que esta cansada. Cansada de la ignorancia. Cansada de las malas miradas y de las presiones para unirme a creencias que no son de mi agrado.

Ahora, no se confundan el hecho de que no comparto tu manera de pensar con odio. No tengo ni un gen de odio en este cuerpo.

Soy Pagana. Que significa esto? Significa que nuestra Diosa es la tierra, la Gaia, y nuestro Dios el universo, el celestial. Muchos creen que ser Pagano es seguir a Satanas. La verdad es, los Paganos no creemos en Satanas. Satanas es una figura Cristiana. Un angel que rebelo contra dios. No es ni tiene nada que ver con el Paganismo. Representa odio, rencor. Yo, como muchos Paganos, solo fomentamos amor y comprension.

La biblia condena los paganos porque preferimos creer en el poder de la naturaleza, en vez de un dios que no vemos ni sentimos. No adoramos al arbol. Celebramos la vida que representa.

Busque a dios. En muchos sitios, muchas iglesias. Y sabes donde los encontre? En medio de los arboles y las flores silvestres, donde el viento susurro mi nombre y acaricio mi mejilla. En medio de la nada encontre mi lugar, donde me siento amada. Veo mi Diosa cada vez que miro por la ventana. No me siento sola. Madre esta conmigo.

Soy como tu. Amo, sufro, lloro. Todavia lloro de sentimiento cuando veo mis hijos en sus camas durmiendo, recordando el dia que los traje al mundo.

Amo un hombre que jamas tendre. No se confundan, amo a mi esposo. Pero siempre existe uno en especial que te hace tucutu. Un amor que perdi y no merezco, pero jamas saldra de mi corazon.

Ves? Soy igual que tu.

Si, si, soy bruja. Lo llevo en mi sangre. Mis hechizos? Ninguno. Creo en la fluidez de la vida. Si esta por pasar, pasara. Eso si, si necesitas sentirte bien, abrazame y te dejare alimentar tu alma con mi energia.

Mi unico deseo? Que no me repitan dia tras dia que me tengo que arrepentir de ser lo que soy. No soy mala, solo no sigo tu dios. Lo mas que me molesta? Vivo mi vida tranquila, sin hablar de mis cosas. Y porque llevo un pentacle en mi cuello y escucho heavy metal, la gente han tomado la mision de “salvarme”. Salvarme de que? De mi felicidad? No gracias. Me gusta donde estoy, y me queda como anillo al dedo.

La Cantata Del Diablo

Por: Mago de Oz

[Música: Txus di Fellatio y Mägo de Oz, Letra: Txus di Fellatio]

In nomine Diabulus et

Belial, Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth et Yahve

Cae la noche,

Niebla eterna,

Ocultáse ya la luz. Leo

Frío llerno rompe hiela.

Lágrimas del corazón.

Sueña la vida que si he de morir.

Trozos de miedo es duro vivir. Leo

Sueños de muerte, desvélate,

Santa condena, auto de fe.

En nombre de la única religión

Dictamos sentencia y te condenamos Victor

A la piadosa purificación

Del fuego y del dolor.

En manos de Dios debes de poner

Tu alma, tu hacienda y todos tus pecados. Victor

Acepta a Cristo y encomiéndate

Pues pronto darás cuentas a Él.

Diabulus in Gaia,

Missit me Dominus.

Quisiera ser el viento

Para poder huir de mí. José

Que calle el silencio, enmudezca el terror,

Quisiera no morir.

Me invantaré otra vida,

Mis sueños decoraré Leo

Y los cubriré de tus besos - pensó -

¡¡Quemad mi alma también!!

¿Reniegas de Satán, de sus obras y sus vicios?

¿De la Necromancia, de la Magia y del Tarot? Victor

Yo soy la virtud de la Iglesia y sus principios,

Si no te arrepientes tu alma se condenará.

Hoy la Libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,

Hoy la Libertad ha cerrado por defunción.

Hoy la Libertad se ha muerto de pena y melancolía,

Hoy no hay Libertad, Dios hoy no está aquí ni vendrá.

Quisiera ser olvido

Para nunca recordar. Leo

Quisiera ser brisa y así acariciar

La vida una vez más.

Que fría es la promesa

De otra vida junto a Dios, Leo

Si en esta ni estuvo. ni supo de Él.

La hoguera es su ataúd.

Antes de morir y que el fuego haga su oficio,

¿Aceptáis a Cristo, a su Iglesia y su poder? Victor

¿Renuncieis al Dios llamado Naturaleza?

Gaia es sólo madre del pecado y del terror.

Hoy la Libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,

Hoy la Libertad ha cerrado por defunción.

Hoy la Libertad se ha muerto de pena y melancolía,

Hoy no hay Libertad, Dios hoy no está aquí ni vendrá.


Hoy la vida llueve penas,

Gotas de desesperación. José

Mis lágrimas son ríos, venas

Desangrándome el corazón.

La memoria de una mujer

Son los besos que recibió. José

En tus labios yo viviré

Y en tu olvido, yo moriré.

Hoy mis lágrimas se quieren suicidar

Acurrucadas, morir en tu piel. José

Han nacido secas, tienen sed,

Mi llanto se quiere morir…

Como un beso prometido

A tu alma es mi voz, Aurora

Soy lo muerto y lo vivido,

Soy la calma, soy tu Dios,

Cierra los ojos y te llevaré

Donde los sueños se hacen canción. Aurora

La vida duele, te curaré,

Duérmete y sueña, te acuna mi voz.

Hoy mis lágrimas se quieren suicidar

Acurrucadas, morir en tu piel. Aurora y José

Han nacido secas, tienen sed,

Mi llanto hoy se quiere morir…

Si tus lágrimas se quieren suicidar,

Guárdalas, pues vas a llorar. Aurora y José

Llorarás océanos de Paz.

Duérmete ya no hay… ¡¡Dolor!! ¡¡Ooh!! ¡¡Yeah!!

“En nombre de la Libertad,

La fe en uno mismo y la Paz,

¡¡Quemad las banderas!!

¡¡No a la religión!!

Y que tuyo sea canción

Compuesta con el corazón

Y que tu país sea a donde te lleven los pies...”

Missit me dominus,

Missit me diabulus,

Missit me Satanas.


Ahora al fin soy aire, y mi maldición caerá,

El fin de esta iglesia muy pronto vendrá,

Mi voz despertará.

Hoy la Libertad… Victor García

Hoy la Libertad… José Andrëa

Hoy la Libertad… Leo Jiménez

Padre nuestro, de todos nosotros,

De los pobres, de los sin techo,

De los marginados y de los desprotegidos,

De los deseheredados

Y de los dueños de la miseria,

De los que te siguen

Y de los que en ti ya no creemos.

Baja de los cielos

Pues aquí está el infierno.

Baja de tu trono,

Pues aquí hay guerras, hambre, injusticias,

No hace falta que seas uno y trino,

Con uno sólo que tenga ganas de ayudar, nos bastaría.

¿Cuál es tu reino?

¿El Vaticano?

¿La banca?

¿La alta política?

Nuestro reino es Nigeria,

Etiopía, Colombia, Hiroshima,

El pan nuestro de cada día

Son las violaciones,

La violencia de género,

La pederastía, las dictaduras,

El cambio climático.

En la tentación caigo diario,

No hay mañana en la que no esté tentado

De crear a un Dios humilde,

Un Dios justo,

Un Dios que esté en la tierra,

En los valles, los ríos,

Un Dios que viva en la lluvia,

Que viaje a través del viento

Y acaricie nuestra Alma.

Un Dios de los tristes, de los homosexuales.

Un Dios más humano,

Un Dios que no castigue, que enseñe,

Un Dios que no amenace, que proteja,

Que si me caigo me levante,

Que si me pierdo, me tiende a su mano,

Un Dios que si hiero no me culpe

Y que si dudo me entienda,

Pues para eso me dotó de inteligencia,

Para dudar de todo.

Padre nuestro de todos nosotros,

¿Por qué nos has olvidado?,

Padre nuestro, ciego, sordo y desocupado,

¿Por qué nos has abandonado?




Sunday Morning

00:07 Jun 15 2009
Times Read: 550

I woke up early this morning. Couldn't sleep and that soft haze of dawn peeking through my window was too tempting to avoid. So I got dressed and quietly left the house for a little walk. My leg is still quite sore even after having the cast removed but after a few minutes it took to its own and built up its strength, knowing that we would be headed to my favorite place.

The view at the beach was perfect. The weather has been quite bad lately but seems to be passing as the sky was a beautiful dark blue. A few stars were still visible and just beyond the horizon, the sun was making its daily debut, a soft orange glow turning almost purple against the blue sky. I couldn't have been happier at that moment for getting up early.

Closing my eyes, the sound of the waves and the wind, mixed with the morning sun's warmth on my face put me in a state of trance. My body felt lighter, all of my aches seemed to just melt away and my worries took to hiding deep in the recesses of my little twisted mind as if knowing they were not wanted.

Then it happened. A heavy, cold drop fell right on the tip of my nose, followed by another and yet another. Opening my eyes, I can see the sky turned grey once more, and the sun was hiding behind the dark saturated clouds that were longing to free themselves of their heavy burden. It began to rain. Hard. I could have made my way quickly back home,but instead I scooped up my legs on the cold concrete bench, covered myself the best I could with my denim jacket and just sat there.

The rain, although terribly cold, felt soothing, almost as if it was cleansing my soul. The tears pooling up in my eyes didn't surprise me for I came to the conclusion that I'd rather be out in the cold, pouring rain than at home.



00:15 Jun 15 2009

Sometimes, the where and when of finding peace, understanding, or realisation, can come to us in moments we would not expect them.

I am sorry for your pain, but I am glad you gained a moment to find something to soothe it... Sometimes it's the promise of those moments that keep us going.

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