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More Moon INformation

18:58 Jul 22 2009
Times Read: 632

Moon Magic

The Moon has been worshiped for centuries. Its powerful pull on the world is seen as proof of its magickal powers. The moon is more than light in the night sky. It affects weather,create tides and will influence earthquakes. Traditions across the world links the moon with maddness. Since the human body is made up of 80% of water, then we are under her spell as well, as the earth.


about the moon

The Moon is the most important heavenly body to witches. We draw on her power for lunar magic. We cast our spells in accord with her cycles. She inspires and illuminates us. There are moon gods, but the Moon has always been perceived as female. The Moon is cyclical, like women. We menstruate with her. She mirrors the stages of our lives: "Maiden", "Mother" and "Crone". She is Changing Woman, as are we.

As the Wheel of the Moon continues on its never ending course, the moon also travels through the different astrological signs, just as the sun does, only more rapidly. When the moon resides within the various signs, that sign influences the magical aspect of the moon.

Moon Lore

There are lots of old sayings and legends about the moon

But I wanted to share this section with you in a way

that you can actually plan the things you normally do

so here you'll find the best times to do various things

Auto repair....New Moon to Waxing Moon

Baking...Dough rises higher and bread is lighter during New Moon to Waxing Moon

Clip Nails during full or waning moon to increase growth

Brewing{ beer } full moon to waning moon

Excavate, lay foundations, pour cement ...full moon

canning and preserves ....full moon to waning moon

Dental care....

pull teethe only during new moon to waxing moon avoid full moon

Fillings .... full moon to waning moon

Start diet to loose weight.... full moon to waning moon

Eyes tested or getting glasses....new moon to waxing moon

fence post & poles....full moon to waning moon

Habits....best date to end....full moon to waning moon

Hair care....

cutting hair.... encourage growth Full moon/ discourage New moon

Perms & hair color.... new moon

Buy a new home....new moon

look for lost items....new moon

Cutting grass/ hay.... new moon to waxing moon to increase growth

full moon to waning moon to discourage growth

painting buildings/ homes..... full moon to waning moon

Shingling roofs.... full moon to waning moon

advertising. ... new moon to waxing moon

Buying a business.... waning moon

buying clothing.... new moon to waxing moon

start a law suit....new moon to waxing moon, if seeking a court date to avoid payment, full moon to waning moon


new moon to waxing favors the lender

full moon to waning moon favors the borrower

signing contracts... . waxing moon

employees... .

hire.... new moon to waxing moon

fire....waning moon avoid full moon


easiest to handle during new moon or waxing moon avoid full moon

buy....during new moon to waxing moon

bring home new pets.... new moon

slaughter for food....full moon til 3 days after

eggs should be set, and animals breed so that young hatch or are born...new moon to waxing moon

composting.. .. start during waning moon

cultivating. ... waning moon

cutting timber.... full moon to waning moon

drying crops.... waning moon

fertilizing. ...

organic { always prefer } Full moon to waning moon

chemical { please use with caution ;-( } new moon to waxing moon

grafting plants.... new moon to waxing moon

Harvesting.. ..

root crops.... full moon to waning moon

Grains.... just after full moon

Fruits.... full moon to waning moon

Mushrooms... . full moon


to retard growth.... full moon to waning moon

to encourage growth.... new moon to waxing moon

Spraying for pests.... waning moon

transplanting .... new moon to waning moon

planting crops.... to make this easy try and remember....

above ground... new moon to waxing moon

underground. ... full moon to waning moon

And that brings us to one of my favorites!!


of course everyone who fishes knows the best times are sunrise to three hours after

and two hours before and about one hour after sundown

Best moon time to fish

when the moon is changing quarters,

the days/nights of new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon

Did you know that all lunar Holy-days are called Esbats, but any Wiccan ritual held at any time other than a Sabbat may be called an Esbat? I didn't, and I think most Witches call rituals performed on or around a lunar holy-day an esbat, while other rituals are simply, rituals.

Due to the rotation of the earth, the Wiccan calendar contains 13 Full Moons, which means a full moon happens every 28 1/4 days. Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences, protection and divination. A Full Moon is also a good time

for planning, releasing and working backwards in time. Full Moon Magic can be done for seven days, three days before, the day of, and three days after the full moon.

The New Moon is used for personal growth, healing, the blessing of a new project etc.

Between the New Moon and Full Moon is the phase called Waxing Moon. Magick for this phase includes attraction magick, increasing, growth, and gain. Make statements on how your life should be.

Between the Full Moon and New Moon is the phase called the Waning Moon.Magic for this phase includes banishing magick, such a loosing negative emotions, bad habits etc.

Three days before the New Moon is known as the Dark Moon, as it is not visible in the sky. Traditionally, no magick is performed at this time. It is a time for rest.

Due to the rotation of the earth there are thirteen Full Moons, each carrying a traditional name.

January - Wolf Moon

February - Storm Moon

March - Chaste Moon

April - Seed Moon

May - Hare Moon

June - Dyad (pair) Moon

July - Mead Moon

August - Wyrt (green plant) Moon

September - Barley Moon

October - Blood Moon

November - Snow Moon

December - Oak Moon




18:55 Jul 22 2009
Times Read: 633

Sharing what was shared with me. *Author unknown at this time*

Lunar Magick

and Moon Signs

Phases of the Moon

The lunar phase is important in determining the best time for magick. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing moon (ideal time for positive magick) and waning moon (ideal time for banishing/negative magick, study, and meditation). In between you'll have the dark moon (the time of greatest power for banishing and negative magick) and the full moon (the time of greatest power for positive magick).

Most witches and pagans work around these lunar phases. However, others, like Silver RavenWolf, suggest a much more complicated subdivision of the moon phases. Here I'm providing Silver RavenWolf's moon phases as they appear in her book To Stir a Magick Cauldron.

New Moon Magick (from the day of the New Moon to 3 1/2 days after)

Timing: The magick should be performed between dawn and sunset for the best use of this magick. Conjuring: beauty, health, and self-improvement; farms and gardens; job hunting; love and romance; networking

Crescent Moon Magick (from 3 1/2 days after the new moon through the 7th. day)

Timing: The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset. Conjuring: animals, business, change, emotions, matriarchal strength

First Quarter (Waxing Moon) Magick ( from 7 to 10 days after the new moon)

Timing: Sunset is the prime time for waxing moon magick. Conjuring: courage, elemental magick, friends, luck, motivation

Gibbous Moon Magick (from 10 to 13 days after the new moon)

Timing: It's a wonderful time for working around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. Conjuring: patience

Full Moon Magick (14 days after the new moon)

Timing: Midnight is the best hour to work. Conjuring: artistic endeavors; beauty, health, and fitness; change and decisions; children; competition; dreams; families; health and healing; knowledge; legal undertakings; love and romance; money; motivation; protection; psychism; self-improvement

Disseminating Moon Magick (3 to 7 days after the full moon)

Timing: The time of souls is at 3:00 a.m. Conjuring: addictions, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection

Last Quarter (Waning Moon) Magick (7 to 10 days after the full moon)

Timing: The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon. Conjuring: addictions. divorce, health and healing (banishing disease), stress, protection

Dark Moon Magick (from 11 to 14 days after the full moon)

Timing: As odd as this may sound, the strongest pull of the dark moon is around 10:00 a.m. Conjuring: addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft

Lunar Eclipses

Eclipses represent the perfect union of sun and moon. Any type of magick is acceptable.

There are 2 types of lunar eclipse:

Partial eclipse

Penumbral eclipse of the moon

Moon Void of Course

It's said that the moon is void of course before it enters a new moon sign (Cancer, Leo, Virgo...). There is a sort of dead space when this is happening. The rule here is to avoid doing any important magick work while the moon is avoid of course. Don't do any major magick work. Don't complete any magick work.

Blue Moon

Next Blue Moon:

Jan. 2, 1999 - Jan. 31, 1999

March 2, 1999 - March 2, 1999

Moon Signs

The moon continuously moves through the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, picking the influences of the astrological signs. A working witch takes this into consideration when planning a ritual or a magick spell.

MOON SIGN Conjuring (according to Silver RavenWolf) Conjuring (according to Llewellyn's Magick Almanac)

Moon in Aries Beginning of things, matters of self and your personality Good for starting things, but lacks staying power. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass

Moon in Taurus Financial matters of personal nature, vehicles, benefits, possessions Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become harder to alter

Moon in Gemini Relatives, communication, studies, writing, street smarts Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence

Moon in Cancer Home environment, mothers, end of life, family Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance

Moon in Leo Pleasures, hobbies, love affairs, entertainment, sports, your pets Showmanship, favors being seen, drama, recreation and happy pursuits

Moon in Virgo Working environment, health, service extended, clothing Favors accomplishment of details and commands

Moon in Libra Marriage, partnerships, legal matters, small animals Increases self-awareness, favors self-examination and interaction with others

Moon in Scorpio Death, sex, taxes, inheritances, transformation Increases awareness of psychic power. Ends connections

Moon in Sagittarius Religion, metaphysics, long-distance travel, in-laws, higher learning Encourages flights of imagination and confidence

Moon in Capricorn Business, career, reputation, fathers, honor Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline

Moon in Aquarius Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations Favors activities that are unique and individualistic

Moon in Pisces Inner development, karma, restrictions, secrets revealed Energy withdraws from the surface of life, hibernates within, secretly reorganizing and realigning




20:58 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 637

Sharing what was shared with me in one of the yahoo groups that I am in.

excerpts from....

The History & Psychology


Spirit Possession & Exorcism.

By: Mark Bancroft, MA

Exorcism is derived from the Greek word exorkizein which means "to bind by oath". Evil spirits (demons) which possess a person are exorcised (compelled to leave) by a higher authority, such as God or Christ. "Catholic exorcisms begin, Adjure te, spiritus nequissime, per Deum omnipotentem… which means "I adjure thee, most evil spirit, by almighty God…[Lewis, J., p.138, 1995]." The Catholic Church considers possession a battle for the victim's soul, while other cultures embrace spirit possession as an integral part of their spiritual practices.

The word demon originated from the ancient Greek word daimon which referred to beings with special powers which placed them between people and the gods. The beings could bestow benefit or carry out the punishment of the gods [Microsoft Encarta, 1994]. The questions arise, "Do demons exist?", "Can they possess a person's body and cast away the person's soul?", "After death do some spirits linger upon the earth plane attaching themselves to the living?", "Do exorcisms really work?", "Why do evil spirits want to harm us?", "Can the living converse with the dead?"


Historical and Cultural Accounts of Spirit Possession & Exorcism

Every major religious and cultural tradition worldwide has espoused the idea of spirit possession and the need for some form of exorcism [Lewis, J., 1995]. The rites of exorcism have included the use of prayers, commands, fumigations (burning of dung), holy water, hellebore, rue, salt, and roses. The Old Testament shares, "David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him [Wickland, p.18, 1974]." In some cultures the exorcist functioned in much the same way doctors do now; people would visit the exorcist seeking a cure for illness, misfortune, or bad luck.

Our historical journey of spirit possession takes us back to the beginning of civilization. All forms of sickness, both physical and psychological, were attributed to possessing spirits in ancient Mesopotamia. The number of possessing spirits and demons awaiting to attach to a person were so great it lead to a fear described as "one of the most important factors in the daily life of a Babylonian [Sargant, p.59, 1973]." Ancient Babylonian priests served as exorcists who performed the ritual by destroying a clay or wax image of a demon meant to destroy the attached spirit [Microsoft Encarta, 1994]. Assyrian tablets offer the first written accounts for the treatment of illnesses. Treatment included incantations and prayers to the gods, as well as direct challenges to the demons which were believed to inflict diseases of every type [Baldwin, 1991].

The Hindu scriptures called the Vedas composed around 1000BC tell of evil beings who interfere with the work of Hindu gods and harm the living [Microsoft Encarta, 1994]. Accounts from ancient Persia, 6th century BC, offer evidence of exorcism using prayer, ritual, and holy water by the religious leader Zoroaster, who was considered the first magician, and who founded the religion Zoroastrianism [Baldwin, 1991]. It is known that Homer spoke repeatedly of demons, "A sick man pining away is one upon whom an evil spirit has gazed [Wickland, p.18, 1974]." Socrates spoke of the insane as those who are under the influence of demons; Plato affirmed that demons obsessed mortals [Wickland, 1974]. The cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece induced voluntary possession by the gods through the use of wine and sexual rites which resulted in wild madness. The ritual became so widespread throughout ancient Greece that it was legally suppressed in ancient Rome in 186BC due to excesses [Lewis, J., 1995]. Priestesses served as channelers/mediums for the gods of the Greek world. The pronouncements of Apollo at Delphi were given through a priestess who was in trance and interpreted by the priests [Sargant, 1973].

Jesus was the premier exorcist of his time. As much as ¼ of Jesus' healings were exorcisms. The ability to cast out evil spirits was a sign of true discipleship among the apostles. At least 26 references to exorcisms by Jesus may be found in the bible, including, "Jesus preached and cast out devils," Mark 1:39. "Jesus gave his twelve disciples the power against unclean spirits, to cast them out," Matthew 10:1. "The evil spirits went out of them," Acts 19:12. "Jesus rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou deaf and dumb spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead, insomuch that many said, He is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose," Mark 9:25-27 [Wickland, 1974]. In the exorcism of a madman Jesus had cast out the foul spirits; the spirits then entered into a herd of pigs who in turn ran over a cliff and drowned in the waters below [Lewis, J., 1995].

Judaism exorcist rituals can be traced back to the 1st century AD. The dybbuk is considered an evil spirit which possesses the soul of its victim causing mental illness and changes in the personality. The dybbuk is exorcised through the victim's small toe and may either by redeemed or sent to hell [Guiley, 1991]. In Israel a long tradition of prophesy has been practiced in which the prophet enters an ecstatic state and becomes a temporary vessel, a mouthpiece for God [Sargant, 1973]. Islam created an elaborate system of demons. Muslim writings tell of a group of evil beings, called jinn, who cause destruction and preside over places where evil activities take place [Microsoft Encarta,1994] .

The dhikr, a set of phrases which glorify God, is used in conjunction with a set of physical movements and special breathing techniques which allows the Sufis to enter into union with the divine. Poet al-Ghazali observes the state as, "drunk with a drunkenness in which their reason collapsed' they felt utterly possessed by God [Sargant, p.76, 1973]." Ancient folklore contains many stories of demons. The oni of Japan are demons said to bring about storms; ancient Japanese history tells of suddenly arising storms which caused superior enemies from successfully invading the island. Kelpies are known in Scotland to haunt pools, waiting to drown careless travelers [Microsoft Encarta, 1994].

Some shamanic traditions consider demons and evil spirits responsible for stealing human souls resulting in maladies and misfortune. The shaman is responsible for searching for, and recovering, the evicted soul; the demon is driven out and the body returned to its rightful owner [Guiley, 1991]. The word shaman comes from the language of the Arctic Tungus which means "one who is excited, moved, or raised." For the Tungus a shaman is one who has mastered spirits and who can introduce them into their own body at will. It is not uncommon for a shaman of the Tungus to permanently incarnate one or more spirits which he/she may call upon at will by going into a controlled trance state [Lewis, I., 1971]. "Arctic Hysteria" commonly afflicts women during the harsh winter months in the Polar regions. It may be diagnosed as spirit possession [Lewis, I., 1971].

In many parts of the world spirit possession is strongly related to cultural and social conditions. Considered to have originated in Ethiopia varying forms of zar (sometimes called sar) possession are known to occur. Zar spirits typically possess women whose husbands are considering marrying an additional wife, or where other domestic conflict is present. Exorcism of the zar spirit entails an elaborate, and costly, dance ceremony for the victim. After the expensive ceremony wives have been known to threaten a relapse if their demands are not met; consequently extorting further economic sacrifices from their husbands [Lewis, I., 1971]. Possession due to unmet needs, and exorcisms which function to meet those needs is not uncommon. The "zar possession strategy" to get needs met has been adopted by women (and some men) throughout the world: Muslim Somali, Muslim Sudan, Egypt, parts of North Africa, Arabia, East Africa, Arabia, South America, China, Japan, SE Asia, Ceylon, Tanzania, and Cairo [Lewis, I., 1971].

Beliefs in spirit possession have remained virtually unchanged since the beginning of civilization. Spirits have been known to bestow spiritual ecstasy, inflict all sorts of mental problems, and cause physical pain and suffering throughout history. SRT considers malevolent spirits to often be the underlying cause of psychological problems, chronic pain, addictions, sleep disorders, and physical aliments which do not respond to conventional treatments. The notion of spirits interacting with the living is deeply embedded in our language. Phrases such: "What's gotten into you," "What possessed you to…," "Its the work of the devil," "Someone was looking over you," "It lifted my spirits," are a part of mainstream language in our society. People have also been known to be possessed by the creative spirit; alcohol and spirits share an intimate relationship to this day; and riots or mobs are often described as having a "spirit of their own" which possess law-abiding citizens causing them to partake of vandalism and looting. Spirit possession is a part of today's society and will most likely continue to interest and fascinate future generations.


The Psychology of Spirit Possession & Exorcism:

The history of spirit possession and the rites of exorcism reveal valuable clues into the nature of the phenomenon. Blatant and subtle aspects emerge which seriously threatens the existence of objective spirits interacting with the living. Although spirit possession is commonly considered to be an objective threat to humankind, it remains an exclusively subjective experience. Historical observation reveals that the social and cultural background of a civilization determines the variations, degrees, and meaning of possession. The very experience itself is dependent upon the beliefs, norms, customs, and expectations of society; as are the rites of exorcism. Due to societal variables, "It is not for us to judge who is and who is not really "possessed". If someone is, in his own cultural milieu, generally considered to be in a state of spirit possession, then he (or she) is possessed [Lewis, I., p.46, 1971]."

In Haitian voodoo the possessing spirit (a loa) enters the head of the victim and displaces the person's soul [Lewis, I., 1971]. In the West malevolent spirits generally attach to the victim's aura causing various disturbances; inspirational spirits, on the other hand, typically cause soul withdrawal resulting in total possession. The Zar spirit mainly possesses women who are experiencing domestic tension; it appears to leave after the women's needs have been satisfied. Spirit possession ebbs and flows depending upon the current belief system operating within any given society. Possessing spirits have repeatedly sought to possess particular subgroups within a population. Japanese history divulges that the wives and daughters of Emperors are particularly prone to possession [Lewis, I., 1971]. Within societies where spirit possession is validated it many times functions as a last resort for oppressed citizens to acquire attention and get their needs met. "The situation is that spirits which are central to one sub-group in a plural society are marginal to other units within the same system. The enemy is not at the gates, but within the heart of the composite society [Lewis, I., pp.115-116, 1971]."

Belief in spirit possession is the prerequisite for the existence of entities which interfere with the living. It is simple: if a person does not believe in spirit possession he/she will not experience being possessed by outside beings; whether the spirits be evil or inspirational. Where belief in possession is strong entities are busy possessing individuals and causing all sorts havoc upon the particular society. "In situations around the world, if one believes in possession by a demon or god, the entity will often behave as if it is that demon or god that has been called upon [Auerbach, p.234, 1993]." The beliefs held by the exorcist also directly shape the experience of possession for the possessed. An exorcist seeking to dialogue with possessing spirits is far less likely to encounter the traditional demonic behaviors of hissing, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and the screaming of obscenities as is the exorcist who believes he is "doing battle with the forces of hell". "It is the belief system that often serves as the determining factor in conclusions of possession, whether by an individual thinking himself or herself possessed or bothered by psychic forces, or by an investigator or other outside observer [Auerbach, p.231, 1993]."

In the West spirit possession is experienced as one of the most powerful "spiritual" experiences a person can encounter. It is the experience of being taken over by an outside force that one cannot normally perceive, a force which maliciously seeks to inflict harm, pain, and torture upon its victim. Spirit possession is a subjective phenomenon which often becomes overwhelming due to the objectified inner interpretation by the victim. Dr. Beth Hedva explains, "…there's something there, but it's not what we think it is. For example, our experience of our mind's projection may be as a demon, or as an evil entity, or as a devil [Auerbach, p.270, 1993]." Most people who encounter poltergeist or PK activity in their home attribute the strange occurrences to evil spirits- evil because it is the unknown- an objective entity because the person cannot believe that the mind can affect matter. The strange phenomenon almost immediately ceases once the "agent" (the person whose mind is creating the disturbances) is identified and psychological issues addressed. Parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove points out that beneath the attack of entity attachment will be found something within the person which has allowed for the possession to occur [Auerbach, 1993].

The ability for spirits to possess the living receives validation through the psychic occurrences which normally accompany the possession. Spirits who communicate with the living through channelers often provide certain facts relating to specific individuals in the audience which the person channeling could not possibly have known. This extraordinary ability creates the assumption that there must be a spirit coming through from the spiritual realms; especially in cases where a deceased relative shares facts which only a family member could know. Public interest in Spiritualism and theosophy increased during World War I and World War II for it claimed to offer people the opportunity to communicate with deceased loved ones. It is rare for people who experience the channelers unique talents to consider alternative explanations. The "super-psi" or "super-ESP" hypothesis states that it is the psychic abilities of the living person (in this case the channeler) who is accessing the information (details of the deceased persons life) thus creating the impression that a discarnate soul is speaking [Auerbach, 1986]. The channeler may be unknowingly receiving the information from a living family member who would know the factual details; psi abilities are unimpeded by time and space. Recent studies into the effects of magnetic fields suggest that information may be "locked into" the environment itself [Auerbach, 1996].

http://www.enspirep ress.com/ writings_ on_consciousness /spirit_possessi on_exorcism/ spirit_possessio n_exorcism. html




Evian Commercial Must See

23:17 Jul 05 2009
Times Read: 644

This was just absolutely funny..... found it while searching for some other stuff.




18:09 Jul 01 2009
Times Read: 649

Well the new is fading away..... and I feel like its just beginning the dawn of a new day....

Guess its time to go play in the waterfall. lol



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