TashaC's Journal

TashaC's Journal


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2 entries this month

Darkness (continued...)

00:21 Dec 17 2022
Times Read: 75

The scream is loud enough to be from somewhere really close... maybe even her own house...

"But I live alone.. " she thought....

slowly tiptoes through the house trying to find some kind of intruder or something... she grabs a bottle of wine as a weapon....

looks around for about 15 minutes but couldn't find the source of the noise or anyone else within the house.

"Did I imagine that?" she asks herself...

goes back into the washroom... washes her face... grabs the cup of coffee from the kitchen and sits back down at her desk...

Frustrated after 20 minutes of trying to focus on the story... she gets up without any idea on how to continue.... moves to her bed and grabs her phone..... lays down and starts scrolling through her instagram...

Suddenly her phone drops from her hands onto her face and as she tries to deal with the pain... cursing her own clumsy ass... she opens her eyes to a woman who looks exactly like her... with a massive scar from the center of her forehead to her top lip and pitch black eyes with blood dripping from her scar... the woman was on top of her... pinning her down and screamed hard.....

For some reason...regardless of how much she tried... she couldn't move or make a sound.... she felt the woman's claws digging into her chest.. it was as if she did not have control over her own body.... as her claws dug in deeper.. the creepy doppelganger started to fade... becoming more and more transparent by the minute... and as she continued to fade the pain of her claws inside her chest worsened....

three agonizing minutes later... the creepy woman was completely gone and the woman... who didnt have any control on her own body finally felt like she could move... she tried to stagger away but as she moved it was as if her claws were still in there and got twisted in deeper every time she tried to move....

That is when she finally felt it.... the taste of blood in her mouth...

"this is how I die" she thought...

but death was too easy... too simple of an end... this was not her end... she struggled to slowly move up in her bed and sit up against the headrest.... she could barely breathe... picked up her phone to call 911... and accidently looked in the mirror in front of her bed.... the creepy woman was smiling wickedly at her with her claws still inside her chest.... she faded into a ball of darkness and entered her body through the holes in her chest....

"911, what's your emergency?"

her eyes bulge out and she rises above the bed.... as her face tilts into a deformed mess.... then she drops down onto the bed with a thud splashing blood everywhere....

"Hello... can you hear me? Ma'am, are you okay?"

her hand grabs the phone and places it against her ear and mouth..
"oh I'm so sorry... I think my dog just stepped on my phone... i didnt even realize he called 911... so sorry to bother you"

"that's alright ma'am.. you have a good day"

"yes you too..." she says as she turns her head around towards the mirror again... smiling wickedly through bloody teeth...





19:30 Dec 15 2022
Times Read: 88

In one of the very busy and always bustling streets of NYC, most people rush through their schedules. Coffee is the most common breakfast and grabbing a pizza slice home is the easiest dinner. In all of this hustle and bustle, it is easy to be surrounded by people and still feel like the loneliest person on the planet.

In this midst of all the chaos, lives a woman. Barista by day, writer by night. She loves writing about the countryside. The quiet, the beautiful sky, the incredible view of farmlands all around, no traffic, no buildings, no honking cars and away from all the hustle and bustle. Somewhere in a quiet little village during nighttime. A beautiful breeze blowing through her hair, a soft melody that she hums while looking at the gorgeous night sky. The beautiful blood red full moon staring back at her in awe. It's a serene and peaceful night when a sudden gut wrenching scream startles her. For a couple of seconds you see disbelief on her face as she tries to find the direction where the scream came from.

She wakes up with a jolt, finding herself at her desk trying to write the next part of her novel when she fell asleep. She's not sure if the scream was a part of her dream or happened in real life. Regardless, she's annoyed at her beautiful dream being interrupted and steps into her kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. She absentmindedly looks at her watch, 2:30am. She had slept for about an hour and some change. She grabs her freshly brewed cup of coffee yawning and decides to get back to her desk while taking a large gulp of it. "Hot...hot... hot" she stammers and runs to the sink to spit some of it out and washes her face. Looks into the mirror.... "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH"



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