Well I recently was referred to a specialist for my pain and got blood work done and all that jazz. Turns out that I most likely have lupus. It's surprising at the same time not because both my aunts (dad's sisters) have it and it seems that a lot of the women on his side tends to get a lot of autoimmune issues. I looked up the disease to know more about it and all I can say is I'm in for a long haul of issues. It might not get very bad or it could get potentially dangerous. It all depends I guess. But it can affect the skin and joints (looks like that's what I might have possibly) but it also affects other areas of the body and internal organs like the heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs. It can also effect the psyche and neurological aspects of the brain too. I have another friend that has it and she's got to have blood transfusions every so often I guess. I really hope mine will never get to that stage.
So far, just some of my family knows and some of my friends know but not all of them. And I don't even think they'd understand the extent that it could be potentially fatal even (in severe cases--but due to advancements in medicine cases like the fatal ones are rare).
My parents are still trying to come to terms with it. My mother's been more open to trying to help me learn more while my dad really doesn't show like he cares really. Like he doesn't realize the extent of it or whatever. But I'm just glad that my mother has been trying to be supportive for me, even if sometimes she doesn't seem to understand the issues I have with low energy, fatigue, and pain.
My dad wants me to get a job and he's giving me like two months. In this economy, that's extremely hard, especially for someone like me with having only two previous jobs in factory settings and no retail/customer experience. Obviously I can't do factory settings anymore due to my health. And it's harder than hell for me to get into a customer service area because of my issues with dealing with people on a daily basis. I've had issues since I was younger and it's always been hard for me to make friends and everything with people in person. He doesn't understand that I guess. I want to get a job but it's just hard on me. *sighs* I just don't know what to do anymore.
So this past family reunion I had at the end of August, I found some interesting things about my family (well my father's maternal side that is) since a family member was doing research into the family. I'd already known we're related to President Ulysses S. Grant (he's a cousin) but it's also been shown that I might also be related to President Benjamin Harrison too. Pretty interesting I guess. And I think my relative also said something being related to the Barnum and Bailey circus. Something about we're cousins somehow like five times removed or whatever. Also interesting. And possibly we might have ties to the court of King Henry VIII of England. Sounds interesting there too. Lol. But there's one big discovery that I didn't like. It seems that it's very probable that somewhere in my father's maternal line that they started the Salem witch trials. I heard that and I was like 'great....my family sat there and started killing people like me....'. Oh to wonder what they'd think nowadays if I said I was Wiccan/Pagan since most of them are Christian. Now not all of them are the hardcore, extreme Conservative Christians (some are tolerant of a few things) but there are some in my family that are very intolerable to anything. Sadly to say my father's a lot like that. I'm glad my mother is not like that. She's much more open to everything and learning more.