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Blood Lust

01:27 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 534

Raven jumped just in time to clear the fallen tree but the low hanging branch caught her right in the neck. Down she went, laying on the cool damp mushy soil of the woods. She laid, breathing hard, trying to calm herself. In a Bruce Willis Die Hard movie tone she spoke out loud to the night. “Let’s go for a run, hunt a little. It will be fun.” She touched her neck, her chin, and felt wetness on her face as she continued to check herself. A open cut on her arm had her laying back, thinking just how stupid it was to try and run, super human fast, in the woods at night.

She just needed to calm down, she told herself. She laid, turning her powers on so she could see. The tree above her, the limbs blew in the wind. The soft damp mossy ground underneath her body scent floated up to her. She moved her hands on the ground, gripping the dead leaves, feeling worms clawing underneath. She took several deep breaths of the night air, the woods a scent unlike any other.

She missed the woods. The months she lived with the group of people who prep for the end of the world/ off the grid had been a good time in her life. And she had learned a lot of things, like how to shoot. She smiled, and turned her head when she heard a owl hoot. It sat on the tree branch on her right, its neck rotating as it looked about the night, finding it dinner. He flew off, took to the air and a few seconds later she heard a harsh squeak of an animal. Mouse most likely.

She laid and felt the itch still inside her. Like the owl she just needed to kill. She ran her hand over her stomach, not for food but for something else. She felt the tingles, the itch of the darkness trying to get out. She just needed…

A larger sound behind her had her stilling, listening. She waited and the rabbit moved off, fast to her left side. She sat up, and waited longer. Soft foot falls, branches breaking; the dead leaves crunched under foot as the green mossy soften the weight of the animals walking in the woods.

It was the sound of something heavy, something big that had her tilt her head, her eyes still growing red. It was coming closer. She sat up on her knees, waiting. The sound of it moving in the trees, the grate of its hoofs, the sound of it landing as it must of jumped over fallen trees. She felt the tingle in her increase as she moved to all 4’s. She put her nose in the air, sniffing… and knew the way she needed to go.

She slowly stood, and started to follow the buck. She caught glimpse of it as she tracked it. At one point it stood, turned and looked right at her. She ducked down, waiting to see what it would do. The buck lowered its head, the sharp antlers shown in a warning, then it waiting. She stood, red eyes glowing. The buck turned and shot off fast as a bullet. She let out a growl, unknown to her, fangs coming out as she took off after it.

Dodging between trees, ducking below limbs, jumping over fallen items she raced after the deer. Sure footed, its long legs eating up the ground, it pulled ahead. She growled again and increased her speed. She could hear its breath, coming in hard sharp draws, and the heart beat. She tuned into that sound as she got within reach. A tree had fallen - the deer leap up to clear it the same time she jumped on the log at his side, used her strength to launch herself. She landed against its side, the hit taking him down. She grab his horn, using one hand to yank his head to the side as it fought to stand, making a noise of fear.

Fear. She could feel it. Just as she could feel the heart beating, the blood pumping with it. Fear was good. Fear is what her darkness wanted, what it craved almost as much as the blood. Her fangs sank into his thick neck, and still he fought. She tore at the flesh, his taste of dirt, salt, heat on his fur. She spit out the meat as it got his back legs under him. She growled deeply, and bite again. This time she reached her goal. Blood soaked her mouth, running down her neck as the deer stop fighting.

She drunk, pushing her face deeper into his warm neck, her free hand moving to his chest, holding him. She only knew the blood and she took all he had, drinking him till his heart stop, till he had no more. She released her bite, her red eyes still glowing as she lifted her head to the stars, to the night sky. Her white t-shirt was covered in blood, the black lace bra as well. Her had that was at his chest was bloody from the blood that ran down his chest from the bite.

But this she did not notice. She could feel the tingle, the itch of the darkness inside her being eased. The dark thoughts of killing, drinking hot blood from a body that a heart beat was easing. She let her hand ease off his antler as she eased onto her back, her body taking in all the blood she had drunk. She lay there, unable to move. Unable to think of anything but how her body felt. Her body was so alert, the sky was so bright, the woods so welcoming. She closed her eyes, lowering her powers as the blood flooded her body.

She still heard the noises but they meant nothing to her now. There on the mossy grass beside that fallen tree and dead buck and she felt a high unlike any other in her life. And as she had taken more then her share of drugs- that was saying something. She closed her eyes, licked her lips and just enjoyed the trip. She let her mind wonder and Sal face enter her mind. She purred, twisting her legs, her hands grab at the ground as she remembers the sex they shared. If only he was here, the things she wanted to do to him.

She smiled, looking forward to later in the morning when they will mate. Then her mind calmed, even the ideal of sex out of the desire she had to just float on this high. She felt the ground under her grow, the living energy of the earth flowing around her. She laid for hours, enjoying the high, the way her body felt, the tingle of the darkness put to sleep like a hungry tiger being feed.

Slowly the noise of the forest grew louder, her mind clearer. She looked over at the deer, ran her hand over his back and gave it a silent thank you. The buck was cold, his eyes like glass. She sat up, giving herself a minute as her head cleared the last of the drug like state she had been in. She stood, looking down at the deer. She grab it by its antlers and started the walk back but it only took a few times pulling, tugging the dear over fallen trees, along the woods for her to know she couldn‘t do it. She stop, put her hand on the deer’s face in respect and left it. She still had no clue how to get back to the house, had to worry more about herself then a dead animal. Like Roxey said- it would not go to waste. Should she open its belly, make it easier for the animals to feed? But then with what? She pictured Sal’s claws, looking down at her own. Would she get claws too?

She left the deer, turning her powers on, red eyes glowing as she sniffed the air once she had walked away from the deer. Instead of it’s blood, its death- she could smell life, other animals. She remembers the fallen rotted log ahead, going back the way she recalled running. Or so she hopped. It took her finding the spot she laid at, her own scent leading her back to the house.

She knocked, sat down and looked at her body. Her arm was still cut, a deep gash. She felt the cuts on her face, the bloody lip she got from running into branches, or from biting, tearing into the deer neck. She looked down at her shirt, her hard nipples clearly shown. She was aroused, has been since… when? Since she started the hunt. It was before the blood- it was the hunt that had her all worked up.

The door opening had her look up, blood stained face, dirt and leaves in her short hair, clothes stained. She must have looked a sight, but Roxie only smiled, welcomed her inside to clean up.

Roxie left her to dress her wounds, with a fresh black Tshirt. She dug into her jean pocket, dug out her phone. She pulled up her blood soaked tshirt, the black bra and bared her blood stain breast. A quick snap of the image, text to Sal with “No one hurt- it is deer blood.”

She bailed out on the meditation lesson; she was enjoying her high still.


He pushed her hard, slamming her against the wall as she shut the bedroom door. “Now, let’s talk about that photo you sent me, shall we?” he said, his hand going to his belt, unbuckling. She smiled and let the desire/ lust she had kept in check for hours free. While they only had a hour before sunrise, she was going to make the most of it. She grab his hair in both hands, lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist, his hard cock rubbing her jeans as she spoke in a deep whisper “Fuck me Sal. I want you hard cock in me… NOW!” She screamed the last as she was turned, thrown on the bed. He grabs at her jeans, the button pop off, tug, yanked.

She hadn’t even lifted her hips. Before she knew what was happening her jeans was at her ankles, and he was inside her. She screamed out, like a pressure cooker releasing all its pooled up pressure, as he sunk into her. She tried to spread her legs, to wrap them around his hips as he started a hard deep thrusting action, but the jeans kept her prisoner. The souls of her tennis shoes pushed against each other as he trust hard into her body. He was between her knees, working his legs to push up into her and she could not move anything but her arms. She ran her hands down his back as he took them both to a climax, fast and furious, and her nails bite into his lower back as they both came at the same time. Her scream, his loud grunt, his “God…Wait..Ahhh” and he landed on top of her. She was panting, her body covered by his as they both came down from the sex act.

He touched her hair, moved the bangs off her face, and gave her a soft kiss. “My Raven.” She smiled, unknowing giving a soft purring sound. He smiled, rolled off her, pulling out of her. She tugged her shoes off with her feet, pulled her jeans off to drop on the floor. She watched as he sat up, removed his suit coat, tie, shirt. He lifted his hips to pull off his black tight brief and pants. She notice the scratches on his back, touched them. He looked over his shoulder as he tugs off his shoes, socks. She smiled up at him as he laid back on his side beside her. “Now- about that photo.” She told him of the farm, of hunting the deer. He touched her face, the scratches, the deep gash at her arm.

She sat up, reaching for the hem of the shirt to tug it off, and he sat up with her. Once removed she threw it on the floor as he licked at her nipple, sniffing her. “I can still smell the blood on you.” he said, his voice deeper. She held his head to her breast, closing her eyes as he licked at her breast, her nipples, lavishing her with his tongue. She grew aroused, her breathing growing harsher as he moved a hand between her legs, his fingers rubbing her folds, finding her nub to stroke. She threw her head back, nails tightening on his head, her heels digging into the soft light blue silk cover as she climaxed.

She didn’t notice him watching her till it was over, and she slowly brought her head up. He watched her as she moved on the bed, away from him, pushing the spread down to the sheets. He sat on his knees, just watching her as she laid down, head on the pillow in the middle of his huge bed. She opens her legs, bending them at the knees, running a hand down to play with the curly black hair between her legs.

He sat up, moved between her legs, stroking his already hardening cock. She looked into his eyes as he used his hands on her knees, spreading her open move. “Put me inside you Raven.” She reached for him, he moved forward, and he slide inside her opening. She gave a soft moan, licking her lips. He started to thrust his hips forward and backward, slowly. She moved her arms out to the side, running them along the blue silk sheets. He kept the steed thrust and she watched him. She ran her eyes over his shoulders, the muscular chest, his six pack of ribs, the little cut at his hips, and down to his cock sliding in and out of her body.

She tightens her body, clamp down a little harder on him, and he increased the pace. They both felt the sunrise coming but didn’t rush. He ran his hands along the top of her thighs, down to her belly, and pushed down. She moaned, the pressure making his cock feel even bigger/tighter in her. She dug her nails into the sheets as he speed up a little, increasing his thrusting. She felt her breast start bouncing, up and down with his movements. She watched as his eyes followed them, his own mouth opening as he stared to grunt a little.

He was close, she knew. She lifted her legs, wrap them around his hips. He moved to lay on her, his elbows at her shoulders as he thrust harder as he laid on top of her, her legs holding him close. Her arms stroke down his hips, cup his ass as her lips found his neck, kissing him, biting at him as he took his pleasure. She moans in his ear, throwing her head back with a small scream as she reached her climax. His grunts in her ear showed her he had reached his own.

She wraps her arms around him, holding him as the sun broke over the horizon.



00:31 Apr 19 2015


00:21 Apr 23 2015

Pretty good there Raven Rat :)

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