Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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2 entries this month

Blood Bath.

23:35 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,250

He stood, unable to move, watching her in the tub of blood. The noise of the police, men who was chasing him filled his mind, telling him to run…but his eyes were only on her. Ever thing in him was on her. She stood, her black skin stained with blood, her cupped hand pouring some of the red liquid over her shoulder. Her long hair is up in a twist, on the top of her head, held by two metal hairpins. The candles that sat on every flat space lit the area around her, leaving the rest in shadows.

“You can come closer. You are safe here.” Her voice eased over his body, as drinking dark rum gave him. Calming, warm. He turned back to look for the men chasing him, turning back to her as she spoke again. “They are not a threat now. In here- you are safe.” She looked over her shoulder and he had his first glimpse of her dark eyes. “As safe as you wish to be, that is.”

He felt his body move toward her, stepping over the fallen rocks. He looked to see tiles, notice the columns laying, busted. Was this an old subway tunnel? Church? He tripped on a large piece of cement, catching himself with his hand, the rough surface rubbing his skin raw. “Be careful. There is much that can harm you.” He looked to see her back was to him again, as she floated her hands on top of the deep red water. He felt it in his soul, even as his mind screamed a warning…she would not harm him.

He step over to the large tub, and looked at the bloody water. Her hands traveled along the top, the ripples moving as her hands stirred the liquid. That is not blood… it could not be. To fill that big of a tub… he rubbed his hand over his forehead as the images of bodies hanging above the tub, throat and wrist cut, draining out into the tub…

The liquid floated…not splashing as water would as the woman turned to him, walking toward him. It was thicker then water…his mind went blank as his eyes traveled up her body. He knew from her shapely back that she was a lovely woman, the long neck, shoulders, the curve of her lower back, shape of the waist…but the vision in front of him was breath taking. Her breast sways a little as she walked over to him, the black areola topped by hard nipples. Pear shape, full…the blood clinging to every curve.

She reached out and took the hand he had scratched. He stood, eyes still on her breast as she touched the tender palm. He felt his heartbeat increased, the heaviness of his balls in his underwear and jeans. “You can undress, join me if you wish.” His eyes shot up to hers, watching as she brought his hand up to her mouth, kissing the palm. Looking into her eyes, he becomes aware of his cock going stiff, her tongue licking at the burning skin, tasting his blood. The sting of her tongue on the sensitive skin made him hiss but he never offered to pull away from her. Those eyes…the voice… they made him want to do anything she asked of him.

She moved his hand to her left breast, laying it on the top curve of her fullness. He felt the sticky warm liquid, could smell the odor now…it was blood, he was sure of it. The sharp metallic smell…but it was so lovely on her skin. She smiles as his hand moved on her breast, lowering downward to slide her hard nipple between his spread fingers. She arched her back, and he felt the blood rush to his cock. This woman reaction to his touch, how she made that soft moan as he pinched her hard nipple. The blood mixed with his own, as he moved to cup her breast with the wounded palm. “Yes… touch me.” She spoke softly, breathless.

He steps closer, cupping her other breast. He wanted to suck on her, to kiss… Her lips found his, her full lips that tasted of blood. He went to pull away, but her hands at the back of his neck held him to her. The blood tasted as his own did, sharp, like copper. Her tongue moved against his, rubbing the roof of his mouth. When she took his tongue back into hers, sucking it hard, he felt his cock move against the tight zipper.

She let his tongue go, slowing releasing it from her mouth, biting at its tip. He hissed at the pain, as he tasted his own blood. His cock was pushing at the denim with his balls tight. He wanted to bury him self into her body, take her in the blood. She moved backward, his palm prints on her skin, marking her. She smiled, and cupped her hands together, raised them above her head, lean her head back, and spilled the blood over her breast.

He reached for his jeans zipper as he kicked off his shoes. Unzipping took some time as he pushed his cock aside to make room. The jeans and underwear dropped, his sock tugged off as his cock tensed in the cool air. His shirt pulled off over his head as he headed to the stairs beside the tub. The cold marble cooled his feet as he step up to the edge of the tub. She cupped her breast, bringing them together, reaching down to lick at them. He would have that tongue on his cock…

He step into the tub…his mind clearing enough to notice the warmth. How can it be that warm? Heated? She came forward, gliding in the deep blood, and he step down one more step, his pale skin being stain by the blood. Her hand touched his arm, the blood dripping off it as she stopped him. He moaned as her hand circled his hard cock, the hair-growing wet as she touched him with her blood soaked hands. She stroked his cock, her hands sliding easy with the blood. He reached over and wraps his hand behind her neck, pulling her mouth to him. Her lips open and he fought the urge to thrust deep into her mouth, to pump it in and out.

Her hands moved to his balls, the blood stained his skin as she stroked them, rolling them in her hands, as she took his cock into her mouth. He felt her teeth, the sharpness as she pushed downward, his cock filling her. He pulled on her neck, and he felt her gag, but she moved him deeper. She moved her face from side to side, and he hissed as his cock is rolled with her tongue inside her mouth. He felt her nails at the inside of his thighs, the pain of her scratching him as she lifted her head, sucking him hard… tightly. He placed his hands on her shoulder as she reached the tip of his cock. Tenderly she opened her mouth and released him. A hand moved, pouring blood on his cock, the wetness warm, and the smell. He fought off the need to thrust, and she palmed his balls with her wet hand, taking him into her mouth again.

She lifted the tip of his cock with her tongue, rubbing it against the rough part of her mouth; pushing him deeper…He moaned and pulled out, pushing against her shoulders. She would not leave him alone. She moved her wet hand to his cock, stroking him from base to tip with a firm hand, her mouth going to his balls. He felt, looking down to watch as she licked at them, taking one into her mouth, rolling it around, tickling it with her tongue. “Stop. I want to take you.” She released him and smiled, blood dripping from her chin.

She moved back, going deeper into the tub as her hand slowly strokes his cock one last time. He looked down, seeing the blood, his hair soaked, welts on the inside of his legs. A cock that was harder then it had been in years. He looked over to her and she smiled, her teeth white in the blood stained mouth and chin. He goes down the last few steps and went to her. He had felt passion before, desire. However, right now he felt lust. The touch of the blood, caressing his body, seeping into his pores. He spread his hands on the blood and brought hands full up to spread on his chest. She turned, bracing herself on the side of the stone tub, and he reached for his cock. She was asking to be taken, he could feel it.

He wraps his arm around her waist, finding a softly curved belly as he guided his cock into her body. She felt tight, wet, and hot. He pushed into her and she screamed out. He loved how she screamed, wanting to hear it again and again. He moved both hands to her hips now that his cock was deep enough in her, pushing forward as he pulled her backward. She screamed out as he filled her body. He closed his eyes, giving himself the few seconds to enjoy how she felt. Rough… he slide out a little and she felt like velvet in some places, rougher in others. Tight. He loved when they were tight.

He pushed deep into her as his balls hit her wet pussy; she pushed backward, the blood splashing onto his chest and her lower back. Her hips were wider then he guessed, and he found she had a nice shape ass as he strokes her. She tightens her walls and he squeezed her ass, moving his hand back to her hip. He knew what she wanted. He started a thrust, deep in and out. She lowered her head forward and he looked over her shoulder, seeing her breast bounce with each thrust.

Her felt her breathing grow shallow as he kept the thrust going, his hips moving faster and faster, balls beating at her wetness. She screamed out, and he felt a coating of heat over his cock, the walls around him tighten…he smiled, and pulled out of her. She let out a growl, but the growl turned into another scream as he took her from behind. Tight, he pushed into her. “Yes…Yes.” She panted, encouraging him on. Almost painful, he took his time until he stretched her. As he pushed into her as far as he could, her body tensed. “Are you sure?” “Yes...” She answers him, her breath lost. He pulled out and the tightness eased. He pushed back in, notices her body had given a little, the blood helping.

He started to pump into her, and she bent forward a little, changing the angle. He hissed as her body tightens around him again. The pain added to his pleasure, as he used his hands on her hips to hold her still as he started to slam in and out, his balls tightening. The blood churned as they both speed toward climax. He felt the pressure build, tension in every muscle of his body, as if he is gearing toward a fight. He felt his balls tighten up and he knew the first few drops of seed have spilled. His cock swells and throbs…he grunted as his body took its release, the pressure blowing.

She pushed back into him a few more times and he felt her own body tighten. While it hurt his cock, the pain only added to his pleasure, as she climaxed. He let her move forward a little, and moved her hips, rubbing her G spot, as his cock was still hard. He slaps her ass and she moaned.

She moved and he was released. He moved to stand, back to the tubs wall, catching his breath, legs weak. She moved to his side, holding out her hand for him to drink some of the blood. He hesitated for only a few seconds before he accepted the drink. As he lifted his head to drink from her hand, he saw the bodies. He pushed her hand away as he looked up at a good dozen people- woman, man, and teens. Hung by their feet, hair and clothing hanging down, their eyes…”Oh god.” Cut open, drained like in his vision. He turned to her and that is when the two long hairpins thrust into his neck, coming out the back. He feel back into the blood, his body floating as she stood, watching him, her long hair covering those lovely breasts.

He tasted blood in his mouth for the last time.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Hard Drive.

18:02 Dec 03 2006
Times Read: 1,318

She walked along the hallway, seeing the door to the little room she never enters was open. The computer guy was here, installing updates that he was convinced her office system needed. As she understood very little of the computer world, she trusted his opinion on the matter. Besides- he had the loveliest blue eyes she ever saw on a man. She smiled, thinking to herself that made perfect sense. She came to a halt just past the door, and turned back to say hello. Would not hurt to visit a little, see those eyes just for a few minutes.

He stood, his thick laptop on the little shelf, cables running to the system stored in the racks. She heard the sound of the system running, his hands flying over his keyboard. They meet almost a year ago, when she called a local company to set up the new system. Impressed her that the owner came out to do the work, stun that he still comes out to do the updates. Not that she was complaining…she let her eyes travel over his body. Tall, slim, and an ass that told her he did not sit on it all day. Dressed in jeans, dark color t-shirt, and some kind of boots, she felt her body stir. Wondering what he does to keep that body trim and fit leads to an image of him, all hot and sweaty…

“Hello Miss. Howard. How are you today?” She blushed, looking any were but at him to hide it. “Susan, please” “Susan.” She smiled, for the first time notice how deep his tone of voice is. She walked over closer to him in the small confined room, and looked at his screen, seeing lines and lines of codes. “See you have my system all in hand.” “Yes Susan, I have you all in hand” Funny, but that just turned her on even more. She looked up to see the blue eyes, and could not look away. “Let me tell you what I have done. I converted the network’s…” she let her mind wonder as he spoke, his words caressing her skin.

She could see him pushed up against one of the racks, her hands sliding under his t-shirt, as she took his nice full lips. Her hands sliding back onto his lower back, as she thrust her tongue into his mouth, stroking his tongue as she scratched his lower back, just were the curve of that ass started. “ …redundant, the programming should run faster…”

Her eyes travel down to his mouth as he continued to speak, and she went back to her fantasy. She brings his tongue into her mouth, as his hands moved to cup her breast. Her silk warms to his touch as she brings a hand around to slip into the front of his jeans, finding him hard and …big. She blinked, dragging herself out of her mind, and hears his words spoken in that sexy voice. “…The system should be just what you need, serving you…” Those words dragged her back into her fantasy, his cologne and scent entering her senses.

He moves his hands to unzip his jeans, hands she wanted to touch her as he did the computer, demanding as much from her as he did them. While he had the ability to control the machines response, could he do the same to her? She licked her lips, the silk between her legs growing wet. “… Firewall is still capable to protect your system. We might want to look into upgrading the virus protection…” She took a deep breath as she imagine him turning her, pushing her against the racks, her hand gripping the metal braces as he pulled his pants down, the heat of the machine nothing to his body. His hands at her hips, pushing the gray tight skirt up, revealing her ass.

“… controls. The hard drive connections…” His hands tugging down her panties, his hand travel to find her wet, rubbing her with his strong fingers, her moan escape as he other hand travel over her ass, rubbing her with those hands. She moved her hands along the sides of her hips, looking at his hands laying on his keypad. “… The connection to the bandwidth generates…” Oh, hell…she let her mind have its own connection He enter her hard, taking her with a deep stroke. She screamed out, his hands grip her hips, bringing her back with a thrust as he buried himself deeper into her, the motors and heat of the computers filling the room as he started a deep thrusting into her, steady and hard…

“Susan? Are you alright?” His concerned words made her snap out of her fantasy. She looked at the rack in front of her, seeing her hand gripping the metal… Oh shit! “I am fine.” She removed her hand, and ran her hands together, feeling the dampness. “Are you sure? You look a little flush” She blushed, and step back from him, and right into another rack. He step forward, hand out to help her, but she step away before he could touch her. “I am fine. Just all the heat in here.” Not a totally lie. “Then I will let you get back to your work.”

He watched as she walked swiftly out of the room. Heat? Hell the heat started when she walked in. He turned away from the doorway and adjusted his jeans. Damn- but he wanted that woman. Any of his employees would do these simply updates, but he would not let anyone touch her account, touch her system but him. He heard the beep that let him know the program finished installing. Still the look on her eyes as he spoke to her…he smiled, thinking back on it. Could she be as effected as he was? When she licked her lips, he had to fight back the desire to pull her to him, kissing those damp shinny lips.

He started another program as he relived her actions.

A knock at her door and she looked up to see him walk into her office, closing the door behind him. She will control herself, and she will keep her body and mind on business. It has been over an hour- her body is calm …she watched as his body moves to stand beside her, that broad chest... those eyes and smile…“Wanted to show you a little of the updates.” She leans back as he pulled her wireless keypad closer to them. He leaned in, and she smelled that scent that was all him, the heat of his body… she fought to hear his words. “The bandwidth and new connection…” He watched as she shifted in the chair, the power around her increasing. He looked down the navy blue blouse, seeing the crest of her full breast. Her hand travel upward, rubbing the back of her neck, her hair up in a clip today. He smiled, and finished, as he had what he needed.

“You should be set for several months.” Her look of disappointment made him smile , face even with her own. “But you will keep in touch?” He pulled out his business card, and looking into her eyes, he placed it to her chest. She gasps, looking down to see him moving it over to flick at her hard nipple. She closed her eyes, her body screaming for his touch. “You need me for anything, my home number is on there.” He told her, his voice like satin on her skin. She opened her eyes as he slides it into her blouse, tucking it between her breasts. She could only watch as he straightens up and left her office without another word.

“Oh I will be calling.” She removed his card, looking at his neat handwriting. “Think its time to try out your hard drive, honey” She laughed, tapping his card to her lips.

Copyright: 2006 SKW



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