Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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8 entries this month

New Power

21:39 Sep 30 2006
Times Read: 1,475

The full moon glowing on the lake water, she listens to his howl. She turned her head to see her wolf at the waters edge, standing, watching her, waiting. She pulled her legs down into the water as she turned her body toward the lakes edge. As she walked alone the lakes floor, she watched as he changed. He moved to his side, and his fur stretched, as his body went back to its human form. The muscles pulled, shifted as his fur split, skin covering the bones. She knew he was defensive during his change, and she open her senses to watch over him. She opened herself to the powers around her.

Having only seen this transformation a few times, she watched in amazement. The wolf face transformed from silvery fur and teeth to the strong jaw line of her lover. His eyes changed from the golden wolf eyes to the human brown with golden flecks, as his body jerking, the sound of his pain a low growl. She step onto the shoreline as his arms and legs stretch outward, nails replacing his claws. He rolled over onto his stomach as his back arched, his neck taut as he throws back his head, letting out a growl that turned into a low moan as the last of the fur fall off his body.

Waiting, listening to his heavy breathing, she sent out her power, to cover him in her protection. She felt the power of the earth, the animals in the woods… but no humans.

She gasps as his hand clamp onto her ankle. He looked up at her from his hands and knees, his brown eyes filled with his hunger, his need. She went down on her own knees and cupped the side of his face with her wet hand, the whiskers on his jaw rough on her palm. “You are lovely” He spoke to her, his voice still deeper then normal. She smiles, and reached in to kiss his lips, his musky wild scent… the scent of her wolf still cling to him. She kissed him, her body pulled to his by the arms he wrapped around her wet body.

He felt her power, the power she has sent out in the night air, and deepen the kiss. His body was sore, every muscle in his body ached from the change. Her hands moved down his arms, the last of the fur falling off his body…her power soaking into him, giving him strength. She had never used her power to help heal him before. He felt his cock harden as she thrust her tongue into his mouth. He growled a warning and she went to pull away to end the kiss, but he sucked her tongue in, biting it as a punishment, tasting blood. He accepted her powers were growing, and she enjoyed the strength. Still, he was the alpha, and she needed reminded of that. He sucked her tongue, loving the sweet taste of her. Then he felt it- as she tasted her own blood, a small charge of power flowed over his body, into his body. He ended the kiss, and looked around as she breathed deeply, catching her breath. “What is it?” she asked, aware of his alertness. “Hush” he orders her.

He could not sense anyone near. The few animals he heard, smelled, were of no threat. Still… something was different. She ran her hands over his chest and he turned his face back toward her. Her long wet black hair, the dark eyes of jet, pale skin that he would swear glowed in the full moon light. He moved a hand to her ass and pulled her into his hip, grinding his hardness into her. She closed her eyes, biting her lower lip, pushing forward with her own hips. He growled low, and she found herself on her back, looking up at the stars and moon as he moved between her legs. He held his upper body up as his lower body moved into her, rubbing the wet hair between her legs.

The water on her skin sparkled like the brightest stars as he bent downward, sucking one breast into his mouth, running his tongue over the hard nipple. He felt her nails on his lower back, her bent legs hugging his hips as she gasp. He bites her nipple hard as he pulled away from her breast, hearing her scream. He moved on to her other breast as he thrust forward, feeling her heat. He moved his teeth around this breast, enjoying biting at her soft full tit. She arched her back and let out a deep moan, and he smelled her cum. She was ready for him, and he only touched her with his mouth. She was his mate, and as such, only he could give her pleasure. And he did know how to please his witch.

He lowered his upper body onto hers as he used a hand to guide himself into her hot steamy wetness. Thrusting hard with his hips, he smiled as she screamed. Her body stretched to take all of him as he thrust repeatedly, pushing into her tight body as it adjusted to his size. Her hands in his hair pulled his mouth to hers, open as she was panting. He started a hard thrust and felt her legs wrap around his hips, as they kissed. He slowly strokes her tongue, and changed his hips to match the movement. She growled, and he though of how she was coming into her power as his mate. She rolled her hips from side to side; tighten her stomach and buttocks… He pulled away from the kiss, as his body demanded he teach her who would control the mating.

He pumped hard and fast and her screams filled the woods. He growled, pulling out of her arms to sit on his knees, pulling her legs up to his chest, her calf’s at his shoulders. He moved into her, raising her ass a little off the ground as he pumped into her faster and faster, her breast swaying. Her hands dug into the grass as she climaxed again and again.

He was close to his own release as she milked him with each climax, tighten with each. The sound of flesh pounding flesh, the heat, scent of her… he growled and pushed her legs forward on to her chest, hands at her ankles as he bent her in half… Growling deeply, he took them both over the edge. She climaxed first, and her hands moved to his arms at her legs… and he felt it. A powerful sting of energy. She was still open to the powers around her… to his power, their power they made as they mated.

His spilled his seed into her, as the energy made every muscle in his body tightens, his legs cramp. He hissed in pain… but then it changed. Like a drug, it moved into his system. He felt her heartbeat, her blood moving in her veins. Her scent increased, along with the smell of the lake, the woods. The feel of her skin, silky and hot. Were he was joined to her- burning hot, velvet. The way her body held tight to his cock, squeezing it tightly as she climaxed yet again, this time not as strongly. He felt her pleasure, and her pain. His completely being focused on her.

He pulled away and moved away from her. He watched as her body tried to accept her new power. She felt it as well. She lowered her legs, the power he raised in her filling her. She never felt anything like it before. Is this how it was for him in wolf form? His five scenes heighten. She felt how her nipples felt the cool night air now that he had moved off her. How sore her muscles were on the inside of her legs, the inside of her body, rubbed raw with his hard cock. His hot seed flowing into her womb. She smelled his cum, tasted the blood still in her mouth. She could hear his breathing, his heat beating fast. She smiled as she enjoyed her new powers, the mating bringing her energy she never had before. She opened her eyes as she cupped her breast, rubbing her nipples, looking over to him. “You should of told me.” he said, his voice breathless. “I did not mean to.” She feared his anger and tries to move away to give him space. He frowns, and reached for her wrist to pull her over to him, dragging her across the grass to him, over the pieces of fur that covered his body only a few minutes ago. He pulled her into his arms as they both came to terms of this new power.

Copyright: SKW 2006





22:08 Sep 24 2006
Times Read: 1,421

How bored can a person get? She asked herself as, using a gently touch, cutting the meat on the fine china. She nodded as the man beside her conversation moved on to his stock exchange of the last few weeks. Placing the meat in her mouth, she tuned his voice out of her head for just a minute. She glanced over to the man straight across from her at the fine dinning room table.

He wore glasses- but she knew he hated wearing them. She also knew he would be out of that suit within minutes of arriving at her apartment. She smiled, and slip off the high heel sandal on her right foot. “Network. It is all about network for a small...” She turned toward the man, and nodded as her foot reached under the draped table to find his ankle.

She never looked at him as she asked the man to explain the opportunity for small business. That should keep him talking, she thought.

She slips her silk wrap foot over to her lovers shoe... up over the sock… into the pant leg… to his calf as far as she could travel. She moved her foot over his hot skin, the hair on his leg tickling… She remembers how his chest hair felt on her breast. She heard him cough and knew he was looking at her, but she only went back to cutting more of the meat, smile on her face. As she raised her head to put the meat to her lips, she looked at him. He raised his wineglass, saluted her, and took a sip. She took the bite into her mouth as he drank deep, his throat working… she remember the way his skin tasted, how she would bite at the spot under his jaw as he took her body…

She chewed and moved her foot out of his pant leg and moved it slowly up the inside of his thigh as the woman next to him drew his attention away from her. She smiled as she chewed, hearing from beside her, “Stock and the economy goes hand to hand in a ...”

She moved her foot upward to his knee, and rub the inside of his thigh stronger, putting more pressure on the muscles… muscles that would be used as he thrust into her... she put the knife and fork down, clinging the china as she reached for her own wineglass.

Maybe she should have not started this game, as her own body grew hot. She felt his hand... looking up sharply to see him smile at her. Then he moved her foot upward… to find his harden cock at the inside of his thigh. He stroked her ankle, leaving her to move her foot at will.

She smiled and turned to give the man beside her a nod and smile, as she moved her foot slowly on his bulge, round shape and hard. She moved her foot were her heel was rubbing the tip only. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her lover reach for his glass, drinking all of his wine, the hand he held her ankle with tighten a little.

She notices the man she was sharing dinner with had stop talking. She racked her brain for another question to keep him going. “People do not understand when a chairman of a company resigns- how that affects a company stock.” She smiled as he went off on the subject.

She turned to look at her lover, taking a sip of her wine. Her foot moved inward, and she placed the sole of her foot on to heavy balls. She sipped the wine as he watched, his hand stroking the top of her foot.

She licked her lips as she finished her drink, and he smiled at her. Then he gasp in surprise as her toes started to massage him. She felt as his hand moved away from her ankle, moving to join his other hand laying flat on the table. She should stop, but … she picked up a green bean and placed half of it into her mouth and bite down with her white teeth. Snap. She chewed as she returned the other part to her plate, never breaking eye contact… or her movement of her toes on his firm balls. A small movement beside her caught her attention.

She looked around to see the man at her side, and knew he had asked her a question. Damn! “How is your son? I have not seen him in a very long time. I have been meaning to ask...” She smiled as he moved on to his next favorite subject. She smiled over at her lover as she moved her foot back to his cock. She attentively strokes him steady as she Ohhh and Ahhh over the child pictures her dinner companion pulled from his wallet. She laughed, and held them out for the man across from her to see them. “Look Edward. See how big he has grown?” She gave him a wink at the innuendo. “Yes. He is a very big boy now”. She so loved a man who could play. She smiled, and gave the man his picture back.

The second to last course was beginning to be served. She moved to pull her foot back, but he stopped her. Strong fingers wrapped around her ankle and she looked over at him as the white coated waiter took her plate. He only smiled, and ran a finger down the center of her foot, his nail digging into her sensitive skin. Half way down, and with an evil grin on his face, he tickled her. She could not keep her laughter in, and jerking her leg away, hitting her knee on the tabletop. Two empty wineglass were knocked over, and several full ones splash. Turning a bright red, she apologized, giving her lover a look. He smiled back, knowing they both would pay later for the fun. Then… that is what life is about.

Copyright: SKW 2006





09:41 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 1,460

Let me explain the Soul Mate story. It is for two very nice and dear friends here on VR. When I talk to people, add them as friends, I do not take into account their sexual orientation. I have no problems with any of them as long as no harm is done to either person. I try to judge people only by the actions I see and hear, and those they have toward me. I gift PV and DL with this story, and wish my friends the best.

I am not a lesbian. I am not Bi. I am as straight as a woman can be (heterosexual) but that does not mean I cannot enjoy a females point of view. (I am one- you know. lol ) As far as the detail - I just asked myself what I like a male to do oral to me, and put a female spin to it. Just as if I ever write two males together, I would call upon how I love a male’s touch on me.

A story not asked for, but given. Once I understood that my two friends were together in that special way, the story wrote itself in my mind. I could not refuse, far as writing this, as it was a challenge to me. Comments on this story have lead me to believe I did a great good. In addition, I am proud of the story. Yeah for me!




Soul Mates Part # 1

01:24 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 1,484

She woke to the bed moving, the loss of her lover from her arms. A gentle hand touched her shoulder, and she rolls onto her back. Cool air touches her body as the bedding was pulled aside; lips of her lover touched the skin under her left ear. She kept her eyes closed as those soft words sent shivers down her skin. “Good morning, my love” She smiled, nothing but those words making her happy, giving her life joy. This was her soul mate, the one person in her life who would always be there for her. Be it strong and protective, or gentle and loving. She was the ying to her yang. The feelings were mutual, and that made them a pair.

She felt her lover lips travel across to her jaw, her cheek, and lips. She brought her hand up to touch her lover’s hair, the long silk caressing her shoulder. Warmth filled her mouth as her lovers breathe merge with her own. Lips of satin rub on her own, the tongue that has brought hours of pleasure to her body stroke her own. They had stayed up until the early hours, just talking, holding each other. Cherishing each other’s mind, sharing their souls.

She moves her hand under her lover’s side and strokes her back as they kissed. Her lover stroked her tongue, giving it a gentle suck as she released her mouth. Eyes still closed, she felt her lover move. Her lovers scent floated to her as she laid still, her hand trailing off her lovers back as she moved away, eyes still closed. She felt the bed shift and hear her lover footsteps on the floor. The blanket and sheet removed from the foot of the bed and she opened her eyes to see her lover. Strong and proud of her wonderful body. Even more of the control over her mind and emotional. That is all for show, as she saw the real woman – who she is beneath the shield she uses to guard her feelings. She has left herself open to being hurt, and that was the most precious gift of all the gifts this woman gave her. She smiled and opens her legs, baring herself to her lover- the gift she would give in return.

She watched as her lover knelt on the edge of the bed, her long hair moving to one side as she turned her face, taking her lips to the top of her right ankle. A soft hand stroked the bottom of her foot as she moved her lips up her calf, using her tongue to lick at her between kisses. She moaned as a fingernail was slowly dragged from the pad of her foot to the heel. At the knee, her lover moved her lips inward to the tender skin of her inner thigh. She looked upward and the look was of love, respect of the gift she was about to receive.

Her lover's lips moved upward, kissing, licking, but stopped mid way. Looking down to see why she stopped, she felt the hard suck of a mark. Her moan was deep in her throat, as she felt her skin bruise with the hickey. A soft kiss took the sting away, and her words made her even more aroused. “I have marked you as mine now” She looked down to her lover’s eyes and spoke- her tone lower then normal. “I have been your since we meet” Her lover smiles at her answer, and lower her head back between her legs. She felt her lovers hands travel up the outside of her legs, stroking her, loving her with her touch, her energy.

She felt her lovers shoulder push at her thighs, and hands under her knees lead her to bend them, giving her room. Her lover stroked the underside of her thighs as she brought her lips to the junction between her legs.

She felt lips kissing the skin at her thighs, and the soft silk of her hair rub the same area. Hands moving to slid under her buttocks, as if she was being sacrificed in a ritual. Maybe she was.. and she would be a willing one for this woman. She felt a seeking mouth on her skin, and moved her hands out to the sides of the bed as she grips the sheet in her fist. Kisses to her mons leads to her lips finding the heat of her crotch. Lips kissed the skin softly, and then the tongue comes out to stroke the velvet skin. She grabs at the sheets as her breathing starts to grow labored. The tip of the tongue just touches the moist flaps, licking at the sensitive skin. The hands at her ass squeezes her hard as her tongue moves deeper to stroke her clitoris, bring a soft moan from her. The hands move to rub her hips as she lap at the nub, stroking it harder and harder… She felt her body’s vaginal walls tighten as she climaxed at her lovers touch.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Soul Mates Part # 2

01:22 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 1,485

She took a deep breath as she felt her body recovery from the pleasure that washed over her like a wave. “You smell wonderful, my love. And the taste...” She heard the words, and then felt her lovers tongue move down to lap the juices into her mouth. A soft “Mmmm” floated up to her as moved a hand downward to stroke her lover’s hair. “I am your to taste” She felt the tongue enter her, and she arched her back as it stroked the ridges and soft wet heat. She grippes her lovers hair, as the hands at her hips holds her still, the movement of the tongue in and out, first slow, then faster and faster, brings another climax, stronger then before.

She closed her eyes as her breathing went from labored to panting. She felt her lover’s hands slowly move off her hips, and around to place one under her lower back, the other to join her mouth. She bite her lower lip, as she felt her lover slide a finger into her soaking wet hot vagina, her tongue moving in circle around her nub. As the tongue moved from circler movements to strong laps like a cat’s tongue, the finger bent and the nail scratched at her walls, pumping it in and out. Her scream slipped out as her lovers hand becomes coated with the hot cum.

She was having trouble catching her breath as she looked down. Her lover lifted her head, her chin coated with her juices. She smiled, and licking her lips, she moved upward, scratching the spot of her lower back hard. The pain on top of the pleasure made her moan.

Her lover moved her body upward, kissing her stomach, biting at the skin. She rimmed her belly button, her long hair dragged along as she moved upward. She watched as her lovers’ breast hung down, and when she was within reach, touched one, cupping its heavy weight in her hand. Her lover moved one arm to the side to keep her weight off her, as she bent down and moved her lips to her breast. She moved her hand aside as she felt her lovers lips sucking at the tender skin underneath her breast, moving her hand into her hair as she sucked the nipple, opening her mouth wide to take as much of her breast in as she could.

She felt her finger return to her heat, and another finger was slipped into her. She looked down at her lover’s mouth on her breast as she started to move the two fingers in deep strokes. Her lover released her breast and moved on to the other, the fingers spreading open, filling her as much as her body could take. As her finger speed up, the middle finger moved to her nub, and used the pad to rub the spot. Her lips at her breast, sucking her deep into the hot wetness that was her mouth…the fingers moved faster, and on a deep return stroke, she used the nail to scratch her nub. At the same time, she released her breast to the nipple and bite down. She screamed as she climaxed like never before in her life.

She felt her lover move, but could only feel her body. Her heart beating out of her chest, head spinning, and breathing hard, she felt as if ever nerve ending in her body was on edge. The way her toes were curled, the feel of the mark between her legs, the muscles of her stomach tender from clinching with the climax, her lower back stinging from the sweat on her body running into the broken skin. Her breast swollen, the nipples tender. She opened her eyes as she felt the sheet and blanket being draped back on to her body, her lover moved to lie beside her.

Moving on arm around her waist, the other under her neck, she listens as the woman who held her heart in her hand spoke. “I .. You never...” She cupped the woman she just made lover to cheek, looking into her beautiful eyes, and spoke to her softly. “Sleep. We have all the time in the world. Giving you pleasure- gives me pleasure.” She leaned in and kissed her, and laid her lovers head to her shoulder. This is a woman she would desire, love and cherish for the rest of her life. She smiled - happy. She has found her soul mate. She held her as they drifted off to sleep.

Copyright: SKW 2006




New Toy Part #1 ( VR kept pitching - so its in parts)

01:00 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,502

“Welcome back to a night of erotic tales on the adult radio station- Sex97.5” He lean forward in his chair as the clock moved toward 2:00 am, the end of this show, and his shift. “Let’s take one more caller.” He pushed one of the lit lights on his control panel. “Hello caller. Tell us your tale.” He heard her voice thru the speakers, a woman. “How to start?” “How about a location?” He asked, arching his back to easy the pain... “A quaint bed and breakfast. He asked me to lie on the bed, and pulled out two silk scarfs. I knew what he wanted, so I reached up for the headboard. I allowed him to tie my wrists to the rails of the old cast iron headboard.” “Was this new for you?” He asked, leaning back in his chair as he tried to place the woman’s accent. “No. We both like being tied up. But tonight he had a new toy” He raised his eyebrow and asked “And what toy would of that been?”

She laughed, and he smiled. “Now don’t rush me… He tied my wrists to the bed, and then he blindfolded me. I love to be blindfolded… the darkness, how it makes you so very conscious of your body, the sensations of not knowing were or how he will touch you.” He closed his eyes and remembered the last time he was blindfolded.

“You give him control- of what you feel, taste, smell, and touch. Without the eyes-, you relish all of the remaining senses. And when you are tied up…” He spoke, “I agree. Being blindfolded will make the remaining senses double in feelings.”

“I laid there, dressed still, and listen as he left the bed. I heard his movements around the room- swoosh of the curtains closing, locking of the door. Then I heard the sound of him undressing. The rustle of the cloth- the unzipping of his jeans. The sound of his shoes hitting the floor.” He lean forward and spoke into the microphone. “And you?” “I was being still. I felt the cold air of the room touch my bare legs, wearing the tight dress skirt, silk blouse he asked me to wear. He likes me to dress conservative, with a little naughty underneath.” “Nothing wrong with that” He said, placed her accent in the south- but not the deep south.

“I felt the silk cups of my bra rub my nipples as I breathed, the way my clothing clung to me. The softness of the bed and pillow underneath me. The sounds outside of dogs barking. My heart beat, pumping my blood. My breathing.” He closed his eyes and imagined a woman tied to his own bed. “His touch to my ankles let me know he was there. He just stroked the arch of my foot, his touch gentle… but then it changed. He told me I had to be very still, as he did not wish to cut me.” He opened his eyes at that, “Cut you?” “Yes. You see the new toy was a knife. A 6 inch cold hard blade.” He could hear her voice change- notice a little fear. “And how did you feel about the knife?” Silence. “Caller?”

“I was afraid at first... he put the knife up to the bottom of my foot, and rested it against my sole. He told me what it was, and it would cut me if I moved. I asked what he was planning to do with it, and he laughed. He informed me what ever he wanted to as I was subbing to him” He frowned, but she went on to explain “We have flipped with each other for over a year now. I trust he would not harm me. And the safety word is always there to stop him if I get uncomfortable.” “That is what the safety word is for.”

“He moved the cold steel up the inside of my leg… the sharp edge pulling at my skin, but not cutting me. I tried to open my legs wide, but the skirt held them together. He moved the knife to my other leg and slowly took it back down to my other foot. He touched me only with the blade. The hard cold steel against my hot soft skin” He could tell she was being turned on as she remembers the night. “I felt the bed sink to the left side as he sat beside me. Then I felt the knife back at my knee, moving across my skin up under the skirt. He pulled the material upward, and I felt a sharp tug as he cut the cloth, hearing it rip.”

He had to ask, “How did that make you feel?” “I felt afraid. Here is a man who can hurt me, kill me even… my life was in his hands. To have someone have that control over you... to give someone that much control…” He knew what she meant. “He cut the skirt upward, using his hands if he needed them. The room’s cold air covered my body as I shiver in... Fear? Lust?” “Only you can answer that question, caller”

She laughed and spoke her voice soft and deep. “Then I would say both. He pulled at the cut skirt and I lifted my hips upward, feeling it rub my bare ass as I was wearing a thong. He moved the knife up to my blouse, and the sharp end pierced my skin as he cut the buttons off the front. I could hear them pop, and my breathing grew harder and harder as I got more aroused.” He reached down and rubbed his tights. “My breathing made the buttons at my chest easy to cut off- as they were strained. He told me he could smell my fear, my lust. Then he used the knife to cut my blouse sleeves, up to the cuffs at my wrists. I felt his weight leaning against me. That is when the knife became a real turn on. I was helpless, in danger. He roughly jerked the shirt off my body, the silk ripping were he had not cut. The ties at my wrist pulled as my body was moved when he did this.”

Copyright: SKW 2006




New Toy part #2 :)

00:58 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,503

“Then he was on top of me. His tongue forced its way into my mouth, his body between my legs. He was hard, ready to take me. He kissed me, his force bruising my lips as he crushed them against my teeth. I remember moaning and that made him get even rougher. He grabs my hair and pulled my head to the side, my head tingling were he pulled. I felt the knife at my neck then. Sharp edge against the skin below my ear. I think that is when I screamed, but he told me to shut up. I bite my bottom lip, to stay quite as he moved the knife's blade along my neck, making sure I did not cause him to cut me by moving. He thrust his hips into mine, and I bent my legs upward, ready for him.”

She paused, and he moved his hand off his harden cock, unaware he had started to stroke it. He spoke, his tone a little deeper. “Did he give you what you wanted?” He ran his hand thru his hair as he waited her answer. “No. He moved the knife downward as he leaned up off my upper body. I felt the knife’s blade slide under my bra strap, felt it lifted up, and in my minds eye, I could see him turning the knife until the blade cut the thin strap. I felt it release, then he slowly took the blade across my chest. He used the point… biting into my skin as it went over the top of my breast, down between them. He cut my other strap, and pulled the bra down with the tip of the knife. He used the knife's tip to draw circles around each nipple. That turned me on so much. The hard against my soft. The though of what he could do with the blade to my body, to my breast. Mmmm.” She purred into the phone, the speakers making her sound like she was right next to him.

“At one point he cut me... and I felt him sucking at the wound, drinking of my blood.” He closed his eyes as his own body hardens. “He moved the blade up to my neck again, and pushed it into my skin. I knew if I moved an inch- it would cut me. That is when he started to lick, bite at my nipples... harder and harder. He used the stubble on his cheeks... like sandpaper against my nipples. He left burns were he rub so hard. I know I screamed then. He just sucked one of my breasts into his mouth and bite hard … leaving teeth marks as he pulled his mouth off me. I wanted to stop him, to push him off me, but I was tied, the knife at my neck…” He notices her voice getting breathless.

“Then he moved off me, sitting up between my legs. He brought the knife's blade down the center of my chest. The cold steel made me realize how hot my own skin was. He moved it and I felt a small cut as it reached the fullest part of my breast. He reached with a hand and moved one breast aside, and sucked at the cut. I felt the sting of his tongue at the wound. His tongue lapping at the blood.” His hand moved back to his hard cock, the jeans tight. “His whiskers scratched at my skin, hurting in a good way, you know? Any way- he moved away from me a few minutes later and I believe I moved my legs to try to pull him into me, but he had other plans. I felt the knife's blade slowly move up the outside of my thigh. At my hip, he moved the blade under my thong string.”

“A sharp cut, and it was free. He moved the knife over my belly, the point into my skin as he went to the other hip. I felt him tug and a hand under my ass move to lift me. I lifted my hips and he used the knife to pull off my thongs. I put my hips back down on the bed, and waited” “What happened next?” He asked as he closed his eyes to imagine what he would do to her next. “He moved on top of me again, and I felt his hand at my ...wetness. I think he was checking to see if I was ready. The blade came back up to my neck, and he placed it just under my chin. I felt the blade bite into my skin, knowing just a slight more pressure, or me moving my head to either side, and he would cut me. He told me if I moved he would slit my throat. His tone… it was one I never heard before from him. He was … different.” He opened his eyes to try to ask a question of how the man was different, but the caller spoke.

“Then he took me. He used his hand and guided his hard thick cock into my hot wetness. He started to pump into me, his grunts in my ear as I moaned. I fought against the ties at my wrists, as I wanted to hold him, scratch his back with my nails, and bite at his shoulders as he rode me. He just kept pounding into me... over and over. I climaxed several times, and our bodies heated, sweating. I can still hear how his body sounded slamming into mine, the scent of our mating. The way the bed rocked, headboard beating against the wall. The taste of his sweat as it fell onto my face, my lips. The feel of the hard sharp blade. He moved it to my shoulder and cut me. He must have moved the knife aside as both hands griped my hair and he started to suck at the cut. The sting of his mouth against the wound was nothing to the thrashing I was getting. I felt his hips move as he shifted his weight, changing the angle of his stroke. I felt his cock rubbing me deeper, as he made me climax again.”

“Then the way he pulled at my hair, his hips stilling, told me he had cum. I tried to catch my breath as he thrust a few more times, emptying his seed into me.” A long pause. He stops stroking his cock and pulled his jeans closed. He took a deep breath, and spoke.” Thank you caller. I am afraid this is all the time we have for tonight. I do hope you will call again.” “Might. Night” He closed the line as she hung up. “Well folks - that is one story to end the night with. Till next week, have fun and have sex.” He started the prerecorded music, and reached for the phone. He called his girlfriend to take his own advice.

Copyright: SKW 2006




The Mechanic.

06:36 Sep 11 2006
Times Read: 1,548

She sipped her drink and moved the little umbrella aside as she walked along the corridor. Her friends had found their fantasy stripper, but she was still looking. At the door marked Mechanic, she paused... thinking of the old crusty mechanic at home. She smiled, and opens the door. A small stage took up most of the room’s floor space. She pulled one of the few chairs up close to the stage and sat down. As she waited for the stripper, she blinked at the bright lights. Should they be so much light if this is a sleazy stripper thing? Who knows, as it was her first time. She sips, waiting for the show to begin.

He set out from behind the curtain and stops. There was a woman… short brown hair with red highlight. Pretty, with nice eyes. She smiled, and he returned the smile. Hell- he forgot to put up the closed sign. He will have to go tell her. He still had to add the brace to the sound system speaker. There would be no show for at least another ten minutes. Maybe she would keep him company as he worked….

She licked her lips, looking at the tall, well-built man before her. Black short trimmed hair and full beard, eyes that just screamed sex… and was one nice piece of meat. He wore a pair of camouflage pants, black tight t-shirt. Grease covered his hands as he held some kind of part with a rag. Damn- they really do a good job at making him look like a mechanic. She took a sip of her drink, thinking to herself she so needed to stand up and walk out of this room…

Then he walked over to her. She could not take her eyes off his hips. The way his body moved. She sucked on the little straw and swore she heard him cuss. She looked up as he stopped. Money…oh... right. She pulled out a ten dollar bill and put it on the stage. “Heellllllooo! What will ten dollars get me?” She asked, not believing she was so brave. What the hell- you only turn forty once. He smiled, and she coughed on her straw. Damn but this was no crusty old mechanic. If the one at home looked this sexy- she would find ways to tear up her car.

The way she sucked the straw, her lips full. The teasing in her voice. He never could turn down a dare. He gave her a wink, and put the hanger on the floor of the stage. He dropped the cloth on top, and turned his back to her. He raised his hands above his head, took his hips from one side to the other… slowly. He could hear her soft laughter, and he moved his hips again, putting a little more swing into it. He turned to her “I have given you your ten dollars worth. Unless you want more?”

She reached into her purse and pulled out her gold credit card. Laughing, she said “Oh yeah baby. Shake that money maker.” He laughed a sexy deep sound as he realized this woman aroused him, and step up to her. “I am worried about were you are going to swipe that card.” Her deep laughter filled the room as she lean to the side, looking behind him... toward his butt. He moved, and she lean backward as he sat at the edge of the stage, his legs touching hers as he straddle hers. “And how much do you want me to do?” She lean forward and, placing her drink on the side of his hip, put her hands on both of his thighs. Nice hard muscles and her mind filled with how she would love to put them to use.

She looks up into his eyes, and he could see her eyes clear as she realized what she was doing. He lean forward and cupped her face in one of his dirty hands. His lips touched her softly at first. However, when she leaned into him, he deepens the kiss. He stroked her lips and she open for him. His tongue ran under her tongue and she moaned. Damn- but she was responding in a way that just got him harder.

Her hands traveled upward and he wrapped his free arm around her to bring her to him. She stood, and snuggled into his hips, his hard cock against her stomach. Her hands move upward on to his shoulders and wrap around his neck. His breathing deepens as she used her teeth to bring his tongue into her hot mouth, and she rolled her tongue around his. His hand moved to her ass, and the hand on her face moved to adjust her head a little to the left as his lips lifted from hers. He bites at her chin, and she raised her head as he started down her neck...

“What the hell is going on?” Stunned, both turned to see a stunning blond male in a pair of sleeveless coveralls. He had a red shinny toolbox, and a hand full of cd's. It slowly sunk in that this was the stripper. She turned to the man who she was kissing and opens her mouth to ask him that same question. She just looked into his sexy eyes and smiled as she placed her hand on his own dirty one at her face, “Why have a fake when you can have the real thing?” His lips meet hers half way.

Copyright: SKW 2006



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