VixenDWT's Journal


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3 entries this month

Quiz #3

19:38 Dec 12 2005
Times Read: 540

(x) have sex

(x) snuck out of the house

(x) gotten lost in your city

(x) saw a shooting star

(x) been to any other countries besides the US

(x) had a serious surgery

(x) gone out in public in your pajamas

(x) kissed a stranger

(x) hugged a stranger

(x) been in a fist fight

( ) been arrested

( ) done drugs

(x) had alcohol

(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose

(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator

x) made out in an elevator

(x) swore at your parents

(x) kicked a guy where it hurts.

( ) been in love

(x) been close to love

(x) been to a casino

( ) been skydiving

(x) broken a bone

(x) been high

(x) given someone a bruise

( ) skinny-dipped

(x) skipped school

(x) flashed someone

( ) had oral surgery

(x) seen a therapist

(x) played spin the bottle

(x) gotten stitches

(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour

(x) bitten someone ( in a perverted sexy way offcourse)

( ) been to Niagara Falls

(x) gotten the chicken pox

(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex

(x) kissed a member of the same sex

(x) crashed into a friend's car

( ) been to Japan

(x) ridden in a taxi

(x) been dumped

( ) shoplifted

(x) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex

(x) had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back

(x) stole something from your job

(x) gone on a blind date (never again)

(x) lied to a friend

(x) had a crush on a teacher

( ) celebrated mardi gras in New Orleans

(x) been to Europe(i live there)

( ) slept with a co-worker

(x) been married

(x) gotten divorced

( ) had children

(x) saw someone die

(x) Driven over 400 miles in one day

() Been on a plane

(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show

(x) Purposely set a part of myself on fire

(x) Eaten Sushi

(x) Been snowboarding

(x) Met someone in person from the internet

(x) had real feelings for someone you knew only online

(x) taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself

(x) been in an abusive relationship

(x) lost a child

(x) gone to college

(x) tried killing yourself

(x) taken painkillers

(X) love someone or miss someone right now




[x] I miss somebody right now.

[x] I don't watch much TV these days.

[x] I love olives

[x] I love sleeping.

[x] I own lots of books

[ ] I wear glasses or contact lenses

[x] I love to play video games

[x] I have been the psycho-ex in a past or current relationship.

[x] I believe honesty is the best policy.

[x] I curse frequently.

[x] I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.

[x] I have a hobby.

[x] I'm smart.

[x] I've broken someone's bones.

[ ] I hate the rain.

[x] I'm paranoid at times.

[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.

[x] I have at least one brother and/or one sister.

[ ] I shave my face on a regular basis

[ ] I have a twin

[ ] I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.

[x] I like the way that I look sometimes.

[x] I know how to cornrow.

[x] I am usually pessimistic.

[x] I have mood swings

[ ] I think Britney Spears is hot.

[x] I have a hidden talent

[x] I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.

[x] I have kissed someone of the same sex (yummy)

[x] I enjoy talking on the phone.

[ ] I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.

[ ] I love to shop.

[ ] I would rather shop than eat

[ ] I don't hate anyone.

[ ] I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother

[x] I have a cell phone.

[ ] I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months

[ ] I have never been in a real relationship before.

[x] I've rejected someone before.

[x] I currently have a crush on someone.

[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.

[ ] I want to have children in the future.

[x] I have changed a diaper before.

[x] I've called the cops on someone before

[ ] I bite my nails.

[ ] I'm not allergic to anything

[x] I have a lot to learn.

[x] I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger.

[ ] I am very shy around the opposite sex.

[x] I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.

[x] I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past

[ ] I own the "South Park" movie

[x] I enjoy some country music.

[x] I would die for my best friend

[x] I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.

[ ] I watch soap operas whenever I can

[ ] I'm often a perfectionist.(not most of the time)

[x] Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.

[x] I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it





13:42 Dec 11 2005
Times Read: 543

Name: Vixen

Age: 18

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 95Kgs

Hair color: Chestnut with red

Eye color: Hazel/Blue/green/grey


Book: Brian Lumley - Necroscope Series

TV show: Documentaries

Movie: Safely cansay that my local video library is 3/4 watched. ALL rouhgly twice or three times.

Author: Brian Lumley, Voltaire, Freud, Jung, SK etc.

Artist: Dali, Francis Bacon, De Cheavux (sp?), Beardsley, H.R. Giger, Bosch, Boris Vallejo

Food: Hazelnut Icecream

Drink: Vodka/Red Grenadine - Fire Engine

Animal: Crow

Band: Too Many to List

Song: POM - Blurry, The Bangles - Shades of Winter, LP - In The End, Disturbed - Alone, Korn - Alone I break, Zeromancer - Fade To Black, Atreyu - Crimson

Instrument: Piano, Harpsicord

Facial Feature: Lips

Color: Blue, Black

Place to visit: Forests

Room in your house/apartment: Living Room

Fictional Character: Vampire Hunter D

Mythological Creature: Dragyn, Dragon, Wyvern, Wyrm, Serpent, Basilisc

Web site: www.furtherdown.org, www.vampires.tk

Thing to do: Read while listening to music

Day of the week: Saturday

Season: Winter

Month: December

Type of weather: Cold, Thundering

Do you...

Drink?: Yes

Smoke?: Socially

Drive?: No

Kiss on the first date?: Depends, if I don't like the person then no. If they're hot, then.. yes.

Have sex on the first date?: No

Live outside your means?: Always

Obssess over your looks?: No

Abuse your family and friends?: Regular Occurance, doesn't mean they can't give as good as they get.

Get good grades in school?: Didn't try

Get sleepy during the day?: Yes

Own a car?: No, If I don't drive... what makes you think I owe one?

Own more than 15 pairs of shoes?: No. I hope never to. at one time at any rate. I think about four or five is the max. Different events and that's it.

Own more than 5 pairs of jeans?: No. And this is one I know I won't ever do.

Have you ever...

Smoked a joint?: Yes - Trinity.

Stayed up all night?: Am doing so now. I feel fucked/Fine.

Cussed in front of your parents?: Regular occurance and at them too.

Hurt the feelings of someone you loved?: Yes, for good reasons and for revenge.

Had your feelings hurt by someone you loved?: Got the fucker back. Always do. Even if it's not me who gives the justice.

Failed a class?: Shall we rattle off a few? How about four out of five, with over all succeeding in Eight out of about Fifteen over three years.

Been really really scared?: Only in Nightmares.

Had to face a phobia?: Yes. Fucking river.. Fucking Jellyfish.

Cried in public?: No. I never will.

Thrown up at school?: One word - Appendicistis

Been kicked out of the store?: No

Been in a car wreck?: No

Dumped someone?: Yes

Been dumped?: Yes

Had a one-night-stand?: Two

Kissed and told?: No

Cussed in a Church (or some other religious structure)?: Yes, with a full house included, with my school on top. Hey, if you're going to do it, you might as well do it with pride and with *EVERYONE* present. Wasn't expelled either and this is a PRIVATE SCHOOL.

Beaten someone up?: Yes, more than once

Been beaten up?: Once

Broken a bone?: Every toe except big ones, right thumb.

Been willing to sell your soul to the devil for something?: I'm in his service, I ain't that stupid.

Lied to someone you loved?: Yes, to stop them from harm.

Stolen from a friend?: It was mine to begin with. She wouldn't give it back.

Eaten an entire gallon of ice cream in one day?:

Five litres and then some...

Gotten an award?: My rat ate them all.

Told a joke no one thought was funny?: Yes

Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes, fucking mates did it on purpose. I stop breathing when I laugh.

Cried so hard you laughed?: Yes, at myself.

Been to the opera?: Listen to, Not my thing, but I'll listen and attend.

Fallen asleep in class?: Yes, belted the teacher as well apparently in a sleeping "fit".

Been cheated on by your boyfriend/girlfriend?:

Yes, the fucker has now got a child and get's what he deserves all the time.

Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: No

Been in love?: Yes. Once. My first Ex. And never again.

Gone out with someone who was married?: Apparently I have. Didn't know about it, still sus.

Gone out with someone a lot older than you?: Yes, He's 30 and I'm 18.

Been stood up on a date?: No

Looked horrible in a yearbook picture?: I make it a duty to look my worst ever possible in any photo.

Done something life-threatening?: Plenty of times. Suicide attempts don't count with this.

Cut school?: Yes, three times in year twelve, 3/4 of year eleven and nothing before that.

Bought a lottery ticket?: No.

Cheated on a test?: No

Can you...

Swim?: Yes

Ride a bike?: Yes

Draw?: Yes, fairly well.

Sing?: Apparently well, these people are insanea nd should be tested for rabies! I don't think I sing well, but I can hold a tune.

Dance?: Yes, Goth and Ballroom.

Skateboard?: No. I'll say this, I can't stand on the fucking things lets alone move it.

Speak a second language?: If you count it as such.

Play an instument?: Yes and No.

Recite the Gettysburg Address?: That thing? Umm.. Not quite.

Label all fifty states?: Here we go as to how many I know as AN AUSSIE : Albequeque, Alabama, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Massechutes, Missippi, Tennesse, Texas, California, Los Angeles, Mexico, Hawaii, Virginia, North and South Carolina, New York...

Name all the US presidents in the order they served?: Ummm No, I know these ones : Clinton, Hoover, Roosevelt, Bush jnr, Snr Kennedy

Read Tarot Cards, runes, palms, and/or, tea leaves?: Anything interesting of that area. Pretty much have been told too strong for my own good, to stay away. I refuse to.

Cook?: I don't burn rice. I can cook roasts, I pie pies... Go figure.

Whistle?: In my own way.

Cross your eyes?: Yes

Touch your nose with your tongue?: No

Balance a book on your head?: Yes

Sew?: Yes

Recite the ABCs backwards without pausing?: Yes

If given the opportunity, would you...

Kill someone you hate?: Fuckin' Oath

Have sex with someone really really really hot?:


Star in a movie?: Yes

Be on the cheerleading squad/football team?:


Become the king/queen of a coutry?: That country would be so much fun, and the people in it would be fucked.

Steal something you wanted?: No

Cheat on a lover?: Eye for an Eye, Cheat on me, I cheat on you then leave you to your devices.

Let someone cheat on their lover with you?: Only if the person deserved it in my eyes and there was enough justification for it.

Experiment with someone the same sex as you?: Been there, done that

Live the life of someone else?: No.

Go back in time and change something from happening?: Yes, but then I wouldn't have my dog.

Go to the moon?: No

Run for president?: Fuck No I ain't going to be in charge of America, no that fucking ignorant or stupid.

Pick one

Coke or Pepsi?: Coke

Cats or dogs?: Birds

Really smart or really hot?: Smart

Really successful or really popular?: Successful

Really rich or really famous?: Rich

Smart and depressed or stupid and happy?: Smart and Depressed

Summer or winter?: Winter

Spring or fall?: Autumn

Hot or cold?: Hot

Love or lust?: Lust

Chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate

Skateboarding or surfing?: Flying Foxing

Which of your friends is the most...

Friendly?: Trinity

Loud?: Annika

Timid?: Me

Talkative?: Joey

Annoying?: Bitch

Hot?: Morbid, Dioxsin, Havoc, Dolly, Annika, Holly.

Tall?: Zac or V.

Short?: Me and Dolly

Smart?: Bull

Crazy?: Bitch ( is OCD, with *PEOPLE*)

Funny?: Annika

Who/When/What's the last...

Person you talked to on the phone?: Havoc

Song you listened to?: I'm Not Okay - MCR

CD you listened to?: Not Sure, Atreyu - Crimson

Movie you watched?: JP

Book you read?: Not Sure.

Thing you ate?: Toasted Sandwiches

Thing you bought?: can of coke

Time you cried?: Can't remember

Time you laughed?: three minutes ago

Been scared?: Three days straight and counting - Bees.

Kissed someone?: Last night

Told someone you love them?: last night, 5 am

Prayed?: Two weeks ago

Hugged someone?: Last night




Yes... Yess

06:00 Dec 09 2005
Times Read: 544

If i was a serial killer i would be John Wayne Gacy .

If you ever had a reason to be afraid of clowns. This would be it.

Over the course of 3 years John Wayne Gacy, a part time children's party clown, would go on to sodomize, torture and murder over 30 young men, burying most of the bodies under the floor boards of his home.

Gacy would use a chloroform soaked rag to render his victims unconscious, then take them home and tie them up in his basement. He would then proceed to torture them sexually, using a varying range of dildos and sexual toys, eventually strangling them to death with a 2x4 while raping them.

kill count: 30+

Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!



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