Zuki011891's Journal


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1 entry this month


Lost hope

15:11 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 491


The alley way is cold, dark, and wet. Nothing, not a thing is alive in this dark abyss. Suddenly, something down the way moves swiftly. A street lamp flicker’s to stay alive. A piercing noise shatters the silence of the night. A body falls to the ground from above, and a blade sticks out of its chest.

“ Gotcha” a voice from the shadows. A woman with long raven hair, elegant body frame, and warriors outfit made of the strongest leather. She kneels down by the body to retrieve the blade. It drips with the dark red blood, it sizzles when it touches the gravel. Her mystical, deep blue eyes shine in the moonlight becoming the reflection of the moon. Her fangs are shown as she hisses at the creature with disgust.

“Zuki come in. Zuki are you there?” a voice came from Zuki's hip case.

“I’m here, what do you want?”

“Did you get him?”

“What do you think? Of course I did.”

“You need to get back to base, I don’t know what you did but Jason wants to see you. He doesn’t sound happy either.”

“When does he ever sound happy, Mimi?”

“Good point”

Zuki wipes the blade on a cloth, getting rid of the bloodstain. She puts it back in its place on her hip, next to several other weapons of choice. Walking down the alleyway she turns to get on her bullet bike. The engine starts and she races off into the darkness.

Back at the base everyone is in a hustle.

“ZUKI GET YOUR SORRY SELF IN HERE, NOW!” an ear bleeding screams from the distance. “I’m coming, you freak. Don’t have to shout, just cause you don’t control me.” she say’s to herself. She parks her bullet bike with the other Suzuki’s. Walking forward taking off her biker jacket, she throws the keys to a person taking role of all the vehicles.

Zuki walks into the building as tall as the eye can see. It’s dark, gloomy, and hard to see in the pale moonlight. Looking around, Zuki notices that this place is her life. She stares at the Training room watching two people sweat dance to their heartbeats.

“ Good Zuki, don’t force it though you could really hurt yourself.”

“ Shut up old man, what do you know about me?”

In the grass plains, the sunlight is fading. Walking away Zuki forgets about the old man that is pushing Zuki to “do her best”. The old man is ancient, wise and very skilled in the assassin skills of fighting and surviving. Going down the hill down to the river, she gets on her knees and cups her hands to drink. After a few drinks she splashes her self to feel the coolness of the water. She falls back to face the sky.

“Who am I?”

“You are Zuki, who else would you be?”

A boy walks out from behind her. He sits down next to her. He is tall, shaped, and yes even handsome. He is in a pair of black pants and black wife beater.

“Hey Jason, what do you want?”

“Well hi to you too.”

“Seriously I’m not in the mood for you right now.”

The two sit there, looking like the “perfect” couple. At least that’s what everyone else thinks, the two can’t stand each other. They just sat there staring into the unknown abyss.

“Zuki you’ll remember who you are, when your ready I know you will.”

He reaches over and puts his arm around her. She lays her head on his shoulder, and gives a heavy sigh.

“Jason I feel there is something I must tell you.”


“You’re in love with me, right?”

“Yes I am.”

“Well I just found out from the old man that I’ve have warrior blood in me, which makes me…destined to never love.”

Jason pulls his arm away fast, and looks at her as if she was nothing but a disgusting creature.

“Jason it’s not my fault it’s the blood that runs through my veins.”

Before she could say anything she noticed a tear streaming down his left cheek.

“So all this, you and I. Can never go any further?”

He starts getting up, she can tell he’s hurt.

“Jason please! Don’t do this.”

“You know what Zuki you disgust me, you toy with my emotions and you expect me to want to even be around you! Burn in hell Zuki.”

He walks away with an aura burning red, like his anger. Zuki left with shock and another emotion she’s never felt…she’s heartbroken. ‘What is this feeling?’ confused, she starts to hate the feeling. Hating the way it makes her stomach turn.

“FINE! SO BE IT, YOU MAKE IT SO I CAN’T LOVE THAN I WILL LIVE WITHOUT LOVE! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? WELL THERE NOW YOU HAVE IT,” she screams up to the heavens hoping that god can hear her.

“Zuki, hey Zuki wake up”

“What? What did I do?”

“Nothing Jason wants you”

“Oh baby!” Zuki pretends to throw up.

Zuki sees her best friend Kilo. He’s huge and very tall, but not so friendly looking. Like Zuki he is suited and ready for action anytime it comes his way. With blades coving every part of his body, star’s dangle from his pants, and two Arabian swords cross each other on his back. Slowly the two start walking toward the back of the building.

“Is there something on your mind?”

“I’m still going back to that moment of Jason and I down at the river. Its really weird…am I missing something, is that why I keep thinking about it?” She shudders

“Maybe your mind is trying to remember your past.”

“If it was than I would have already remembered who I am, smart one. Besides how is remembering the fight between Jason and I part of remember the past, I can’t remember?”

“True, I keep looking for you but nothing comes up. I’ll keep looking, have faith”

They get to Jason’s office. Zuki turns to give Kilo a hug.

“ Thanks Kilo you’re the best.”

“I know”

Smiling and laughing Zuki walks into Jason office.


“Calm down turbo, what are you going to have a compulsion if I don’t come when you snap your fingers?”

“Oh yeah you can laugh but your not the one in charge of this whole coven now are you?”

“If I was I definitely wouldn’t be like you, that’s for sure… You’re to much of an ass.”

“Whatever look, I need you to get a team together and do a new assignment.”

Jason throws a file at her. It lands in her lap, everything almost falling out.

“His name is Cain, he is the deadliest one of our kind. I need you and four others to get into his coven home and find out whatever you can. He has control over all underground operations. He’s got the works of every which way to destroy any kind. Now I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Zuki you and your teammates are the best we got. We need the best on this so please get your best men. Oh and make sure Tyler doesn’t get hurt, he may be my little brother but he is still in that ‘ I can kill anyone’ phase. ”

“Why can’t you do it yourself, or is that too hard for you? After all he is YOUR brother.”

Zuki starts to get up. Jason signals to say one last thing.

“Oh and Zuki don’t fall for this one, cause remember sooner or later you will have to kill him.”

“Don’t flatter yourself Jason, I can’t love. Remember? Warriors don’t need love, we fight in this world alone.” Zuki hinting the day at the river, with her face expressions.

Zuki walks out of the room. Walking down the same hallway her and Kilo did, Zuki pretends to throw up at the thought of love. She turns to go down a different hallway, just as quickly she turns into a room where Kilo, Mimi, Chrissie, and Tyler all sit. Zuki walks into the room to greet everyone. Mimi with her long lavender hair, that seems to never end. She has the look of someone that never leaves the technology lab, with her glasses hiding her fragile eyes. Chrissie is not hard to point out. Her sexy dominatrix outfit, with only a gothic blade on her calf, shows her whole perfect shape. So guess how she fights. Last, is Tyler. Jason’s little brother. Tyler looks like Jason only about two mortal years younger.

“All right people we have a new assignment”

Handing the folder to Kilo.

“This guy is dangerous. Is Jason trying to kill us? I mean come on this is Cain we’re talking about here.” Kilo said with big eyes.

“Wait like the Cain? Oh my god he is so fine.” said, the thin blonde on the chair next to Kilo.

Zuki looks at Chrissie with disgust.

“Chrissie stop, this is serious.”

“I was being serious.” mumbles Chrissie as she sticks out her lip to pout.

Ignoring Chrissie, everyone continues on about the assignment.

“Here’s the plan we all go to his club, make a scene which we all know is Chrissies job. Kilo you’re the big protector that will stop anyone from touching her. Mimi you will probably have to fight, and show your smarts later. Tyler you’re going to cause the fight, just pick a fight will someone outside and the run inside to us. That’s where all of us will take care of the rest.

“Wait a second, what are you going to do?” Tyler asked not amused with his part.

Zuki is shocked that Tyler had the nerve to ask. Her fist tightens. Kilo notices and stands up.

“Here, here. Why don’t we all get ready, suit up everyone.” Said Kilo, pretending to be Mr. British to calm down the situation between the two.

Everyone starts laughing at Kilo for making fun of the assignment plans. All except Zuki, she just walks away to her room.

“Why don’t they take this stuff seriously?”

Zuki sigh’s and gives up trying to get everyone, to focus.

“ This could be a life changing experience!”

Sighing again, Zuki walks into her room and flops onto her bed.

“You know Cain knows everything, about everyone. You could learn about your past, but that is only if you want to.” a mysterious voice commented from nowhere.

In that instant Zuki grabs her blade off her nightstand, ready to fight. The voice is irritating, dark and unknown to her.

“I hear you, but don’t see you. Why don’t you come out so I can?”

“HAHAHA! Why so you can kill me? Ah Zuki you should know me better than that.”

“Who said anything about killing you? I’ll hurt you to the point of death, does that sound better?”

The wind starts moving into a circle around Zuki. She stands with no emotion, ready to strike at the right moment. She notices a face in the wind, acting she slices through the wind.

“Oh come on Zuki you know better than that, you cant hit me. You’ve never been able to.”

“Oh yeah so that’s why your missing one of you fingers?”

The wind stops, expressing a tall figure. On his right hand, his pinky finger is missing! Blood trickles down to the floor.

“Good job Zuki it’s about time you learn to hit something”

“Oh do shut up, Colby. I’ve been a better fighter than you could ever dream. The sad part is only in your dreams am I yours. How sad and pathetic.”

The Dark figure grabs and slams Zuki up against the wall, pinning her so she cant move.


The darkness fades as we see a built, warrior, in an outfit that shows his capabilities.

“Ah Zuki I could have you anytime I want, I just choose not to.”

Opening his mouth at her neck to tease her flesh with his fangs.

“Now listen closely. Has anyone ever told you that you were to marry a man, but they didn’t say who?”

Shocked at the question, she tries to free herself. Causing Colby to just squeezing harder on her writs, forcing Zuki to stop. Colby notices the mess he’s making with his pinky missing. He stares at it for a second. Slowly the finger starts growing back. It looks metallic, than take the look of a mortal skin.

“Anyway where was I?”

“You were going to let me go.”

Colby grins, with a twinkle in his eye. The seduction of his eyes, can stir any girls hormones. His tall muscular figure, shaped with a tight black top and pants layered with weapons. His muscles flexed holding Zuki tight, as his body gentle molds to her shape.

Calming down for a mere second, Zuki thinks back.

“Zuki, do you understand? Now that you are sixteen either you or we shall pick your husband.”

“Yeah sure whatever, like I care.”

Zuki turns to walk down the dark path of the great hall, lit by the ancient flames of the sacred pillars.

“You have till your seventeen to choose, if you don’t we will.”

Walking away into darkness, Zuki just waves them off and rolling her eyes. Hearing those last words echo in her head.

Snapping back to reality, Zuki shakes her head.

“Yeah I have so what, don’t tell me its you.”

“Ah that would be to easy for me, but no. You’ll get to meet him, and he might help you remember.”


Laughing softly Colby sets Zuki back down, and starts walking backwards away from Zuki, with a grinning smile of a dark warrior.

“Wait, what do you mean I will meet my past?”

Not answering, Colby starts the wind again, disappearing.

“Hey you come back here, I’ll kick you in the face! For once I want you to be here, that’s just strange, but hey get back here!”

The force of the wind throws Zuki onto her bed forcing her to pass out.

“You’ll see what I mean when the time comes.” as the voice begins to fade.

Zuki opens her eyes, her head in pain. She slowly sits up, still dizzy from the whiplash. Her room is dark. She looks at her clock. 10:30 p.m.

“Damn it! I’m late, the group is going to kill me…Wait I’m already dead, but I’m sure they will find some sick twisted way to kill a vampire like me.” she said to herself thinking of all the ways to kill a vampire.

Flying out of her bedroom, she starts running for the garage forgetting the meeting with Colby. As she runs down all the corridors of the old Victorian house, people stare at her with confusion. If its one thing, Zuki is never late for anything… Well except for when she has to talk with Jason, then she makes it a point to be late. She slides into another hallway almost falling on her face. She finally reaches the garage.

“Geez what took you so long Zuk?” Mimi asked with a puzzled look.

“You can say what you want, just don’t say I’m late for a meal.” she said trying to catch her breath.

Trying to catch her breath, Zuki can finally rest.

“I had a lovely meeting with Colby and you know how he loves to leave with a big bang.”

“Well either way lets go, I’m hungry for a fight.,” a little voice from a warrior sitting on a bullet bike ready for action.

“Tyler you just joined us, you’ve never even been in a fight. You’re brother will kill me if you died tonight, so please don’t try to show off too much. Besides I could just flick you and send you flying.”

Everyone starts laughing. Sighing, the little version of Jason shrugs and starts the bike. They all get the point and head for their bikes. Roaring engines send the group off into the night, ready to fight.

“What did he mean, I’ll meet him and my past? Could he mean it, or is it lost hope?”

Wondering to her self, ‘Is there no hope?’


The group pulls into a club, hidden behind the streets of the city. There are two bodyguards standing by the door, neither as tall or as big as Kilo. The group gets off their bikes, taking off their jackets, and helmets. All except Zuki, of course she stays on her bike and watches.

“Zuk, you coming?” Chrissie asked?

“No, not yet. They are not ready for me, just yet.”

Riving the engine she speeds off down the alleyway into the darkness. The group started heading for the door, Chrissie is in front to help distract the guards. Kilo and the rest sneak in, but Kilo stays close. Except for Tyler who’s job was to pick a fight. They all make it in safe. The club is loud, full of vampires of different centuries.

“Man do I feel old.” Kilo said to himself.

They all walked around the club, watching every demon closely. There were different clothing styles, different forms of wings, all watching the new comers. One in particular soul was watching the group. Hidden in the shadows covered by many lustful ladies dressed in the finest clothes. Wine glasses filled to the brim with a lavender liquid. Suddenly, Tyler comes flying in from outside laughing. He had pissed off one of the biggest vampires. He looks more like an Ogre than a vampire. He stands about a foot taller than Kilo, which is 10 feet tall, and 500 pounds. The big guy breaks into the club not watching what he was doing, he broke through the entrance.


The music stops and Cain rises throwing the ladies off him. Standing as close to the railing as possible.


“I AM!”

Everyone turns around in circles trying to find this mystic voice that is so faint. The group knows who it belongs to though. Knowing what is about to happen they all duck down and cover themselves with their coats not moving.

“WHO ARE YOU?” Cain said looking around.

“LIKE THAT MATTERS TO YOU?” Zuki calls from the streets.



Zuki revives up the engine and starts riding forward.

“Bring me the newcomers, I want them alive. Find her and protect her, the reward will be great for you. She is the key to my plans so I need her alive.” Cain whispers to a shadowing figure on the left of him.

The group gets back up from underneath their coats and fling out swords, daggers, and fists. Zuki is close the entrance of the club. The big ogre made a perfect doorway for her, when he had chased Tyler back into the club. The group is circled in by thousands of obedient vampires. Fangs brandished, claws out stretched, and eyes turning red. The demons don’t attack. Not without orders from the higher power. Zuki is just to the entrance, the two guards step in her way to try and block her.

“Ha nice try”

Zuki sits up taking two guns from her back, taking aim then open fires upon the guards killing each one with a single shot to the forehead. The bodies landed on top of each other making a perfect ramp. Zuki puts more gas into the bike. It flies off the bodies as she heads straight toward the big ogre. She sits back up and starts firing at anything that isn’t her team. She jumps off the bike still shooting, as the bike slams right into the ogre. Knocking the beast to his knees. Zuki lands on one knee and slowly gets back up. Putting away her guns, she grabs her blades. The demons start coming at her from all angles, wanting to feed off her elegant body. Zuki looks over to see if the group is okay.

Her entrance sparked the demons to react in anger. She watches as Kilo picks up two demons and starts banging them against the others. Mimi fighting with her bare fists, Chrissie surprisingly saving Tyler’s sorry self from five blood covered demons. Zuki smiles with satisfaction. She turns to face the demons that were coming for her throat. She slices and hacks threw the bodies as if they were wind.

“STOP THIS NONSENSE!” Cains voice echoed through the building.

Everyone, everything stopped in his or her tracks.


Everyone looks at Cain with confusion. He is the one that gave the orders to attack. ‘Wasn’t he?’ the creatures all murmured. Forgetting that he didn’t give the orders that they just attacked on their own. One thing about slave vampires, they are a little dumb witted when under rule of others of higher power.

“Ha so he finally figured out he cant win.” Zuki said quietly to herself.

“No that is not why I stopped the fight, young warrior. I stopped the fight because I need fighters with your spirits. I have been, needing some new hands and you showed up just in time, to join the club. Please everyone back to the party.”

With a snap of his fingers all the wounded bodies heal, the shattered glass tables take their shape, and the big hole in the wall molds back to the arch doorway that welcomes the guests.

“Who are you trying...”?

Zuki falls to the floor, before she can finish speaking. The shadow figure is standing above Zuki. He smiles at her while looking down at her. He had a cloth with some kind of liquid on it. She looks over at her teammates. With surrounding demons closing in on them, they all lay on the floor helpless. Zuki takes one last look at the shadowing figure. She tries to get to her gun. The shadowing figure sees what she going for, and grabs it.

“Ha Zuki you should know better than that. Now your mine.”

The shadow figure bends down and kisses her on the forehead. Zuki with a puzzled look looks closer at the figure…. Her vision slowly starts fading…. A gleam off light shines on the dark figures face…

“Colby?” said Zuki before she completely blacked out.

Zuki wakes up in a room, on a comfortable bed. She sits up fast, getting light headed, which forces her back down. Once her head stops spinning she slowly gets up to look at her surroundings. The rooms style is old Victorian, red velvet drapes every inched of the room. The black silk canapé hangs over the bed hiding Zuki. She hears one of the doors open. She jumps down to the side of the bed, grabbing for her blades.

“Damn, they took them.” noticing all her weapons gone.

She starts franticly searching for any one of her weapons. They’re all gone, not one blade is on her. Even the ones in her boots are gone.

“They’re not to bright, is still have my fists.”

Someone walks into the room. Not looking to see if Zuki is still on the bed. Zuki notices it’s the black figure.

“So this is why you came to me, you set us up” she bites her lip thinking to her self.

“Zuki you couldn’t be even more wrong. Than again your Zuki, so I could be wrong.”

Colby takes of the black rob and faces Zuki’s direction. Showing his true shape. He is wearing no shirt, but black pants that shine with blades of all origins. His long black hair hides his deep, dark, and black eyes. The hair that dangles from his head, gives an evil hint to his eyes. Zuki stand’s up and walks towards Colby with grace. Zuki gets real close to him, almost face to face. She pushes him into one of the chairs, and jumps on him. She grabs his throat and places one of his own blades to his throat.

“Than what the hell are you doing here?”

“Ah so you want to play that way huh?” Colby laughs.

He pulls the knife away kissing her. He picks her up and throws her onto the bed.

“I’m here because he has something I want, and working for him will get me what I want.”

Colby gets off Zuki and walks to where his cloak is. He continues to take off his wardrobe.

“You work for someone? Colby I’m not buying, what could he give you?”

Laughing to himself he continues to take off his weapons.

“Zuki you have so much to learn, not everyone is the way you think you see them. There is more to a person than how well they fight to save their skin. You have to be at least a little nicer.”

Zuki looking at Colby noticing that for once she sees a side of Colby she never thought was there. Realizing that he is looking at her with passionate eyes.

“God screwed up my life. Colby I cant love anyone, all I have is my skills. Everyday all I do is training therefore that’s all I focus on. You wouldn’t understand…”

Colby notices a tear run down Zuki’s face. For the first time he feels he’s said something wrong. He starts walking toward her, to give her comfort in his arms.


Zuki storms out of the room leaving Colby with a stunned look on his face, and his arms hanging untouched. Not paying attention to where she is going she runs through a set of double doors. She stops and notices that she is outside. She looks around at her environment wishing for somewhere to hide in darkness. She is on a balcony made with marble carvings of demons. She goes to the end and jumps onto the railing. In a crouched stage, she leans over.

“Now, now that will not do you any good in the end.” a voice called from behind her.

She turns around to see who is there. It’s Cain. Still in the same outfit he was wearing at the club. He had two wine glasses filled with blood. He starts walking toward her.

“When was the last time you fed, Zuki?” he said handing her a glass.

Grabbing the glass from his hands with eagerness to fill her mouth with the cool liquid. Gulping it down like a glass of milk, Cain stands there waiting for her to finish. She finishes and removes the glass from her lips. Cain starts laughing at her.

“What is so funny?” Zuki said with a puzzled look.

“You have a blood mustache.” He said through his laughter.

Zuki licks her upper lip, feeling the blood cover her tongue.

“All gone?”

“Yes, its all gone.”

Zuki starts to feel wobbly, and she loses her balance. Cain hurries and grabs her before she falls off the railing. Pulling her back onto the balcony. In his arms she holds tight, feeling…safe. She opens her eyes fast, and looks up at him. Cain smiles at her from above her head. She pulls back from him.

“What’s wrong? Never been held before?” he said still holding his arms open.

“No its not that its just…I feel like I know you from somewhere…Like I have met you before. This is our first meeting isn’t it?”

Cain laughs and walks toward her with his head down. He touches her shoes with his and looks up. He stares into her eyes. She looks back into his. Suddenly she sees something in his eyes. She looks closer…She sees people talking in a room! In an instant she is pulled into a memory.

She stops moving. She is in the Great Hall again. Only there is just only one High Council member there. Recognizing he is the highest one. They don’t speak their names when they are apart of the High Council therefore, only his/her levels are know to everyone. She sees Colby and Cain…Only younger forms of them. She sees something move in the darkness on her left. She moves to get a closer look of what had obtained her focus. She walks behind the pillar, and sees a young girl maybe the mortal age of sixteen. Zuki moves towards the girl to see her face. The girl turns her head fast to see what was behind her…something brushes Zuki’s leg, she looks down to look. It’s a baby dragon! Its blue, and looks to young to fly or breath fire. The young girl bends down to speak to the dragon. When she does Zuki sees her younger self, and her dragon before it had died.

“Harmony.” Zuki said remembering the young dragon and kneels down to look at her.

“You can’t always get your way Cain.” said a voice from the crowd near the High Council.

Both versions of Zuki stand back up and peek behind the pillar. The High Council member sitting in his throne, starts speaking.

“Cain. Colby. I have called you both here to talk to you about Zuki. She is as stubborn as always, just like her mother was. We spoke with her today about her marriage, and she of course brushed it off. Therefore, Cain I have no choice. When the time comes she will be your bride.”

“WHAT!” Colby screamed.

Both Zuki’s jaws dropped.

“I will take good care of her my lord, she will be very happy with me.” Cain said in his exotic voice.

“She is yours to have when the time comes. Colby keep an eye on her and keep her safe. That is all I have to say, you may leave now.” The High Council member turned and walked out of the room.

Cain and Colby didn’t move. The younger version of Zuki takes the dragon and storms out of the room, while older Zuki steps out to face the two. She starts walking toward them, Cain says something to Colby, but Zuki can’t hear him. She sees a tear roll down Colby’s face. He looks up at Cain, anger covering his face. Colby turns and leaves the room, leaving Cain by himself… Cain turns toward Zuki’s direction and starts walking toward her. He stops in front of her.

“We have met before but have never spoken.” Cain said to Zuki.

Cain's voice wakes Zuki up, and starts pulling her back to the balcony. Zuki falls into his arms due to the out of body experience.

“Please don’t pull away…I just want to hold you. We were given to each other as a duty therefore we should just not fight it anymore. You have so much hurt in your heart, and you have even lost your memory of who you once were. Colby has broken your heart. Please let me take the pain away. Let me make you mine.” Cain pulls her away to look her in the eyes.

Zuki has a tears falling down her face. She sees something moving from the shadows behind Cain. She sees Colby watching them, waiting for her answer... Zuki looks at Cain. She clutches to him, and looks up at him.

“Please take my pain…and…make me yours.”

Cain takes her in his arms and puts his hand on her head.

“Nothing would make me happier.”

Colby heartbroken and hurt, he walks away into darkness. Zuki sees Colby hurt and doesn’t understand why. She feels Cain’s hand slowly move from her head down to her neck.

“This wont hurt a bit. Its time to make you mine forever you shall be my queen. Forget everything, and live with me forever.”

Zuki pulls back a little to see his face…

“What do you mean this wont hurt?”

With that a sharp pain strikes Zuki in the neck. Making the sound of someone that was just stabbed. She looks at Cain trying to find the answer to why he just hurt her. She only sees an evil grin on his face, as she slowly starts losing feeling in her body. When she lands on the ground she feels for the back of her neck…there’s a chip in her! She looks at him with astonishment. Her eyelids fall over her eyes.

“Forget everything, and let me fill your mind with lies. You cannot fight me you have lost to me…

Cain hears something stir from behind him, but he sees nothing. He bends down and pick up the knocked out beauty. Turning away he hears the noise again. He turns to face the end of the balcony. There a dragon was floating in the air. Her elegant beauty, reflect the pacific blue scales in the moonlight. The wind she makes with her silent beats of her wings. Something shines on her neck…another chip like the one on Zuki.

“Don’t worry Harmony she’s fine. Just like you her old soul is dieing forgetting everything she once thought she knew. Then her new soul shall form a whole new being, creating the real Zuki.”

The creature growls at him.

“Oh yes, and you two shall fight side by side again. Now run along and take her teammates and leave them far away from her, where they will most likely die. Don’t worry about her. She will be fine in the morning.”

With that the dragon bows to Cain and takes flight. Cain turns back towards the hall, and takes Zuki into darkness.


Colby sitting in his room, empty, alone, and heart broken.

“I failed…Ah, Zuki I failed you. Will you ever forgive me? I was supposed to protect you…I’m sorry.”

He can’t hold it in anymore, he busts out in tears. Falling into the darkness in his own remorse for what he had done. Suddenly a bright lights shines in his dark room, casting away all shadows. Colby looks to see what it is, but has to shield his eyes from the light. A figure forms in the light, and seems to be walking toward Colby from inside the light. He stands to greet whatever it was that was the light. The figure is now in full view surrounded by the light. The light gently begins to fade, leaving them both in darkness.

“Now this wont do…it’s to dark.” the figure spoke.

Colby hears a snap of fingers and the lights flicker on to a dull shade. He looks at the figure. She is about 5’5’’, he long raven hair touching the ground. Her outfit is fitting for the Egyptians. She dangles with jewels of all ancient riches. Colby can’t believe such a beauty is before him. Colby looks for words to say, but can’t find any.

“Don’t worry young one, I will not harm you. I’m here to help you, and everyone else connected to my child…my name is Muzuki…the leader of all warriors.”

“You’re Muzuki? I thought you were dead, at least that’s what the stories lead us to believe.” Colby manages to speak.

Muzuki giggles softly and moves towards Colby.

“Wait, did you say your child?”

She giggles again, as she gets next to Colby. She places her hand on his shoulder, and they both sit on the bed.

“Yes, I did. She is the one you are in love with. Zuki is my daughter. I was banished out of this realm because of her being in my womb. Her father and I weren’t meant to be together. The High Council wouldn’t stand for it. They waited until I had her to break us apart. They sent me into a different realm and did the same with her father. We were never to be able to return, but something stirred my soul and heart. Therefore with my love for her, even though I never knew her, it helped me break free.”

Colby’s jaw drops, as each word takes his breath away. His head falls into his hands, and he gives a heavy sigh.

“So she is royalty?” Colby murmurs in through his hands

“Yes, young one. Don’t give up hope you have not failed her. Only when you don’t fight for your love, that’s when you will fail her.”

Muzuki stands up and turns toward Colby to offer her hand.

“Come we have work to do, we must be swift. Gather your weapons we may need to fight.”

Colby looks at her with a puzzled look.

“What about you, not to be rude but your not really all that ready either.”

Muzuki laughs and shakes her head at Colby. She raises her right hand and snaps her fingers. That bright light surrounds her again, making Colby cover his eyes again. The light finally fades, and he uncovers his eyes. Colby’s breath was taken away when he saw Muzuki.

“Now I know where she gets her style.” Colby commented while looking over Muzuki.

Muzuki had leather strips on every other part of her body, each part cover with blades. The outfit covered what was need, but the rest was open to the site.

“Free air-conditioning.” Muzuki laughed.

“Now I definitely know where she gets her smart ass attitude too.” Colby added.

“Come we must find her teammates, I don’t have time to tell the story to many times.”

“Cain had Harmony take them away last night. I don’t know where they are. Besides even if we did know Harmony is under his control, along with your daughter.”

“Ah that’s what he thinks. When Harmony was born like all the other dragons when they’re are, born she was bonded to Zuki. Zuki and Harmony are one, if one dies so does the other. That’s why it was so easy for Cain to take control of Zuki. When she was young Cain took Harmony and said she was dead but she was just in a coma like state. Zuki believed him, but she didn’t understand why she too hadn’t died. Cain made it so that Zuki wouldn’t die, she would just lose her memory until everything was back in its place. Do you understand?" Muzuki asked.

“Kind of. So let me get this straight. Cain is the reason Zuki can’t remember her past. So once her and Harmony aren’t under his control, she will get like a wipe lash of memory?” Colby said trying to get it to make sense in his own head.

“Yes, now no more talking. We need to stop him, and take back what is ours.”

The two start heading toward the balcony where Zuki and Cain joined together.

Zuki awakes in an instant, once the power aura of Muzuki’s presence was around.

“What is this power I feel?” she wondered.

She hears a door open.

“Ah my love you are finally awake.” Cain asks as he walks into the room, towards the bed.

He gets on her left side and sits on the bed, to place his hand on her cheek.

“Did you sleep well?”

“I don’t know I had a really weird dream. You were in it, Harmony was…and…” she looks away from Cain.

“Baby what’s wrong? You can tell me anything, I’m here for you.”

“I saw a woman, her beauty matched mine. Her strength too, I don’t know I felt like I knew her.”

“Did you learn her name?”

“I think she said something like Muzuki.”

Cain looks away making a sound of anger. He quickly looks back at Zuki and puts on a fake smile.

“Come we must get you already for the day.” Cain gets off the bed and offers his hand to help Zuki out of bed.

He looks Zuki over and shakes his head.

“This is no outfit for a queen.”

Cain flips his hand over Zuki and her clothes begin to change from the once black silk nightgown, into her warrior outfit.

“My fighting outfit suits a queen better?”

“Yes, because its what you feel more comfortable in. I want you to be able to be you, and wear what you want to wear.”

They smile at each other. Zuki moves towards Cain to give him a loving embrace.

“Now you must feed before you train. I had some brought up for you, just in case I wasn’t here when you awoke.” Cain moves back to point out two glasses of blood on an oak wood café table.

They both move to have their fill of the fresh nectar. Once they finish Cain stood up.

“Now I must show you to your training area, where you have everything you could ever need. No one will disturb you while you are in there.” Cain offers his hand to her.

“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life Cain?” She asks as she stands to take his hand.

They both head out of the room side by side, they continue to walk down the ancient house halls. Servants cleaning stopped to catch site of the master’s new lady. Cain's warriors marveled and gawked at the beauty. They turn down a few halls before reaching a huge doorway. The double doors are almost as tall as the house, or so it seems to Zuki. Cain snaps his fingers and the doors open. He offers for Zuki to go first. Without anymore seconded guessing Zuki runs into the room. Cain turns on the lights as he walks in. The lights glow of purple surrounding the whole room in a black light effect. The room as about half of a high school big, it’s got every type of equipment you could possibly think of wanting. Zuki dances around in circles of delight. She stops and faces Cain. She goes running toward him, and she jumps on him rapping herself all around him.

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!” She screamed with joy.

“Only the best for my love.” he smiles and kisses her.

“Now you have training to do my love, and I have work to be done around the house. This room is programmed to give you anything you want, Colby being the Asian he is the one that helped design it when I told him it was for you.”

“Who’s Colby?” asked Zuki as she got down from Cain looking at him with confusion.

“Just a friend of mine, no one important. Now go, go have fun I’ll be back in a bit to check on you.” Cain motion for her to go like a father would to his child to go play on the swings.

Cain turned and headed for the doors, anger overwhelming his face. He closed the doors behind him in a furry. Servant maidens came to his side, his warriors came to him as well. They all walked down the corridors once again, until they came to another doubled door room. They walked inside, and there was a table fit for each one of them, ten for the ladies on the left and ten on the right for the warriors. One chair stood out more than any of them. A black frame with crimson red velvet held spikes hanging out in all directions defining Cain's true inside being. They all took their seats. Once they were all in their seats, they looked down at the table and closed their eyes. A gust of wind blew in around them, and lights surrounded each one. Changing and evolving, they growled and hissed during the process. Once the changes were complete each creature looked more disgusting than the next.


All the creatures turned and looked at each other scared of answering wrong.



Colby and Muzuki race through the corridors, trying to find the team. They turned down the last hallway that leads to the outside when they ran into some of Cain’s top men. Five demons stand at their entrance including the big ogre Zuki and them fought the night before.


“Go I will take care of them, Zuki needs you.” Colby whispers to Muzuki.

Muzuki looks at Colby.

“No she needs both of us, besides you know how she fights. I am her mother.” Muzuki winks at Colby.

Muzuki and Colby turn to face their opponents.


“Fine then I’ll fight you by myself to make things even for you, since your whining like a little baby.” Muzuki said mocking the big guy.


“Lets find out shall we? Or are you to scared to lose to a real woman?”


“Colby stand back I don’t want any of my energy to hurt you, you’ll need all your strength for when you have to fight for Zuki. Don’t question me just do as I say. ” Muzuki whispered to Colby.

Colby knowing better backs up as far as he could without being to far away from the fight. Muzuki just stands there, waiting for an attack.


“If you feel you need to, but let me know when you want to fight like a man.”

“ARRRRRAGGG GET HER!” The big ogre pointed at her to signal to the others.

The four demons lung for her, weapons brandished, and teeth sharpened. Muzuki still standing there as she waits, the demons are almost in spear distance…they stop…

“WHY DID YOU STOP YOUR ALMOST THERE...” the ogre stops talking.

The ground beneath them begins to shake and rumble. The demons look confused they look at Muzuki. Still standing there waiting for them, only there is a pulsing aura around her. The aura pulsing changing colors to each element that flows through her veins.


Muzuki laughs softly under her breath. Colby fell down from the ground rumbling, his jaw touching the ground as he looks at her power. The demons hear the command and obey they begin charging her again. Muzuki smirks at them. They are now in jumping distance, but she still doesn’t move.

“WATCH OUT MUZUKI!” Colby screams to her.

At that instance she lifts her hand to them. A spiral of elements begins to quickly whirl around her arm. They all meet at the middle of her palm. Once the demons were in sword length she unleashed the energy, sending the demons hurling into the air. Consumed by the power they began to burn into nothing. Once they were no more she looked back down towards the Ogre. Stunned, shocked, and still gawking at the sky. He looks at Muzuki, smoke coming from the palm of her hand. She blows on it to make the smoke go away.

“Now are you ready?” Muzuki smirked at him.

The big ogre turns around and starts running.

“Ah I knew this would happen. Now, how should I do this one? I know!”

She lifts both her hands, making each blade on her rise off her body. All pointing down she twirls her fingers and the blades move to face the big goof.

“Wait, hold it. THERE!”

Muzuki thrusts her hands forward the blades go hurling towards the ogre. They gain on him and stab him everywhere, piercing every inch of him. It kills him slowly as he cries out in pain before he falls with a big thud. Muzuki bows and turns to go to Colby, which is still on the ground gawking at her. He didn’t know whither or not to bow to her or run from her. She stops and turns towards the ogre. She lifts her hand and calls the blades back to their place.

“Come, she needs us now.” Muzuki leads her hand to Colby.

Colby looks at her hand showing his fright, but takes it remembering just who she was. After he got up she helped dust himself off.

"WOW! That was awesome you didn’t even have to touch any of them! Can you teach me to that?" Colby asked.

“It’s in your blood, you have the blood of a warrior in you. When it comes to fighting for the right and for you love you find your hidden power. You just have to find it for yourself.” Muzuki commented.

With that all said and done they continued to find Harmony.

Zuki heard a loud noise over her music, so she stopped the music to listen. She heard people running out in the hallway, they were coming to her door. They stopped once they got to the door. Zuki looked around for a place to hide in the shadows. The doors flew open, with a loud thud when they slammed into the wall.

“Find her, and kill her. She is the reason master is so angry, every since she showed up its all about her.” one of the creature said to the others.

“There’s about five of them, this should be fun” Zuki smirked.

Zuki reached for her blades on her back. The double Arabian swords reflected the demons to show Zuki where they were. Zuki moves swiftly, bouncing with silence. She turned off all the lights leaving the creatures in the dark. Suddenly flashing lights appeared, slowly flashing. She had turned on the strobe light to hide herself. The creatures stunned, kept looking around hoping to find her. Flashes of her face appear with her flash. In reaction the creatures slice and dice at the air hoping to injury their prey.


Silence filled the room, as nothing stirred. The solid lights are finally turned on. One of the creatures had managed to find the switch.

“Ha! Now try and hide.” The creature challenged.

Zuki jumped down from above right in front of all five.

“Who said I was hiding?” Zuki answered.

Without another word spoken the creatures attacked Zuki. Zuki takes her fighting position waits for the creatures. The one in front jumps for her throat, but Zuki just waits for the right moment. Right as the creature opened its mouth to sink its teeth into Zuki, she steps to the side and puts her knee up. The creature lands with a crack onto Zuki’s knee. Zuki turns her head to see that the others haven’t stopped coming for her. Another one was right behind her, and she turns and slices its head clear off. The others finally stopped as the head rolls in front of their feet.

“Now listen to me, you can die now or later. It’s your choice, but I’m willing to let you live a little while longer.” Zuki threats with her wiping her blade on her pant leg.

With only three left they all turned and ran out the door with nothing to say to her. Zuki finishes cleaning off her blades when Cain walks in. He looks at the creatures that lay dead on the floor.

“Love what happened here? Are you okay? Well apparently you are, because you’re still alive.” Cain hurried to her side.

“No thanks to your servants. They came in here with the plan to kill me. Is there something going on and your not telling me?”

Cain noticed he was trapped and that he had to think up a lie and fast.

“I didn’t want to tell you. I was scared you might go on a killing spree and never stop….” Cain looked down as he tired to think of something clever…

“What is it, Cain you must tell me. You can tell me anything.” Zuki said as she lifted his head.

Cain took her in his arms.

“The woman that killed your mother is here, she is trying to find you and kill you. She has everyone in on it. We must stay together. Come we must stop her.”

Zuki couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She didn’t really know all that much about her mother. In fact she never met her mother. She was motherless for her whole life, she didn’t even know her mother…Or did she?

“I’ll kill her and put a stop to all this.” Zuki said as she made a fist with her hand.

Colby and Muzuki were still looking for Harmony, when Harmony was right above them. Harmony flew down in front of them. They stopped dead in their tracks, the dragon roared terribly loud. They were forced to cover their ears in hope of not losing their hearing. Muzuki noticed the chip that was on Harmony’s neck when she was growling at them.

“The chip, go for the chip. She will be freed from his power if we just destroy the chip.” Muzuki whispered to Colby.

Colby nodded in response to Muzuki. They went to start the fight with the dragon, when a loud whistle came from the horizon. Harmony stuck her head up to the sky and returned the call with a roar. Harmony pushed off the ground fast, dropping something. Muzuki ran to see what it was that Harmony had dropped.

“It’s a key. Looks like to a dungeon room. Where is the dungeon?” Muzuki questioned.

“Come follow me.” Colby commanded.

The two set off again to find Zuki’s teammates. They ran back into the Castle style house. Turn around every twist and turn of the corridors. They climb the high staircase, when they finally reached the dungeon they heard the team screaming for help. Muzuki and Colby ran to their door.

“Hold on we’ll get you out.” Muzuki said trying to comfort Tyler.

“Who are you?”

“I’ll explain when you guys get out.”

Once they got the team out Muzuki calmly told the whole story over again. She told them who she was, and why she was here.

“We got to save Zuki!” Kilo reminded the group.

“Right we’ve got to find her. We might have to fight her, so be prepared if worst comes to worse.” Muzuki warned.

With a gulp from each one of them, the started heading back down the stairs to find Zuki.


Zuki and Cain sat in the Throne room, protecting each other.

“God I can’t stand this, I can’t sit here and hide like a little baby…no offense babe.”

“None taken but Zuki we must wait here. Trust me, she will come here looking for your head.”

“I’ll be waiting for that chance to kill her.” Zuki popped her knuckles.

The tall double doors from the entrance of the room flew open.

“ZUKI DON’T LISTEN TO HIM HE’S LIEING TO YOU!” Kilo yelled as they all came running in.

Zuki stood up to greet these horrible people. Once the group got close, Zuki noticed Muzuki. Colby started to walk towards Zuki.

“Zuki. Listen I love you, Cain is just using you for his dirty work.” he said trying to take her hand.

“And just who the hell are you? I don’t even know you!” Zuki replied with a bite in her words.

“It’s me Colby…YOU!” Colby shouted at Cain.

“YOU DID THIS! WHY? WHAT DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THIS? ANSWER ME DAMN IT!” Colby screamed as he grabbed Cain by his shirt collar.

“Let him go your fight is with me.” Zuki threatened.

Colby couldn’t believe that the one he loved doesn’t remember him. ‘Can’t blame her for not remembering me. I was an asshole to her.’ Colby thought to himself. Colby let go of Cain and slowly started backing up from them both. He walked up to Muzuki.

“I can’t do it…I won’t.” he whispered to her.

“You must if you want to set her free.” she whispered back.

Muzuki looked at her child. Muzuki smiled at her.

“What are you smiling at?” Zuki asked.

Muzuki spoke to Zuki through her thoughts.

‘Just how you think your so strong. You think you can take on the world, as if you have no weakness.’

‘You dare to say such a thing? You have guts for coming back for me, after what you did to my mother.’

Muzuki started laughing out loud.

“I enjoyed it!” Muzuki said knowing this would anger Zuki causing her to strike first.

Zuki screamed and lunged for Muzuki. Muzuki dodged the attack.

“Ah you still are to weak, maybe I should come back when you have a child.” Muzuki added to Zuki’s anger.

The group caught on to what was happening and decided to back away from the fight. Cain noticed he wasn’t going to when this one. He whistled, calling Harmony and his warriors. The creatures started pouring into the room, ready to fight. Harmony Crashed threw the wall, her roar to shatter the glass. Zuki saw Harmony and stopped what she was doing and hoped onto Harmony. Muzuki had no choice but to run to the group to help them. The creatures were closing in on them in a circle, with Harmony right behind them.

“Now try and take my head.” Zuki mocked Muzuki.

“What a sad little girl you are, forcing your enemies into a corner. You bring shame to the warrior way of fighting!”

“Ha you have room to talk Muzuki! You left your child, it’s not her fault she’s like this.” Cain called from his throne.

Zuki turned to face him.

“I thought you said she was dead!”

“No I said the woman that killed your mother is here in this castle, if I hadn’t said anything you would have murdered your own mother.” Cain laughs softly to himself.

Zuki shocked at what she had almost done. Something shined in her eyes. She looked at Harmony’s neck and saw the chip.

‘Break it! There is one on your neck as well.’ Muzuki said through thought.

Zuki did as she was told. She took her dagger and placed her hand on the back of her neck. ‘ITS THERE! THERE REALLY IS A CHIP!’ With that evidence she took her blade and her hand and smashed both of the chips at the same time. Harmony screamed in pain, and tossed Zuki off her. Zuki went flying. Colby saw this and ran to catch her. Zuki landed harshly in Colby’s arms forcing him to the floor with a hard thud. Cain standing in ah of what had just happened. The creatures knew this wasn’t going to end pretty, so they all started running for the doors.

“GET BACK HERE YOU WASTE OF PLASMA!” Cain yelled to his minions.

The team including Zuki looked at Cain. Cain noticed he was in for a bit of a treat. He frantically looked around for an escape route.

“Come on now Zuki, look at everything I gave you. Could Colby give you any of this?”

Zuki got up from Colby’s arms and walked up to Cain, and grabbed his collar.

“Even if he couldn’t he still wouldn’t brain wash me, now would he?”

Zuki threw him into his chair, turning her back on him. She slowly started walking to her group.

“IF I CAN’T HAVE YOU NO ONE WILL!” Cain screamed as he lunged for her.

“ZUKI LOOK OUT!” Colby warned as he went running for her.

Right as Zuki turned to face Cain, he had taken his blade out and stabbed her in the heart.

“NOOOOO!!!” Colby ran to catch Zuki.

He started to cry as he watched the love of his life slowly die in his arms. He looked at Cain.

“How could you do this?”

He felt Zuki move in his arms. She slowly got up, as Colby helped her to her feet. Zuki looked at the blade. She lifted her hand to the blade handle, and ripped it out of her.

“You try to kill me? I might die but you will die first.” Zuki said harshly through her teeth.

Zuki lifted her hands. Like Muzuki, elements slowly started to come from her body.


Colby stunned snapped out of it and ran back to the group. Cain just smirks at her.

“You don’t have it in you to kill me.”

“I may have finally found someone I could love, but if it has to be the likes of you…I would rather die!” Zuki’s harsh words slapped Cain in the face.

The elements now shine bright around Zuki’s hand, gathering in the center of her palm.

“With this last breath I condemn you to HELL! MAY SATAN CURSE YOU TO SLAVERY!”

With that she released all the energy she could manage out of her. It hits Cain, as he yells in pain. This site terrifies the group and all they could do was stand back and watch. A few minutes pasted…and all you could see was Cain disappearing in the energy. With one last cry, Cain was gone. The energy slowly started to fade. Zuki light headed and dieing falls to the ground. The group runs to her. Colby takes her up in his arms. Everyone in a circle around her started crying…all except Muzuki. Muzuki kneels next to Zuki across from Colby. She looks at her dieing child.

“Hello there.” Muzuki said to her daughter.

“I know your face…sorry we couldn’t get to know each other.” Zuki said managing a smile.

Muzuki looked at Colby who was crying uncontrollably. Zuki looked too.

“I…I’m…sorry…I…couldn’t…save…you…” He managed through his tears.

Zuki smiled at him, and lifted her hand to cup her hand with his face.

“It’s okay I forgive you.”

“I…I’m…sorry…I…hurt you.”

“Once again I forgive you…Just don’t do it again.”

Colby lightly laughed…Zuki’s hand suddenly went cold and stiff. Her hand fell and so did her eyes. Zuki had died.

“NO!!!” Colby yelled.


Colby took her closer in his arms, than pulled her away to pet her head.

“I love you.” he kissed her lips.

Muzuki smiled…

“I’d back away now if I were you.” she warned.

Everyone stopped crying and looked Zuki. She looked different…SHE WAS GLOWING! Colby looked at her with surprise. He laid her down and slowly backed away. The light around her kept getting brighter and brighter.

“True love begins with a kiss. It’s a warriors curse to only love their true love. Destiny sets these two lovers apart. Test thy love and fight for the right to live again. Breath for love, and die for love.”

The group all looked at Muzuki as she murmured those words. The light that surrounds Zuki begins to lift her from the ground. She floats until she is ten feet off the ground.

“Tell her Colby.” Muzuki whispered to him.

“Tell her what?” he asked.

“Tell her you love her.” kilo said from behind Colby.

Colby nods and walks toward Zuki. He gets right underneath her it the light. He looks up at her.

“I do. I love you Zuki.”

Suddenly the light sends a shock wave causing all the glass in the room to shatter. Blinded by the light the group falls to hide from the light. The light begins to fade Zuki starts to slowly come back down. Colby opens his arms to catch her. The light still shining as it hides her in the light. Colby feels her in his arms, and the light begins to fade. Colby kneels to lay her on the ground, but places her head on his lap. He looks at her…she’s different. The group gets back up from blocking the light, and head towards Zuki. They circle around her, and look at her with marvel. Her once long raven hair is now long and golden. Her skin is still as delicate and soft to the touch as before. The outfit that once showed her skill in battle is now a long white silk dress. Colby felt her moving.

“She’s breathing!” He told the group.

The crowd began to shout with joy, hugging and comforting each other. Zuki stirs, and moves. She moves her head up and opens her eyes. Her eyes had changed too. They were no longer those deep, dark, unknown eyes. They shined with bright loving blues. She saw the tears streaming down Colby’s face as he smiled at her.

“I thought you would dead.” He told her.

“You can't get rid of me that easy.” she commented.

Colby got up to help her up. Zuki looked at all her friends and hugged each one. After she was done giving Kilo a big hug she looked behind him and saw Muzuki. Muzuki smiled at her. Zuki returned the smile, than ran to her mother. The held each other for some time. The group went over to them.

“This could be a pretty nice new base if you ask me.” Kilo mentioned as he looked around.

“Well since no one lives here I guess we could make it our new home.” Mimi replied.

Something big stirred behind the group. Zuki looked and saw Harmony. A great big grin came over her face as she ran to her dragon. Harmon bowed down so Zuki could hug her neck. When she did Harmony rapped her tail around Zuki.

“Could this get any better?” Zuki asked.

“Yes it can.” Muzuki answered.

Muzuki and the group stepped back to reveal Colby standing there. Zuki looked at him, and walked towards him. Once she got close enough she saw he was crying. She began to wipe away his tears. Before she could finish he grabbed her hand.

“I thought I lost you.” He said.

“I’m still here.” she told him

“I’m sorry I messed up.”

“It’s okay Colby, just don’t do it again. Or I will have to kill you.” Zuki laughed.

The rest of the group did. They started heading for the exit.

“So what do we do now?” Tyler asked from the back of the line.

The group looked at each other and laughed. They stopped. Muzuki walked towards Tyler.

“Only time will tell.” Muzuki said placing her hand on his shoulder.

Only time will tell…



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