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13:32 Nov 10 2005
Times Read: 453


Fiend (10)

Posts: 180

Ideas for VR

Posted: 04:45:25 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 87

I know I am new here but I have been poking around an aweful lot lately and I came across an idea that might be worth looking into.

In regards to Contests on VR it might be nice to have the members host contests every once in a while... Maybe the prize could be something of a membership from the host?

I was thinking something of art work for the 'Welcome' page or a new logo maybe?

Also for features, just a quick thought of a thread button to track the thread that a user has created so we dont have to search?

What do you all think?

Any other ideas?

Love you all




Master Vampire (29)

Posts: 1175

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 04:47:28 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 85

Good luck with this thread. heheh Cancer just LOVES suggestions!



Sire (28)

Posts: 1915

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 06:42:52 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 76

Absinthe, I am sure Cancer may answer your query, and your suggestions will be read.. but what you have is a free service dear. Pay for your membership, and then you are in a stronger position to offer suggestions on how to improve it.

All of the competitions so far have been generously sponsored by members of Vampire Rave and by your host Cancer.



Fiend (10)

Posts: 180

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 06:54:47 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 71

Thank you Emerald but what I meant was not that Cancer sponsers anything... that we do it ourselves.


Vampire art, would be a great opening page. Why not let the users try to create a vampiric Welcome for new comers?

A winner could have their work "showcased" and get a t-shirt.

Voulenteers would be a great way to raise the $$ or even by holding a raffle.

And I do realise that my profile here is "free" just the same as it is most places on the internet.



Fiend (10)

Posts: 180

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:02:13 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 65

Also... these are not suggestions for improval. I enjoy the site perfectly fine the way it is. Just "within the wind" suggestions.

And as I stated previously, I am new, no shame in admitting it, I was merely trying to get a complete feel for the site before I went and dropped $150.



Sire (28)

Posts: 1915

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:06:26 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 63

I am sure if you have a suggestion for a competition and want to host it yourself it would grand if it was something approved by Cancer and in line with what he wants. However, asking your host to host a competition, well I think that is just a bit shrewd of you..but good luck with your suggestion :)



Fiend (10)

Posts: 180

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:13:51 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 53

Apparently what I wrote did not get read entirely...

I do not want to have Cancer host or sponser ANYTHING.

I was merely asking because I myself, yes, would love to host a contest for vampiric/pagan art to be posted on My website http://blackthorn.chaosmagic.com

Again.... NOT asking that Cancer hosts!



Sire (28)

Posts: 1915

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:23:11 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 47

Well.. perhaps you missed where you said quote " ... Maybe the prize could be something of a membership from the host?"

As far as searching threads for a particular user, well if you type the name of the person into the search facility for forum threads it will bring up the threads they participated in :) Hope this helps some..



Changeling (20)

Posts: 2695

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:29:22 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 38

Well, quite a lot of people do their own thing, so I don't think that stepping out should worry you too much, so go for it!

However, the whole T-shirt thing did sound rather Blue Peter! I think that the PM's are quite a good prize to give away...



Fiend (10)

Posts: 180

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:32:31 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 35

First: Maybe means perhaps. As in maybe yes, maybe no. Theere are many different things a "prize" could be... depends on what the host would like to offer.

Second: To explain further about the "Forum Thread Search" I will use an example.

On the left side of the screen under the Members section there is a link for the forum. When a person is logged in I was thinking that there might also be a link titled Threads. When the logged in user clicks on that link it would bring them to a list of the threads that they, themselves have posted.

It was just an idea. Although ideas are not commonly looked at as well though out these days. Many apologies for that.



Sire (28)

Posts: 1915

Re: Ideas for VR

Posted: 07:43:16 - Nov 10 2005

Times viewed: 29

If the host wants to offer a prize in any competition you wish to have, I am sure he will let you know. As I said a link is already provided for member searches in the forum.






13:31 Nov 10 2005
Times Read: 454




Nov 10 2005


Block User



Move to Saved

I love your idea for an art contest. But because of my ADHD and the fact that i've been up for 36 hours and drinking heavily.. by the time I finished posting a response in the thread, not only had I posted it under my fiance's name, but the thread had already been RIA'd.

But yes I think Cancer should once in a while give away memberships as prizes. I just thought it was funny that you and Emaerald where butting heads over what you were actually agreeing on, but weren't really seeing that both of you were in agreement.




The Bee's Knees

04:50 Nov 08 2005
Times Read: 456

Wow. Well I have been way too busy to do much of anything lately but the hectic time of the year is done and dusted now. Samhain went so wonderful. Calling the quarters was the most interesting thing I have experienced. "Guardians of the East, Powers of the wind..." The wind actually began to howl, flames poped up, it was magnificent!

The party... well that was good as well. Rough start, but all was silly fun once the wall flowers crept out the door. And now that things are back to normal around here I had some time to go on a date with my one true love (my husband.)

The night was like that out of a book. "All dressed up with no place to go..." Yeah that was us, (pics in portfolio he's actually wearing a tie, and my black and white dress... I felt like I was going to the ball), only we went out to dinner at the Hawaiian Isle, and he took me to the 10:05 showing of Saw II. We came home and got into our night time clothes, cuddled together in bed and read a book. By 3 a.m. we were fast asleep in eachothers arms...

The night was most definately "The Bee's Knees"



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