angylyque's Journal

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A moth to a flame

00:46 Jan 23 2012
Times Read: 657

So forbidden, so destructive

This spell binding creature

His light is so blinding

But his heat she must capture

His temper and fury she will abide

She chooses her place and sits by his side

Her wings, her pride are blackened and singed

She doesn't care

This Beast is her friend

THIS angel so determined and so full of love

She sees a soul too many have judged.

If her patience is thin and her faith starts to falter

He calls to her, though he need only whisper

He needs his companion for she loves without shame

She darts to his side like a moth to a flame

I am the author.





12:16 Jan 05 2012
Times Read: 686

I am a killer. A natural born killer. Not on a daily basis and I am an angel most of the time. But there are those that I choose to trust with my secrets (i mean really trust) if those secrets are revealed, through some kind of test or otherwise. I am impulsive. And my target may not always be the betrayer. I don't torture, I don't torment. However, it may take years for my impulse to come to fruition. I have the patience. Eventually, I will do what needs to be done to keep from hurting the ones I love. I am mind-cracked. And the blood is so addicting. The smell can sometimes be offensive, but the blood is my weakness. Have you ever been driving down the highway and had an impulse to cross the line into the path of an oncoming rig? It's something like that. Maybe I will share some of my stories. You won't believe them anyways. Could be fun...

Because of my being a fan of the mysterious and dark, I have explored many places that would be described as "off the map". I love cemeteries (0f course) But also caves, sewers, things of that nature.

An old well will always draw my attention. A lot of earthy elementals play at wells.

Anyway, I don't care for a common cemetery. I'm a back roads kinda gal. Always looking for adventure. I have been in cemeteries so old and neglected that the ground has eroded away. Some people, back in the day, weren't important enough to be buried very deep. I have felt their boxes beneath my feet. Didn't mean to disrespect, just couldn't believe what I was feeling. LOL! I know of many, many swamps and bayous. So wonderful the feeling of peace in these places. Quiet, dark, claustrophobic. Very womb like. I have been to these places so many times, they greet me. I am their friend. Accomplices really. More later......

Like I told you before, my daughter is a shy recluse. I would beg her to take invitations to go out with her friends. She would sit at home with me watching movies.

As time went by, she finally agreed to go out with her girlfriend to a birthday party. It all seemed harmless enough. Just kids from school. I took her there myself. She called me a bit later and said her friend had ditched her and needed me to come get her. So off I go. I was livid. I believe in the buddy system. It is always safest. I always talked to her about keeping her soda right with her, and never excepting drinks from anyone else, and to call me no matter what.

As I was driving through a close neighborhood

I passed what looked to me to be a ghost of a tragic accident. In my heart, I knew it was Nyki.

No accident.

She was raped.

When she went to the parents bedroom to call me she was cornered there.

Someone's older brother. Alone and vulnerable and in the midst of a full blown panic attack, she was stalked and raped by a predator.

And it was my fault. He beat her, and raped her.

When he was finished she climbed out the bedroom window and started walking. Afraid of the looks and question she would get from people that barely knew her.

MY fault!

I begged her to let me take her to the ER. She wouldn't have any part of it.

And she wouldn't stop sobbing. I took her home, gave her a bath, wrapped her in her favorite blanket and held her til morning.

MY fault.

Now,even with therapy, she does not leave her room. I pulled her from the school immediately.

Now, 2 years later, she is beginning to heal. See it in her picture. But she will never be the same, and it was my fault.

One of the reasons she is beginning to heal is because of a secret I recently shared with her. About how, in the end, something like that is always avenged.....

more later

So I found him. Online. He fell hard to my wiles. Very few ever really want to resist them.

He was younger than me, of course, but of age.(I am not sure if I would have handled it differently, otherwise.) I had him meat me. Predator that he was it was not a problem. Told him I was married and after a few tests of faith I would give him what he desired. LOL! Guys are always so sure.

I had him meet me in the a fore mentioned graveyard and my skin crawled at the sight of him.

I was shivering with hate and excitement. This was it. No turning back.

I took a look inside his head. To see if he had any remorse for being what he was.

It wasn't hard, he was a simpleton. I asked him to role play with me. After a few drinks, he agreed.

What a moron. I told him it would put me into the mood he wanted.

He even got naked. LMAO!

I positioned myself behind him so as not to get any of evidence on me. I bit his ear and as he groaned....I cut his throat. Mind you, I had never done this before so when the knife dragged across his flesh I hesitated. He jumped up in front of me not sure if I meant to really,really cause him pain. I had planned to do some silly monologue to vindicate what was happening, funny how that slips your mind. LOL!

So, up I went with my knife. A bushmaster. (sure it could have been a more appropriate weapon for the occasion, but one can never be to careful.)

Stuck it in below his naval and yanked up! So much for the mess.

I backed away on my knees and watched him die. Painfully. Reminding myself of my reasons over and over. If I went to prison, so be it. I buried him in one of the not so well maintained graves. I trusted the spirits here. They would take him straight to hell.

I know now I will never be found out.

And I will do it again.....



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