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21:14 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 555

A special person I met on line wrote this...

He and his wife were unable to bare children so with out question, began foster parenting. They have positively affected many young peoples lives these past few years. Currently they are tring to adopt two two year old children one of which is very sick. If you pray I would ask you remember Brian and Shaila in your prayers.

They shared this with me and I am sharing it with you.

When You're Two

when you're two

bugs are scary

and fascinating at the same time

you're mood dictates the mood of the house

despite what the adults think, you are the boss

everything is something to mimic

you know what not to do

but not how to do it anyway without getting caught

when you're two

everything is big

running is freedom

and often painful

spaghetti sauce becomes finger paint

when you step into an adult's shoes

everybody drops everything and adores you

"NO! NO!'s" become irresistible

when you're two

every new word is a hurdle

and a triumph

you know how to be the center of attention

but not when you've taken it too far

some days you fear nothing

and some days you fear everything

the box is better than the gift

when you're two

you have no idea how amazing you are




02:59 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 560

We moved down here to Dallas after a lot of hard work, a little luck, and a phone call from the larfest computer company in the world, that still gives me goosebumps. Around this same time I had picked up a copy of the book of Enoch, a forbidden piece of literature I was never allowed to talk about when I was young. According to this book, that was rejected from the canon, the angels were jealous that mortal men were given human women to take a wives. So after a time they decided to take wives of their own, by force if necessary. When these women bore children they were called demons and they didn’t have souls but were not mortal beings either. It went on to explain that they were too powerful and dangerous to be allowed to let live and so they were ordered to death. This is when hell was created, or so this book says. After re-reading to make sure I hadn’t gotten it wrong, I compared the passages with the ones from the Book of Genesis. It wasn’t a perfect fit but it wasn’t much of a leap either.

I spent a lot of time considering the implications that this book, if it was even a little factual, had on everything I was taught and believe (no matter how hard I try not to.)

I cried myself to sleep that night in my daughter’s room, thinking of how unfair it was that these poor creatures had been born to such a cruel fate, then thinking how stupid I was for crying about something like that. It stayed with me for days but I still had things to do so I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried not to think about it.

After we had moved into our new apartment I began having dreams about demons or rather a specific demon. This demon was beautiful man, tall with long hair and a deep but gentle voice. I assume it was my brain making a picture of what I think such a thing would look like. (It might seam strange but I have always been aware that my brain functions in a way that is useful to me not at full capacity since we can’t handle those electrical impulses firing so rapidly.) In this dream with the demon, I’m in the woods with him, standing on a fallen tree that hangs over a shallow creek. While we are there, on this tree, people in my life float buy in rafts and canoes. Some have paddles and some do not. I look up every so often and tell him who were are watching pass by next. The whole time I feel him watching me only looking away when I point some one else out. I have never been sure if you can control yourself in your dreams or not but I am sure of this when I looked down at my hand he was holding it and when I woke moments later my hand still felt warm and sweaty like when you’ve been holding hands.

I had this dream for several nights, I’m not exactly sure how many, each time slightly different. Intense but not frightening at all. After a week or so they stopped altogether. Then I got sick. Maybe that isn’t the right word but it’s the only word that seems to fit.

“It’s stress, you just moved, your daughter doesn’t sleep through the night yet…” I rationalized to my self and told the same things to family and even my husband. I could not stay awake. Plan and simple. I was taking naps every hour and sleeping all night long. For some people this might seem like know big deal. But then I started to loose weight quickly. Too quickly.

So I went to see my doctor who gave me every test imaginable. My doctor is Hindu and a bit of a mystic as I have come to learn with my frequent visits to her office but I like a doctor that treats the whole patient. She ordered blood work, hormones, thyroid, PAP, you name it I had it done. She sent me to a therapist and was ready to schedule an ultrasound, when came across my copy of the Book of Enoch while filling the selves in our knew apartment. I am not going say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind after the book and the dreams that I was feeling the pull from something else.

I decided to further research my new found interest in the forbidden realm to which access denied to for so long. Anything that caught my attention was considered carefully. History, folk lore, wives’ tales, and even individuals I found on the internet calming to be a part of it. The more I learned the more I wanted to know, until it engrossed my thoughts completely. I found myself strangely aroused at the very idea I might have been touched by something in my sleep. Something that was not human or unnatural. I know it probably sounds crazy. Even considering the possibility to myself makes me wonder if I should double up on my appointments with Dr. Bob, my shrink. There is more I have to tell you so bare with me just a little longer.

My tiredness had continue and we had family coming in from Ohio in two weeks. I was given vitamin B-12 shots weekly to try to boost my energy and I was prescribed thirty minutes a day of cardio first thing in the morning. The difference was minor but I did what they said and trudged through each day. My husband tried to be sensitive to my situation by not pushing himself on be since he knew I was drained. It was about a week before our out of town guests would arrive when it happened. Laying in bed I felt my amorous husband stirring next to me, then moved his hand in between my legs, and began to fondle me gently. It must have been close to 3:00 am and I didn’t have the strength to move so I let him do as he pleased, pretending that I was asleep. I felt him creep down the bed slowly, pushing the comforter back until I heard it hit the floor. I sleep nude so there was nothing between us to stop him from enjoying my sleeping form. He moved himself between my knees and sat back on his haunches. Pulled my hips up to his waist until my bottom rested in his lap. Then he lifted me into a sitting position just over his erection. I through my arms around him instinctively so I wouldn’t fall. Then he wrapped his arms around me and began to thrust upward into me. I cringed slightly knowing I wasn’t ready to be entered but as he did I was relieved, and a little surprised to find that I was more then ready. He continued to make love to me until pretending to be asleep was out of the question. He brought me to a tremendous orgasm in only a matter of minutes. When I came, he held me closely, like a child does it favorite toy. After a long while he released me from his tight grasp, laid me down on my back and rolled on to his back and fell a sleep. I moved closer to him expecting to return his generosity but found him in a dead sleep. I laughed quietly and left him to use the bathroom. As I came back and laid down with him I noticed how I felt better than I had in over a month. I laid in bed until 6:30am, completely awake, a million thoughts running through my mind. That day I felt like I was hooked up to a IV with a caffeine drip. I made a point that night to spend quality time with my husband, twice. Our sex life has always been mediocre at best, but I felt like my body was on fire. Every orgasm was more powerful than the one before and I felt hungry for sex all the time. Again the next day I was full of more energy than I had been in weeks.

It continued like this everyday until my in laws came and we decided to abstain from our playtime while so many people were in our small apartment. Things immediately went back just as before I had found my own heavenly cure. I was so tired I could barely function as a proper hostess. So I went ahead and took care of myself while they made a run to the store and the house was empty. I From that moment on I was convinced. I had been tagged by an incubus.

I still take the vitamin shots and see my therapist weekly. I love to exercise but I prefer I own variation of cardio now, not that I don’t trust what the doctor prescribes. I guess everyone just has to find what works best for them. I know to think I have be tagged by a demon is a one way ticket to a padded room with no windows. That is why I am looking of others that have had the same experience as me. I am convinced my mother and grand mother have experienced a great deal of evil spirits in their own lives. They are haunted to this day by ghosts of their past. I know my father would disown me for ever considering the possibility that demons or spirits could be anything but bad. I don’t know yet if they are or are not. I know I believe more and more each day that I like what has happened to me and what is still happening. It feel wonderful to be able to stay up all night and know I won’t be tired in the morning. I feel bad for my poor husband he can no longer keep up with my appetite.



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