artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


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16 entries this month

Dear Journal ....

22:20 Nov 30 2006
Times Read: 830

Hi journal, it's been a while since I wrote in you, so I thought I would give it another shot.

I was so right about the Sandbox wasn't I? I thought the Dominars were simply going to be told to get tough on the pop quizes, I didn't know Cancer was going to wipe out quite so much of my fave place. Oh well .... it's gone, I won't bother with it

Its weird though. If you know something about vampires or whatever, you don't really have a place to simply tell anyone - post it to the forum and it'll get closed as a 'no discussion here' or watch your carefully thought out piece get ripped to shreds until no-one knows which way is up

Yeah you could spend hours getting an article together, it won't help your status though and you can't do that until you're a level 16. I've sent a total of 41 additions to the vampire database, I've filled in the form thing and ... well ... nothing

For me the forum is now a place that I go to read some things : I can't join in, I'm just out of my league. I guess my forum posts will start to drop off as the threads are RIA'd and, with it, my status





19:47 Nov 28 2006
Times Read: 830

I don't know what came over me ... yes, I bit everyone who was online at 6.15 GMT ... sorry bout that




Taa Daaaaaaaaaaa

19:44 Nov 28 2006
Times Read: 831

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Bad night in the forum :(

23:34 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 846

I just knew I shouldn't have stuck my nose back in there.

Went into the Sandbox to play, I like the ABC games the best - I can join in, what I don't know I can look up - no-one pokes fun at you or goes out of their way to make you look stupid. Tonight though Cancer himself had called by and posted "This is why VR has Dominars" in all the ABC games. This kinda scared people off posting, scared me anyway.

So I wander back to the main forum and found a thread about a 13th Zodiac sign. I read through each post (it was long) and try to make sense of it. Go into the post reply part and try and remember it all. Remembered it wrong and got shot down in flames, pfffft

Don't know what you're supposed to do to keep your status. I've rated 90% of everything that can be rated - that's true rating, reading everything on the profile - anon rating here, stamp if they earn it, comment if I can think of one - - - its taken me ages.

I spend hours lurking and reading journals, or annoying the folk in House Eternal - so I have no probs time and page views

So all I'm stuck on is forum posts, the Sandbox is going to get strict and I'm out of my depth in the main forum

Dunno what to do .... pfffffft




It seems Xmas isn't coming

00:06 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 854

Waited for an hour for the *NEW* Xmas lights to get switched on

Parade went by no problem, majorettes went by, band went by .... then guys started taking the barriers down

The lights are stuck on a lorry somewhere in Europe

I got back on the bus and came home

Wotta waste




Free afternoon

15:16 Nov 20 2006
Times Read: 863

So here I am on a 'free' afternoon. I've finished my book and can't resist the computer saying "Switch me on ... switch me on ... " anymore

Why the free afternoon ?

Well ... it started out with my class adopting a monkey at MonkeyWorld. All we had to do was give it a name. I suggested "Spank" and it got the most votes but we still couldn't use it pfffft

This got me in a revenge frame of mind

The library and science labs have magnetic tapes stuck on stuff in them and this sets off the barrier by the front door. The front door opens inwards when anyone gets near it.


I stuck a security tape on the edge of the door. Everytime the door opened, the alarm went off.

I thought it was funny. The Head of Year did not. I get an afternoon at home

I think that's Karma in action




Xmas is coming

21:41 Nov 19 2006
Times Read: 868

Sponsored swim went well, I raised a total of £41.33 for Children In Need. Collected most of it already, just two more people to chase down and its all ready to send in :)

Finished the ponds early today, mostly because it was so cold - fishies were all huddled at the bottom and the pumps were off - makes my job a lot easier.

If you have a pond btw, its best you switch your pump off now for the winter. You don't want to be pumping your fishies warmer bottom layer and dumping it onto the frozen top now do you?

Went into town and found all the roads closed off for Xmas shopping. Everyone was still walking along the pavements except me, who made a point of walking up the middle of the deserted roads.

Good display of fire engines, ambulances and police cars. Nice policeman let me sit on his motorbike and answered my question about a huge marker pen clipped to his handlebar (probably made a change for the poor guy being asked about his siren and how fast it goes).

Two girls were trying to sing carols on a stage. They kept forgetting their words, laughing or stopping. I stopped for a stare but lost interest; the choir was good tho

I bought my mum her Xmas present, I would tell you what it is but I am kinda sus that she reads this.

Came back here to find that the site was down for maintenance for an eternity. Its back on now but really really slow. So I'm just rating newbies until it speeds up.

This is going to take an age to load ..... *click*




Children in Need

18:01 Nov 17 2006
Times Read: 873

Today is Children in Need day, for the people here who aren't in the UK its a huge thing run by the BBC to raise money to help children all over the world.

I won't be in for this evening cause I'm swimming up and down a pool dressed as Bart Simpson (as ya do) - if I do it I will have raised £41

Gotta run .....





21:48 Nov 16 2006
Times Read: 875

I was looking at the Who's Online page and I see a whelp MistressxStrange with three, count em, THREE photos on the page.

I refresh and its the same

How can anyone log in three times ?

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22:33 Nov 12 2006
Times Read: 884

A RED letter day, I haven't been so stoked since I made mosquito (except maybe Goul, that was pretty exciting - and being inducted into my House, that was kinda funky)

For some weird reason my House Master has seen fit to make me a forum admin - dunno what I have to do cos everyone really respects everybody else in there, but I do get a nifty little badge thing alongside my House badge on my profile and its nudged my status a HUGE lump

I was stuck on Firebrand 90% and kind of resolved to waiting until either time or page views had made up for my lack of forum posts - but this here mark has like shot clean through Savant and I'm like a 4% Incendiary !!!!! That's like level 24

OK ... I am going to go and try to explain this to my folks ... I might be gone some time lol


PS how am I going to get to sleep tonight ?




The reward ...

10:08 Nov 11 2006
Times Read: 889

It was only a few days ago that I told you of my new game. Well, this morning, at 08:55 GMT I did it ... top row of the "Who's Online" page

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

I need something else to keep my little mind amused now




Cold and wet

19:59 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 894

Someone stole the batteries out of my bike lights and I had to push it home. It's miles, it took me nearly an hour and a half, everytime a lorry passed by I was beside a puddle, it rained and it was dark.

Why don't they hang people no more




Little things keep me amused for hours

20:00 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 900

I have a new game to keep me amused ... I noticed that at some times on some days, if I'm not lurking, I can get really close to the top line of the "Who's Online" page ... I sit there with my fnger on the [Print screen] button every time I pop by to see where I'm at on the page - hoping I can capture that moment of fame

This morning I was just one line down !!! Just one member was between me and that top row ... then two dominars logged in and, before I knew it, I was about three rows down pfffft

.... there's always tomorrow





21:28 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 911

I'm reading through profiles and I find this, written in english

I speak 4 languages, including Mandarin Chinese, Two dialects of Elvish, the others are not important

So I'm guessing that maths isn't that important either :)




Shopping II - the return of shopping

18:19 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 913

Dear Reader, you might remember about my Spyro game that I told you about in October.

Went in today and there it still was, unsold, and now only £4.99 - bargain, been playing it most of the afternoon

This proves two things:

Sometimes its best to wait, and

Hiding things at the back of shelves is the best way to make sure no-one else buys it






17:04 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 917

One of the best yet

Got myself all whitened up with charcoal on my lips and eyelids, then a few grotty bandages on my face and my old monk's gown and off I went as a mummified monk

A really good haul this year, mostly chocolate which is good. Only had to threaten an egging twice, think a lot of folk learned from last year :)

Had a silly-string battle with some ppl from the next village over, that was kewl - we came second (lost) mostly because Jodie had to go home during the opening salvo - I was going to nuke em (eggs) but it was getting late

Next year I have a plan involving jelly (USA jello) and letterboxes but that's a secret right now



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