bigz's Journal

bigz's Journal


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15 entries this month

Zanfire's memoirs page 15

05:05 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 166

"So we have two options shatter the ice and risk injury to your leg or wait for it to thaw and you slow down for a little while " swifthand says. "Slow It is!" I repond "I quite like my leg intact even if it is encased in ice. It's not like i can't walk around I'm just slow." Swifthand replies "I'm suprised the slow safe option is the one you pick! Good for you!" I shrug off the remark and start limping out the door "I'm going to tell my friends about this so they don't wonder what's going on?" Zad says " I'll go with you." "Not this time . I'll introduce you to them later when they won't be making fun of me for my leg." Zad doesn't need to know about that part of my life at least not yet. "But when will that be?" I reply with "Soon but you may not like them they have very abrasive attitudes." He yields "Fine. But I do want to meet them." I end with"In due time my friend."

End of page 15




Zanfire's memoirs page 14

05:03 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 167

Zad didn’t notice that I had burst into flames. So i played it off as if he just missed me mostly “if you had your eyes open you could have froze me completely. That would’ve been amazing” “HOW WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN AMAZING? ” he yells. “ YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN FROZEN SOLID! YOU COULD DIE!” I tell him “ A bit of cold won’t kill me and it would be amazing that you could hit me since you know just how quick I am.” Zad rolls his eyes at me. It took a couple days to thaw my leg. We got a stern lecture from Swifthand. “Zanfire you i would expect going along with a reckless idea like this. But zad, this was dangerous why would you do this?” Swifthand asked. “ ” we thought it would help me control my powers better if I used them in a combat like environment" zad responded . “But I got scared when zanfire charged me. So I shut my eyes and blasted ice which froze his leg.” Swifthand says “ So you both had a bad idea then you” pointing at me “ had a worse idea then you” pointing and zad" had an even worse idea.“ At that point i chime in with “In summary we had a stupid off and i won since i have a frozen leg” End of page 14




Zanfire's memoirs page 13

05:01 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 168

I charge at him. He seems too surprised to move. As I get close he finally starts to move but he doesn't have the focus that normally keeps his spells under control. So he fires of a huge cone of ice 30 feet around i couldn't get out of the way in time so i close my eyes. As the ice is about to hit me I feel a warmth spread thru my body the burst from me. I open my eyes and flames are bursting from my body and keeping me safe as i realize what's going on the flames on my leg go out and the ice envelopes it. My leg freezes instantly and I realize that me and zad are more powerful than either of us could tell. After a moment the flame and ice die down but my leg is still frozen at that point zad realized that he got my leg and starts to fret over it. "You were just doing what I told you to do anyway it will thaw out quickly enough we should probably call it quits for today though."

End of page 13




Zanfire's memoirs page 12

04:59 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 169

After the meeting with visky I decide to go and train with zad since I figure I’ll run into magic traps so training with zad is great for evasion training and me being very agile make a fantastic moving target . I told him to fire ice at me as if i were going to kill him. So we start and he fires but doesn’t seem to be trying very hard to hit me. So I realized that in order to motivate him i have to come at him like I’m going to hurt him. So I pull out the fake knife I use most of the time on jobs. “I’m going to come at you with everything I got. Don’t hold back.” I go at him and he doesn’t ice fast enough so I hold the blade at his neck and say “I said to treat me like I’m going to hurt you! Next time I will. I move to the start point and ask if he is ready. He looks really startled at how I had really gone after him. After a few seconds where he doesn’t answer I decided to just go again otherwise he may call my bluff End of page 12




Zanfire's memoirs page 11

04:01 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 171

Visky says" that is a dangerous mindset to have. To do this for the rush of it makes you more likely to make a stupid decision.“ ” I am not going to jeopardize a mission just because I’m bored!“ I state ” I just want a job where I can utilize all my talents to their fulliest.“ “continue to follow me and do missions as you’re assigned then we’ll receive more jobs and make it more likely that a high risk job will come in.” Visky explains “ if you keep trusting me, you will be taken care.”
“Fine, If it takes being bored for the short term than I’ll tolerate it but don’t keep me waiting for too long.” I reply

So I continue to do the jobs visky assigns and years pass with me and zaddarian growing closer. I was getting better and stealthier and zad getting more powerful with his ice magic and i was teaching him how to be more charismatic when dealing with people since he was akward to others around

End of page 11




Zanfire's memoirs page 10

03:59 Aug 19 2023
Times Read: 172

I had visky make an anonymous donation of my share of the payment to the orphanage( he doesn’t care as long as it wasn’t his cut being donated.)I was going to keep working for visky so i had the funds to take care me and zaddarian. So during the day i spent time with zad and during the night I was in the field of procurement. Visky saw my potential pretty early and i rose through his ranks quickly ,but i felt I could achieve more so I brought it up to visky.
“Visky I think I need more difficult jobs. I’m not feeling that I am achieving anything except stealing from the inept.” I say. “But those are the best targets the ones who don’t know what we do until long after we are gone” he responded. I tell him “I am not getting the same thrill I use to.”

End of page 10




Zanfire's memoirs page 9

09:47 Aug 16 2023
Times Read: 196

I found out about the horrific outcome of the fire the next day when zadarrian came to stay with my master which could only mean he had no living relatives to take care of him. It took him several days to be able to talk about it.
On the third day he started saying “it was all my fault. If I was stronger than my brother would still be alive.” I tell him “it’s not your fault! You didn’t start the fire!” “But I was too weak to stop it and my family died because of it” zaddarian cried. I yell “ You did what you could that’s all they could ask of you they would’ve been proud!” “But …. but” he trails off. At this point we are both crying of regret his regret is not saving his family and mine is killing it. At that point i decided to take care of this kid as if he were my little brother. The boy who cried ice in front of me who will become my closest friend. He will never know I was the cause of his greatest pain.

End of page 9




Zanfire's memoirs page 8

09:45 Aug 16 2023
Times Read: 197

Then i started to case the joint the frostfang farm had 3 farm hands, the husband , the wife, and 2 kids. The horse is kept in the stables which is right between the house the farm hands sleep and the main house. Seems simple enough unlock the gate open the stable and ride the horse out of town to the stables vinsky has specified. So after the stable hands went to bed i start by opening the main gate and open it so i can ride out in a hurry. I approached and entered the stable silently. I saddled the horse with no problems but as i left the horse reared at something in the dark and I lost hold of my torch and it caught the stable on fire as i started to leave I yelled fire to wake the farm hands and took off with my prize. Returning triumphant i received a round of applause at how i got rid of the evidence. Little did i know the impact my actions of that night would have. End of page 8




Zanfire's memoirs page 7

05:23 Aug 15 2023
Times Read: 210

"Anytime but first what sort of cut am i going to get?” I responded. Visky laughs.“ Right to the point. It’ll be a different percent depending on the number of people in the job and the difficulty of the job.”
“Let’s start my first job then.” I say. “Fine, as you know we are in the field of procurement. ” visky explains “so what we are tasked to procure a horse that was supposedly stolen. But we don’t care about that we care about the money which your cut will be two-hundred and fifty gold pieces. Guy whose paying says this horse is special. The horse is a pure white stallion stabled at frostfang stables.But i do have one important question do you know how to ride a horse?” I nod. “Finally you should know we have three days to complete the transaction as part of the agreement”.I tell him “I’m on it.”

End of page 7




Zanfire's memoirs page 6

04:19 Aug 15 2023
Times Read: 227

“Head on to the backroom. Visky is back there.” He said. I then add “Oh, so he is here that’s good here I thought I was misreading it.”
“ how does the boss always find the sarcastic little shit that may be useful?” Said the shopkeep.
“ We just have the right mindset for it.” I say as I head back. Upon entering the backroom i see i was right about the front being a cover. I see visky on the other side of the room giving out orders and talking to Slim. “I see you decided to accept my invitation. that’s good . Slim thought you didn’t have it in you to show up.” Visky says. I respond with" i have a want for shiny things and i got a feeling that you know where some of the best shine is in town. “
“That i do my boy. that i do. Ready to get started? ” visky asks
End of page 6



04:40 Aug 15 2023

The game is afoot!

05:10 Aug 15 2023

Yes it is


Zanfire's memoirs page 5

06:19 Aug 14 2023
Times Read: 240

Upon arrival i find the location is a very plain building, easy to overlook. With a brothel on one side and a pub on the other, it was like it only existed because I had the address. So I entered and at first glance, it was a general store.
But upon closer inspection each item was a fake. no real products were on display. As i was walking around the shopkeep says to me “How can i help you boy?” “I’m looking for visky.” I answer. “Never heard of him” says the shopkeep. I noticed a tick that made me think he was lying but i went with it anyway. “ oh I must have the wrong address. Think you could help me with the directions. ” I ask with all the fake sincerity i could muster. “If it will get you outta my shop.” He looks at the paper and gets a look of surprise. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a moment. ” he goes into the back of the shop. After a few moment he comes back

End of page 5




Zanfire's memoirs page 4

05:34 Aug 14 2023
Times Read: 244

Visky says" you’ll go far if you have the right teacher. Let me show just how far you can go? But first.“ He takes the coin purse and pulls out a breathtaking sapphire. “This is what i was after for a client. As a reward for getting past slim the rest is yours to keep. If you want to learn more about the shadows stop by this address” he writes down the address hands it to me and leaves. I wonder whether I should go or not but before i decide that I had gold to spend.
After a good night sleep, a big breakfast , and my morning fencing and archery lessons, I made the decision to go and see if i can profit from visky. So I give swifthand my usual lie of going to play with some friends and I head over to the address.

End of page 4



04:36 Aug 15 2023

Dun dun dun


Zanfire's memoirs page 3

01:27 Aug 14 2023
Times Read: 250

Once I exited the crowd, I noticed that I was now being followed by two men one was tall and lanky. While the other was shorter but was dressed very well. The shorter guy broke off from slim fairly early in the pursuit. So I took off in the opposite direction to the docks there are a lot of little nooks and crannies to hide in there. So after getting to the docks I snuck thru the fish processing plant out a small grate in the back, then ducking into the lowend tavern called the chum bucket. It’s no longer there it has been replaced with a slightly less disgusting pub. But as I left the tavern out the back I felt a blade being held against my back . I was caught as I turned to face my captor it was the shorter man.
“Bravo.” He said “there’s not many a man who can escape Slim and not another one as young as you. What’s your name, boy?” I contemplated giving him an alias, but me being the arrogant boy I was answered “Zanfire.”

End of page 3




Zanfire's memoirs page 2

06:41 Aug 13 2023
Times Read: 267

Now when I say was his game i mean it was his game and I took it and made it my own. I took to the shadows like a fish takes to water. I started with stealing meat from the stands since we didn’t have much money we couldn’t really afford it. Now it started out of necessity, but there is no denying that I started to get a thrill. After awhile i caught the attention of visky.
I got greedy one day and saw a fat coin purse ripe for the taking having grabbed a few coins before i thought it would be an easy grab. Now the thing i didn’t account for was visky sending a goon after the same mark. I managed to get the coin purse but then was being chased by Slim. Now it went down like this. I approached the mark in a crowd where a little nudge wouldn’t be noticed. Then i simultaneously bump into his side and cut the string of his coin purse. Then I quickly moved away from him.

End of page 2



13:57 Aug 13 2023

And a good sequel. 🙂

01:26 Aug 14 2023

More to come


Zanfire's memoirs page 1

06:07 Aug 13 2023
Times Read: 276

So you have found my journal. Well congratulations you have found a book of exploits and adventures. So let’s begin.

My birth was normal. I was born in a medium sized city to a pair of merchants where I learned the art of charisma and appraisal. When I was twelve, I got ill before a trip to the capital and was left in the care of an old family friend named swifthand. Unfortunately when they left was the last time I would see either of them alive. There was a landslide on their way to the capital and they couldn’t avoid it.

After my parents passed, I continued to stay with swifthand who taught me to use a bow and rapier. As i was learn the art of combat from him I fell into the wrong crowd. Visky was his name. And the art of stealth was his game.

End of page 1



07:06 Aug 13 2023

A good start!

07:07 Aug 13 2023

Thank you

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