bluerosevampiress83's Journal

bluerosevampiress83's Journal


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2 entries this month

Blue On Black

07:42 Aug 28 2009
Times Read: 468

Daihearta started walking there the cemetary feeling the wind gently blowing through her long brown hair. As she got closer to the iron black gates of the cemetary she noticed something. Sitting in front of the gate in all blue on black glory. Tall dark and handsome dress in a old fashioned blue shirt and black leather pants his long dark brown hair pulled back and piercing blue eyes. She feel his eyes upon her as started to get closer to the gate then their eyes met as Daihearta started feeling

undenieable desire and attraction to him. Who is he and why do i feel this way she thought as he could her thoughts and the taste of her blood still in his mouth the scent of her drove him crazy with desire and hungar for her. As she got to the gate he dissappeared lying on the ground where he was standing was a blue rose she picked up it and walked home. As she walked out of the cemetary all of the sudden she looked back to see if she could caught another glimpse of him but no luck. Would she ever see him again and next time would he actually speak to her and stay and not disappear into the night.




Dead And Gone

05:28 Aug 03 2009
Times Read: 479

She layed there in the grass in the cemetary with a blue rose in the palm of her hand on cuts vines and thorns from the rose growing inside of her arm that started to slowly decade as she laid there dead and gone a young life taken by unknown person. Her throat was slit blood cover most of her neck and chest the front of her dress torn apart and covered in blood deep cut marks on her thighs and arms. Her blue eyes turned gray and lifeless her long brown hair layed around her head her black around her eyes had fade off of her face the color had faded her face and skin was now a nothing more then a corspe laying in the cemetary lost to the world forever gone. Ten hours before her death Victoria was getting ready to go out on the town with her friends. She told her daughter she loved her before she left not knowing tonight would be last. Victoria looked out the window and walked out the door and headed for the club. She walked in the door of the club with her friends in toe. They sat at a long table in front of the dance floor. Victoria felt someones eyes upon her as she sat a the table drinking a long island iced tea. She started to look toward the bar and her eyes met his eyes. He had long raven hair and green eyes dressed in black victorian clothes. So she decided to go and dance to see if he would follow or watch her. Her black gothic dress flowed behind her as she moved to the music as she felt someones hands on her hips so she kept dancing and let her body move with him and the music. He whispered in her ear why don't we go somewhere more private beautiful." Victoria followed him outside of the club as he walked along path that lead to the cemetary. She didn't realise at the time that he was leading her right to her own death that night. Suddenly he stopped and Victoria walked over to him and kissed him as she kissed him he had his hand on a knife that was in his pocket. All of the sudden he pulled the knife out of his pocket and stabbed Victoria in the back she fell to the ground the with one quick move he cut her thighs and ripped her dress and then cut her left wrist all the way down to her elbow as she layed there in pain and dying she thought why me don't you love me i hate you how could you do this to me. Then he slit her throat with no remorse and then put a blue rose in the palm of her hand as she laid there dying by his hand. Weeks later after they find her body the unknow person was found he was also dead in the same way that she was killed she haunted him days after he killed her so she went back as a ghost and killed him. Now the reason i wrote this is because alot of girls in this world get hurt by people they love so take the time to say i love you to someone and mean it when you say it because you never know when you're time is up.



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