cherryblossom's Journal

cherryblossom's Journal


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7 entries this month


23:31 Aug 27 2008
Times Read: 694

So I started school on Monday. It was alright. I was SUPER bored in college algebra... it was SO easy to me... and a bunch of them didn't get what he was talking about. I like my classes though, I like bio lab best. I made a few friends that actually live in the same town as me(the college is in another town/county, 45 min. drive). They are both really kool and fun to talk to.

Today I started work. My feet are killing me. I was wearing really cute heals! but they are still to new to be comfie when standing for almost 7 hours straight. I have to dress business casual, so I have to wear heals. I like my job though, it's easy.



18:37 Aug 28 2008

well,that's because you're a genious.

and you're stupid,wear COMFY heels,not pretty ones,silly willy!!

01:28 Aug 29 2008

I know how ya feel on the college stuff. I have a class that is gonna be a breeze. lol. Sorry bout da heels.



13:27 Aug 21 2008
Times Read: 721

So I got my books yesterday. My books for school. It has made me kinda excited and more nervous at the same time. I hate starting at a new school. I don't like not knowing who I am around. I'm a very paranoid person at times.

I also hurt my hands yesterday. My nephew broke a picture frame and I had to pick up the big pieces of glass before I could vacuum up the small pieces. Got at least 5 cuts in each palm.

I got quite a few new bruises now. From everything that happened yesterday.



00:40 Aug 23 2008

..you have them all, cool!

18:42 Aug 23 2008

Hope the cuts heal and the bruises to and I am with you always for your nervous times.^_~

02:37 Aug 25 2008

I deffinately know where you are coming from. I got my books as well and start tomorrow and I'm paranoid but excited. I got a couple new bruises myself. Just another thing we have in common.



00:14 Aug 16 2008
Times Read: 746

So I finally had a break down... I knew it was going to happen... Just needed something to trigger it... so I pushed myself to the the point of having one... I feel better now... kinda...

I haven't taken pictures in a long time... I think I'm going to go out tomorrow and take some...

I still want to get that tattoo... but don't know when I will be getting it...

I have a babysitting job from the 22-26th... should be interesting...

I start my first day of college on the 25th... I'll be getting my books sometime within the next week...

I have a job interview on tuesday at 11 a.m... It's a boring job... but good pay... I hope I get it...

things at home are... the same... 5 things bad for every 1 good thing... We will see what happens with everyone...



09:57 Aug 17 2008

Well I am here if you need me you know that. *hug*

00:08 Aug 18 2008

I'm sorry CB! Life is just alot to handle sometimes.



01:37 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 671

it's a new band I found... they are Christian but they have really good meaning in their songs....

Stand in the Rain

the lyrics

She never slows down.

She doesn't know why but she knows that when she's all alone, feels like its all coming down

She won't turn around

The shadows are long and she fears if she cries that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain

She won't make a sound

Alone in this fight with herself and the fears whispering if she stands she'll fall down

She wants to be found

The only way out is through everything she's running from wants to give up and lie down.


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain

So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

Stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found


So stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain


my other favorite is We Live

the lyrics

"We Live"

There's a cross on the side of the road

Where a mother lost her son

How could she know that the morning he left

Would be the last time she'd trade with him for a little more time

(so she could say she loved him one last time)

And hold him tight

But with life we never know when we're coming up to the end of the road

So what do we do then

With tragedy around the bend

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love

There's a man who waits for the tests to

See if the cancer had spread yet

And now he asks why did I wait to live 'til it was time to die

If I could have the time back, how I'd live

Life is such a gift

So how does the story end?

Well, this is your story and it all depends

So don't let it become true

Get out and do what we were meant to do

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love

Waking up to another dark morning

People are mourning

The weather in life outside is storming

But what would it take for the clouds to break

For us to realize each day

Is a gift somehow, someway

And get our heads up out of this darkness

And spark this new mindset and start on with life cuz it ain't gone yet

And tragedy's a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up

(to live the life)

We're supposed to take up

(moving forward)

With all our heads up

Cuz life is worth living

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love





07:14 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 780

what is my breaking point.... honestly.... I am to the point of wanting to rip my hair out.... but no.... I haven't found a release for my stress... usually I have a small break down and it's over.. the stress is gone.... but not this time.... nothing is helping..... I am almost to my point of toleration of stress.... I want to forget everything..... to make everything safe for others and myself... to make everyone including myself happy....

when will that be though? when will I be done with this level of stress?

time will only tell... let fait decide it.



07:22 Aug 06 2008

omg i'm so sorry. i'm here for you!

17:10 Aug 06 2008

I'm sorry CB. Wish there was something I could do like send you a stripper or something. lol. JK on the stripper. But I seriously do wish there was something.


Breaking Dawn!!

23:32 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 798

I got the book!!! I am SO excited.. I get it at 1:50ish this afternoon! My whole family knew when it was going to get here.. and they wouldn't tell me! I jokingly attacked my sister cus she was making fun of me for it. Meaning I had my arms around her shoulders(she's 5'7" and I'm 5'3"). She just laughed at me. BUT I got my book!!!



23:48 Aug 02 2008

Yay! I'll get mine sometime.

17:20 Aug 03 2008

i know..

(i was there,remember)



14:14 Aug 01 2008
Times Read: 810

Everything is just going bad... for everyone I know... and I can't help any of them... I feel so useless... I want to be their for all of them through their time of need... but I just don't know what to do to help them... I mean I help on friend out... as best as I could from here... *sighs* I just can only hope that things will get better... They always get worse before they get better... Hopefully the same goes for what's going on at home...



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