cr8054's Journal

cr8054's Journal


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15 entries this month

Bored and depressed.

03:30 Nov 30 2016
Times Read: 300

I am sitting here bored and depressed. I am 45 and I should be self sufficient. I dont want to be on disability anymore. I want to do something with my life. I want to get a good job with good pay and that means college. Problem is, I dont know if I can. I may be too old. I was never proficient at math or English. I never learned algebra and I have lost some of the math skills I did learn. Multiplying and dividing fractions? Forget it. I dont know what can I do. I cannot go back to warehousing and with my health problems, I cannot do manual labor. I was hoping to do something with IT or electronics but I dont know if its possible. I am wondering if I get physical therapy I might be able to at least walk longer distances and get somewhat healthier again. I know if I do nothing, I will just continue to deteriorate and will be up a creek once my mother passes. Yes, there is an inheritance, but how long can that last if I have to live on it. I need to do something meaningful with my life. I want to be self sufficient enough to not only make a living, but to save for SRS if need be. I am beginning to think that I wasted my life and destined to be a pauper. Really depressed now and I am beginning to cry.




Levelled up!!

01:09 Nov 29 2016
Times Read: 310

Now at Level 90!! 5 more slots in my mentorship YAY!!




Black Friday.

12:28 Nov 25 2016
Times Read: 344

Black Friday. The day people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have..... No thank you. I dont want to deal with homocidal, crazed people who would run me off the road to get that deal on a big screen tv. I am just going to stay at home and veg out. The only problem with that is, I will start worrying about my latest blood work that showed and elevated white count and deceased kidney function. I will keep worrying that this may cause me to have to de-transtion and I DONT want to do that. I dont think I could handle it. I like the changes the hormones have made so far and I cant wait to see what more the4 hormones can do. Oh well, enough of this rant before I REALY get depressed.




Happy Thanksgiving

19:01 Nov 24 2016
Times Read: 396

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Happy Thanksgiving. It will be a subdued holiday for me. Its just me and my mom. Her aide cooked a bird and cut it up. All I have to do is warm things up and serve later.




Transgender Day of Remembrance

09:14 Nov 20 2016
Times Read: 437

For all those who either took their own lives or had their lives taken from them.




20:01 Nov 20 2016

This should be every month and every day, just not one month a year we take pause for the struggles some must go though just to be who they are and some who are harmed just because they were true to who they are. Issue like this break my heart and something I am very passionate about. One of my best friends is trans and we grew up together and I have seen the hard times she has had to endure at the expense of others ignorance. I have held here why she has cried. However she is strong now and with a close circle of people who love her she is doing fantastic as you will too my friend. You are beautiful. Never forget that. Always here for you. -Sean

21:48 Nov 20 2016

I'm with Dakotah

07:41 Nov 21 2016

Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.


Feeling better.

23:38 Nov 16 2016
Times Read: 504

A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. My father, the person I thought would not accept my transition has contacted me and is being supportive. Many here from the VR community have also been supportive. I am blessed to have some of the best friends and Coven Masters on VR in my corner. I appreciate every one of you




00:18 Nov 17 2016

Just try not to let what other's think or feel get you down, it is your life, not theirs.

Let me give you some clearly not bad or ill advice at all:

If someone comes up to you with a bad attitude, you chin the bastard and repeatedly hit their kneecaps with a metal baseball bat, you then put their tongue on something hot, like a frying pan. And voila, no more problems. Don't waste the body if you accidentally "un-alive" them, there is plenty of iron and protein in human meat.

Yep, you are blessed to know such pure saints like us....

01:25 Nov 17 2016

LOL, I could always drink their blood!!

06:33 Nov 17 2016

Yeah ,Lol,you could do that Elena!:)hugs

07:39 Nov 17 2016

It doesnt matter if you are straight. Bi. Guy. Trans. What maters is who you are in you. And my dear friend you are an amazing kind caring person with the sweetest gold heart ever. Never change and never hide.

Im so happy that this weight was lifted from your shoulder. Two weights. One of admitting of who you are Elena and the second the fear of your fathers acceptance. It only need positive thoughts and faith and all are well.

You will always be a good friend. Keep living and be proud of yourself Elena

07:43 Nov 17 2016

Thanks Ilse and Liliancat!

18:21 Nov 17 2016

Sweetie, I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of you. Don't let anyone make you feel less than wonderful because that is what you are. Wonderful. :)

If they say anything, they're just a jealous hater and probably mad that they don't have the balls to come out themselves! :D

20:04 Nov 20 2016

You say you are blessed to have some of us as friends well I feel blessed to have YOU as a friend. You are beautiful inside and out and I admire you for stepping out of the shadows so you can freely be you.

07:40 Nov 21 2016

Thanks Dakotah!


I HAVE to do this.

13:47 Nov 16 2016
Times Read: 556

To all,

This is most difficult for me to write, let alone say in person. There is a certain aspect of my life that I have kept hidden for fear of rejection. I’ve been wanting to talk to you all about this for some time. For many years now I’ve been questioning my gender. And by that, I mean I am transgender. And I know that probably seems massive, and it is big, but it shouldn’t change your view of me.

I am still the same person I always was. Please hear me out, read the whole post. I may be biologically a male, but I am truly a female. Ok, so there, I said it. I'm shaking right now, because just saying that on the one hand terrifies me immensely, yet simultaneously screams "ABOUT TIME!!

Please understand this is a MEDICAL condition It was found there are differences in brains of women and men so a mismatch is possible. There are even substances known to cause a higher rate of that mismatch. The differences are fixed before birth. People with this mismatch have a condition called Gender Dysphoria, which makes them unhappy with their bodies. They are internally a girl and want to live this way.

Please listen to me when I say that this is not a choice, and it's not something I can change. It is not a phase; it will not go away; it will only get worst if ignored; it will eventually kill me if I keep it in.

I know now that I have been different all my life. Perhaps it started when i put on a pair of moms stockings and liked them. Maybe it was when I would look at the girls in their dresses and wondered what it would be like to be a girl? I know now that not only did I like girls and what they wore, I wanted to BE them and wear what they were wearing and so many of the things they do. I know on the outside I appeared male and was happy to be male. That was not the case. I really wanted to be a girlI think thats why I hadn't taken care of myself for so many years. I just wasnt happy with my body. I wasnt happy with the clothes I had to wear, nor was I happy with my role in society. I finally realized all this after a long reflection of my life. My understanding of my life grew large enough for me to be able to see this pattern and come to the conclusion that

I am transgender. And of course having access to resources about transgenderism, mainly websites by older and more experienced people who have been through it themselves, as well as brochures by doctors and medical professionals, helped in this process. There are websites out there with very friendly people who are also

willing to answer all your questions, there are many people going there and asking.

So what do you do about a transgender person? Just as you cannot "cure" a person if they are gay, you cannot "cure" a transgender person and make them happy living as their biological gender. Doing so will not end well.

So the real solution, however difficult it may be, is to let them express themselves as their true gender, for life (let me stress that this does not go away). This entails a lot of things, some of which are purely social while others are physical. The checklist varies depending on the person but usually will include for

Male-to-Female (MtF) transgenders:


Voice training

Buying new clothes and changing their appearance

Choosing a new name

Taking T-blockers to limit testosterone levels (this is a must)

Taking supplementary estrogen

Various corrective surgeries, these are usually only done after 1+ years of living as a female, if they are done at all

I know this is a lot to take in, especially since up maybe until now you were unaware of this issue.

As of right now I am on hormones and T blockers. Voice training will come later. I have already chosen my new name, Elena. I have already been buying new clothes and makeup. I need to get my endocrinologist to write a letter for medical necessity for electrolysis as my facial and body hair drives me NUTS!! As for the surgeries, Its too soon in this process to know if I will seek them or not. I would have to lose A LOT of weight to do that anyway.

If you still want to be my friend, you need not do anything but communicate with me the same way you always have. If you do not wish to associate with me, simply unfriend me and remove my journal from your favorites. If you do not wish for me to be in your coven, please trade me to a coven that wants a good active member that does not mind me being transgender.

For those of you who wish to know more about transgenderism, I recommend you read :



Thanks so much for reading this, and know with the exception of my appearance and dress, that I am still the same person that I always was.


John aka Elena



15:21 Nov 16 2016

Keep in mind that you owe no one anything.

I have no issue with lgbt etc but I don't believe "coming out" to other people is necessary or should even be obligatory. As long as you know who you are, that is what is important. Straight humans don't come out so I don't think anyone else should be forced to either, just live your life the way you want to regardless of others.

15:22 Nov 16 2016

Hi Sweetie,I'm proud that you telling this here,I understand its hard to express yourself for this,and it doesnt matter which gender you are,i like just the way you are,you have a good heart,and you are a great,awesome friend to me ,and you will be my friend always and have my back always,also you staying in my coven:)love ya,hugs

16:14 Nov 16 2016

I agree with what Besty posted. I still want to be your friend. I like talking to you. I love your pictures of the trains. You are a true artiest. I know this was hard for you. Revealing something personal like this to a lot of people can be stressful and its sad that it is. Our society is messed up. People should be able to be who they are and not have to stress over it; but the truth is society is not like that. Fact is some will judge you. Ignore those people my friend and surround yourself with those who love you for YOU, and will be there for you. I am here for you. Anytime you want to talk you just message me and I will be here. Also I admire you for standing up for yourself. You are beautiful. Never forget that.


16:21 Nov 16 2016

Thank you all for your kind words. They are needed during this stressful time. I have also come out on Facebook and as of now I have only heard from two people out of some 237 so called Facebook friends.

16:23 Nov 16 2016

Nothing changes John. You are the same person you were before you open up and say us what is deep in you. You are a good person with a kind heart and open mind. Be yourself. Be true.

And the friends who long you and stay with you are the ones that are true to you.

Be proud

17:42 Nov 16 2016

Thanks Lilliancat for your kind words, they are most appreciated. You are also a true friend.

20:45 Nov 16 2016

I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I will love you the same!!! :D If anyone gives you a problem, you LET ME KNOW!

20:56 Nov 16 2016

Celebrate your life and be happy. That's all that matters my friend. Be true to yourself.

20:57 Nov 16 2016

Oh and also f--k FB. I quit it years ago and never miss it.

22:00 Nov 16 2016

You are still my friend and you do not owe anyone an explanation. We will always be friends and I will continue too accept you for who you are. I give you credit for being open and honest because no one should have to hide who they are. :)

22:46 Nov 16 2016

Thanks everyone for being so supportive. Its a relief that I have so many people that care and that respect me for who I am.

22:57 Nov 17 2016

Dear Elena:

I agree with the above posts and applaud your bravery in allowing us to see the REAL YOU. It takes genuine gut courage to do what you are doing. And as far as FB or friends on here not accepting you for who you are, well consider this: If they do not love you for WHO YOU ARE, then they do not deserve to be on your new Journeys with you...

Love has no color, no creed, no discrimination, no boundaries, no lies, and no limits!

I am proud to call you friend!


Lady Morganna

00:12 Nov 18 2016

Thank you Morganna!

00:51 Nov 20 2016

You have to be yourself. Even though I admire you so much for this journey as I can't even imagine how difficult it must be. May father God be with you and walk by you side.

09:18 Nov 20 2016

Thank you!

05:19 Nov 25 2016

Enjoy all you are and forget those who cannot accept your true self.

12:39 Nov 25 2016

Why Thank you!!

23:57 Dec 27 2016

Elena!!! I am so proud of you and happy for you! As you know I was off VR for a while, and when I came back I was like, "who's Elena?" It never clicked so I just asked Mary, and she linked me to this journal entry. I'm so glad I'm back because 1) I've missed our talks and 2) If you need a friend, you know I've got your back.

08:15 Dec 28 2016

Thanks JC!


Trans Awareness week 2016

17:40 Nov 15 2016
Times Read: 598

I know this picture is going to raise some eyebrows and I know trans people are not popular with some of you out there, but trans people are human beings and they are Americans. They deserve the same rights to life, liberty and prosperity and the same rights under the constitution as everyone else.




17:49 Nov 15 2016

I agree

19:09 Nov 15 2016

What breaks my heart is when people are bullied or assaulted for just being who they are. That is one thing I love about my culture. There is no prejudice in it at all. We embrace gays and all peoples going back in time hundreds of years. We even call someone is gay Two Spirits and they are seen are special in that Creator made them special. Some even were given special positions in our society. They were embraced. One of my best friends is transgender and he has been assaulted before outside of our community. He is always honest when asked if he is male or female. He is a human being and I love him. He is beautiful. I posted a picture of him in my portfolio before. I should put up some when he is fully dressed.

22:30 Nov 15 2016

Unfortunately many people in our society are bigots and whats worse is they use their religion to justify their hate. Its refreshing to see that their are people and cultures that are tolerant.

01:43 Nov 16 2016

Religion like christianity was always a tool of control and a way for bigots to justify their own hatred.

The only law that matters is the natural law, nature creates homosexuality and it also creates animals with a different mental gender to their physical one.



13:48 Nov 15 2016
Times Read: 610

I need to say something, but I dont know if I can.



15:42 Nov 15 2016

Just come out with it, then its off your mind.

22:30 Nov 15 2016

Problem is I could lose everything if I do.

07:02 Nov 16 2016

Beginning to think I WILL lose everything if I do.


Bad time of year

16:49 Nov 14 2016
Times Read: 628

I know everyone looks forward to this time of year with the holidays coming. I simply cannot. I know that once again, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years will be spent alone with my mother. I once looked forward to decorating the house for Christmas, no more. My mother and I used to be invited to my uncle's house for dinner. No more. It SUCKS to be alone and not be surrounded by family. Every year I become more and more like Ebeneezer Scrooge. So forgive me if I get grumpy or just plain dont participate in any holiday cheer. For me Christmas has become a humbug. Thanksgiving is just another Thursday in November. I may even post some anti holiday rants. I know I will be more myself once the Holidays are over but for now. BAH! HUMBUG!!



17:16 Nov 14 2016

America's Thanksgiving I do not celebrate even when I worked a few years in the US but if I lived close to you brother I would pick you and your mom up and bring you to my house for Christmas.

20:34 Nov 14 2016

Why Thank You!



11:40 Nov 10 2016
Times Read: 656

I admit that I initially drank the Kool Aid and succumbed to the all the fear mongering out there. We all need to calm the fuck down. This is not the end of the world. We will survive. LGBT rights advanced under W Bush and they will under Trump. The ACA will not be repealed over night and democrats in the senate will use the filibuster to check the power of the majority party. I know republicans will scream and shout and threaten to use the nuclear option, but they wont because they know full well that one day THEY will be the minority party and THEY will want to use the filibuster. Trust me, Trump will have a harder time passing his agenda than he thinks.



13:31 Nov 10 2016

I do feel bad for you guys but yes you are right, everyone needs to calm down. I don't normally dive in politics, specially in the US but I followed this because I have so many friends in US. Plus, well, the whole Globe followed this election. Wise advise my friend.

17:48 Nov 10 2016

Thank you.

17:48 Nov 10 2016

Thank you.



22:39 Nov 09 2016
Times Read: 667

Still very upset and afraid. It doesnt help that I have been feeding on all of the negative energy. I didnt sleep a wink last night. I am quite frankly out of it physically and emotionally. Not looking forward to the future right now.




A bit scared.

12:57 Nov 09 2016
Times Read: 690

Let me be clear, I didnt like Hillary, but I dislike Trump more. I fear what he is going to do to this country and to people like me. I fear dark days are coming. Its 1933 all over again, instead its here in America and not Germany.



15:19 Nov 09 2016

Yes, say hello to the american third reich. I didn't think america would be stupid enough to vote for someone who is a blatant bigot and asshole.

Women will be backin the kitchens and anyone of color is going to have hell.

17:14 Nov 09 2016

As well as anyone who is disabled or LGBT, especially transgender people.

14:00 Nov 20 2016

I understand. I am scared for America too. I work with elderly disabled men every day. They are my heart. We are always short staffed because there is little in the paychecks of staff who take care of them. I hope it doesn't get worse. I felt that we were finally making headway with civil rights for all groups, including yours, who deserve them. It's a wait and see situation. Let's just hope that our new president gets some people in there who at least have some common sense. I believe that our higher power must want us achieve or we wouldn't have come this far. Try not to loose heart.

07:38 Nov 21 2016

I'll try....


Photobucket is down

15:49 Nov 04 2016
Times Read: 716

If you see missing photos on my profile and elsewhere on VR, its most like due to the fact the images are hosted on photo bucket and they are down for maintenance.



17:32 Nov 04 2016

Photobucket has been having problems for quite sometime.

13:03 Nov 09 2016

Wonderful. :-P


My friend Victoria Smith Kaminski.

10:48 Nov 01 2016
Times Read: 727



I found out Sunday afternoon that my childhood friend Victoria Smith Kaminski had passed away from complications of Polymyositis. She was diagnosed with this autoimmune disease after she nearly died from double pneumonia. The disease basically attacks the muscles and the lungs. She had got it into remission but had relapsed a number of times resulting in being in the hospital for days or weeks. This past Saturday, she was admitted to the hospital for another relapse and by Sunday morning, she was gone. Her passing has shaken me to my core. This was so sudden and she was so young. She was my age, 45 and thats WAY too young to die. I have been very upset. Crying and not wanting to do anything but lay in bed. I cannot help but think of her passing and think of the husband and two sons she has left behind. Its so unfair to them and so unfair to her. I know she would have wanted to live and watch her sons grow up. What makes this even worse is that she lost her father when she was only 7 to a massive heart attack. She lost her mother to colon cancer in her mid twenties. Now she is gone at 45. I cannot help but wonder if all of this is related to the Chromium contamination that has been found in my old neighborhood and many others in my former home town. No funeral arrangements have been made yet. The memorial services and funeral will be held in PA and she will be buried there as well. There is supposed to be a memorial of some sort in my Hometown as well at some point. I am not sure if I will attend the services and funeral in PA but I will attend the memorial in my hometown when it happens. Here are some photos of her and I in happier times.





12:12 Nov 01 2016

Dear John,So sorry for your loss your childhood friend:(This is a very sad story to hear,my thoughts are with you and her family,its also hard for her children and husband,take care these days sweetie,love you,hugs.

16:21 Nov 04 2016

She looks like a wonderful person and I'm sorry for what the family is going through. That is such a shame. Sorry for your loss. :*(

13:02 Nov 09 2016

Thank you guys. Its most appreciated

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