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2 entries this month


03:23 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 578

*sighs* ((yeah im gettin the hang of this * * stuff))....anyway.....this week has been shitty from sunday!! i'll give you a long-story-short version of sunday, monday, and today.

SuNdAy-ok well my mom FLIPPED out on me over...this is a good one, you ready?....ok..over a BUTTER BOWL!!...just because i was the last one to use it ((i made toast)) it was then my UNKNOWN resposability to tell her we needed more, meanwhile its my dad that inhales the butter...so we get into a HuGE..i mean HUGE fight...somewhere along then lines, i get punched in the head, kicked, and cut with a STEAK KNIFE....so then this starts my "groundedness"

MoNdaY-hell on earth, i come home from school, my mom takes my phone away. i have to do EVERYTHING around the house..we fight some more....blah blah blah

tUeSdAy-i wake up FIVE minutes before i have to leave to get the bus. i fall going down the steps to feed my damn duck. i get on the bus, sarah wants to wear my hoodie becayse her shorts were too short ((HELLO why wear them if they are too small?))..anyway, i take my phone outta my hoodie and i set it on the seat, i give her my hoodie, and i forgot baout my phoen...some stupid mother fucker picked it up and then when i tried to call it, they turned it off!!! so now i have no idea where its at..and im still kinda grounded!!!

i'll let you know how 2maro goes!!





bull shit!

01:24 Apr 09 2005
Times Read: 581

ok everyone...im going to need opionions on how my past 2 weeks have been going...

you ready?..ok here it goes....

ok last monday:......you lucked out i don't remember what happend this day so it must not have been anything good..or bad...

lets try last tuesday:....its your luck day, nothing happened here either....well nothing that was worth remembering...

last wednesday:....holy shit, ok go play the lottery, third time is a charm, and i don't remember what happend this day either..but trust me, i know what happened 2maro!!

here we go, last thursday:...ok hopefully you have a while because this is a very...and i mean VERY stressfull day!....you ready? ok well obviously because you are still reading this....

ok well i heard from Allison *my friend* that Aubrey *a girl i never liked* was talkin shit on me ((and for all yall that don't know me, i just can't let that shit fly soo...)) i went up to her at luch and i sat next to her, i was TALKING at first, but this dirrty,stinky,wanna-be whore pissed me off so bad that i was up in her face SCREAMING, the whole luch was looking at me...KK *a teacher* came over and made me go sit back down, ok we know i was already pissed about that. so i go to history, and we get out tests back ~i studied for SIX hours~ i got a C....a fuckin C do you belive that shit? me either! ok well Mrs. Ross *the teacher,...she HATES me as much as i hate her* was being a bitch, and i didn't want no problems so i just sat there, for once in my life i was INNOCENT!!...i put my cell phone in my pants pocket, but it was going to fall out so i put it on my desk infront of me, i was NOT touching it. i was NOT talking. i was NOT doing anything.. shit i wasn't even thinking!!...she *mrs. ross* comes over to me and she starts FLIPPIN the fuck out and told me to put it away, i told her in a NORAML tone of voice, that i wasnt touching it or doing anything, well she started gettin in my face so i got mad and yelled back and then i told her that she needed to take something outta her ass for once and she was like excuse me nad i was like yeah you heard me and she was liek well go to the office i was liek fine i will ((i never did go))

ok so i was pissed about that...i go to algebra and im sittin there doing nothing again!!...and i have my phone sitting on my lap and then out of nowhere it makes a funny noise, and it shouldnt have made a noise because it was on silent, but it did, so i looked down, my screen was GONE!!! i was like what the fuck.. so i take the battery out and i put it back it, i try eveyrhting that i could think of...nothing worked...ok my phone is broke...i come home, and my mom starts bitchin at me and this time im POSITIVE i didnt do anyhin becayse i didnt have chance to sneeze if i needed to...so after shes done yellin i tell her that i got into trouble today for TALKING BACK..i didnt tell her what i said...

last friday: ok i get to school and mrs. ross was makin me do all this stuff ((i have for homeroom AND history)) it was during....2nd pd ((science)) when i got called down to mr. lentz's office *principal*...he gave me THREE days of IN-SCHOOL!! three fuckin days for saying ass!!

so i tell my mom when i come home...she wasnt mad (BIG surprise) she told me i was grounded, but it didnt stick this time...

saturday: i get some money from both of my sisters so i can buy a new phone....me and my mom go all the way down past ambridge to the cricket store thingy and we got there at 2:15...the damn store closed at 2:00i was so mad!!!..................i work at the Villa of St. Joseph. and im a Hospitality Aide,...me and Michaela ((my friend)) go down so i can get some over time or whatever you want to call it...we are passin water and i walked into Virgina Marini's room (((this is a nursing home by the way))) and she is on the floor...she fell, her head was bleeding and everything, i got gene (one of the CNA's)) he told me to get the nurse, so i went and got her and then the ambulance came and then they took her away...she came back late that night...

sunday: i go to work and Virgina is back, she is ok, but she is still bleeding a lil bit, they can't fix her because she is italian and they can't understand her,...the morning goes good, but i still wanted my phone....

this monday: i get to school and we have a test in about every damn class!! i bet i failed all them too....yeah that pissed me off!! i hear that Aubrey *the girl i hate* is runnin her mouth somemore...only i didnt sya anything to her this time....

tuesday:..nothing much here..just the day before my in-school starts...oh!! and me and my mom go and buy my NEW phone!! i was excited!!

wednesday:me, ericka, heather, erik, luke, robert, someone and someone else all have inschool...it was fun at first but mr. mulligan ((the in-school teacher/watcher guy)) started to get mean.....i come home and me and my mom gave me my phone (she said im not allowed to take it to schoolanymore)

thursday: me, ericka, heather, erik, robert, ann, becky, joe, mandy, and brian have inschool...it was a blast, lol nothing liek in-school should be...but brian really scares me...like make me scream scares me....well he kept staring at me so i turned so i couldn't see him...towards the end of the day he asked heather and ericka if they knew how to do the math he was doing..they said no,...and then he asked me, and without htinkin because i was busy, i sid yeah...he told me to go show him...i did but he looked at me the WHOLE time....and then after i basicaly did it for him, i got up and i was standing by ericka and he came up from behind me and he snapped my ass with a shirt he had....i screamed so loud!!

and i got my hair cut!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i wanted to cry

friday ((today)): today was supposed to be my last day of inschool but they canceled it for some reason.....ohh sometime during this week me and my best friend got into a huge fight, and well i didnt think that i would talk to her agian, but today jessica *a girl we hate* and mike *julees boyrfrend* were emailing eachother backa nd forth, and neither one of them would show anyone would they said...so sam *a friend of mine and julees* got mad and she flipped out on jessica,well i got jessicas screen name and her password...and then i left jessicas table and she went out to the student center, sam seen her leaving and sam ran after her, i ran after sam and i put my arms around her becayse she was going to kill jessica,...she pulled me....well she got inchool for that!

yeah, this is my past 2 weeks, so message me back on whatever name you want with your input and how you woulda reacted!



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