delacroix's Journal

delacroix's Journal


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5 entries this month

highlander to vampire cont 7

08:43 Dec 27 2005
Times Read: 622

I couldn’t run, and walking was hard. I staggered and fell a couple of times. She stayed steps behind me, and at one time I felt the breath on my neck. I was scared. I began to cry I don’t know why nor did I care, I had to get away I had to save myself, I had to…………..protect my family. I fell to my knees once more realizing I had done exactly as she wanted. This is why she attacked while I was away, I was not there to protect them and she knew I would blame myself when I saw what had happened. I became a bad father and husband, doing exactly as she wanted me to. I had no cross, that I gave to my wife a while back but it did not help. I waited, and she stood mere feet behind me. She mocked me with her stare, I did not care. I felt her finger slide down the back of my neck to the small of my back. She gently grabbed my pants. Lowering her face to the back of my head she spoke once more. “I always liked you best, your honor and dedication made this moment all worth while. I am glad to have met you”. She put her other arm around me as if she were my love. Pressing her check against mine she continued. “So you know when you get to hell, you failed. You failed as a father, as a husband, and as a farmer. All for a lousy swine. You and your family deserve hell, and that’s just where you sent them. You’re a mockery of a man, unworthy to even touch myself. Unworthy to live, and unworthy of the time it takes to kill you. But I will anyway. So………..” Using my pants she flipped me over to my back. With a single slash the front of my shirt was gone exposing my chest. Her hands rubbed up and down my body, they were cold. She placed the one hand on my throat and leaned over me. Moving her lips to mine she kissed them and as though time slowed down I watched her pull away, my blood dripping from her mouth onto my face. My skin from my chest separated from my body and went with her hands. I felt the cold air brush against the bare muscle and the air left my lungs as the pain set in. slowly it went dark. The last thing I saw was her face and she turned one last time to stare at me as she walked away. I will remember it forever……..even in hell.




highlander to vampire cont 6

08:28 Dec 20 2005
Times Read: 630

I looked into her face, and to my horror it was Chanade my eldest. The front of her neck and part of her chin was gone, it was a horrible sight even worse that it was family. I do not know how long I cried but it was far too long to save the rest of my family. My eyes were closed when I heard her soft voice.

“Daddy”. I opened my eyes quickly and looked up. There was little Danielle, sweet little Danielle. By the love of God she didn’t look hurt. I laid Chanade down carefully and stood to my baby. She was clean. I held out my arms to her and she came to me. Holding her I was relieved. Just as I calmed down enough to ascertain what was happening, my darling angel went limp in my arms. Her hands fell to her sides and her body fell backwards, I had no choice but to lower her to the ground. Confused I stood there a moment then I shook her, I grabbed her shoulders and I shook her. I let her go I couldn’t figure out why she wouldn’t wake. I then noticed her shoulder where my hand had been, a blood stain the shape of my thumb was on it. I looked at my hands, there was blood before but now that was all that was there, not even the skin remained all blood. I was too afraid to look but I had to. Again I grabbed her shoulders but the cold look in her eyes took my strength I couldn’t lift her.

“No no no”, I told my little one. I buried my head into her night gown for but a moment. I had to get to the house and I knew it. Whatever strength I had left lifted me from the ground and I made my way to the house. The flames burned me long before I reached the house and the scars formed as I entered the door. I held my arm up to block the fire and to let me see what was inside, and I saw evil surrounded by flames as if they themselves came from hell. Kenora sat in the middle of the room covered in the blood of my family. She was in a chair I built for my wife. She sat as elegant as always, sitting up straight her back far from the back of the chair, instead she sat on the end of the chair her hands in her lap feet tucked underneath her. Her head was held up high as the blood of my family ran down her cheek. The front of her dress was covered as well as those delicate hands. She sat with a look of wonder on her face; she stared at me and tilted her head.

“What have you done”? I screamed after a moment of silence.

“Did you know that Vampires are predators if only by nature alone”?

Shock filled my face more so then horror. “You are Vampire”?

“Would I talk of it if I was not”? She looked at me as if I had asked a dumb question. She chuckled before I could answer. “You do realize that you are my prey”. She leaned in to hear me better. “Do you not”?

I didn’t know what to say, I forked over questions in my head, comments I so wanted to give. But nothing would stick. So I looked at her as if to say………..I have nothing.

She stood from her chair and glided over to me. Face to face I could smell all the blood on her. She was close. “I am sure I know everything in your head right now” she brushed my hair to the side. “So I will answer”. In a quick flash her fingers were in my back and I was lifted and put face first to the ground. She lied on my back again putting her face to mine, only this time from the side. “First, yes he is dead. That old man dropped dead from the site of me, I was saddened. I didn’t even get to play with him. Yet I did feed, and he was a sick man, his blood was vile and diseased. He wasn’t even in his right mind when he saw me. Pity. I had heard of you through his servants and it took me a while to track you down. Why you”? She turned me to my back and again moved her face closer to mine. “Because your family was hurt most of all by him more so then anyone else”. An evil smile crept across her face. “And I so enjoy the pain of others, and I wanted to see this for myself. I wanted to see what he had done to you, to your family, and to whatever God you worshipped. But to my dismay when I found you, it was quite the opposite. You were happy with your life and your children, even that bastard child that was his. I had to do something”. A look came across her face as she stood pulling me up by my shirt. My arms hung down as I was not able to move them. “I had to tare your family apart by any means”. She was fully stood now holding me like I was not even air to her. “First I had entered your mind………….wait”? She said looking around thinking to herself. When it came to her she looked me in the eyes and continued. “My apologies, I meant the first thing I did was entice you. When I walked into your house I knew the thoughts that entered you head, and as you lead me to my room I knew then as well. I entered your dreams and defiled you”. She began to laugh loudly. “And then you forgave me. That cannot be forgiven by myself. So I planned what would happen next. I befriended you, became a member of the family. I had earned your trust I had earned your faith. And now….” She lifted me over her head. “I deserve your blood”. Angered I kicked at a monster that felt no physical pain, and if she did I am sure she enjoyed it. “Oh you need to run away do you”?

“Let me down”? I bellowed

“Well it shall add to my fun”. With that she dropped me and made her way behind me. I had thought I had lost all feeling in my legs, yet I was able to stand and walk. My feet seemed weak and walking was hard. I heard her behind me. “You are called prey for a reason”. I made it out the door and was making my way to the road. She stopped at the door and watched me for a while. “Fear”? She said. “Not becoming of a grown man. No no, never a man these days. One shall enjoy this”. She began to walk towards me. “Run little mousy, I hunger still. Let’s see what one can do about this”.




highlander to vampire cont5

06:47 Dec 12 2005
Times Read: 634

We had not seen her in many days; we even began to wonder if she had made it at all. But we continued with our lives as normal, there was nothing we could do. The dreams we all had were all but gone. And it was if she was never there to begin with. It had been a month before we saw her walking down the road towards our home, her arms full of meat and other fine things.

That night we ate well, the spices were everything she said they would be. My wife had to be taught on how to use them properly, Kenora and Destine laughed like old friends. Happy song rang through the house as the women danced and sang. The night went on till sunrise and for the first time since we came to this land I had no ambition to work, at least not for that day. For most of the day, my wife and I laid in bed. Everyone slept during the day light hours. It had been many months since Destine and I made love, but we did that day. It was wonderful.

The next day started as usual. I in the fields bringing in what I had grown. The ladies in the house and barn feeding the horses and cleaning the house and making food. For a month it was like this. Then one day while I was out in the fields I stopped for a moment to wipe the days work from my head. I stared around and saw the grass in the distance moving. I waited a moment to be surprised as a piglet made its way out of the forest. It began to make its way down the road, and I gave chase. It took me the rest of the day and half the night but I had it in my hands talking to it.

“You have energy my friend, and when u grow up I will put it to good use.” The piglet snorted as if a response. Then a smell came over my nose. “Destine? What is it she is cooking”? It seemed strange to smell it from here; I was so far down the road. I was happy as I noticed I was coming around the last bend to my house, but I could see a bright glow from around the trees………….it was fire. Scared I ran till I came around the bend and horror to my horrors my house was a flame. Through the grass I could see one of my little ones walking towards the road to where I was, the fire behind her masked her save for a silhouette. But before she reached the road she collapsed face first to the ground. I called to her as I frantically ran. Just before I reached her I dropped the piglet and landed on my knees at her side. She was dirty but not burned. I thought it a blessing till I had turned her over and saw that part of her neck was missing, my daughter died in front of me, murdered while I was away. And I held her crying her blood flowing down my chest and back. What have I done?




highlander to vampire cont 4

06:40 Dec 11 2005
Times Read: 709

What a horrid night it was that night. I could see myself as if I was outside of my body looking in. I in my bed and I watched from the side, perplexed. I was tossing and turning and heat was in my face, I could not take this at all whatever it was taking me. I was unclothed though my lower half was covered in my wife’s sheet. She was there as well asleep facing the other way…………..calm. Any calmness I had was shattered, I lay there as she crawled over me on all fours naked, and her body flawless as she moved to my face.

“This is how it will be…..”She said. She leaned in till she was face to face with me. “You and me in sin”. The moment her mouth opened, blood flowed from it landing on my face. Her laugh is what had woke me from my slumber. I sat up still in my sleeping clothes in a cold sweat. My breathing was heavy, and I clutched my chest to try and open it. When all was settled I looked to where my wife slept to find she was not there. I frantically looked around in the dark to see her in the corner clutching her night gown in pure terror. I asked what was wrong to hear the dream I had. We didn’t even wait to see if anything else was out of place, instead we ran to our girls to find them huddled together on the bed crying, to our fears they were also in fear of what was in their dreams.

Angered I ran to her room, a witch in my own home, a candlestick my only weapon. All had leaded me to her. And I was ready to kill to end this nightmare. To make covet someone else other then my wife. To hurt my wife with a disgraceful act. And to violate my children, even if it was just our dreams it was as good as committing it herself by hand. I slowly opened the door to her room. I saw her knelt by her bed as if to pray to God. I walked in to be shocked at her response of terror in seeing me.

“No, no please,” she cried. “Have you not done enough”? She began to cry. Confused I asked her to what she was referring to; to find out in horror she dreamed the same as us, violated by someone with her face. Strangely this was the first emotion I saw from her, but not one I wanted to see. For some reason to which I prayed to God to explain, I felt pity for her, as did the family in whole. We sat and talked the whole night, and ours fears quelled we slept well. All were up before sunrise, and to our surprise Kenora was out side waiting for us. Dressed as she was when she first came across us, only her dress was blue and made of different fabric.

“I am sorry for the trouble I have caused”, she said. “And for that I will go to town to fetch meat and spices, I noticed you have none here and I have been paid well to find you. So it is fitting that I use it to repay your kindness”.

“It is alright”. Said Destine, my wife. “It is unnecessary; you do not need to do this”.

“Oh but I must”. Responded Kenora. “I could never forgive my actions if I do not have it so you and your family grow strong. And the spices add a special treat to your food”.

“What’s wrong with my food”? Said Destine desponded.

“My friend”, said Kenora. “Nothing is wrong but it is something you do not have, and I wish to give it to you as a present”. My wife was happy with this.

“Are you sure you want to take this trip?” I asked. “The nearest town is a week away one way. You will be a while and you have nothing with you. Please take my horse. And one should wait for sunrise; it is to dark to see”.

“I prefer this”, said Kenora. “There aren’t too many people on the road and the weather is cooler. Besides, these people I have seen before they are kind enough to leave me alone. I will be alright and thank you for your concern”. With that she was off. Leaving us to watch as she disappeared over a hill. We did not know if she would return, we could do nothing but wait.




highlander to vampire cont 3

05:23 Dec 05 2005
Times Read: 714

"Forgive me for being such a burden, on this cold night". Her voice was that of a siren, leading men to their deaths on the rocks. One could close his eyes and see her beauty just from the sound of her voice. It took a moment before either me or my wife spoke.

“It’s quite all right”, said my wife. “We will not turn away another, we are after all God’s children”. My wife stepped forward to meet her at the fire. They stood face to face though this new lady stood over her quite a bit. “My name is Destine; my original name is all but forgotten, so forgive me for the rather rude introduction”. My wife curtsied, bowing her head low. The lady merely tipped her head in response.

“I do appreciate this”, said the lady. “Not many people these days have the courtesy to help one another.” As my wife stood, she looked at the lady, she noticed her teeth, they were like pearls, and it was enough for my wife to cover her mouth with her hand as she made her way back to me.

“If you wish to eat we have plenty……”

“No”. She said interrupting me, “I do not require food……at least not right now”.

A strange look in her eyes caused me to quiver. “Please”, I said. “Follow me to your room”. I began walking past her to the rooms. I put my hand on her hips and turned her to the direction we had to go. We walked down the hallway and to my shame I had impure thoughts about our guest. “Here you go”. I opened a door. This is Chanades room, my eldest daughter; I will have her sleep in her sister’s room tonight”. She walked in with out giving me a second look. “Will this do?” I said

“It is?........” She turned to look at me. “Adequate”. A moment passed before I moved to close the door, suddenly I remembered something.

“Forgive me; you know our names save for Danielle my youngest. May I ask yours?”

She moved to the bed and sat down; with her hand she caressed the sheets my wife had made. She stopped her hand on one spot and stared at it for a moment. Slowly she turned her head to me and said

“Kenora, Kenora Bellefoshae (Bell-foe-shay)”.



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