folio's Journal

folio's Journal


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7 entries this month

They Win

14:51 Dec 10 2018
Times Read: 209

The morning sun hides behind varying shades of grey clouds. A father and son walk in the park discussing friendship and gaining new friends in the community. The son notices a group of folk for the first time in their park.

Son: Dad, who are they?
Dad: Well, they're new. Wanna go say hello?
Son: New friends?
Dad: Well, sure. Why not?
Son: Ok, let's go.

Seven year old Sonny and his father set off to greet their new neighbors.

Son: Hi there! I'm Sonny.
Stranger 1: Eh?
Son: Hi there, I'm Sonny
Stranger 1: Eh?
Dad: Hey, man don't take a swipe at him. He's a child!
Stranger 1: Get out!

Sonny and his Dad slowly retreat and take a minute.

Dad: Well that was weird.
Son: Why did he try and hit me, Dad?
Dad: Let's just keep walking. You never know with people these days.
Son: Never know what?
Dad: Let's just keep walking.
Son: There are others over there!
Dad: Well, let's go very slow this time, ok?
Son: Slow?
Dad: Yes, watch them first.
Son: What what?
Dad: How they behave. I should have thought to do this first.
Son: Why?
Dad: To learn.
Son: Learn what
Dad: Well, notice how they communicate. Is it with words or looks on their faces? Or both?
Son: What?
Dad: If you simply watch them, you can learn what they're really saying to one another.
Son: How?
Dad: Ok, let's practice something first.
Son: Ok
Dad: Watch my face
Son: Why?
Dad: Sonny...
Son: Ok
Dad: Hey, how are you?
Son: Why was your face angry looking just now?
Dad: That's exactly what I mean. I extended my hand to greet you. You noticed my face. Something wasn't correct about that approach was it?
Son: Hmmm

They take a moment while another group gathers.

Son: I think I understand, Dad
Dad: In what way?
Son: You were not ready to be greeted or something
Dad: Good. You just learned something you'll never learn in school. It's called non-verbal communication. Human communication, in silence.
Son: Oh, that's scary.
Dad: It can be. But if you use it correctly, you can prevent issues between yourself and others. Watch how they interact amongst themselves. Then decide what to do. Leave, stay or if you have to remain, be silent or interact.
Son: Why did you teach me this?
Dad: I'm your Dad.
Son: I know. But why?
Dad (kneels to his son's eye level): To learn about social environments and how to mix in. Many do not know how to do this correctly.
Son: But how do I know if I'm doing it right?
Dad: Consider what you want. Make a selection of your standard of what is a decent interaction. But allow the other person to learn about you as well. It's not just you judging the interaction to be good or bad or neutral.
Son: Neutral?
Dad: The indescribable moment where it's not clearly a good or bad interaction. Oddness and awkwardness let's you know. Awkwardness isn't dangerous. It's actually normal. But you can't always expect a pleasant exchange of words and such. Got it?
Son: I think so. Them over there. Look.
Dad: Yeah. Ok. What about them.
Son: Why are their eyes so white?
Dad: I don't see what you see.
Son: Dad, their eyes. They're red now. Dad!

Sonny and his dad are surrounded within seconds.

Son: Why are they so quiet? Should we say hello?
Dad: They're quiet for a reason.
Son: What do you mean? Dad, I'm scared.
Dad: Me too.

Two loud screams pierce the air.

The crowd disperses.

The morning returns to its quiet repose.





13:30 Dec 08 2018
Times Read: 217

Mom: Now eat up. If you're hungry, your whole day gets thrown.
Son: I'm forty. Shove off!
Mom: Doesn't matter. I know you.
Son: What is your deal?
Mom: It's all love. You know that.
Son: Please don't kiss me. We're agreed. Let me eat.
Mom: That's a good boy.
Son: I'm fort...never mind.
Mom: And this, drink up.
Son: I drank some last night. Why is it necessary now?
Mom: Because you know your stomach can't take food as it is.
Son: Yeah, ok. You know more about me than I do. Where's Dad?
Mom: He's out back, making sure we eat tonight.
Son: Can he at least cut the meat in slices. I mean I nearly choked last time.
Mom: You really get dramatic over little things, don't you? Have you gotten any recently?
Son: What? You wanna know about my sex life? Ma! Gawdammm
Mom: You get edgy. I know men. You are from your father's loins too.
Son: Ok, enough. My appetite is officially dead.
Mom: Wait, here comes Dad now.
Son: Great. That'll make it all better. What are we, all five year olds now?
Mom: Oh quiet, your sarcasm never helps any family matter.
Dad: Alrighty, here we go. That's for the next several days.
Son: Uh, Dad? The freezer is not big enough for all of that.
Dad: I know son. We're not eating it now. Let's carve.
Son: And that's you solution?
Dad: Son, you're how old now? You've got to have had your head in a burlap sack to miss procedure around here.
Son: Oh, I know. But this time you've taken too much on.
Dad: Not really. Meet Alice.
Son: Uh, wow...oh. I mean, hello.
Alice: Hi
Son: What are you doing here with us? Don't you have a boyfrie...
Alice: You're my boyfriend, silly.
Son: Huh?
Mom: We thought you needed company. She's been watching you for some time now. So, you know.
Son: But, I can't just. Uh, I have to go now.
Mom: Oh that?
Dad: We called you in. You've got the day to yourself. Now go with Alice.
Alice: Where are we going?
Son: Um, well.
Dad: Take these dead bodies and carve them up for the weeks ahead. That's how you mom and I celebrated our first date.
Son: Um ok
Alice: Blood is sexy. You might get another bone satisfied if you teach me.
Son: Dad?
Dad: She's a natural, son. Go with it. Do we need to slap you with an adult thigh to get the hint?
Mom: Dad, you're getting blood on the kitchen floor again.
Dad: Oops, I did it again.
Mom: Oh no matter. Come here.
Dad: Mother? You're ready for me now?
Mom: Right here on the counter.
Son: Ma!!
Mom: You two can have the kitchen table. It is large enough. Why go into the next room? Everything here and now.
You know you can't hold back. Just try not to slip onto the bloody floor. The bodies might still be moving, unless Dad cut them up right.
Dad: Oh I did. But I left one slightly alive this time.
Alice: That's hot.
Son: Wow, you're already wet yourself.
Alice: Come here
Mom: Now this is a family get together





01:56 Dec 08 2018
Times Read: 233

The dark descended upon the stench of a mountain full of dead bodies. Ash had not touched this landmark. Neither had the fire of the gods. Vegetation grew upon it. And alongside it standing erect, a small, but sturdy wooden home. Inside, an odd being settled in for the night, arguing with another.

Hardza: Where did I put that damned spice?
Gortha: I ate it.
Hardza: It's harsh on the insides when eaten separately from food. You couldn't have consumed it or you wouldn't be talking.
Gortha: Something within me churns.
Hardza: Serves you right!
Gortha: When do we eat?
Hardza: We don't. You're incessant eagerness to consume anything you smell has ruined our meal.
Gortha: We will eat.
Hardza: And without that damned spice? You know that it needs to be in everything we prepare.
Gortha: Wait here.
Hardza: Where are you going?
Gortha (disappearing to the back of their dwelling): Here is something.
Hardza: That? That will kill us.
Gortha: It is from...
Hardza: We survive on dusty remnants, not that!
Gortha: You haven't tasted the measure of liquid flavour.
Hardza: You consumed it already? How are you not dead?
Gortha: The heavens feed me.
Hardza: The heavens feed you? Like manna? You are so hungry, you mistake liquified dust for food. Come, settle. I think I have more spice above that shelf.
Gortha: Darkness gives. The mountain bleeds. I feed.
Hardza: Lies. All lies.

A rumbling shook the home, splintering its walls, and loosening its grip on its foundation.

Gortha: You poor soul.

Hardza's scaled body began to splice open from the surrounding violence, greenish liquid pouring out, bleeding its life away.

Gortha grabbed a hollowed bone and punctured the side of the mountain, where the souls of many churned and spun into a liquid made for ingestion. Gortha sucked on the hollowed bone end.

Hardza arose with one eyeball awake and blinking. A lone limb swung precariously aside its dying body.

Gortha presented its nourishment with an open mouth to Hardza. Inside Gortha's mouth a pool of clamouring souls swam, grasping teeth, tearing them away, attempting escape.

Hardza smashed the mouth closed with a half complete limb and drove Gortha's deformed skull into the mountainside.

Death dust arose from the effort and with a brief inhalation, Hardza's form regenerated from dirt and gathered the dusty spice for living and continued survival.

Hardza: now, I must eat. (pauses to think) But before I do.

Hardza held Gortha's remaining pulsing inner organ upon the ground, picked it up and shoved it inside the mountainside.

Hardza: When you arise into contorted flesh again, maybe you will understand the truth of my legacy and earn the right to build your own home and survive in it, where humans no longer reign. My hunger needs attending. Now grow back if you so desire.

The heavens allowed the darkness turn to grey light as Hardza's earthly door closed.

A swirl of heaven's hurricane expunged more human souls from more nuclear fallout, filling a ground based artery into the mountain, resulting from continuing human war. This mountain sustained Hardza and her attempt to create cohabitants upon a planet full of beings killing themselves off.




Somewhere in hiding

00:02 Dec 08 2018
Times Read: 243

Greg: Hey, what can you tell me about this?
Horvath: In all my years, I have never seen this
Greg: I understand, this is something truly...
Horvath: ...unearthed?
Greg: precisely. What other explanation can there be?
Horvath: The remnants. They resemble something completely crafted by hand or by some intelliigent creature
Greg: The difference would be?
Horvath: Without this whole scene in a laboratory? Your guess is as good as mine.
Greg: Your years as an investigator has you relinquish to ignorance just like that?
Horvath: What resources do we ask for? it's beyond the scope of what we can obtain, even with recent government grants.
Greg: Is there a way to contain this?
Horvath: I'm thinking. Just be silent for a minute.
Greg: The moment this is all discovered, we're the accomplices.
Horvath: Did I not say to shut up? I'm thinking this through.
Greg: Well, thinking won't help.
Horvath: How's that?
Greg: Thinking isn't necessary.
Horvath: Why are you holding that wad of hair? You just ruined the scene and the authenticity of this scene.
Greg: You seemed to have lost your mind.
Horvath: How can you be still talking?
Greg: You're supposed to separate my spine from the neck or my mouth will still...
Horvath (wrapping his coiled tail around Greg): You're nerve endings work quite well, Greg. And your muscle control is absolutely remarkable.
Greg: How can you be talking with my sword in your throat?
Horvath: I'm not. Look next to you.
Greg: Oh god, there are more of you.




Torn and Stitched

19:16 Dec 07 2018
Times Read: 255

Dad: Son, this is how you do this
Son: Now? I'm in the middle of something
Dad: This is how you do this
Son (settles his hands down on his lap): Do what?
Dad: Listen close. The seam is here. The tension belongs here. The release is here. But make it very tight.
Son: Ok, got it. Let me do it.
Dad: Wait. There is something to this that requires special attention.
Son (huffs in irritation): Why?
Dad: Because your mother wants it this way
Son: What way?
Dad: She is a demanding sort, right?
Son: She never shuts up about what she wants.
Dad: I know.
Son (resumes use of his tools): There. Satisfied?
Dad: Yes. Guess what's next
Son: I hate your quizzes
Dad: Take this
Son: A stapler?
Dad: Hold still
Son: Wha....
Dad: Mom said you should stay quiet. There. That should keep the peace around here.
Mom: Sweetheart, our son's mouth blood is getting on my bedsheets.
Dad: Sorry love
Mom:Thank you for re-attaching my arm. How long before the anesthetic wears off
Dad: Any minute now. Watch this, son...this will be good.




Cause for removal

15:33 Dec 07 2018
Times Read: 272

Doc: You're going to die soon
Eleanor: Prove it.
Doc: Well, the spread of it is out of control. See this mass of color?
Eleanor (smiling): Interesting
Doc: You seem amused?
Eleanor (now laughing): It's so beautiful. Such expression!
Doc (contorting his face in confusion): Expression of what?
Eleanor: Death's smiling in this room
Doc: But, this will lead to indescribable pain...
Eleanor: It's still time to celebrate
Doc: What?
Eleanor (undresses herself and displays her perfect body): Take me now. Time is running out.
Doc: I...cannot
Eleanor (takes his hand to her breast and his face to hers): Just give me one last chance at pleasure
Doc: There isn't much I can do (lowers his trousers to show his mutilated reproductive area)
Eleanor: Such beauty. Death desires much.
Doc: It's time then

Both take a syringe, injecting one another with death serum.

His lips surround her nipples. His fingers find her deepest internal recesses.

She tugs at what is left of him.

Lighting from outside shuts down all electricity in the room.

In between thunder claps, two extended moans take turns echoing in the room air.

Several knocks on the office door go unanswered.




A dialogue

01:20 Dec 07 2018
Times Read: 294

Detective Leonard Kantor: OK now, listen carefully,Dr. Lorca, he was arrested earlier today, he told the police that you helped him steal the freak from Mr. Lazar here.
Elvina: That, that fucker.
Detective Leonard Kantor: He told the police that you were the one that stuck a gun in Mr. Lazar's face, and left him handcuffed to a tree.
Elvina: Not-uh, not me, all I did was I...
Detective Leonard Kantor: He said the whole thing was your idea.
Elvina: Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God.
Detective Leonard Kantor: I'm sorry baby, but it looks like jail for you.
Detective Leonard Kantor: Doc's a respective man, you're... not, he's cutting a deal right now, you know it'll go a lot easier if you were to just, if you just confess!
Elvina: No, no, I swear on my honor, cross my heart and hope to die, all I did was just tell him about, about the specimen, I didn't know nothin else.
Belinda Yost: And I put up with your typing for three years, because I thought you were too stupid to stab me in the back, you're fired, you're fired from everywhere, you're fired from the fucking universe.
Elvina: Huh?
Detective Leonard Kantor: The police don't know anything about Dr. Lorca, I lied to you.
Elvina: Yeah, yeah
Elvina: , well, well, I lied to you too
[Ms. Yost slaps her]
Elvina: , Ow.
Belinda Yost: You ungrateful little poon-dog.
Elvina: Well, it was all your fault, you broke your word to Dr. Lorca, he was supposed to have first dibs
Belinda Yost: And what are you? defender of the fucking public morals?
Elvina: You're an evil corrupt person,
[then turns her attention to Detective Kantor]
Elvina: she takes drugs, she doesn't wear any panties, she, she, she has sex in her office with all these men all on her desk.
Belinda Yost: You ungrateful little poodle.
[pushes Elvina into a chair and starts slapping her]
Detective Leonard Kantor: Ladies, ladies, ladies, fucking ladies knock it off!
[he pulls Ms. Yost off of Elvina]
Detective Leonard Kantor: Ms. Yost, hey Ms. Yost, normally, I'm all in for a good cat-fight, but seeing how you're paying me a 160 dollars an hour for my time, you might want to consider calling this one a draw for right now.



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