gothofashes's Journal

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5 entries this month

Sad news :(

21:45 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 545

So, I was in my English class about an hour ago when I found out from one of my friends whom I went to high school with that my favourite English teacher had died last year. I didn't even know. I've been out of high school for 3 years now so I didn't know the cancer had came back and killed her :( I'm really sad now... I loved her cause she was amazing and she treated me like a real person. Even though I only knew her for two years we had a great bond and I enjoyed taking her classes. But because I can't go to Ashland I didn't know she had died last year. I even sent her an email sometime last year when I emailed all my teacher and was waiting for some response... nothing... then I find out about her death... now I just feel bad and horrible and sad.... my day sucks now :(




The concert of coincidence

06:22 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 555

Haha, I found it funny that one the night my college was having a concert, my cousin in Colorodo went to a concert near his school... a coincidence? Hahaha, the things that happen in this world, LOL. But ya, I'm deaf now and I ripped the whole front of my pinky toe open.. I honestly don't know how I did it cause I only found out about it at the end of the concert. My whole right flip-flop is soaked with blood... probably stained... grr.. But I didn't know I did it, lol. Shows how attentive I am, lol.

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08:57 Feb 24 2010

Ashley... How many times have I told you to watch what you're doing and how many times have you hurt that foot and didn't know it? Shesh, I don't know how you're going to live the rest of your life, lol. You're always getting hurt some how for some reason... *rolls eyes*


Why I hate working Mondays :(

01:18 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 557

So, usually I enjoy working except on Mondays. The girl I work with on Mondays doesn't do her job right and so I have to pick up on her slack. Tonight wasn't the best because our boss had dislocated his wrist again and it hadn't popped back in place. He went home cause the doctor put him on drugs, lol. But the girl I was working with wasn't doing her job right. I was serving and she was running. When I needed the meat (it was pork loin tonight ^_^) I told her but she didn't get it because she was talking to her friends in the dinner line. So one of the other workers had to go get it for me. Then one of the students came in and wanted to get some soup but the soup bowls were gone so I told the girl that we needed some soup bowls..... yet again she was talking with her friends and "pretending" to clean... I had to have the same worker who'd brought out the meat go get some bowls. He wasn't happy with her either. After we closed I started pulling the salad bar stuff up and the rotation bar stuff up like I was suppose to. After I'm done doing that I'm suppose to go to the back and wrap everything up and then double check that everything is finished. Instead the girl told me that I had to clean all the food lines (which was her job). I kept my thoughts to myself and started cleaning them because I knew she wouldn't do it if I didn't. Then in between cleaning the lines she asked me how to do this and how to do that and I had to clean up other things so it was almost time for me to clock out when I was finally able to go back and start wrapping everything and putting it away. On top of all that I had to go pee but I couldn't go until everything was up because I was already over my time. It ended up that I was half an hour past my clock out time and I'd finally finished putting everything up. Before I clocked out though I had to go check things off that were done (the girl didn't do it like she was suppose too) and I found out that she didn't stock a few things so I had to stock those. Ended up that I was the last one to clock out and I wasn't (I'm still not) in a good mood. Grrrr!!!

The end....




My test :{

15:39 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 563

So, I kinda stayed up all night cause I had a theology test today. I think I did good but I just have to wait for the results... I'm not good with tests... in fact I suck at them. I just wish with everything I got that I passed. I NEED to pass. *sigh* So, I'm just gonna worry all day.




What ticks me off, lol

17:50 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 570

Hmm.... so I woke up at 10:25 this morning so I could get up and pick my best friends Jess up to go to brunch. I walk out going to the bathroom and I see my neighbor sweeping her room. I shrug and enter the bathroom. A few minutes later I come out and head back to my room. Just before I enter my room I start stepping on dirt and paper and hair ties. I look back at my neighbors door and glare. She had swept all her dirt from her room and from outside her door over to my door. It ticked me off!!! So I decided to be nice, I went back into my room and got my broom and dustpan. I sweep it up just as my RA comes walking down the hallway. She gives me a surprised look like, "Why are you sweeping the hallway?" I just smile and finish sweeping. When I got back from lunch I wrote my 'neighbor' an note telling her it better not happen again!

She's just a trouble maker that rubs my fur the wrong way >.< Aaand, last week she decided to yell at me because I wasn't going fast enough through the lunch line. How annoying is that! VERY! Grrr.. and she's very agressive too. My current roommate is my roommate because my neighbor took her by her arm and shook her hard enough to leave a bruise... GRRR :( I don't like violent people very much.....

*sigh* But I'm 'still' trying to be nice to her... but she's taking my nice-ness and stretching it thin O_O Grrrrr... one of these days she'll push me too far... then BOOM, I'll probably explode... but I hope not... but still.... it's possible..

LOL, sorry about the rambling, lol ^_^



17:59 Feb 15 2010

You shouldn't be nice O.O


20:20 Feb 15 2010

Haha O_o that would be fun to see

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