gothofashes's Journal

gothofashes's Journal


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I'm so ready to kill!!

02:16 Mar 17 2010
Times Read: 510

So I just found out that one of my best friends got kicked out of school tonight because she was raped by two guys and she might be pregnant. That's one thing about my school that I hate. One guy is in jail and the other is stalking her. He's already hired someone to kill her once and he keeps on txting her. I'm worried about her so I gave her one of my small knives to use as protection.... I've been raped myself so I know how bad it can be. I don't go ANYWHERe unarmed. My friend is very fragile. Her bones are weak so she can't really defend herself very well. I'm her part-time bodyguard now... and soon to be apartment-roomie... so if need be I'll kick those guys arses all across this state and make them pay for what they did to her. One of my friend, an army guy, wants to slowly torture them... they're sick men. They deserve to.... well I won't say what... but they ticked off the wrong people. Now I'm worried that I won't see my friend again because one of the guys is trying to constantly kill her.

She has an order of protection, but it won't do very good if the guy doesn't follow it. Thankfully one of the guys was arrested and is in prison now for raping her!! I hope he enjoys being someones b**ch... sorry about the bad words... but I hope it happens. I HATE men like that!!!




Pissed off :(

18:44 Mar 03 2010
Times Read: 518

I know lately all I've been writing about it how mad I am at people, but they just keep ticking me off. I just got back from lunch and I'm not happy. Though I can only express it on here and now out loud. This guy I work with is a real prick. He looks down on women and thinks he's better than them. I'm trying to be nice but he's stretching my kindness a little to far. He sat by me and my friend at lunch today and had the nerve to assume he could call me a bad name in Japanese and I wouldn't know what he said. He said, "Oh, I know more Japanese than you." Then he continued on to call me a moron. I just sat there looking at him and he got up to get a refill on his drink and was like, "If you knew Japanese you wouldn't be sitting there right now." Grrrrr!!! I can't do anything to him or I'd be kicked out. A few minutes later after I told him I was going to be going to school in Japan for music he was like, "It's hard to get into the schools because you don't know what needs to be done. You also don't have the money to go to school over there." He ticked me off. I've already decided on a school and I've already applied and been accepted. So he's just talking blabber. He also started talking about debt and I spoke up saying I was already in debt from going to college and that I'll be in debt for a long time. He was like you should have saved up your money. I told him that I hadn't been able to because I had to support my family. I'd had to pay the bills, bring in food to the house, and buy gas for the van. I didn't have any money to save after that. He said, "I'm the oldest of 7 kids and I had to help support my family. My father was a preacher and I had to help him with the family." Well, I didn't have a dad growing up and I didn't have a house. I was homeless most of the time, moving from state to state because my mom made bad choices in guys. So 'I' was the one who had to grow up and take care of my mom and my sister and my brother. I'm not dissing my family, it's just that I'm tired of people thinking their better than me because they had a better life!! Jerk! Grrr, I hate men or just people like that. So, now I'm just mad and not feeling good and I want to take a nap.

I guess I'm done blabbering on and on. Probably was boring but I had to let my anger out somehow.



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