gothofashes's Journal

gothofashes's Journal


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A short story.... New Life

07:28 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 695

I never thought it would happen. Never thought the darkness and pain would appealing to me.. But it seemed my hopes would come true on that cold obtober night.. I had just gone on a walk to get away from my abusive mom and her boyfriend. I needed a breather, or i'd go insane. I walked to the the park, which was pretty much deserted at the time.. Midnight it was probably. I didn't care. It was about half an hour after I had left the home that I stubled into him... the man that changed my life. I wasn't paying any mind to where I was walking and did not see him in time to move and I crashed into him and fell. He reached down to help me up, with us both apologizing. As he pulled me up we both started to burst out laughing. I don't know how it was funny but it was in a sense. When we both recovered enough to stop laughing out loud, we introduced ourselves. His name was Armand. I liked that name.. After that he inquired as to why I was out this late unaccompanied. I said nothing. He let it go, instead he asked me if I would let him walk with me for a bit... no need to be alone anymore he said. It was strange but I ignored it and we set off in the direction that I had been walking..As we flashed inbetween the lights I studied him. I have no clue why, but I felt a pull to him. he was tall, around 6 foot 3 or so. His hair fell to his bum ( I snickered at that thought ) in aubern waves that flashed under the light. His skin was pale, but not in a way that made me worried. I had the same basic skin tone.. But the thing that drew me in was his eyes and his voice. Both seemed hypnotic. They pulled me in, drownding me. I don't know how much time passed while we strolled and I couldn't care less for some reason. After a bit, during which time we talked about my life and things along that line, he asked me to show him where I lived. I couldn't resist him, I showed him. He told me to go and let him in through my bedroom window. I stared at him like he was crazy, cause my room was on the second story. But when he asked again I abliged and went in. Luckly both mom and her new hubby were both passed out. All I could think of was Armand, how I wanted him.. I had never felt like this. It was something that I longed for, had hoped for.. I went up and opened the window, a few seconds later Armand was pertched on my window sill. " Will you let me in little one," came his velvet like voice. " Please come in." My voice shook as I said that, inviting him into my room. I was glad then that I was a neat person. I wanted to impress him. I remember, vaguely and clearly, that night before the end of my life. The burning desire for the darkness. I looked upon the face of desire, and I welcomed it into my heart and soul. He walked up to me and whispered something to soft for me to hear, his hand stroking my face. He incircled me with his warmth, his need, his desire.. Leaning down, i felt his breath brush my lips as he gently kissed me, sliding his lips downward, across my jaw. His teeth grazed backand forth across the sensative part of my neck.... making my breathe catch raggadly.. His arms wrapped around me as his voiced lulled me into a trance, just before his teeth slid into my neck. Electricity shot through me as I tried to struggle, but I stopped a few seconds later and I heard his voice inside my mind telling me to calm down and that it was all right.. It was too, for it was what I had wished for.. someone to take me away, to give me peace.. This seemed to be that wish... who was I to be so lucky, me, Eshe the geek... The light started to fade around me as my blood filled him, the world slipping away.. I had blacked out by the time that he was finished. He gently walked over to my bed and layed me down, he brushed my hair away from my face. "This is for you Eshe. I heard your trouble, your silent cries for help. Now I will give you a new life with me.. as mine for eternity." He leaned down and kissed my lips lightly before pulling back his sleeve. He brought his wrist up to his mouth and tore at it, making it bleed. Once there was a good flow of blood, he presses his wrist to my mouth and let the blood tickle down my throat. It was warm and coppery to the taste, filling up the emptiness inside me. Taking over my body, rushing through me.. I could fiil it suddenly through the dark mist vailing my mind. I jerked upward them at the sudden tearing pain.. Armand gently pushed me back down and whispered to me," Hush Eshe, try to relax. Tis only your body dying." Suddenly I just passed out... black surrounded me, cold embrassed me.... What seemed like an eternitly later, the next night, I woke up. Fear ran through me as I looked around me at the unfamiliar room. I turned at the sound of clothes moving behind me and everything came rushing back as I stared up at the man who had given me a new life. Armand, my dark angel. I stared up at him, meeting his amethyst gaze with my own silver one. God, I felt joy leap in me as I saw something there I had never seen before. Lust? Desire? No something more, something I had never known... LOVE... and it was shining in his eyes as he, my dark angel stared at me... His voiced brushed across me as he spoke," do you know what I have done to you, what I did to help you?" My voice was solid when I replied," No... what, pray tell is it you have done, what you have given me?" He leanded forward and smiled as he whispered in my ear what he had done. My eyes widened. My heart thumped wildly.. I felt joy leap through me.. He had given me a new life..........

THE END.....

By gothofashes



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