hieisgoth's Journal


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7 entries this month

~Moonlit Reality~

23:21 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 644

The moonlight shines upon her long black hair

Giving a radiance of blue to the rich blackness

The glow of her green eyes when they look upon me

Drives my heart insane causing blustering beats to burst from my chest

Fantasy becomes a realistic reality when I see her

Dripping moonlight upon her perfection gives me cause to howl as the wolf

I’m tantalized by her features and mesmerized by her soul

Offering her my heart I give of all of me to her to do as she will

I do not fear her as many might be

Intimidated by the freeness of her soul

I’m at her mercy, my yearning beyond control

For a piece for her perfection, in the stillness of the moonlit night




My Princess

23:18 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 645

The breath of the moon glides on the winds of the night

echoing it's mystic reflection from the panes of the glimmering glass

into the dark of my eyes.

Turning once and peeling my thoughts from the sky back inside

where thoughts of you linger since last we spoke.

At once to dreaming of the pure heaven of your touch,

the sweet taste of your kiss

and the pure innocence in your heart.

You, my dear, an angel of Avalon,

and I purely a fragment of the once Phantom of Babylon.

Ah, but to you only your dark prince

and nothing of the tragic soul that others see.

Your true love blinds you to the distance in me,

the lock unturned that denies the rest of the world.

In our reality,

this dream that we dance,

solely unto ourselves, no barriers exist,

only the open doorways and windows for starlight can be.

I am open to you as you are to me.

Hand in hand and hearts as one.

And bonds of steel and starlight,

a circle of the strongest magic and the purity of love

like milk and honey down from heaven into our souls.

Such that we endure for this love,

such patience for a waiting kiss.

All that we take and all that we create

to call the heart for a promise of loyalty and understanding.

One thousand years in the making

and time has forged the bridge I cross to you.

Though great be the distance

each step is assured and every breath

brings me one day closer

to the beauty that is you.

Listen close my love,

the midnight winds bring my lips to yours.

Beneath the streetlight in the milky Autumn mist.

The one who finds for you all that you have lost,

the one who reveals all the secrets of your dreams.

So taken by the passion in you,

by what you know of being alone

and the way the pictures of the past

fade away from you when we walk together.

By the whispered kiss in your southern tongue

and the solemn grace that is lost in the waves of our dream.

My love for you flows deeper than you know.

Let those lost souls who seek to blind us

and the refuse of sadness that pray for our demise

fall into the webs of their own cold treachery.

Like ignorant children

let them kindle the fires that will eventually consume them

when they play with the flames of our love.

Drink deeply of this dream my dear,

let it fill you with its warmth.

My passion is limitless,

my dreams are endless,

my love for you...





Dark Prince

23:17 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 646

deliberate act to bleed my soul

away from shadows secure and dry

revive the dreams forgotten and old

kiss my familiar fears goodbye

prince of my dark nights won't let me win

relentless force breaking logic's plight

immortal whispers haunt me again

negating reasons i have to fight

conquering wings wrap me up and then

erase all that i am out of sight




Confessions Of The Dark Poet

23:13 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 647

Why does it hurt so bad?

Why must I hurt so much?

Why, am I, the one suffering?

But then,

I Stop!

To think...

It's not a curse.

- It's a blessing.

It's not a disease.

- It's the Cure!

For every one I look at,

there're a thousand I don't see!

My darkened mind will never change,

just as none of them see me!

The Darkness has got hold of me,

and don't want to let go!

And this will never happen

just as long as they don't know!

Now that I know the answer,

I no longer ask you "why?"!

Now I'm always laughing,

nevermore to cry!

Instead I give up to the night,

to lead the life of pain and cold.

To tell the tales about the dark,

that has me in its hold!




The Blood Is The Rose

23:12 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 648

All of you who set the night on fire,

you all will go much much higher

in darkness you can see

in darkness you are free

in darkness great things hide,

in darkness step aside.

then you will break on through

Retire all of you people of the light,

to night's purple legion. While you sleep,

we will reap.

You all have to sleep to dream,

We live in one!

You all live your life as one big lie.

We know the truth.

Tomorrow you will wake,

And you will be surprised.

Blood is the rose, of mysterious union




The Gift of Death

23:12 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 649

I quickly tire of hearing you scream,

as i glare at you my eyes beam

soon you do not know but will be dead

and will regret every word you said

as i stab you ,the knife i twist

i will feel the death i have long missed

deep down you know that you deserved it

and i am the one who has reserved it

this gift i give you, i hand you with pleasure

and this memory i will forever treasure.





21:07 Jul 20 2006
Times Read: 660

As the sun sets on my black abyessed heart

I've thought that your love was once true,but 2 find out u didn't fell the same bout me.You was never interested in my mind or heart.That's all right I figured it all outthat u nevered loved me.Always hopeing that u would be here....but it seems that all my wishing and hopeing nevered helped.So from now on im gonna show u that i can live nad be strong without u



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