kyriaragnar33's Journal

kyriaragnar33's Journal


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16 entries this month

Oh jeez

15:23 Mar 17 2019
Times Read: 461

Lol 😂 how the hell did this happen Lol 😂 something seriously wrong with these tests Lol 😆






20:47 Mar 16 2019
Times Read: 483

What the hell how did I score a negative Lol 😂 something very wrong with this Lol can I have my refund now Lol 😂




11:52 Mar 17 2019

Level???? explain. LOL You make my day!!!

15:09 Mar 17 2019

Lol 😆 I don’t even know


Oh I’m going to make a example of you

17:05 Mar 16 2019
Times Read: 499

Exactly what you shouldn’t do with me, but I do hope that you learn and learn well. Did you honestly think, that for a mere moment. your pathetic words could have done anything against someone like me? Oh that’s just so very, very sad. I feel bad for you that your mind couldn’t even get that chance. Maybe it’ll teach you something about us women one day? But if not then I do feel absolutely terrible for you. Hope that your day goes a little bit better, however for now this is a wake up call. Not just for me but for all women here so perceive that however you may choose to do so.

04:51 Mar 16 2019
Message To: Darknight8088

Yawns...you bore me with your perspective on such things. Yet you have no appreciation for a classy woman because you, yourself has no class. (Leans over) did you really think that I couldn’t see right though you? Oh...you did, didn’t you? Hmmm (smiles) I’m going to have fun with you (giggles)


04:37 Mar 16 2019
Message To: Darknight8088

Ahhh I think that I hit a nerve (giggles) oh my that’s just terrible, what a pity that is.

16:35 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) Darknight8088 wrote:

Fuck off bitch

16:33 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) kyriaragnar33 wrote:

Oh I’m so very sorry for not giving into your little game but hope that you have a better day.

16:31 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) Darknight8088 wrote:

You are like all the rest of the females on here a slut,whore and a fucking bitch and by the way i will talk to who ever the fuck i want to talk to

16:26 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) kyriaragnar33 wrote:

Clearly you have no respect for my boundaries then. so if you cannot move along please and thank you.

16:19 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) Darknight8088 wrote:

What ever

16:18 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) kyriaragnar33 wrote:

Good morning, and just for future reference please don’t call me sexy.

16:16 Mar 16 2019 (-0 GMT) Darknight8088 wrote:

Good morning



01:43 Mar 21 2019

Why do you wast time with children? not hard to see

00:11 Apr 10 2019

Some people need to learn how to speak with others until they've learned what respect is, and how to use it. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Just know that not all men are like that. Be well, my friend and have a wonderful day.


Next week

15:28 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 531

I’m going to be talking about detox and science vs pop culture.




My health

15:04 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 532

Well I still don’t want to talk to anyone about it that much. but just the few that I feel comfortable with. Yea I know that most are probably wondering why that is. But I’m not exactly in the mood to explain everything in the medical field. (Or how I feel about this either.) Even though I’m sober now and talked with my boss about this situation. Yea they urge me to go see the doctor again but..honestly I’m not ready for that yet. Most of the medical professions have suggested the same thing. Scoffs, still...I wanted to hear a entirely different answer than going to the hospital again. Guess that I’m not going to have the answers that I want to hear right now. Well at least I can say that my head stopped bleeding, the swelling of the bump is gone. The coldness in that area isn’t that bad anymore and no longer having random black outs. The odd part and my boss is so concerned is because all these things are random during different hours of the day. Which she describes as not normal to have. Shrugs my shoulders I’m not going to agree with that even though I’m out ranked. Well hopefully it’ll be nothing like she might be thinking of. But she did say that if I don’t take care of myself she is going to tan my hide. In any case at least most of the symptoms are gone so I’m sure that’s a good thing. Yea I know I’m not a doctor to be saying for sure or not still I’m just trying to process everything. with only having a small group of people that I can trust right now. I hope that everyone is doing well and still have a lot to think about still take care.



16:02 Mar 12 2019

Also regarding the coldness for those who haven’t been to school in the medical field. Also why you should be talking with professional about symptoms and such. If you must know what it means to have coldness in certain areas it indicates that their is no circulation. So if it’s in one particular area yea it’s going to mean a lot of things. but it’s something that should be concerned with. Tingling feeling could also be the lack of blood flowing or something more serious. As far as someone’s theory of cancer being diagnosed only once. Well hopefully this person gets more of a serious knowledge about what cancer even is. Because honestly I can tell that they lack a lot of knowledge about what it is. I mean I certainly hope that people understand just how much toxins are even in our bodies. which is why a lot of people stay sick. We get pollution from the air that we breathe to the foods we eat each day. Which is why I’m going to be talking about detox and such at some point.

01:37 Mar 21 2019

Best of luck


As of lately

14:44 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 533

So happy that I was successful for another basic ritual this week. I can’t tell you how I once felt like when I was successful in my first spell. But I’d have to say that after I was, that I was tempted to do more with magic. Whether it was to enhance my spells, something more advanced, chants, elements. or how to properly make my altar where I could do just almost anything that I needed. I’m actually very glad that I didn’t invite anyone over this time as well. Only because last time someone placed their car keys on my altar last time and a drink that they had. Frustrating because I not only had to wait for the next moon phase to start over. But I had to take precautions for those objects by cleansing them as well. Such a hassle for just one of my spells and I needed to ground myself afterwards. Not fun, and yes even though I warned them the risk they still did it again. So yea I’m pretty sure that they didn’t like the fact that I didn’t have them over. but this was a important spell for me to perform. I’m thinking that my next spell is going to be a karma spell. just because everything needs to be balanced with the wrongs right again. Honestly I’ve just seen enough and I do believe that this universal spell is needed, not just personal gain but for all. So I’ve already gathered everything that I’m going to need just waiting for the right moon to get here.




Demon rituals

14:17 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 536

So there’s actually a lot of things that you might find on the Internet when it comes to this subject. However yea some of it is true but not exactly all of it. For instance let’s say that you find out the go Asia. Which a lot of times a lot of people usually find when it comes to this. Unfortunately I want to say that when it comes to go Asia they have a little theory that you can control demons. I’d have to say that in all of my experience that isn’t exactly possible. Reason being is that demons are very, very clever beings compared to our human understanding. I mean let’s say this for example. They can talk in every single language, but can you say the same thing right now? Probably not right? Keep in mind that anything you deal with spiritually is going to far more intelligent okay. I think that I first encountered one around the age of 13 and at first I was still very new to things. Results were unstable, but still it became a problematic issue on my behalf. So the last thing that I want is for anyone to have the same issue as I did at first. By the way if you are still reading this and uncertain I don’t want you to continue to read. This is something that takes a lot of time and energy just to do to begin with. A lot of people who realize just how much dedication you have to have usually gives up anyways. Second thing to keep in mind is the reason why your doing this to begin with. I say that because once you gather your special ingredients that you’ll find time consuming it’s going to come to your reasons. Will it matter? Yea it’s going to matter. This is also going to determine on what kind of demon you’ll be summoning as well. So please do your own research on what you are doing first. you don’t want to walk into something blindly. I cannot emphasizes how people have made this mistake time and time again. Usually I can help if things goes wrong but I cannot guarantee that is always going to be the case. I’d have to say that it’s falls under a universal law that I’m not going to teach anyone. No it’s not because I want you to always come to me when things goes wrong or anything. It’s just something that has been misused for a long time. So no, This isn’t not going to be misused or misunderstood on my watch. For the most part this ritual is going to be more or less something like a alliance than anything. No, you don’t need to sacrifice anything for this ritual I’m not sure where people get this information from? But this isn’t even close to necessary for anyone to begin with. True demons have their likeness and dislikes still not necessarily needed. So you’ve spent your time gathering your ingredients like your candles and herbs. Your going to need the following to perform this. I particularly prefer to be outside. just because I’m closer to nature when I’m doing this. People have performed this in the nude just to be closer to nature. Again not necessarily meaning that this is a must. I personally don’t, I have a special cloak when I’m doing both good and black magic. So if you don’t have either one then just wear white clothing whatever doing this ritual. I use a compass to determine what is going to be north to determine where to set up my first candle. Now this is my personal favorite thing (again not needed) with the type of candles used. I use one black that is on the North Star, two red, and two white candles. These candles not only ensures my safety but signifying what I’m summoning. I put up a barrier of salt around me that also ensures my safety and I wear a very special pendant that I own. Yes your going to make a star but if you don’t have 5 candles the minimum is 3 but one has to be on the North Star. The herbs are going to determine what type of demon you wish to deal with. Again that’s where your research is going to be important for this purpose. You’ll need a piece of parchment (meaning unused paper.) a Quail pen or something relatively close to this. Be sure that you do cleanse it first! I usually do hot water with salt then once dried I do sage. You’ll need some blood now you don’t really need to use your own except for when it comes to your signature. So if you want you can either use bats blood make sure that it’s pure though. You don’t want to have it from a local grocery store or something. (This can be purchased at a Wiccan store.) your going to write out what you want and then what your willing to do in return. This is going to be the part where your going to figure out if your dedicated to the alliance or not. So again it’s going to determine what your reasons are. Now don’t think that after you do all of this that this is going to be on your time either. They will determine that if your qualified for the alliance or not. So now that you have written your request on the parchment and signed it with your blood. You can either keep it in a safe area or burn it if you’re worried that someone else might see it. Because well your pact is done and it’s going to be spread through the earth. Trust me they are going to know burned or not. The only thing that you should be focusing on is your end of the deal. Now if your wondering if this could go badly? Yes it can, you could be tormented by these things that much you should be prepared for. Also since you are doing blood magic this is something that would follow you forever. So please keep that in mind that this isn’t going to be for a beginner. Me personally I don’t usually have to worry about it so much. But it’s only because of not just my experience but understanding some universal laws that helps. This isn’t saying that I’ve had to deal with random ones or the ones considered to be rogue. Nor is it saying that I’ve dealt with shapeshifters either. Again not just anyone can deal with this issue. that’s why it’s important to be educated about what your doing first. This isn’t something that is considered to be a quick but years of knowledge and experience. So for whatever you really believe in this is also going to determine of how you begin to understand as well. If you have any questions regarding this entry please seek out a guidance for this. or you can contact me anytime either in a private discussion or comment below here thank you for your time.



18:15 Mar 12 2019

A few minor details about this ritual. You don’t need to cut your hand for the signature. All you need is a small amount from your finger. which you can do so with a needle or a knife. If you do use a knife be sure that you cleanse it. This is NOT the type of ritual you want to fuck up. with the lack of knowledge or ingredients. You have been warned, so do not misunderstand the dangers that will come from this ritual.


Don’t misunderstand me

20:21 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 566

So I was at the a different facility that a LPN friend of mine was working at. I’m kind of glad that I went to go see her even though I still kept feeling dizzy for whatever reason. I realized something when I went there. One of the patients were being bullied by someone who was taking care of them. Oh course I had to be stupid and open my big mouth about it. But afterwards I felt like I was woken up by something. At that moment I understood something about what I was doing. Thinking that even if it’s one or many it still makes no difference between the two. I asked myself how am I any better if I’m treating someone less than a person? As much as I thought that I was, I really wasn’t embracing myself. I understand that there’s human right to protect each individual and should never be taken lightly. I mean when I’ve heard how others have judged another just because they were wrong. I feel like it’s wrong because we all are allowed to make mistakes. Aren’t we all human at the end of the day? How are we perfect or superior to others if this is true? Isn’t that why we have these laws to begin with? I know that even if I do and granted I have made my own mistakes. Still it only means that I’m being human and that’s not so bad. Because I’ll dust myself off and learn from it however many times it takes. I guess that you could say that I had a good day even though my body doesn’t want to listen to me right now. In any case I I guess that I’m going to continue to try to practice more than preaching. I’m not going to let anything petty like this to burden my heart any longer either. But... I’m still going to have some boundaries during my journey wherever I might go that won’t ever change. Yes I’m going to stay away from the wine too guess that I should be dealing with some things in a better way than what I am now. Your right that the way that I am doing this probably isn’t the best way possible. I guess in a way I needed some time to find my own strength and how to be brave. Even so believe it or not I was still trying to process everything mentioned to me. Just...in baby steps not rushing this. Well that’s all for today and hope that wherever anyone is, that you all have a wonderful weekend.



20:36 Mar 10 2019

Also two more things that just because I am this way. doesn’t mean that I give privilege or meaning. that I don’t have a backbone to go with my heart okay.


Witches altar

19:05 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 573

So for now I’m just going to focus on this subject and before I get into other aspects of the altar. I’m going to teach you a few basic but important things to keep in mind. This goes for whenever creating one or using one.


So this is my personal altar I keep it pretty much basic for good reason. You’ll notice the animals in the back I use them for universal purposes because they are known as my spirit animals. I also use the lord Anubis for each spell. Yes I know that I also have a offering cups and a upside down pentacle. There are a few reasons why I have it set up this way but for now. Let’s just focus on the basics about the altar. First things first, at no point of time when you set up one. Should you ever place random things on it like your keys or a glass of water. Just about anything of that sort, if your wondering why? Well let me put it like this, understand that even though it’s not being used. Well...how should I describe how it could turn out badly if you should. Depending on what you or anyone witch is performing or any sort of energy that might remain. This has been known to sometimes curse those objects. I mean even if it were a good spell it could turn out badly just by adding that one random object. Basically you are taking a good chance in not only messing up a ritual but having those personal objects cursed. So again I want you to keep in mind that if you are invited to a witch’s place. Never should you place anything on their altar. Some things are definitely left better alone. Don’t forget that I have warned you about how dangerous it is either okay? Next thing to keep in mind is keep your altar clean when not being used. So what I don’t want to hear is that you left some ashes or some kind of ingredients for the previous use. So please keep it clean, this could also be why some of your new rituals don’t turn out very well too. Again keep this note in your back pocket for whenever needed. Next thing is if you use deities, be sure that you understand what they represent and never should be misused for just any ritual. Stones, plants, and elements. Now if you do use any of those things understand it completely first then decide if you should be using it for the ritual. Candles and incense before burning make sure that you are using the right ones. For me sometimes I do a three day ritual. If you choose to do the same at the persist moment for each day. you burn the same incense or whatever else is required as before you do it and also keep your candle burning. There’s a reason why I prefer the three day ritual because it revolves around the laws of three with magic. so it’s not exactly for a beginner only because it can be hard to break it. Also if your curious about the offering cups that I have. I use this for a blood demon to help me. No I actually don’t take mine away from my ritual either. I keep it there for other reasons but nonetheless I’m sure that whatever you create. Make sure you you remember the few basic things as well so do your research okay.




For today

16:15 Mar 09 2019
Times Read: 599

Nope still not ready to be sober, yea. now this is the part where someone would buy me another drink and doesn’t ask me any questions.



19:35 Mar 09 2019

Oh yes I’m fine....and no I don’t want to talk about it.

05:43 Mar 10 2019

Well this all was worried me about you 😒

17:17 Mar 10 2019

I’m fine

17:35 Mar 10 2019

Also don’t take this the wrong way. But I’m allowing you to be your own individual and as I said that at the end of the day. I cannot let anything take away from me being myself. Also understand that if I don’t feel comfortable I’m going to ignore it completely. So if someone pushes there luck they can scream and argue until they are blue in the face. Or type until their fingers hurt I’m going to ignore it. So whatever I am comfortable with you’ll just have to accept it until I feel like I want to deal with it or not. There is no option B anymore perceive it however you choose. I’m not going to hold anyone’s hand right now or give anymore answers. I have enough to deal with in my personal life right now. So yes I have certain boundaries where I don’t feel like blocking is necessary. I mean at the end of the day it doesn’t do any good to begin with. Second I don’t have to respond to anything that I don’t feel comfortable with. So if you are one of those people that do then. Let it be known here and now it’s your problem not mine. I can choose not to deal with it all together or not. Oh trust me I do have my ways that much you will realize very quickly.

17:46 Mar 10 2019

At the moment I’m still on a time frame where if I don’t deal with this. Scoffs, my sister already gave me the heads up that she will contact welfare on me. Sighs, so yea I’m not exactly thrilled about anything at this particular moment. Hope that everyone will forgive me that I’m not in the best mood right now. Until I want to deal with everything. I’m taking a time out and only speaking with medical professions about this. So if you have a opinion I’m only going to look at it like this. Well unless you of course have a degree or something that says otherwise. Sighs, I’m just not liking what my ears are hearing. But they are urging me to go in and so is my sister. I’m Just...I’m just not ready for that yet or reality right now. So again however anyone feels about this. Right now that’s not my concern and hope everyone will understand how I feel.

18:00 Mar 10 2019

Again not trying to sound mean but I don’t really care about the past that much. Hashtag it’s done, hashtag moving on. Basically truth be told, Right or wrong it doesn’t give me any right to treat others less than a person.

04:36 Mar 11 2019

Well if that how you feel I see how it will be it's fine I see the line what done is done but see a new side to you just let it be it is what what it is..😒

12:34 Mar 12 2019

Glad that we are on the same page then and yes your right. those lines are called my boundaries so please respect them.

16:10 Mar 12 2019

And your correct my feelings hasn’t changed. just in a sense of perspective where you are still a person. everything else don’t misunderstand my intentions okay? thank you.

17:46 Mar 12 2019

I don’t forgive lies so easily. Also please don’t pawn it off to someone else being at fault either. This is the part where you say yes mama and mind your tongue is that understood.

01:40 Mar 14 2019

Well I get the point it dont matter anymore so I can be my self and we can go on are own path as you wish Elizabeth


easier said than done

19:48 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 615

I’m so not ready to be sober right now but I did have a good ear full from my mother. Saying that I shouldn’t because this isn’t the answer. But I told her “and dealing with the alternative is any better? “ I know I’m kind of being a smart alike but so very true in a sense. Sort of reminds me of the times when my father would say to me. “You know I loved your mother” . (I’m actually so very glad that this was over the phone too.) but I would say “oh yea... which one?...” So funny but so very true.




My book

17:11 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 624

So been thinking about this unique idea for my book. What I’ve been pondering about is adding a little bit of music that is going to be sold separately but will enhance it while reading. Just not sure, still it’s something very interesting and unique to add. Guess that’s just my character being unusual for some things that I create. I’m going to post this idea on here and then Facebook so I’ll have a idea wither or not to add this feature.




My journal

16:47 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 634

So I just wanted to remind that with my journal. I have a tendency to treat it like it were my personal journal sometimes. Meaning that my personal thoughts and notes are sometimes written here. Whether or not it’s going to be something true or not. I use this sometimes to look back on and see if I can learn from my own mistakes in life. So however you might perceive this information. please advise how I view this journal as well. Thank you for your time and hope that you have a wonderful week, take care.




Took down the entry

15:44 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 638

But don’t worry I’m saving it for a rainy day, until it’s needed.




How frustrating

15:05 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 643

Can’t seem to find my creamer this morning, honey for my tea, or any of my juices. My keys are even gone right now. WTH....so annoying I hate black coffee so bland, this is not a pleasant morning.



16:41 Mar 05 2019

Didn’t think that I’m this reckless. (Sighs) so frustrated feels like he is treating me like a child.



21:42 Mar 04 2019
Times Read: 669

So I’m very upset right now, why? Well because the last thing that I wanted was for Levente to tell his parents what’s going on. I mean now Anya is worried about me and feels bad for me. Even though Levente explained to me that I need to take it seriously. I don’t feel any better right now, I’m so pissed off. But if i do find out this to be true and then seeing it on paper. I don’t know how much strength I have to go through that again. I already told my mom how frightened I am to have it. Honestly I don’t think that him or his family will stick around for something like this again. I mean how I behaved myself to calling everyone around me liars, Just everything. I know that it’s probably going to be harder because my circle of trust has grown a little bit more. Now I decided to have my mom have a say so with these things. It’s just terrifying....I don’t want to talk anymore just really sad right now....

I guess that if anything Levente will be recording me again. so I don’t behave like he is my enemy again. I won’t blame him if he does walk away from me either. Well hopefully this is nothing and I can just be happy with life and continue to do what I love.



21:46 Mar 04 2019

So I’m so very sorry but I need to deal with this alone and hope others understand. I might drop by once in awhile but I kind of prefer to do some things alone okay.

21:53 Mar 04 2019

And oh yes I’m actually feel fine. It’s just that I really need some time to think about some things.

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