ladyofdragonrose's Journal

ladyofdragonrose's Journal


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9 entries this month

Can you believe it?

02:56 Aug 29 2009
Times Read: 615

I had a visit from my case worker Lauren yesterday. she wasnt supposed to come til today. I answered the door to her smiling face, actually was a cheshire cat smile. a cat who swallowed the carnary. I asked her what was up hesitantly..not sure what the smile could be.




Location, Location, Location.

02:20 Aug 23 2009
Times Read: 620

As I sit here, coming up with a dynamite ending to a story that Neil and I started writing a year ago. The characters have grown and become as real to me as anyone. In the midst of writing it I have since moved to a new home on the west side of town. The house as I have explained before is a two story, one bedroom home. It sits in the historical district of Hamitlon's west side.

Back in the early nineteen hundred's the area I live in was called then Rossville. Was a separate town from Hamilton. The bridge the dividing line. My great uncle, ( my grandfather's brother) owned a bar on main street called the Rossville Inn. It no longer is there but the building is still in use. I have to smile though, When I first got married at nineteen, I lived down the street and around the corner in an upstairs apartment.

what does that have to do with writing a story you may ask? I might incorporate the other houses around here into the final chapter. These homes would be spectacular for Mistress Celine and company. I am kinda of sad to see her go but thats wonderful about writing, We can always bring them back. I would love to see the novel of her story published. would be so awesom.




I'm Home

01:24 Aug 16 2009
Times Read: 622

finally have everything in the house, working on putting things in their proper place. I cannot believe the room i have now. The cats are enjoying themselves immensley. Alot of hidiing places, and with a new cat named Zeus its been fun watching them stalk each other and pouncing.

My neighbors are nice, a couple that just got married live next door. Another girl on the other side of me her name is Cindy as well. And another neighbor lives in back her name is Nancy. I had to laugh at that. Ive been going for walks on the street and walked down to the corner store a few times. Its not like where before the store was right next door. So it takes me a good ten minutes to walk it.

I used to live on this side of town once before on Park Avenue when I first got married to Rick. Being back in this nieghbor hood brings back alot of memories. It's nice and quiet and I love the privacy that I have. I planted my roses but the yellow rose bush Amanda got me for Mother's day isnt looking too good. Im hoping ti will take root and get a little better in a few days. I still have some gardening to do but will finish it up tomorrow.

Zeus loves to pounce on my stomach and paw at me to wake me up at five in the morning. He will learn lol.. I am alot happier here. I cant wait to finish fixing it up. My mom actually likes it but shes being a pain in the ass. she wants me to put things where she wants them. I had to tell her gently Mom I live here not you, be one thing if i had company all the time or hell if the family came over but thats not going to happen.




im getting settled.

14:07 Aug 11 2009
Times Read: 626

I finally moved in. got everything out of the old place and am cleaning and putting stuff away. I have went up and down these stairs lol i am so stiff this morning. almost didnt want to get up out of the bed. but too much to do.




Moving day

18:33 Aug 08 2009
Times Read: 631

it finally here

the day i move out to my new place. everything is done. the truck will be here around two thirty. loading everything up and then unpacking the stuff. shouldnt take me long at all to move.

My uncle Joe is passing today. They have called the priest to give him his last rites. He doesnt recognize anyone. he's dying at home which is our family custom so we can all say goodbye. I offered to go sit with my mother and help take care of his body after he passes, as I did with my grandfather. but she said no you dont want to be there.

i wasnt there when my grandmother passed. she didnt get to come home to die as my grandfather and ive always kinda held a grudge for them not letting her to come home. she wanted to come home. but the powers that be said no.

so the circle of life begins again. when one door closes another one opens. I found a small candle and lit it and made a prayer that the goddess sees him safely home to the ones that have passed. granny and papaw are waiting on him. And i know there will be celebrating tonight.in heaven.




U haul in the city

03:39 Aug 07 2009
Times Read: 638

tommorrow the computer will be shut off and turned on sunday. My mother is getting a uhaul so i can just put everything in it and go. igot everything ready. All that needs to be done is clean this apartment and the clean up my new home. I think im really going to love it there. its nice and quiet unlike here where you hear everything. some things your better off not knowing. there is more privacy at this place. And im looking forward to it. Only think I will miss about this place is the woods being so close and my patio and flower garden. this time I will be living in the city. Im not a city girl but i have lived in the city one before. I hated it lol. maybe im a bit more mellow about it now. we see how i feel after the first week. wish me luck! be back online sunday. You all take care.

loves and hugs





Moving Day

17:58 Aug 05 2009
Times Read: 640

today is the day, i have everything packed up and ready to go. i cleaned the bathroom and started on the bedroom. at two oclock i go and sign the lease and get the keys. the power has been switched on. only thing that needs to be done is turn off the power here and have time warner hook up the computer

just wish the clock would move a little faster lol




moving day tomorrow

05:36 Aug 04 2009
Times Read: 645

I finished up my packing. Was supposed to start moving. Lauren came by this morning with the news that transitional living would be helping me with the utilities. i talked to oz for a good bit this evening and decided to finish packiing my cd's up. then decided to clean out my desk. So one thing led to another and its 1230. I ran out of medication so i am up all night.

I would like to start moving tomorrow. As they said the house would be cleaned out and ready for me over the weekend hope to get the keys tomorrow. will turn off the computer last thing




Long Day

03:49 Aug 02 2009
Times Read: 652

Spent the day with Nancy off and on. She made dinner tonight and invited me over. I have been teaching her a little about her computer that Pat gave her. I also made her a Pogo addict. lol. She loves tri peak solitaire and was so excited she won wallpaper but didnt know how to go about using it as a desktop background. I showed her how to do it and then she asked about what did ty, bbl or bbs meant. So i printed out a list of netspeak.. she thought some of them were funny. I will miss Nancy when I move, but will be over here on Saturday's to clean for her.

Almost finished packing. Im throwing out my bed. The box springs and mattress were Ronnie's but the frame was mine. And they left behind a huge bed at the house. Just hope I have sheets that will fit it

Ran into one of the apartment managers. She asked me why I was moving and I told her why. Im not happy here. Of course, I will miss my small patio and the woods being nearby and my flower bed. It's the management that i hate. They do things to keep us residents in line. When in fact they are here for us. Not to tell us when things get done at their own conveniece.

She wasnt happy about what I said. And Im sure they have alot of explaining to Mr. Bloomfield, the apartment owner why a handful of tenants are moving out. We dont like Steve or Debby nor do we care for their half assed maintaince man, Jim.

I spoke too soon, The cats were getting along until now. Mickey was back to his old self chasing me and wanting to play tag. Zeus wanted in on the action so I played with them. Angel got out on the patio and did her rubbing and rolling around on the patio. Miss Emma was laid back as usual.

I have never wanted a weekend over so much lmao. Im anxious for the move. And wish monday would get here. I havent turned off my computer yet and will do that last thing.



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