leo8280's Journal


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3 entries this month

You know those weeks where you just think "Is it Friday yet"?

01:54 Oct 27 2007
Times Read: 569

Yeah, this was one of them.

It started with having to drive halfway to Houston to pick up my daughter (a 4 hour excursion, roundtrip).

Then, my best friend drops the bombshell that he's marrying this chick he's known all of three months. And sends me a picture of her...WOW. I expected better. I expected her to at least be cute. Nope. No tits. No ass. Nada. And he wants me to come to the wedding? Um, the last chick he was 'in love' with lived in his house (WHILE HE WAS DEPLOYED), bill-free, and, in the meantime, fucked (and got pregnant by) another guy. And he got rid of this one just weeks before he hooked up with his current girl. Then there was the one who gave him a disease (don't worry, it was cureable)....and the one who was married to a superior officer...and, well, you get the picture...

No one has heard from my mother in days. Don't know where she is. I worry, but at the same time, I can't get too worked up over this. She likes to disappear and cause people concern. She's been doing it since I was very young.

My daughter is pissing me off. Big time. She's got 100s on her daily work...but her tests she fails. Why? NOt because she doesn't understand...but because she doesn't 'feel like' doing her work. So, she's Wii-free, halloween-free, t.v.-free, DS-free...she's on the MAMA reading and math program. Which means she's reading 5th grade level and doing plenty of TAKs prep.

Finally, I worked till after 9pm yesterday. It's less physically demanding than my previous job...but damn, the numbers start running together...and when you're fucking with hundreds of thousands of dollars...that's not good...

So, hopefully, the weekend will be great. I saw the idiot on his way out to work and he wasn't acting an ass. I'm optimisitic that it's a good sign...because, dammit, I need to get laid...plus I want to get drunk...




It is always nice to have your feelings validated...

23:46 Oct 26 2007
Times Read: 572

When, without any prompt or background knowledge, someone affirms that someone you know is a 'cad' and an 'asshole,' it's nice to know you're not just being 'sensitive' or 'close minded.'




The way you get them is the way you lose them...

23:54 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 579

For whatever reason, I attract married men (and Muslims...and Africans...but those are separate entries). I've always been anti-adultery. As the daughter of a serial philanderer, I've seen what cheating does to a family.

One time I made an exception. See, I met this guy a few years back. We were great friends. He traveled extensively. He was frequently in Dallas (from which I'm only 97 miles).

For the longest time, I procrastinated meeting him in person. I did not feel right about meeting him. I just wasn't sure what would happen.

Finally, around my birthday, he was in Dallas. Wanted to take me out. I found a way out (work). However, I ended up having my schedule changed at the last minute. I did not call him (namely because I'd never asked for his number). When he found out, he was upset. He wanted to know why I hadn't called. When I used the (legitimate) excuse that I had no way to reach him, he promptly provided me with every possible contact known to man.

That struck me as odd. Why would someone just interested in being 'friends' give me all this? My answer came a couple of weeks later.

He confessed he had fallen in love with me.

Like a fool, I believed him. He constantly complimented me, was always calling me, wanting to take me everywhere, from London to Tokyo.

I was like "If you're serious, you know what has to happen [a divorce] because I do not date married men. I refuse to be the 'other' woman."

I asked him to think over and get back to me. And, until he was SURE, don't contact me. After about a month, he called me. Then he provided me with what looked to be legitimate divorce papers. I spoke with legitimate attorneys. I thought it was legit.

He started asking me to move to Charlotte (where his home was located). Went so far as to find places that were immediately available for rent.

But something just didn't feel right. Again, I put it off. I didn't want to make a move that would leave me very financially insecure and alone (except him) with my daughter.

When I refused to make that move on his timetable, shit hit the fan. Then, I just started questioning things. It just wasn't adding up.

I started distancing myself from him and, eventually, met someone who is single and geographically near me. I 'officially' ended things with the married man. But he wanted to hang on. In fact, after it was 'over,' he started to try and assert his 'place.' Told me not to get serious until his divorce was final...then we could resume where we left off.

About 2 weeks later, I found out through a mutual friend that, in addition to making plans to see me in Dallas on 2 Aug (Leo 8/2/80...do the math), he was making plans to see another chic in Chicago on 4 Aug.

The mutual friend called us on three way and thus began an 8 hour conversation in which we discovered that he'd been feeding us the same lies. Me for almost two years. Her for over 6.

See, I thought it was 'different.' We didn't meet in a bar or have some lustful fling. We were friends. We (read: ME) cared deeply about each other. He was in the process of divorcing his wife. It was 'real.'

But it wasn't. It never is. If a man truly 'adored' you? If he loved you? He wouldn't put you on the back burner. To be there when he's available. When it's convenient for him.

Furthermore, if he were a good man? He wouldn't cheat on his wife. If he were truly that miserable at home, he would leave. He wouldn't disrespect both you and his wife. His children? He would put their well being first and not lie and deceive them and their mother.

When it's truly not working at home, either you get outside help or, if you've tried that and failed or it's just too much (i.e. a drinking problem, abuse, adultery), you file for divorce. That's being a grown up and being responsible for your life and the choices you've made. It's okay to say "This isn't working."

He's not staying with his wife 'for the children.' He's staying because he wants to. At the end of the day, he wants to stay. If he didn't, he'd already be gone.

Now, I'm not perfect. We all make poor choices in love and lust. But, at the end of the day, I found my first inclination was right. Don't date attached men. Respect yourself. Respect a woman who is doing her damnedest to take care of a man and is being dogged out. Don't dog her, too. (And yes, participation in an affair? That's dogging another woman.)

Karma is a bitch. What you do to others will come back to you three fold.

That dude? Found out recently, he's done it again. Same script, slightly altered cast.



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