mercury07's Journal


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9 entries this month

Dreamer (c) All Rights Reserved

03:52 Oct 07 2007
Times Read: 633

Lazy summers, cold winter nights

are always alright, since I have you holding me tight.

I see that sparkle in your eyes,

through the dimness of the candlelight

you smile at me, then teasingly back your eyes.

We laugh, then you give me the sign,

and sip what's left of the wine,

your lips now meet mine, your sweet taste gets me every time.

We sit by the fire,

I see and feel the love in your eyes

Our desire grows higher, then our bodys entwine

For the first time.

It isn't a game and true love is the name.

It's an everlasting love we endure

a love, so clean and so pure.

A love so deep yet unseen.

I wake up with tears in my eyes

Once again...it was just a dream,

A cold winter night,

I spend once again...




Count the Ways (c) All Rights Reserved.

03:34 Oct 07 2007
Times Read: 634

Count the ways

The endless hours and the days

My heart will pain and ache for you

There’s nothing else that I can do

Nothing more I want than this

Love, comfort, peace and bliss

Vast is your love vast is your heart

From you I will never part

I know that we will never be

But I dream of you so constantly

The times my eyes have cried their tears

The times I gave into my fears

The loneliness I feel inside

I hope this feeling will subside

When I see you my heart skips a beat

I crave the day I feel your

I only need you to be complete touch

I want to hold you oh so much

I close my eyes and see your face

My time with you will not erase

Your tender lips, your graceful walk

Your loving smile, the way you talk

So count the ways

The endless hours and the days

I have spent on loving you

If you only had a clue




You Found Me (c) All Rights reserved

21:16 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 638

You had my heart,

Right from the start,

You are a part of me,

Without you,

I've been so lost,

But then you found me,

And now I know

What love really means,

Because you made me see,

That we are meant to be,

And now I know,

It's all okay,

And now I know,

That I can say,

Those three words,

Every single day,

Because you're here,

I have no fear,

There are no tears

On my face,

I know you're here,

I can feel your warm embrace,

I'll always care,

Don't think I won't be there,

I love you more than words can say,

I will never turn away...




The Broken Window (c), All Rights Reserved...

00:13 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 646

A Broken Window

Merely a mistake

Something so common

Blending into the world

Its angry edges

Its gloomy face

All ignored.

Simply disregarded.

How could something so transparent

become so hard to see?

What happened to this window?

What shattered all its dreams?

Running my fingers across it

Over every little imperfection

I see more than just a window

I see a crushed hope

An impossible dream

A whole world of pain and deceit

I stare at this window

And people begin to shape

I never would have guessed…

Why these people hide

Why they’re so silent

I connect their frustrations

With my own

And in the hints of reflection

I see myself clearly

Someone lost.

A Broken Window

A precious sign of home

Something so rare

But lost in the walls of society

I have to wonder…

How would the world change

If we noticed every broken window




Today, tomorrow, forever (c)All rights reserved.

00:06 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 647

Rain falling in your hair,

do I touch you, do I dare?

your eyes so full of splendor and light,

would it be okay, would it be right?

your smile like silver snow,

would it be alright to hold you like so,

sunlight sleeps on your skin,

I want to make you mine, but would it be a sin?

your hands like a safe hold,

so secure and warm, you grab on to my soul.

Your body as strong and firm as the noble world,

How do I have a chance, I’m just a normal girl.

But I feel you drawing me back into your arms,

pulling me back with your tender charms.

Now you take my hand to make me yours,

Then you take my heart and teach it how to soar.

Laying in the autumn grass,

I pray that this will last.

Opening our eyes to embrace the stars,

We take the wind and make it ours,

Now that we are together,

I plead for this to last forever,

So take this promise and my love,

b/c we are the things that dreams are made of!




Suicide's Final Kiss

02:57 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 652

All I see is darkness,

as I try to reach out for you,

I don't understand what's happening,

This is life before the death that happened...

Maybe it's fate and maybe it's too late to feel

what I used to feel so real...

but now the pain makes everything feel as it should

when I slip the cold metal razor across my wrists,

and the blood flows too freely and I feel better.

When you try to save yourself and realize you can't

even if you kneel in front of a judge who sealed your fate.

It means nothing because all you feel is the numbness

from hate and depression as you slice open the scars

of the unforgiving razor that has served you well for many years.

Now the blood runs from my wrists like a pair of blackened waterfalls

running red with the hate of lies and the depression of life.

Your soul becomes the owner of a lost female soul known as Suicide...

She becomes your keeper and she becomes your new fate.

She is lovely with her scars across her wrists, face,

ankles and places not to be mentioned.

She is a gothic beauty and yet she is a lost soul.

As I drop to my knees into the pool of my own blood and tears

she comes to comfort me as I steady the razor

on to my throat with shaky hands from the lack of blood.

She takes my hand into her hands as she inches closer;

breathing down upon me with her rot-smelling maggot infested breath,

and as she helps me guide the razor across my throat,

digging it deeper and deeper kissing my lips, and stealing the life from me.

Now she stands above my bloody corpse looking down at me

with her expressionless face as I stare up at her with my eyes now gone blank.

She has delivered the kiss of all kisses, the kiss that takes you away,

puts you to sleep and never gives in�this is the kiss of death.

This is Suicide's final kiss.




Little White Lines (c) All rights reserved...

02:50 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 654

Lavish designs; perfect red wine

Increasing your drug use

Too much cocaine, numbs the brain

Tip the scales - no excuse

Lucid dreams and unfurled screams

Enter where demons rot

White lines catch the lights that shine

Heroin, pot and jello shots

I'm fine, not drunk or high

Tighten the band, and squeeze your hand

Edge in poison - then fly

Liquid death steals your final breath

In this world, full of sin

Too much pain, drives insane

End of life - no one wins

Silent sleeping - no more weeping




Prince of Darkness (c) All rights reserved.

02:47 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 655

Prince of darkness, bat of night

Your perfect body is porcelain white

Born to the devil, raised by his touch

Torture me with the pain I crave so very much

Night after night, I worship your holiness

Bite and bite, ensnared by your loneliness

I reach for the truth from which you hide

Lovely and lonely I'm this Vampires Bride

Bewitched by your presence, dressed all in white

I love when you bleed me deep in the night

Drained by desire, drowned in the gloom

Shining above I see a sliver of the moon

The feel of your teeth penetrating my skin

Makes me long for eternal sin

Drawing forth rivers of my precious blood

Our emotions escalate into a satanic flood

Torture & tease my immortal soul

Cause being your lover was my ultimate goal

I didn't care that I'd have to die

Cause that made me this Vampire's Bride




Predator Hunted (c) All rights reserved

02:42 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 656

Held by bonds and words of power,

touched and called by Ancient Rite.

Demons walk through realms unseen,

summoned by the call of night.

Prince of darkness, bat of night

Your perfect body is porcelain white

You raise your wrist with misted eyes

And promise me eternal life when I die

Spawn of the devil, demon of hell

a predator hunted and I am prepared

To battle to your death and mine

To fight the fight with my fangs bared

Muffled are my cries of pain

As you suck the blood out of my veins

Sweeping me into the darkened night

Your with porcelain body wraps me tight

Nourished by my blood your body grows warm

As ripples and beads form on my lips

You nuzzle my face, sucking the blood

As the night grows darker with a suns eclipse

You raise your wrist to me with misted eyes

You promise me eternal life when I die

You hold me as I drink from you

Your essence starts to change me too

Words of power wrapped in hate

As spells of evil rise in flight

Silent whispers heard in my head

Coursing through the darkened night

Slit the wrists, ignore the pain,

slit the throat and let it drain.

No matter whose blood... it's all the same

to them it's life, to you it's a game.

Beautiful darling, soon-to-be husband

Your life blood is all I'll ever need

Together we will forever be

As I hunt the hunted 'til they bleed

You will forever be mine to hold

The nights will never grow lonely or cold

Nothing you say or do will sever

The bond between us now and forever



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