poizen543's Journal

poizen543's Journal


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7 entries this month


song: forbiden love

07:32 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 554

i go on my way

but i always come back to you

im trapped within a box

in which theres no escape

everytime i want to hold you close

something pushes me away

it's a forbiden love

oe we can not hide

it's a forbiden love

we fight to keep it alive

when we think that love is lost

it just revics

my heart yearns for you

what can i do

it's like a romeo and juliet story

we always must run and hide

im going out of my mind

it's a forbiden love

oe we can not hide

it's a forbiden love

we fight to keep it alive

when we think that love is lost

it just revics

it's a love hated by all

but it feels so right

when were in each others arms

it's a forbiden love

oe we can not hide

it's a forbiden love

we fight to keep it alive

when we think that love is lost

it just revics




song: watching over me

07:26 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 555

you were always by my side

always guiding me through life

but even though your gone

your love will still live on

i feel strength

when i am weak

i feel hope

when all is gone

cause i know your watching over me

you were always there for me

always guiding and protecting me

you gave me strength to be strong

you gave me love to carry on

i feel strength

when i am weak

i feel hope

when all is gone

cause i know your watching over me

M'm M'm M'm

cause i know your watching over me




song: born to love you

07:21 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 556

All the time i've wished

all the nights and days

than you came into my world

now everything has changed

something in the way you feel to me

M'm M'm M'm

i want you and no one else

your the only one i see

i was born to love you

i believe its my destiny

i am yours heart and soul

and all the rest of me

i was lost till i found you

now i know what to do

cause i was born to love you

theres a higher love

you remind me of

all beauty and true

you stay on my mind

baby all the time

you know theres no one but you




song: together

07:10 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 557

guy: tonight, in this light you look like an angel now i know we'll never be strangers again.

girl: how can i keep this secrete from my heart how did this feeling start oh, i dont want this feeling to end.

both: the way are together is so much better than we are apart you have my heart forever cause that just the way we are.

guy: how can i keep this secrete from my heart oh just how did this feeling start.

girl: but i always want it to stay the same oh ya!

both: the way are together is so much better than we are apart you have my heart forever cause.

guy: thats just the way.

girl: thats just the way.

both: thats just the way we are.




Money and wealth

06:24 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 560

Money and wealth are nice things to have they can make you fell important. fast cars, big house, diamonds and furs can make people think that you have really made it. But take another look to see the real things in life. Your first love, holding a newborn baby. The memory of your mothers touch after she has passed away. Feeling the warm embrace of the one you love. These are the things in life that truly matter. The things you can take with you when you leave this place.

When you leave this world and move onto the next. No suitcases will be allowed, no tropies, no checkbooks, no fancy cothes. Your wealth will be measured soley by the amount of love you take with you, that is all that can cross over and stay with you through eternity.

I may not be able to give you treasures you seek, but you are my friend, my love, and I give that to you freely and abundance, it is unconditional and pure. And i am so proud to have able to contribute to your WEALTH I love you.




Thy immortal

11:32 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 565

Thy immortal to never die. But life and death is the ultimate prize. So hard I try to die but I will always be immortal. I lie awake every night hoping, dreaming, wishing to die but Im still immortal alive and well. Not being immortal is what I want to live free and happy till death lets me die. Some people wish to live forever to be immortal but than they find out how long forever really is. Cause life can be good or life can be bad but only a few people get to chose how long to live there life. Even weather to go to heaven or to go to hell. That is the question many have asked some have answered only the one's who can unlock there power get to chose heaven or hell life and death or to be immortal forever. Sadly I am still immortal never to die to live forever. The one’s who can chose are the one’s who die first. so they don’t have time to chose. before they even find out that they have the chance to choose they die. not getting the chance. I was one of them i had the chance to choose to die or to live forever. I don’t know how or why but I chose to be immortal but it’s too late for me now it has been 14 teen years. So now this is my life to find people who have the power to choose and help them make the right chose not to be immortal. fore I don’t want them to suffer like me. So that my life now you know what I feel. How I feel. What I want. What I wish. What I dream. And what I have been praying to happen for years.





11:27 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 566

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, he said... no... 

She asked him if he would want to be with her forever

....and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry.

And once again he replied with a no.  

She had heard enough. As she walked away,

tears streaming down her face the

 Boy grabbed her arm and said....

You're not pretty you're beautiful.

 I don’t want to be with you forever.

I NEED to be with you forever, and I wouldn't cry

If you walked away...I'd die ... 

I like you because of who you are to me.

You're a true friend.



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