rajakitty's Journal

rajakitty's Journal


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16 entries this month

01:22 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 633


How to piss off a kitten? wake his ass up like he does mine muahahahahahahahaha





00:57 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 635

halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

some lady put this as a stamp woohoo. Now if I could only get some hehee

ponders the enjoyable cool weather we are having in Florida will it last who knows. Looked at the stars and just stared for about a half hour walking leo today. It was brillant and I saw orion and for so reason it made life seem worthwhile..

sighs October my favorite time of year.

mmmmmm toasting pumpkin seeds and warming the heart with joy and love of autumn meetings for hallows eve is soon here.

meow le purrrrrrrrrr





00:28 Oct 26 2008
Times Read: 642

Moshie the new kitten is a handful. Leo and Moshe are now friends which is very cool. Other then that Moshe likes attacking my hair, keeping me up until 200 am, running around like a chicken with out a head and wow goes back for more and plays tag with leo. So the animals are both wired for sound which is cool. But it leaves me with lack of sleep and cat napping in the wee hours of the afternoon..

Working is challenging va and ca are now one. and triaging for both has been getting rough. I have been doing the best I can and getting the stuff done with little help and no knowledge of va. 30 minutes of training and guessing the rest of the way yes that is my week at work.

I have been stressed out and seriously introverted more so. I went to therapy for the death of Alex and boowie. I keep seeing him in dreams and boowie leading me to a house I have never seen. I hear him purr and then see this land and house and there Alex is working on the house.

My therapist says I need to get out and do stuff. Find new friends what are her suggestions?

Stalk new friends and observe people around work and adapt to the younger generation.

uh no

going to hobbie and club like things

not that old

going on line and finding new friends been there done that have that thanks.. without the stalking and hobbie going.

I am a cancer I dont go places and do things and I am not one that hangs out with everyone under the sun and hellllll most people around me are closed minded or closed minded to a group of people so okay I have a few close friends that yes are real but my god where did she get off with go out and live by stalking fucking people?????

I was so insulted I was yesing her to death for the rest of the time and left with a quickness.

I have not felt this type of oh my god what the fook in awhile....

other then that my week was nothing but stress, a seriously bad fling and lol a top of the morning to you on crazy town by the end of the week.

the joys of life and living





23:31 Oct 21 2008
Times Read: 649

I miss boowie


He was my baby for 22 years and though my friend was trying to help by getting a kitten. I am not sure how to react to the kitten for he is way to playful and loves my hair and his claws after cutting them are still freakin sharp. I have a bast alter which he defiled and literally took the toy that used to be boowies and smack it all around like it was nothing or more so his. I began to cry for I really miss boowie and he was my heart. The kitten is adorable and I am grateful that leo my dog and him get along but my heart just is not into it or my head is stuck on what I am used to. A well mannored baby. A baby that knew when to stop.

I am not over him and I mounr him kind of awful...

Eh maybe one day I will see him again but until that time I have this new being that I am not sure how to handle.




an article alex sent me before he died very unique huh?

03:12 Oct 19 2008
Times Read: 660

Soulmate Telepathic Relationships.

Telepathy and psychokinesis have been proven by scientific experiments conducted over 30 years at Princeton university: (PEAR) program

We don't hear much about this in the media because of the prejudice of old-school science to what has for so long been in the realm of the supernatural.

As one scientist commented, "even if it were true, I wouldn't believe it" [The PEAR Proposition, DVD, see the Princeton site].

But the evidence is there and is as substantial and valid as the evidence for electrons. So what does this mean for us and for our search for our soulmate?

It means that we are absolutely connected to our soulmate. Even those who doubt the existence of an eternal soulmate who is entwined with them through many lifetimes can be guaranteed that they are still connected to someone in the world who is of the most like-minded to them.

The existence of telepathy has many connotations. It means there is a whole world of interaction, a web of communication and shared thoughts and feelings of which most of the world is as yet unaware.

As the experiments at Princeton have shown, telepathy is instant across any distance. You could be communicating with your soulmate who is on the other side of the world, or next-door.

If you have had a feeling that there is someone out there for you, and you can sometimes feel him or her so deeply, but you are afraid to believe it. You can be assured that these feelings are likely to be real. You don't have to believe in a soulmate or a destiny; the telepathic contact has been proven by science.

As the Princeton studies have shown, the telepathic contact is stronger with someone who you "click" with. Since telepathy knows no distance, then the biggest "click" would be with your soulmate, or if you don't want to believe in soulmates, it would be with the one who is perfect for you.

If you want to find your soulmate or your perfect partner, you need to learn how to recognize your telepathic contact and strengthen the connection. Once this is achieved, a pair of soulmates should be able to find each other through being bold enough to follow their dream.

You have one head start: you now know that telepathy actually exists. There is no doubt. So you don't have to believe, you now know and you can use this knowledge to fulfill and enrich your life.

So, the next time your eyes meet a stranger and there is something powerful in that instant, don't ignore it, it could be the mystery of you and your soulmates colliding.


Self Evolution.

The Science of Soulmates goes into great depth about developing the mindstate to allow telepathic contact. This is not meditation only. Meditation in itself is a wonderful experience that can calm your being, bring you into the present moment and reach higher areas of your being. The techniques in the Science of Soulmates go further and provide a complete program for self evolution. The method of self evolution has many layers and instructs how to light the depths of your being, allowing your larger self to awaken. If done properly and faithfully you will feel your soulmate and you will begin to remember them. You will also more and more feel the being of existence which is your source. You will enter a wider realm and you will know, and no longer have to believe. The methods if practised regularly are truly life transforming. You will become your true self, and you will enter a world that you did not know existed. Life will become an intensely aware dreamlike experience where trees and landscapes and all reality will mean something entirely different than what you have become used to. Everything will come alive and shine with its essence. You will step into a wider reality. You will be intimately connected with all of existence.

Can you remember the wonder the world beheld when you were a child? As You self evolve you will again enter this wonder and go even further into a world overflowing with magnificence. How do I know this? Because I have been there. I spent more than a decade totally devoted to entering more fully this wider reality. It is possible for you to get there. More than this it is your birthright. It is the way we are meant to be, but our higher self has been stolen away by the materialism of our world and the unreal expectations that "adults" must live up to. We can all live more fully and fulfilled, with a deep connection to existence. And the method of self evolution is not difficult. It is so easy. The only "difficult" thing is finding at least half an hour per day, or an hour every 2nd to third day to practice. The practice itself is simple. Simply stilling your mind. The method of self evolution instructs how to navigate and utilize your higher faculties that come out of this simple mind stilling. Also, it will save your life, for you will become the self that never dies, and you will know this.

You will become your own authority and you will know how to strengthen your telepathic contact with your soulmate who you will feel all around you. In a way, when you reach your higher self you will have found your soulmate because they will be with you. The methods of self evolution in The Science of Soulmates are very specific, but after you have mastered them you will no longer need to practise, because you would have become you. Your soulmate and you are worth the effort.


Tools to find your Soulmate

The methods of self evolution will bring you to your fuller being and you will become your truer self. This alone will attract your soulmate (and vary many others!) No matter what their physical appearance, someone who has "found" their true self and are being deeply their self is very attractive to other people. Adults, children and animals unconsciously recognize a true soul, and are drawn to that true soul. Once you have become yourself you will feel this attraction from others as a tangible force.

Cambridge biologist Oscar Bagnell designed special hollow lenses filled with colored dye that sensitized his eyes and enabled him to view the aura. (see The Science of the Soul) Bagnell and other aura watchers say that every once in a while a much brighter ray “reaches out from the aura like a searchlight” and extends several feet from the body before vanishing again. These rays are like a gentle touch, and you will feel them as tangible as if a person had touched you, but with this touch comes an instant knowledge of their being.

This is what human beings are constantly involved with. This energy interaction is constant. When you evolve to your true self you will consciously enter this world and be able to manipulate it. You can for example "hold" people near you for a extended time, and they will stay longer than they planned. You can also do the opposite. You can calm people and even heal them. I remember as an art student, sitting in a lecture theater using my energy to touch the ear of girl a few rows down, and how she touched her ear and turned around smiling looking for the culprit. She was obviously attuned to this deeper world that most are oblivious to.

Are you beginning to see the tools that self evolution can provide to help you find your soulmate and lead a richer life? In The Science of Soumates, my main goal in this area is to provide the methods to self evolve so you can enter this wonderful world. Once you have become your true self you will make your way in this world and pick up the tools you can use to find your soulmate and have some fun along the way. I don't go into the nuts and blots of tools to find your soulmate. The tools are something I could not describe in words. They are ways of reaching out with your feeings that only an evolved soul would know. This is why I show the reader how to self evolve. But I will try to generalize about some tools.

The attraction of others to your true self in one tool. You must realize that no amount of socializing or speed dating will help you more than being your true self. So spend time becoming your true self and then go to where people are. They will be attracted to you and you can feel them and feel for your soulmate. I have said before that when you self evolve you will feel your soulmate all around you. So you know who you are feeling for. This feeling for them can be practised while alone. And alone time is necessary to feel them. Within your expanded being you will have feelings of other places or people or situations, and it pays to follow these intuitions. It is said that feelings of Deja vu happen when you are on the right path. In my experience this is true. The Deja vu often occurs when you have an experience that you previously dreamed of. And dreams are a powerful way to connect to our soulmate. You can say to your self before sleep that you will connect with your soulmate in your dreams. After awhile this could very well happen, but dreams involve many levels so unless you have self evolved you will not recognize (feel) what is real from what is the stuff of dreams.

You can practise astral travel, however in my experience this can be fraught with dangers because you will happen across other astral travelers that may have evil intentions. The astral travel world is full of others, and most don't know that they are traveling. Also the practise can interfere with your sleep habits and can cause lasting disturbances in your being from some encounters. Even in the book from which I studied astral travel there was a warning from the author that astral travel can crack the egg before the chicken (us) is ready to come out. Therefore I do not provide instructions for astral travel, but there are many books on the subject.

Be aware of serendipity... your higher being and your soulmate will send you clues on how to find one another. Recognizing a soulmate comes in many forms and again, if you have not self evolved these clues will simply not be seen by you. Clairvoyants can be a good tool if you get the right one. The information from a clairvoyant sometimes should not be taken literally and be seen more as a metaphor. Again, to sound like a broken record, it is imperative that you take the time to self evolve so you can know the truth.

When you meet your soulmate, in person or in dreams, or even on the internet, you will feel a very powerful connection.... it is imperative that they feel the same, and they will if they are your soulmate. If they don't it is probably because something about them reminds you of your soulmate and the feeling of connection is with your actual soulmate who is still out there searching for you.

So the main tool in finding your soulmate is you. Your true self. Spend time to become your true self and this higher most powerful being will find the way.





03:11 Oct 19 2008
Times Read: 661

omg the cat lol pardon kitten is a firey ball of energy with no off switch!!!!!!!!!!!

Great gods I am going to kick the pa off my friend that gave me this kitty from omg hell. Cute but ebil that is all I am saying!!


can he always be tired or something?? wow

meow I am just not adjusting is all. Between finding old poems Alex wrote and pictures of my older cat, I am abit of a mess today





01:09 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 665

Well I got the pictures of up Leo and Moshe meeting and Moshe and me :P.

I am getting used to the little kitty and Leo and Moshe are slowly getting along.

Other then that work yanked our overtime and well I have to somehow not worry about it. That is abit harder. Other then that life is okay..




rofl okay more sorry

02:05 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 673

wtf Pictures, Images and Photos

sex Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuvok Pictures, Images and Photos

JailbaiT Pictures, Images and Photos

Rock Bottom Pictures, Images and Photos




more omg funnyssssss

01:56 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 674

motivation or motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

Facepalm Pictures, Images and Photos

Beauty Pictures, Images and Photos

Sneak Pictures, Images and Photos

No one... Pictures, Images and Photos




01:42 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 676

motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos




01:37 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 677

Babaysitting Pictures, Images and Photos

Embarrassment Pictures, Images and Photos

Hot Women Magic Swords Pictures, Images and Photos

motivation or motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

Bad Ass Motivation Pictures, Images and Photos





01:26 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 678

motivation or motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

Motivation - Heterosexuality Pictures, Images and Photos

MARRIAGE Pictures, Images and Photos

Misinformation Pictures, Images and Photos

STUPIDITY Pictures, Images and Photos

pussy Pictures, Images and Photos

Dumb Fucks Pictures, Images and Photos

Toilet Rape Pictures, Images and Photos




My research lead me to this kitty

16:18 Oct 05 2008
Times Read: 686

The xmas gift for Leo since boowie is gone and moved on.. He misses Boowie deeply and continues to look at the door so it will be a new found friend for my baby Leo.. A temple cat and temple dog! woohoo





00:52 Oct 04 2008
Times Read: 691

My friend allowed me to bury him in her herbal garden. She also finally burried her cat's ashes which she did not know what to do with it. So it was egyptian style cats crypt. I place kitty milk, a bottle of water catfood and kitty nip and placed him in a towel of moons and stars placed prayer beads and prayed over him and her cat as she burried the cats.

So I am abit depressed. First it was my boyfriend a month ago in a bike accident and now my one and only cat. I feel like my timing sucks and life really isnt meant for me. I just dont get it. Why do they die and the timing I guess. I thinking my therapist was right when she said you loved at least. Which I did. But my cat was my magick maker, my mirth, my purrring baby when I needed upliftment. when I was sick he would sit with me.

To see him go was sad and I didnt want him to be alone when he passed on. SO I stayed and cried like a baby petting him till the lights went out and his last breathe was taken. I hope he went with Alex and that he is happy with him.

I just feel alone and I feel like my two best friends have been taken from me.

It is like my fairy godmother decided to slap me with a toaster and then rip my heartout and ate it.

Vivid yeah. I am just really numb and not sure where to go from here.

Leo my dog has moped around and I totally understand it. His friend is not around to greet him, steal his food, or play with him. I am not sure if I want another cat nor a nother dog but it is not far to Leo to be by himself.

When I am not at home and at work.

eh life makes an interesting,in a way of life that is for sure different.




Today was a day

20:14 Oct 03 2008
Times Read: 695

Today was a day

Bowie passed away. My beloved animal and cat. 29 years old and good god what do I do with out him

Work has been crazy. A rumor is floating around that I am dating and having sex with Zack . Zack likes this factor and enjoys it highly. Josie cam eup to me today and asked me if something happened with Zack and I . I was floored. Mark asked her and well told him uh no. She said you aren’t going back out with are you? I was like Josie we are friends that is all . You know that. So why can’t we just be friends not have issues? Because the area I am in is a bunch of herflings and they believe we are dating and such . I am over it. Why am I? For he does not feel the same way and that he never did and I am not going to be like heyyyyyy yeah we are when we aren’t and he is saying just say yeah we are. I think it is funny. I said I don’t and hung up

Then the herflings cackled away with what is wrong with Zack? I said great just great more crap. In my head. Outside I was like he is not attracted to me in that mannor. If he was it wouldn’t be an issue. Zack did not say anything and then Nekki chimed in saying I was making a big deal of it for I liked him and want him. I just shut up and said nothing. Then Zack started a bunch of crap Why can’t a woman and a man just be friends?!




Pets rule

00:25 Oct 03 2008
Times Read: 700

To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height.

Dear Dogs and Cats,

The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack; Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is not required.

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.

2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)

3. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.


Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:

1. Eat less

2. Don't ask for money all the time

3 Are easier to train

4. Normally come when called

5. Never ask to drive the car

6. Don't hang out with drug-using friend s

7. Don't smoke or drink

8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions

9. Don't want to wear your clothes

10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and...11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.



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