shadowgamer0828's Journal

shadowgamer0828's Journal


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4 entries this month

Entry 4

21:59 Oct 15 2021
Times Read: 97

Today and yesterday was rough yesterday I started passing out don’t know why though probably because I haven’t drunk any blood besides the tiny bit of blood I get from my sore fingers which I decide to stop poking today which sucks because now I have zero acsess to blood and suspecting parents also the passing out is getting out of hand yesterday in passes out while practicing driving with my dad to get my licenses we were getting ready to get on the highway I blanked out and woke up to my dad turning my steering wheel away from the car that was coming at us at fifty miles a hour I was able to convince him it was nothing after an hour of listening to him yelling at us not only that though but now my eyes are sore everywhere I go except for my dark basement which is nice I’m guessing it’s something to do with the light but maybe not oh just so everyone who’s reading this knows yes I already talked with LadyBloodMoon which if your reading this thank you a lot and for everyone else yes she’s helping me so please stop messaging me about it because it’s taken care now back on topic okay things are getting out of hand and as I said I stopped drinking blood and have no way to get any substitutes because my parents will notice very easily if I ask them to head to the store where they will have to drive me and pay since they are in control of my money and on top of that this town is a animal blood free zone, not cool! So I can’t get blood or substitutes with out my parents noticing my change in taste or just the out right disgusting habit that they will try to find out the reasoning behind this is going to suck and on top of that I’m sixteen and don’t turn eighteen until two years from now so I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive at this point if all the facts are true also on top of that I don’t know if anything else really is supposed to happen besides the blood lust and the extreme weaknesses and if something else is supposed to happen I do t know when it will so this is fun if I suddenly one day don’t message for a year you know I’m either dead from some blood related thing or I’m caught by my parents and am in a insane insylium




Entry 3

00:12 Oct 15 2021
Times Read: 113

I don’t know what’s been happening but my head is spinning constantly not like dizzy spin though just spin also it’s weird my minds blank when I just do nothing my mind is a empty shell with no thoughts as we speak as I’m typing this there is not a single noticeable thought in my head which is weird also I think I poked my self to much because I can’t feel my hands ps my blood isn’t doing anything anymore and I don’t like it. It feels weird and I am majorly tired even though I slept in this morning also school was terrible I had to sit i classes with ton of kids around me who if you didn’t realize are full of blood the end of the day was worse a kid had there finger bleeding all I could do was stare at there finger forcing myself not to lunge out of my seat and go the two steps to get to them and be able to drink that to sate myself which by the way sucks very bad because you know you can’t do it but it’s like something else is trying to force you to do it and your just playing tug of war with it to stay in control it sucks!

End of entry 3




entry 2

16:01 Oct 14 2021
Times Read: 130

today everything tastes disgusting I don't like it, stuff still tastes normal it just doesn't seem right I wish I had more blood but I've been only able to get it from my body's supply which let's just say is getting less and less and I feel numb in my fingers from how many times I've poked them with a needle and it's getting harder and harder to hide it from my parents they caught me once but I was able to cover tracks. but it's getting harder ad harder every day and I want more and more blood every day too my body's not going to be able to handle it and I'm running out of options.

end of entry 2



18:05 Oct 14 2021

You should ask LadyBloodMoon for help she has experience in these things.

18:34 Oct 14 2021

thanks i will


entry 1

19:27 Oct 13 2021
Times Read: 140

one day I cut myself on a binder by instinct I sucked off the blood immediately I realized that the blood didn't taste like it usually did instead it had flavor a very good flavor to be exact it was probably one of the best things I tasted I almost forgot about it that day if it wasn't for me constantly thinking how good it tasted and how memorable it was I couldn't stop thinking of blood and at school the net day the same thing I wasn't able to stop thinking about blood but this time it wasn't like just a background thought it was more like I need more of it I was addicted I knew it I just couldn't tell why and then i though what could happen if i try other peoples blood and that's were things got awkward i would stare at people veins on there body thinking that it would be fine to poke the person in front of me with a pen hard enough that blood would drop so i could drink it but i restrained myself and ran out of the school the moment the bell rang went home and just took blood out of my own body reserve by picking my finger with a sterile needle. I'm glad that's taken care of but now how am I supposed to get blood I probably won't find anyone who will give it to me and it doesn't feel good poking myself every time I need blood because as I said I am addicted
end of entry 1



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