unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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26 entries this month

Cancer is human too...

04:35 Jul 31 2007
Times Read: 588

Well, what happened, is that two people bought her a 1 year membership.. Both you and SouthernFreak. I must have forgot to message you.

On 23:15:03 Jul 28 2007 unpretty wrote:

Okay thank you so much! I know you usually message me, so after a while. I started to worry. Thanks for getting back to me. -smiles-


On 23:13:53 Jul 28 2007 Cancer wrote:

I'm sorry, I thought I messaged you. Yes, she was activated. Thanks again ;)

On 22:56:54 Jul 28 2007 unpretty wrote:

I was wondering if you got my payment to get Catalunah a permium membership. I was just worried that it hasn't gone through.





I miss him so much.

20:46 Jul 28 2007
Times Read: 593

I feel so isolated from the rest of my friends right now, they either have someone or are content with their situation. Yet, as the days have streamed into weeks, I have managed to survive on phone calls and messages from my love. No one has any idea how I trully feel, other than that I miss him. I don't think they have any idea how lonely it is without him.

I don't smile as much as when I'm with him, and when I do smile it's because it's polite. I do smile alot with my friends, but it just isn't the same. I feel whole when he is around, I feel like my confidence has shot through the roof. I feel completely at ease. No one else can do that for me.

He is the reason why I've become better, he is my reason for moving forward. I want to just be with him. I want to hug him, kiss him, cuddle. I just can't have that right now. It's been 3 weeks since we last saw each other. It'll be another 2 before I can see him again.

I want to see him. I want to hold his hand. I feel as if my heart will break without him. He has everything in me. I feel so empty.





15:30 Jul 26 2007
Times Read: 601

I cut off all my hair yesterday, and it looks really cute. Also, it's the end of my summer term tonight. I will be taking 3 tests to see if I can make the grade! :P I really hope so. I don't want to take College Algebra for a third time. It sucks having to be like that. I don't like math. I also have to finish all of the sections by tonight to make the grade, so I am hoping to get that done too.

Anyways, I will be go off to swim for the day. YAY! relaxing. I will not be taking anything to study, because over studying can actually make you do poorly. Also if you don't try to make yourself relax before a test, it also makes it worse on you.





06:16 Jul 25 2007
Times Read: 612

Yes, I do claim people as family. Unfortunately, my younger brother that I claim, is so mean! I love him to death, but he likes to say things that aren't very nice. He is funny though, I got back at him, by rubbing my butt on his pillows. Yes, my butt had clothes on, but it still grossed him out. It made me laugh.

He was all like "EWWWW!" and then I did the evil laugh thing. Then I wiped the pillow on his face, and he gave me a grossed out face. Which made me laugh more. Then he said "I'm going to moon you in your face." Then I said, "Good, I'll lick your crack." Then he got the gross out face again and I about fell over into another fit of laughter. Then he was like "Ewww, nevermind then."

Man. I love to tease him. but, eh...I'm going to work tomorrow and he's going with me to see me get my hair cut. woohoo...I'm excited!





15:44 Jul 24 2007
Times Read: 619

I really like playdough, it helps with stress and it makes me feel all happy again. I also have something else to add...I love the smell. Is it weird to ponder eating it?

I don't know! But I love it!

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I'm cutting it off!

03:20 Jul 24 2007
Times Read: 625

I am getting rid of my long locks for something more healthier...so yeah...no more long hair. Won't you all be shocked? NO! why? because you won't be able to really see a difference, my hair isn't on display on VR. THANK GOD! I am not one to sit there and actually do that. My hair is icky.

Here are my three different ideas...

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Also, I'm thinking about dying my hair. Possibly just highlighting it....I don't know yet though....





05:25 Jul 23 2007
Times Read: 628

I'm cutting mine tomorrow, and I think I will dye it soon. -smiles-

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How I miss my black hair. But soon...soon...I will have some other hair color to love!




Hairspary, Silly String, and cleaning....

17:41 Jul 22 2007
Times Read: 633

I had a slumber party on Friday night, and it was a blast. I bought like 18 cans of silly string and covered alot of the girls with it. But they got me back too. It was so funny. But, you can see the pictures for yourself. Let's just say I learned a few things about silly string...fun to spray, but not fun to clean up. I still have it on the back porch. I have to scrap it off. It's going to take me a while.

Then of course Hair Spray, I went and saw it with my friends. It was great...you need to see it. John Travoltra in a dress was great. Him singing was even better then, of course the dancing. I about died when he started sing and dancing. I do have to say this....It was confusing how to take the parent's relationship. I know they're playing a straight couple, but come on! I was thinking the whole time....could this be considered transexual love? -chuckles-

Yeah...cleaning...I am in the process of it. You will hear rants about silly string in the future. If you play with it....make sure it's in the yard! :P





06:24 Jul 20 2007
Times Read: 638

I am very sleepy, but before I go to bed...let's just say I had a great time today. I got to go to celebration station and had a blast. I ate too much...but I'll be alright. It was just great, and one of my favorite counselors came back.

I'm glad, because she is awesome!

I also got to hang out with my little brother, my best friend, and new friend. -chuckles- We were supposed to see Hair Spary, but it didn't happen. Oh, well...all is good. I'll just have to see it some other time.

Tomorrow, I'm throwing a party....having a slumber party. WOOT, WOOT! I can't wait...bring out the anime, manga, tarot cards, and such! :P I love throwing parties.





00:24 Jul 19 2007
Times Read: 640

It's been rather warm here in Oklahoma, but it's nice. The wind has been blowing so hard, but I love the feeling against my hair. It also brings the smell of sweet grass. -smiles-

I watched puffy clouds roll by me today, and I tried to pick out pictures of them. It was very very interesting. I could of brought out a blanket, sat under a tree and slept of even read for awhile.

It was one of those days were the weather was just perfect, and I just wanted to be lazy. I guess that is why I work, because I can't be lazy. -laughes-

I do hope that I will get some of this weather on a day off of mine. But, I'll have to drive somewhere for shade...my house doesn't have a big tree for me to lay under....atleast not enough for me to like it....





14:13 Jul 18 2007
Times Read: 646

I get to wear a yellow shirt to work, because it is respect day. Why does this make me happy? Because it means that I can wear something else other than the work shirts, which are relatively ugly. They don't want you to have any form at all in them, which means you walk around looking like you have a box figure....not very flattering at all to the body.

But, yay! for yellow shirts. I can't wait to get home though, I have some more work to do. Tomorrow I get to see hair spray for free, with three of my friends. -smiles-

I believe the movie is going to be great! If the stage performance is really good, then I'm sure that it will be just as good or better on the big screen. Maybe the cast will have yellow on too?

Not to mention that, I am going to celebration station for free. It's alot like Chuckie Cheese, but alittle different. Most of my friends here, thought it was crazy that I had never been to one as a kid. But, hey! I have been once now, and tomorrow will be twice. I just hope that things go smoothly.

I don't want to have to repeat myself to the kids, as if I was speaking spanish to them. -chuckles- I wonder what they would do if I could.

Man, Yellow....I guess I went completely off topic. But, right now it's my happy color.





04:02 Jul 18 2007
Times Read: 651


I'm so frustrated that I can't type words to explain how much I detest the subject. If we all talked in numbers, I would be so screwed! And if we had to write in numbers, oh man! I WOULD HAVE NO TALENT AT ALL!!!





Artificial Snow.

00:18 Jul 18 2007
Times Read: 656

Well, I guess at work, they bought something to make artificial snow. Yeah, I bet you're thinking..."SO WHAT?!"

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW AWESOME IT IS?! It's texture is that of sand off a beach, you know...the mushy kind. But, it stays cool all the time. I was having so much fun.

I got some thrown at me, and I was working on cuting some pages for science and it made me jump. What's really cool about it, is it drys and you can use it over and over and over. It does come from some special sand though.

I love the stuff. I wanna get some of my own.




Harry Potter

21:14 Jul 15 2007
Times Read: 677

This last one was a great movie, everything I expected and more. I really hated the lady described in the 5th book so much, and the actress that played her did a great job. I am looking forward to the next Harry Potter movie... Although if Daniel Radcliff will not be playing Harry, then I will have to just stop with this one...

I heard a rumor about him not being able to play in the next one, because he posed nude or something. I think it's rediculous that people will try to hold artist's back from doing what they want. Daniel isn't going to be 12 years old forever. My goodness, he's 17 and over in the UK it's like the American 18. GEEZE!

But, hey...I cannot wait for the book to come out. I am so ready to read what Ms. J.K. Rowling has to say to us. I hope that it isn't what I suspect will be happening. So, who do you all think it will be? Harry dead or Voldemort dead? I would bet Voldemort being dead in the end, and if not Voldemort, then both of them.

Yeah...I will be knocking around some ideas about this....-smiles-





04:34 Jul 13 2007
Times Read: 685

Simply put this: Work could care less if I leave, just because I can't handle alittle shown up by some stupid male.

So, I'm told if there is anything wrong. Just tell the lady at the head. The lady that BSes her ways out of things. The lady that not only thinks she understands, but actually believes I'll tell her anything.

Yeah. I don't care.




Some insight.

05:11 Jul 11 2007
Times Read: 691

Just so you all know, it is very hard for me to open up even the tiniest to someone. If I do open up to you, then you're very lucky. I had a very bad spill with a friend of mine, last winter. It has hindered me in the trust factor. I still do trust people, but it isn't to the extent that I used to do it. I will not hand you my heart, just because you say 'Hi' to me! JEEZE!

Also, I do make friends really easy, I promise that I'm nice. I just don't want people to get upset with thinking that I'm really stuck up. I don't try to be that way, it's just one of the things I do to make sure you're not trying to fuck me over.

So. Don't take my small comments back, as me not wanting to be your friend. I am just very...protective of myself right now. I cannot allow people that want to stomp on me in my life. I have been way too nice, and it's just how it goes.





03:05 Jul 10 2007
Times Read: 698

It seems that at work a little girl named Chase, has decided that i am the person to cling to. Her father went to Iraq, and well she isn't listening to anyone...but me. I guess maybe I am just someone that can help her cope with whatever is going on in her life. Although she has loved me since she first met me, and we've had a great counselor-child relationship sense.

I had to help get her out of the pool today, it was funny. I had to use the trick, called 'show me.' I had to bend down to her, and say 'Chase why don't you show me how good you can get dressed by yourself.' Of course she got all excited and ran off to do what I asked. How adorable...if only I could teach her to bring me things....like information...nah...

But, I nicknamed her monkey, because she had to follow me around. She loved to be on my back and in my lap. I feel like a human Jungle gym. So, yeah Monkies...you've got to love them.

Not only that her mother was surprised that she was listening to me. Probably because I have that special ever so cool gift with children?




My development as a human being.

23:10 Jul 08 2007
Times Read: 706

Conception, it’s hard to really pinpoint my conception seeing as I was an unplanned birth. I can tell you that I was conceived over in Great Ol’Britain where my father had been stationed for the time being. My mother was unaware of me being there until a little over three months when she had her first doctors visit. Unlike normal doctors that you can go to right away, in the military they keep you to the date. It means a lot of waiting, but she knew I was there at 2 months. The doctor’s visit was really straight forward, to the point and not much else could be said about it. The announcement of her being pregnant with me, wasn’t until a week later. The emotional response was that of surprise from the family, because well I was an unplanned birth like I said before.

Before my mother realized that she was pregnant, she thought that I was a gall stone which was later proved wrong. During her pregnancy with me, she dealt with morning sickness through all the first trimester and on through part of the second. Through most of the first trimester she didn’t know I existed, so it was fast and visibly not seen. In the second trimester, she dealt with me getting bigger of course and being sick most of the day. The third trimester, became uncomfortable for her like most women get. I was rather active in the utero, and often kicked, and pushed around. My mother went into labor too early once, and had to be rushed to have it stopped. In that time, because of my activity my mother thought that I was a boy. Just because she had my brother to think about it. Other than the listed things above, my mother had a normal pregnancy.

The doctors had originally had my due date for August second, but later changed it to July seventeenth nineteen eighty-seven. Up until then, there had been a set date for my mother to be induced into labor…that day never came. On June twenty-second nineteen eighty-seven. My sister had come home from ballet class, when my mother had exclaimed “My water broke!” My sister being only eight years old, and not understanding what exactly that meant had replied, “Well fix it!” That little bit of comedy followed what would be my birthday. I was born at 10:05 that night. My mother wasn’t supposed to go into labor, because she was having a C-section. The labor only lasted a total of two hours and she was quickly rushed into surgery get me out. I was the only child that she was awake for when I was born, what a pleasant surprise to find out that I was a girl. I weighed 7 pounds 6 oz. and was 19 ½ inches long. The stay at the hospital was a total of five days, and then we were allowed to go home.

Ever heard the term that first impressions aren’t everything? I guess when you’re a baby, everyone loves your first impression. Sad, to say you grow out of it way too soon. My physical characteristics were this, I wasn’t a chubby baby and I wasn’t a slim baby either. I was one of those, just right in the middle babies. I had been born with really dark hair, not a lot but some was there. I had blue eyes of course, that stayed around for about 6 months. My personality was very bubbly and lots of energy to go around. I don’t believe that has changed much now. My temperament was very easy going and I didn’t cry very much. I was one of those types, that could take pretty much anything you threw at me. My sleeping patterns in the beginning was rather backwards, I wanted to eat every 2-3 hours. After I was 2 months old, I started to sleep normally. My siblings reaction to my arrival was one of happiness. My brother of course was excited that I was girl, because he could have his own room. My reaction to them? I didn’t react very much, they were just more people to look at and pick me up.

Throughout my development, I have always remained one of those children that saw what I wanted, and got it no matter what. When I was 6 months I had started to crawl, which for me was the best thing. My sister had said I didn’t really crawl as much as I scooted. I would put my face down and rock back and forth. I started to pull myself up onto things and step around when I was 10 months old. I was taking my time, I guess you could say. I wanted to see how things worked before I did anything too fast. I didn’t take my first steps until I was 13 months old. I started climbing out of my crib when I could get myself over the bars. I believe that my reflexes were behind my speech as it is for most girls. I said my first words at 6 months, and I said Dada first, then Mama. Doesn’t it always seem that babies say dada first? I said my first sentence when I was 12 months old, and it was I wanna play. I was always one child that had to be on the move.

Throughout most of my toddler hood, I had spent a great part of it in Alaska. I think it had an impact on my sleeping patterns, because in the winter it’s always dark in Alaska. In the summer the sun never goes down, as for my development being affected? I’m not really sure about that. I always wanted to play, I just didn’t seem to sleep when I was supposed. I would sneak out at night, just to play in the middle circle that had equipment. My sister had to start sleeping with me, because she didn’t want me to get into trouble. My parents had put a lock on the door that was a chain, but I had gotten the wise idea to use a broom to get the lock open. I believe that I was alittle advanced in problem solving. As for friends, I made them easily I wasn’t very shy at all. I had lots of friends around the block that I lived on. I had two pets throughout toddler hood, they were both cats. One was named Klondike, he had been given to me for my 3rd birthday and Sunshine.

In my early childhood, I wasn’t one that learned things that I didn’t like. If I wanted to do it, then I would. I didn’t go to preschool, I went to a daycare that had things that had to do with preschool. I went for about 2 ½-3 hours a day. After preschool we moved from Alaska to Kansas, I started at a school when I was 5 years old. I was easy going with it, glad that I had people to play with. I took to school like it was something that had been apart of my life the whole entire time. In 1st grade, I still liked to go to school but recess had become my favorite subject. I still didn’t like to do my homework and found it hard to get through it all. I was more of a social butterfly, than someone to really do my work. My mother would often force me to sit down and do it. I struggled with telling my parents were I was going, and sneaking out because I just couldn’t keep myself from going.

In middle childhood I really didn’t have too many things that added to the top of what I learned in my earlier years. I was an optimistic child, I didn’t have a bad home. I didn’t have any trauma that couldn’t be over come. I really didn’t think about my self image, and how people saw me. I was more interested in what was going on during the day. I had some people that would bring me down, but for the most part I was just really wanting to have some fun. My stresses were an a minimum, I had my friends with their problems and of course the ever increasing load of homework. I was still very much the same. Possibly, alittle more mature but as carefree as ever.

Adolescence I think for me was the hardest thing I ever went through. I went through many stages that had to do with my identity. I started off with Identity achievement, because I had nothing to really challenge what I believed in. I followed what my parents believed in. I steadily started to ask questions and went into Identity moratorium, exploring all the options that I had before me. I didn’t make any commitments because it was just something I wasn’t willing to do. I changed my beliefs around a lot to fit into what I thought was best. It took me years to come to terms with what I wanted, I came to identity foreclosure as well as identity diffusion. Then finally settling back into Identity achievement once more.

My parents were really supportive of who I was, or wasn’t. They were sensitive to my needs and we really didn’t fight much on what I was doing in my life. They wanted me to be my own person, and it helped me out that they allowed me to do what I needed. They helped me set my morals, I went from pre-conventional level easily to the universal ethical principle orientation, just because they were there for me. I believe that a lot of doing what I did in adolescence with my parents really helped me.

My religion had been set for me as a child, I was raised in a roman-catholic home. My mother was very open if I had questions about the religion, but at age 15 I left the church realizing it wasn’t the church for me. She respected my need for space when it came to religion. I wasn’t really ready to accept the concepts that they put in their books for me to learn or read. Today, I go to a church that isn’t roman catholic, but I have my religion which is all that matters to any of my family.

The cultural norms around me were rather closed minded, everyone believed that you had to go to a certain church. People wanted to follow the trends of the time, it was important to look your best for school. It was common to see girls wearing tank tops with something over it. My school didn’t allow so much skin to really be shown. I joined in cheerleading one year, and ended up leaving when I realized it wasn’t for me. The cultural norm wasn’t something I could follow so easily. I also found that I took on the culture’s beliefs of the times. I hadn’t found my own voice quiet yet.

My goals of the time was to get out of school, just to make it pass the next semester just so I could take a break. I wasn’t really too worried about the future. I didn’t have much of a look toward it, I wasn’t so goal orientated as I am now. I believe that I set my standards low so that if they didn’t quiet meet, I wouldn’t be too disappointed. I didn’t have a very high self esteem and had wanted nothing more than to get through my day.

Work, I didn’t have a plan with work…or atleast not homework. I really didn’t have much of a thought process when I put it all together. I always wanted to do things later on, I would put things off until I really had to do it. As for my goal for working in the future, it was one of those things I didn’t think about. I was more in the now, not the later.

I knew that I wanted to continue on my education at this point, because of the fact that my parents wanted me too. I did not however have a concept as to what I wanted to do. I did, however think that I could be a good massage therapist. I did find out that physical therapy later on would be a good compliment to what I really wanted to do. I didn’t however weight so much on my skill level as a scientist, which isn’t very good. I did like the thought of helping others out, and at that point that was all I really wanted to do. I wanted to help out anyone if I could.

I knew that when I got older I wanted to get married, I had always wanted to have a relationship with that sort of intimacy. I really did not go on dates much, and I had boyfriends here and there. My goal for marriage was to find someone that not only I was physically attracted to, but someone that I could depend on for my emotional needs. I was very picky when it came to having a boyfriend, they had to have certain qualities about them that complimented my own.

Children, I always loved children. I had been an aunt since I was 8 years old. I grew up around having to be the more mature one with a child. I loved to play with them and I knew that like my older siblings I wanted to have them. I just didn’t want to have them anytime in high school or college. I wanted to wait until after the I do’s to make a decision on to what I wanted to do with children. I believe that is the same goal I have for myself today. I don’t want children right now, I want them later on in life.

The world around me as a young child didn’t mean much to me. I couldn’t really write the effects that the gulf war had on me, because I really didn’t pay attention to it. I remember some of the things the news was saying, but I didn’t have too much to worry about. My father wasn’t getting sent to it, because he retired just as it was starting.

I remember the attack on the state building in Oklahoma city. It was something that I didn’t really understand. I made a trip to actually look in on the building, and I remember having this profound sadness that all these lives were lost. I couldn’t really describe everything that I was feeling, just that it made no sense to me.

When the attacks on the world trade center happened, I remember having this profound fear about terrorism. I didn’t understand why it was acceptable to kill so many innocent people for the sake of a cause. I started to watch the news more, and I was more interested in what exactly was going on. I was starting to look toward the outside world, after the terrorist attacks. I wasn’t and still am not too afraid when it comes to terrorism, because of the tactics that they use.

I think hurricane Katrina had the most profound effect on me. I have several relatives that lived in the New Orleans area, it was very hard for me to watch and wait for those that I loved to contact us. My Aunt and her family moved up here to be with us. I had just started college, so it was strange to have them here, but it was a learning experience. I learned to embrace family to the fullest, because sometimes that is all you have got. I still have family members that haven’t fully recovered from Hurricane Katrina, because there isn’t enough money for them. I believe that there are still social injustices with the victims of Katrina and those from the terrorist attacks.

Music, it has always been a part of me; I learned to play the violin when I was 10 years old. I sing it, and I have written lyrics before. Music has been a constant with me, it has brought to make new friends in many different groups. It is also something that I look forward to when it is an event. As for it being a cultural thing, it’s just something that is important for an adolescence going through that rough time in their life. It expresses things that we can’t with our words.

Higher education and work for me now is the extent of my day. I am often doing things just to make my school work improve so that I can make the grade. I do not want to be the one that gets stuck behind because I couldn’t do well in school. I find it very important for me, to further my education just so I can climb the ladder of success. I believe that work and my education will help me do this. I am forcing myself to do things, that in earlier life I never would of dreamed to do.

I find that love and marriage are not so much on my mind right now. I am way too focused on what I should do with making money. I know that it’s not just that is going to complete me, but I need to make myself comfortable before I enter that set of life. I realize that love is something great and easy to handle when you have it. It is also something that you must balance, you can’t have your world completely revolved around one person. I will however look forward to when I do get married, because it is still one of my life goals.

I still want to be a parent when I get a little bit older, but I have to have something’s set in place before I start to wonder about that. I want to have my money in place to have them, and I want to own a house before that. I am still putting off having children for at least another 6 or 7 years. They are going to be great later on.

I don’t really know what to say about the development of my own children, only that I hope I can do what is best for them. I want to seem them go through life just as healthy as I did. I want to have that balance in discipline were I am not bribing my child to do what I think is right. I want to follow steps to help them develop into healthy adults with discipline that fit’s the child and the acts that they commit.

My models for successful aging is my grandmother and my parents. They embrace the effects that come with aging and they don’t allow that to bother them. They all function just fine with the world around them. My grandmother doesn’t have Despair over her life coming to it’s end. She is completely whole with what she does, her integrity is something I am looking to inherit when I do get to the milestones that she has come to.

I don’t think I will die until I am in my late 80s or early 90s. I really haven’t thought about nor talked about what will happen to me. When I do reach the stage were death is a common thing to think about. I hope that I will embrace the fact that it’s life, I will have to leave it sometime. I believe the cause of my own death will be as natural as anyone would want their death to be. If I could choose a way to die, I want to go to sleep and never wake up. I want to leave the world as peacefully as I was conceived into it, almost non-existant and I won’t cause those around me so much pain.

My philosophy of life and death is this, live your life the way you want others to remember you by. If you live a good life, people will more than likely remember you for the good things you did. If you live it badly, well the same could be said. Don’t go on living regretting everything that you do, because you’ll waste a lot of time. When death comes, just remember all the things that you did before that were wonderful. It’s a natural thing that happens, death isn’t something to run away from, it’s something to embrace and take.




Me as a child.

04:30 Jul 08 2007
Times Read: 711

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I was 2 or 3 in this picture. :P

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This is me at easter time. Okay, the cuteness of me is now too much. See you all later!




Facts about me.

03:34 Jul 08 2007
Times Read: 714

Name: Amber

Nickname: Amby, Bram, Lucky....

Favorite Food: Boston Creme Pie

Favorite Color: Pink, OH YEAH! I grew up in an all pink room.

Do you have any pets, if so what?

I have a cat, named Patches. I love him to death!

If you could have any pet int he world what would it be, why?

A saberian tiger, because they are so beautiful and I love them. I got to pet a baby one, once. It was absolutely lovely. But, I also realize that you can't have them as pets. v.v

Are you going to school, what for?

Yes, I'm going to school for broadcasting and Journalism...

Have you lived anywhere else, besides Oklahoma?

Yes, I have lived in California, Alaska, and Kansas.

Do you have any siblings?

Yes, I have two older siblings.

What is your favorite game to play?

Two Square.

Do you have any life goals?

To finish my degree, get married, have children, and make best seller novels...

Have you ever done anything Extreme?

Depends on your definition of extreme.

Favorite Video Game & Board Game?

DOA 4- Which means Dead or Alive. It's on the 360. I love it!

Checkers, which is a cool board game, because I can pawn you all hardcore! lol.

I hope you enjoyed some facts about me...




No more.

00:16 Jul 07 2007
Times Read: 718

No more sitting here and allowing myself to be easily brought down by others.

You can't make me frown anymore, and I won't take your shit.

I have an awesome job, I love my job. I work with children, it is better than anything else in the world to me. I love kids, so you can imagine. Only thing that I have to deal with, is favoritist bitches that I call bosses.

If I have to sugar coat one more thing, I think I will choke on the pill. I won't put up with their bull shit anymore. Arthur made a point yesterday, that I do put up with too much, and the worst they can do is fire me. Then I can just get them for wrongful termination, what can they really do? Write me up, because I was getting my point across.

I life guard, it isn't something I particularly like, but I do. I got the job, because I was trying to help out my bosses. I am shecduled to life guard, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. No where does it say Tuesday or Thursday, but I got pinned with it. I had to drive home and get my swim suit. And it was stinky because I didn't get a chance to wash it.

So, Arthur told me next time it comes up, this IS what I'll say.

"I am shecduled to do life guarding on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you want to swim, find someone else to life guard, because if I go home I'm not coming back."

So....there. I could careless anymore. I am just going to give back, what they dish out. I am not a floor, you DO NOT walk all over me.




You never know.

06:20 Jul 05 2007
Times Read: 723

"You lie, because it's business."

"I lie, because they can't handle the truth."

I am a mess, and I only can do so much. What do you think it would be like to be an actress for life? Not in movies, but your life was spent acting. I mean you did all sorts of roles to stay alive.

I am an actress, my role is to make sure they never find out the truth, because this truth could destroy them. I am not the perfect little betty crocker they think I am. I am not the naive little baby, that knows nothing about the world. I know so little, and I am not what I seem. The only people that know me, are those I let in.

You're the few, think about it people. The internet is perfect to just be you, because you don't have to see these people face to face.




Listen to me

18:47 Jul 04 2007
Times Read: 727

I will always be here for you, no matter what you do or say. You know who you are, I luv you too. I always will.





03:41 Jul 02 2007
Times Read: 733

"The most sweetest and coolest girl I know. I really love her to death. She amazes me with each day more and more. Show her some love. Go to Unpretty.Vampirerave.com and comment her."

I was put on Gregory's VR, to be whored. Lol. He's so sweet to me. But, he's just Grug the Bug! :P And no one else can call him that unless he says you can, so there.





Could you handle this?

23:09 Jul 01 2007
Times Read: 738

By all appearances, professional wrestler Chris Benoit and his 7-year-old son, Daniel, shared a loving bond. The boy’s room in Fayetteville, Ga., was filled with posters and action figures of his father, and on a chair beside his bed lay two miniature championship belts. “He clearly adored his dad,” says Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard, who saw the room himself. Benoit was known for taking his wife and son on the road more often than most of his peers, according to a fellow wrestler. “When Chris would win, they would come in the ring with him,” says this wrestler, who declined to be named out of concern for his privacy. “Daniel was always the perfect little gentleman, always in a little coat and tie, and ‘yes sir, no sir’.” When Benoit won World Wrestling Entertainment’s heavyweight championship belt in 2004, Daniel joined him in the ring, basking in his father’s glory.

Yet that familial bond ruptured violently last weekend. Authorities believe Benoit, 40, strangled his son and his wife, Nancy, before committing suicide at the family’s new 7,500-square-foot home in a tony neighborhood south of Atlanta. All the more disturbing: police say the killings appear to have been drawn out over the course of the weekend—first Nancy, sometime Friday night, then Daniel on Saturday, and finally Benoit himself in the wee hours on Sunday. It was a bewildering demise for the wrestler known as the Canadian Crippler (for his birthplace), an average Joe who earned fans’ admiration with his technical prowess rather than oratorical bluster. As the family’s loved ones mourn their loss, wrestling fans and critics have filled the airwaves with speculation about what caused Benoit to snap. Yet law-enforcement officials, who continue to search for a motive, have yet to provide a definitive answer.

One theory put forth by World Wrestling Entertainment officials: that Daniel himself was a source of turmoil for Benoit. According to a WWE lawyer, Jerry McDevitt, Daniel suffered from Fragile X syndrome. A genetic condition, Fragile X is the most common cause of inherited mental impairment and can produce a range of cognitive and intellectual disabilities. McDevitt says that based on WWE’s own inquiries, Benoit and his wife were arguing about Daniel’s care in the days before the tragedy. The boy had completed kindergarten at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City (where the pastor says Daniel “was loved by his teachers”), and the couple were now looking for an elementary school, according to McDevitt. “It was the issue of Daniel’s special needs that was the long-running problem with [Benoit] and Nancy,” says the lawyer, who adds that the family had been in the Fayetteville house for only a year. “The tensions were exacerbated now that they were in a new home, in a new community. They didn’t know where to go for his special education needs. It was building up.” According to WWE, the couple consulted with their family physician about Daniel’s condition last Thursday and Friday, on the eve of the killings. Did the stress of that discussion play a role in Benoit coming unhinged?

Some observers are putting forth other theories. Perhaps, they speculate, Benoit used steroids and succumbed to an episode of so-called “roid rage,” a violent outburst provoked by excessive use of the hormones. Law-enforcement officials say that anabolic steroids were found at Benoit’s home, though they’re still awaiting the results of toxicology tests to see if he had any in his bloodstream. Moreover, the district attorney in Albany County, N.Y., issued a statement saying that Benoit received packages at some point from two Florida-based online pharmacies under investigation by that office as part of a steroids-trafficking case. WWE, however, challenges such speculation. McDevitt says that Benoit’s most recent drug test, on April 10, came up negative for steroids. And, WWE argued in a statement, “the physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage.”

Yet such findings don’t rule out the possibility that steroids played some role in Benoit’s actions, according to Dr. Richard Melloni, associate professor of psychology and behavioral neuroscience at Northeastern University in Boston. For one thing, “roid rage can be very deliberate,” he says. In one case he cites as an example, a man on steroids fumed when a driver in front of him failed to pull away quickly enough at a stoplight. Yet the man’s actions were methodical; he removed his keys, exited his car, opened his trunk, retrieved a baseball bat, walked up to the other driver’s car and proceeded to smash the windshield and headlights. Melloni argues that Benoit could also have been suffering from steroid withdrawal. “Depression appears during withdrawal and can last for quite a long time, including years,” he says. Further bolstering that theory, the Benoits’ family physician, Dr. Phil Astin, told the Associated Press earlier this week that he had treated Benoit for low testosterone levels, which he said were likely linked to prior steroid use. (Law-enforcement officials raided Astin’s office on Wednesday night.)

Marc Mero, a former wrestler who fought as Johnny B Badd, knows firsthand how the stresses of the wrestling world can encourage steroid use. He says he took steroids regularly when he competed and that when he retired in 1999, their use was widespread, though often closeted. “Steroids help keep your body together and help you heal faster,” he explains. But “I remember the mood swings and the aggression when I did them.” Twenty-eight of Mero’s wrestling buddies have died over the years. Some succumbed to drug overdoses, others to suicide, still others to performance accidents. In 16 or 17 of those cases, by his count, steroid use—and its physical and psychological effects—played a contributing role. Now an outspoken critic of the wrestling industry, which he considers a dysfunctional pressure cooker, Mero says the sport takes an especially high toll on families. “Marriages and families are so broken in the wrestling industry,” he says. “You are all over the world and never really have a life. Your life is your company, your fans and your fellow wrestlers.”

Yet for Benoit, growing up in Canada, that was exactly the life he yearned for. Taken in by the famous Hart wrestling family in Alberta, he trained at their notorious facility, “The Dungeon.” He steadily rose up the ranks, adopting several monikers over the years, including Dynamite, Pegasus Kid and Canadian Crippler. Before Nancy, he was married to another woman, with whom he had two children, now ages 14 and 10 and living with their mother in Alberta. Benoit married Nancy—who also worked in the wrestling industry under the nickname “Woman”—in 2000, after she gave birth to Daniel. The couple’s relationship was apparently stormy. In 2003, Nancy filed for divorce, accusing Benoit of threatening her with violence and destroying furniture at their home; later, however, she withdrew the petition.

Perhaps those alleged incidents presaged what was to come. After visiting his doctor, Astin, last Friday, Benoit headed home. At some point that night, police say, he killed Nancy, most likely by pinning her face-down to the floor and strangling her with a cord (authorities found her in a second-floor office lying in a pool of blood, wrapped in a towel, with her arms and legs bound). Sometime Saturday, according to police, Benoit murdered Daniel, apparently by asphyxiating him (the boy was found in his bed). Benoit placed Bibles by both of their bodies. Then early Sunday, he headed to the basement to take his own life, hanging himself with a weight-lifting cable. Cops found an empty wine bottle at his feet and nearly a dozen empty beer cans in a trash can. Throughout all this, Benoit apparently reached out to acquaintances and friends. Sounding groggy, he phoned colleagues on Saturday to tell them he’d be delayed for an event in Texas because his wife and son had suffered food poisoning. On Sunday morning, maybe only minutes before committing suicide, he sent a string of text messages giving his home address. (One odd twist to the tale: an anonymous Web user made a posting to Benoit's Wikipedia entry that mentioned Nancy's death—14 hours before authorities discovered her. The user, however, later wrote to the Web site that the comment was a "terrible coincidence" and based on idle online gossip. Whatever the case, police said they were looking into it.)

As authorities pursue their investigation, families on both sides are preparing to bury their loved ones. Funerals for Nancy and Daniel will most likely be held in Florida, where Nancy’s family lives. Benoit will be buried in a private ceremony in a town near Edmonton, Alberta, according to a family friend, Scott Zerr. He recalls meeting Daniel once in Canada when the town was celebrating Chris Benoit Day. Daniel was “wearing his little tie and vest,” says Zerr, just as he had at so many of his father’s celebrations. Surely no one would have imagined that the boy’s hero would one day turn on him in a fit of inexplicable rage.

Sad story to see. I hurt for that child.




Gergory Von James

03:33 Jul 01 2007
Times Read: 597

Simply put it this way, a human being worth getting to know. Beautiful in everyway, you should all have a chat with him. He's a Russian Model that is sure to make it in the United States. I'd like to see him, come live here. -smiles-



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