unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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4 entries this month

FSP- Fuck Stupid People

20:09 Mar 25 2010
Times Read: 513

I work at a gas station, and no it isn't something I would brag about, but it does pay the bills. I am pretty damn good at my job, which is something I DO take some pride in. Since there are a lot of gas stations you go into where the clerk isn't nice, the coffee or grill items look gross and the store seems to of grown germs to the point you see them. I make it a point to be polite, clean and keep what is needed for costumers out for them. I don't think I come across as nice all the time, because my brain does go off into 15 different directions when I am trying to get a shift started.

So, let's just get to the point. If you have a problem with how you're being serviced, go ahead and tell that person how you feel about it, don't call them out right fat or stupid. You're not only going to get yourself thrown out of the establishment, but refused service from that place ever again. I know for a fact that the next time i ever see this person, I'll ask him to leave and never return. I will not service anyone that is going to be so rude that it makes me want to murder small animals.

I don't think I am perfect at my job, I can make some adjustments, but being rude isn't going to get anything accomplished. All you'll get is a pissed off clerk wanting blood at the end of the day. Point being is, people need to learn a bit of politeness and stop expecting it out right from the person working. You'll get politeness out right from me, but I deserve to be treated like a person not like a dog. I won't allow you to treat me as such and if you try I'll do everything in my power when you come to my store to make it a living nightmare.

I will not only be rude to you, but I will find out where you work and if you make money off of people going there, I will make sure that I use my network to get you shut down. So, stupid people need to SHUT THE FUCK UP.




Embracing kindness

06:34 Mar 11 2010
Times Read: 525

Most say that it is easier to be mean than to be kind, which I do find more effort in being mean than being kind. There are few moments where I feel like being kind would be so much effort. I have a fear of people thinking ill of me, and most of the time will do all that I can to leave them an impression of a very sweet person. I am a very sweet person, and there is no doubt about it. The problem being is people believe that I am "trying" instead of me just existing in this way. It's hard to explain but the writing goes on.

I am finding it hard to say 'No', because I can't seem to want to let others down. I am having to say No now because I am trying to take care of myself. For once, I have run out of kindness, a listening ear and a support system for those that have left themselves supportless. I can be those things, but to those that actually deserve it. I shouldn't be forced into being someone's friend because they can't seem to clean up their act.

I've given people chance after to chance to change and clean up. Yet, each time they change a little they revert to something they were before I knew them. What does it matter that you're having a bad day? Sometimes it is okay to look at the positives, and sometimes embracing being a bitch for the sake of allowing yourself horrible behavior is ignorant. It's stupid to make yourself believe that people will always love you for who you are, instead of what you have.

I don't love someone just because they have something i want, I love them for whom they are. Everybody is broken in some way and they have issues. Trumping your issues up because you need some attention isn't something I would take pride it. Slowing down and actually trying to be kind instead of bitchy might be a good lesson.

It is hard to turn the other cheek, and accept that things happen for a REASON. Everything does even if you don't see it, and making up excuses for it not having a reason is very ignorant indeed. Accept that things in life are never going to go your way and stop making excuses for horrible behavior. You're a human being and just because I love you, doesn't mean I am always going to LIKE you.

Own up to your mistakes and try to be a bit more friendlier. Kicking people out simply because they weren't there before your broken heart happened isn't fair to them. What if they were the one for you? What if they were exactly what you needed? You wouldn't know that because you can't embrace a bit of kindness and show them the way. It is OKAY to let someone in, and it is OKAY to get hurt.

Life wasn't made to be an easy cake walk and if it was, then people wouldn't be fuck ups, there would always be love and children wouldn't suffer as much as they do. So guess what, life is pain and you can't embrace joy without experiencing something truly heart breaking.





05:28 Mar 08 2010
Times Read: 534

I went to church today for the first time in a couple of months. I am not much of a church goer, nor am I Christian. Hell I don't really give a damn about where I go to get spiritual fulfillment as long as it helps me to grow in a way that benefits myself and helps me keep my mind wide open.

I found it interesting that when I walked in with Robert, that this whole entire sermon was about relationships. I have had a entire two years of life changing elements that have made relationships change drastically.

Points to be made, we do live in a world full of shallow relationships that never bring us any type of deep emotional fulfillment. It leaves us the surface and we have many people in our lives that are there for the good times but rarely for the bad times. We tend to think what can I get out of it? Which isn't cool.

The fake friends the pastor named off, were people i have filled my life with because I thought that I could help. Some to name off are the gossip friends, they are those that tend to just get info. to use against you. The religious friend, that really doesn't want to pray for you. They just need something to listen too, and they tend to shove whatever bullshit down your throat. The Drama Queen friend, one that cannot stand anything but Drama.

There are the party friends, those that are all about the vanity of things. The clingy friend, these are the types that just don't know their boundaries. The fan friends, the ones that love you but only when things are going good. And there was so many other ones that I can't even begin to name off. So many of those are there just so they can have someone to use.

Yet, there are few that will tell me the truth even if it hurts, few that will just hold me when I need to be held, those that I can lean on when I need to lean on them. Those few that I know in my life that will take a bullet for me, and I would take a bullet for them. It's sad that so many people are just using each other, instead of loving each other. Even as I go throughout my life, I realize that I have some deep friendships that will only last a season, and some that will always be ever present.



09:44 Mar 08 2010

How refreshing...knowledge has so many homes it's good to be able to search without predudice for it.



01:10 Mar 03 2010
Times Read: 539

I love studying people! Sometimes you find out the most interesting information about yourself through them. Maybe it's the likeness in thought process? Or maybe it's the way they seem to magnify your own inabilities. I don't know, but I am studying people now, trying to figure myself out. Lawl.



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