unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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6 entries this month

I need

07:25 Oct 26 2007
Times Read: 559

I need someone to hang onto,

Someone to touch right now.

I need someone to hold my hands,

I need someone to love.

I want someone to kiss,

Someone to hug

Someone to talk to

Someone to argue with.

I lust after someone that will want me,

Someone that will take me

Someone that will accept me

Someone, just someone.

I need someone,

I need that someone to be you.




He said.

20:30 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 569

He said he loved me, and would take care of it all.

He said he cared, but here I fall.

He said to stop, and listen for some time.

He said he wanted me, but he could never be mine.

So, he promised me so many things,

But it's lost in words that stings.

I wrap my arms around me, to keep from falling apart.

He took all that I am, he took my heart.

He said that he would be here forever,

He said so much, but ended up being never.

He said he'd hold me tight, and never let me go.

He said that, and I believe it was all for show.

And I'm the fool left to pick at the ashes,

One of the messiest things is crashes.

I am nothing but a mess anymore,

But I don't feel these sores.

He said he would love me until I die,

He said he would never make me cry.

He said he would give me all the life I need,

He said he would, but here I take the lead.

I am broken, and he broke me.

I am blind to the world, and took my right to see.





21:43 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 572

Lost feeling in my touch,

To push it would mean too much.

The numbness just keeps creeping in,

I feel as if, it will win.

I try to love and make it free,

But it's such a foreign thing to me.

I can feel, but not how you think

My heart merrily floats, nothing to sink.

I wonder how long will this last?

Am I surviving on memories of the past?




Love you to death

00:24 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 578

So sit here by feet and listen to me,

Then after these words finish I'll cease to be.

Don't worry about the light slowly fading in my eyes,

Today I leave them dry of all my sins and lies.

Don't become panicked as my blood floods away,

It'll be there with the breaking day.

So just listen to me and hear me now,

I have to make you understand somehow.

Love is not something any of us can define,

It doesn't know any boundary or line.

I have tried to keep it into one medium and give it shape,

But love will not wield to even my ungoverned red tape.

So, I fell in love one person and happiness it brought,

Nothing more did I think my heart needed or sought.

Then another person I found their qualities quaint and true,

My emotions running deep and through.

I placed titles to keep what I felt at bay,

But to find that they felt the same way.

My heart felt sore to be growing so large,

I couldn't stop nor could I take charge.

I wanted them both and I had to choose one,

Have what I already have and the other be done.

Yet, here I lay to waste what was all of me..

I wish not to choose either for my existance shouldn't be.

Ah, my breath is slowing now, I can't hold on much longer...

I wish that I didn't love so easily, my resolve should of been stronger.

Things grow darker and my story begins to end,

Hopefully I will get to choose were my soul will be send.

So, now you know my secret an incredible sin,

My love for one, then another is something I did not intend.

But I will end my suffering and hopefully both of their's too,

The object that pains them will no longer be here, but through!

I grow so tired and cold now,

My life just a short minutes left, wow.

I didn't think that I would cry,

But atleast now they know why I choose to die.




Sweetest sin

16:18 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 589

You would be my sweetest sin,

So sweet and wrong that others would condemn.

To taste your lips and hold you close,

Is something that I want the most.

To stare into those wonderful eyes,

But know this meeting would be filled with lies.

Oh, how I would love to brush finger tips across your back,

Digging my nails into them in another passionate attack.

Breath raising as emotions run deep,

Yet afterwards so much would I keep.

Ah, how I want it, but know I can't have it anyhow

Too much pain would just one time endow.

Yet to think about it is not too bad,

It just makes me rather sad.

I can't press you against me like I wish to do,

I can't have the things I want from you.

Yet as horrible as this fantasy seems,

I have to admit it's one of my sweetest dreams.





16:11 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 590

Have you ever really realized how much you mean to me?

Do you hear it in my voice? Or is it hard to see?

Do you not know the things I wish that I could do?

I want so much better for you.

Your cries of pain, my insides twist.

I cling to my stomach, beating the ground with my fist.

You don't understand, I can't make you that's true.

But each cut you make, runs me threw.

If I could do more than just listen I would,

But I don't know how or what I could.

Your just as important as everyone else in my life,

But I can't stand it, when someone runs you threw with a knife.

The problem that I see with this going on,

Is that someday you will surely be gone.



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