unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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21 entries this month


16:39 Sep 29 2007
Times Read: 584

Guess what Juana!

I get to go see one of my friends that i haven't seen in months! It's going to be awesome, but i don't know what we're going to do. I think I'll borrow some of Arthur's anime. But yay!

I am also taking my camera, pictures will ensue! I am really liking photography, I want to take pictures all the time though. I took some pictures of my best friend and she looked absolutely goregous when I did them.

Well, both my best friends are goregous and I love them. Also, I'm going to be in a wedding in a couple of weeks. Sounds interesting doesn't it?

I'm like the Maid of honor #2, really. I don't get the title but I'm the same thing. Tara is going to look beautiful on her wedding day, but I have to pray that her uncle doesn't pass away before that.

I hope everything works out for the best Juana, atleast according to God's plan. I know that we don't always understand it really. I hope to have some fun soon. My new job is coming along great and I even am alittle ahead in my subjects.

I have a pretty awesome schedule too, so I can help Lexi out with his Parents. Take some stress off of all three of them. I hope to get in good enough with the rents so that I can possibly have him come stay with me for a week during the summer or something... Unsure though.

Well, hope to write soon.




So done.

22:37 Sep 28 2007
Times Read: 589

I'm done being the chick on here that is the sweetest, and I'm done with little boys that think it's okay to come over and rate my profile low. So, if you get a message from me, expect it to be burtal.

I am not going to try and take the high road any longer. I think I'm just going to do things for me now. I will always be helpful and sweet to those that speak with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice chick...but really...rating me something that my work effort suggests otherwise....

Yeah, let's just say I'm TIRED OF IT! Also, I think I actually have acquired an actual enemy. Lovely, and he has to be so retarded too.

I think I'm just in a crappy mood, because I'm tired. But, hey I still loves all those that talk to me all the time. You are all still going to be treated extremely well, TRUST ME!




Dream on, Dream on

16:00 Sep 28 2007
Times Read: 596

If you think that impressing a woman means naming off all of her features in a way that not only disgusts her, but makes he feel creepy. Then, please just don't compliment any woman.

Here's a couple of facts about women, men:

1. Women do not like to be complimented on their breasts, that is degrading and most would punch you in the face.

2. Women like to have intelligent conversations, so please don't be an idiot, READ!

3. We do like to talk about ourselves alittle, so don't try to sit there and make it all about you.

4. Penis size is not going to impress us, when we are not interested.

5. If you're going to flirt, you better make it witty and make sure that you know what you're doing.

6. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT! Call us names when we do not respond to your antics, you'll just end up with the whole network hating you.

7. Women are sensitive, even if there is a rough exterior and there is enough in this world that we have to put up with. We are not going to stand for your bullshit.

So, there you go...if you can't learn from that...then either you need brain surgery or you just need to stop talking to women.




From Morrigon's Journal to my message box.

21:16 Sep 26 2007
Times Read: 609




Aug 09 2007

Email to Self

my name is shane smith, and i think you look very sexy cute hot foxy prety and very beautiful, but in a way that you look like a goddess from heaven, i like the photo of your friend Rowen, but in the way as i like the look of you.

from shane xxx

There was probably a time when I would have been flattered by this. Of course I would have been about 16 years old. Now I'm just...Insulted. Once again, the concept of my pictures goes WAY over someone's head.

Okay, now this is what she has to say about him. You think that he would learn his lesson. NO! he wants to come over and see if anyone else will listen to this rumbish.

my message...




Sep 26 2007


Block User



Move to Saved

Email to Self

my name is shane smith, and i think you look very sexy cute hot foxy pretty and very beautiful, but in a way that you look like a goddess from heaven, with very nice and beautiful breast's

Okay, now I just know your a retard. If you want to compliment someone...nevermind just don't. Go jump off a bridge.

Save the rest of us! PLEASE!




I is feeling....

17:13 Sep 26 2007
Times Read: 610

Feeling: Shitty

Mood: half asleep

Internal thoughts: I hate myself right now. >.





19:16 Sep 25 2007
Times Read: 619

Is it extremely weird, that even if I don't know a person that well, I can tell they're in love? Or maybe it's the same symptoms that I notice. I don't know, but I think it's a bit weird....

I had to basically force one of my friends to admit it, and I hope that he will be much happier after talking with that special someone. They both deserve more happiness in their lives.

Then of course...Online people, how strange to do so...just know something is up, more of a connection than suggested in their profiles. I hope that something gets worked out with them. I have noticed that there is alot more contentment now than ever. Most of my friends are either having fun with being in college, or they have found someone to call their own.

I have been with my Mr. Right for 2 years and 3 months as of today. I don't know if he and I will marry each other, but it's a nice fantasy. Maybe in another year he'll ask me, but that is completely up to him.





05:29 Sep 25 2007
Times Read: 622

I started my new job today Juana, and it was the best! I wrote my first story over mental illness and it was really interesting. I mean some of the facts were just cool and I felt so happy when I got something to do. I had been sitting around doing homework before then. Also, I only have to work 3 days a week. :P





05:29 Sep 24 2007
Times Read: 625

I have always had a strange relationship with my father, because of how he is. He tends to belittle, but he has always been there when I needed him most. It the sort of relationship, were he can make fun of me, but if you do he'll fuck you up type thing. I know that his behavior sometimes doesn't help me, because part of the reason I have such low self esteem is him. Not a large portion, but some.

Well, I decided to finally stand up for myself and tell him that I didn't like it when he belittled. My dad was a really big guy, when I say 'big' I mean cubby. He recently lost alot of weight when he had gastricbypass surgery last Feburary, and well I'm happy for him. Yet, last night, he pretty much just called me fat infront of one of my friends that I hadn't seen in 2 years.

Something that I did not like, and I felt as if he was trying to make him self look better. So, instead of taking it and just getting angry I decided to express how I felt about his comment. Which he in turn apologized for his rude comment, told me that he thought the world of me, that he was wrong, and that he loved & thought the world of me.

Something that floored me, because my dad has never apologized to me nor has he ever said how he trully felt. He's a military man, not an emotional train man. It made me feel different about him and actually made some of the wrong he's done mean nothing. He's my dad, and even though he says things that aren't right he is still there for me. I have been blessed.

So, Juana I guess you're helping me in a small way. Maybe I will mend some of the broken parts of my strange relationship with him and feel better about myself. It feels nice that he even said something to me. I almost wanted to cry, because it made a part of me feel like I had been resenting him for the wrong reasons.




Hey hey you you

17:44 Sep 19 2007
Times Read: 634


I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but I've been busy doing photo shoots. So, I wanted to tell you, that it's been hard work. I had to do make up and lots of help with choosing alfits. I hope that if I ever do pictures and I get into a space were I can take photos perfessionally. I will have my own make up, hair, and costume artists. One, because I enjoy picture taking more than anything. Two, my make up skills is not that advanced and Three definately never worked on doing hair. Four, my vision for costumes only goes so far. lol.

So, I'm a complete photographer, everything else is up to the model really. I love working with new people. I haven't really worked with male models, and having Lexi model for me was a blast. I have two or three more people lined up for atleast the next week.

Also, Juana my last day for my day care job is this Friday. I announce my plan to leave to the children today. I'm alittle nervous, because I'm afraid they'll stop listening to me for the last two days....I doubt it just because I am leaving and I love those kids. But, you know how some of them can be...well not really but it's nice to pretend that you do. ^.^

I hope that my next week will be better Jauna. I have to get some of the story I need to write for News writing class done. But, I 'm unsure of where to go with it. Maybe you could be with me while I' m doing this and keep me calm Juana. I know that it'd help to know someone was there, even if you are just in spirit.





01:05 Sep 15 2007
Times Read: 646

Hey Juana!

I went to my communication class today, and got back a summary I did for a chapter and I thought I would share.

What I got from this chapter is the interesting length that we put not only on ourselves, but those around us to define our self-concepts. It's just as close to identity when we talk about the feedback we get from another person, and if it is negative we tend to ask why. How we define ourselves to what we do or our hobbies is something I have noticed. I made a list, and I noticed that I tend to note my abilities as what my self-concept of myself is. I have heard alot about self-esteem being a predictor of if you're going to be successful or not, what surprised me was how much we weigh our self-esteem on another's thoughts. I know that we all mentally, tell ourselves that we don't need another's approval but that we actually subconsciously do is interesting. I didn't even know that personality was something we used to communicate with, I always thought it had a lot to do with just talking. One on one, but you do have to factor in the way you are communicating, and the characteristics that make up what you're doing. Mostly this chapter was about society and how we interact with the world around us. What defines us from the rest of our peers? We are people that compare ourselves a lot to someone else, to use as a means to either better ourselves, or use in a way so that we do not make the same mistakes. I also know that physical goes into this, because women are always comparing. We use groups to help make us grow, use as a reference to make it easier for us in this life. Most of all above what drives us depends upon the culture we belong to. In American culture there is more than one in it, and we all are melted into one. Our gender also plays a role as to what we want to attach ourselves to. Most of all we make expectations for ourselves, and everyone around us to fulfill or deny.

I got a 100 on it Juana, and I just thought I'd share.




-yawn- I'm awake I swear!

16:20 Sep 13 2007
Times Read: 651

Hey Juana,

So tonight I'm going to the state fair with my boyfriend. One problem is that he'll be there already around 3 or 4 pm. I have to work for like another 2 or 3 hours before I can go see him. I'm sad, because I can't be there when he first gets here.

But, I will just cope with it....anyways today is pretty much test day in my news writing class. good luck with that to me! I am going to be up tonight doing interpersonal communications so that I can make the grade for it. Hopefully, I can get there on time. I have a hard time getting there. One, because I stay up on Thursday nights, and two because I just don't know.

Atleast that class is entertaining. YAY! tomorrow being Friday, hopefully I will get everything done before I leave for Lawton. v.v

Well, class calls!




Is it possible?

17:20 Sep 12 2007
Times Read: 658

Dear Juana,

I had a long talk last night with one of my friends, that is gay and we talked about the possiblities of things not working out for either of us. Is it possible to change what you like, just because it's better for you? I'm not saying that Arthur and I are doing horribly.

Infact, things are going way better than they have in the past. We have had out rough spots, but he makes me the happiest i've ever been in my life. But, there is a possiblity for any couple that it could fall apart.

So, it leads me back to the conversation, would it be so horrible to marry someone that likes the same sex as you? I mean friendship is great in a marriage, and we get along great. I wouldn't mind the arrangement. I would be happy because we would love each other, but just alittle differently.

Maybe I am setting myself up for something, that might not happen. But, I wanted to make sure that I had a back up plan, just in case Arthur and I don't work out. But, Juana you know better than I do, how to live a happy life in a marriage or patternship of convienence.





18:08 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 668

Dear Juana,

I went to fill out the paper work for my new job, and it's more complicated than anything else. I filled out the application needed, but it seems like they make too much red tape for this. I mean checks and all that.

I canceled my account that had checks in it, and now I need a voided check. I don't know Juana why we all seem to live in a society run off of checks, why can't I just give them my account number? My current job did fine with that.

I'm terrified of having my things stolen again. The experience of your purse disappearing is still edged in my mind. I barely carry a purse anymore, actually I don't even like carrying one. I think I should take advantage over the fact that I don't have to right now.

Also, I went up to eat lunch with my younger brother at his school. He told me the wrong time, and I felt like an idiot walking around the school. People kept on starring at me, and to tell you the truth Juana. I have never liked having attention drawn to me, particularly the curious type. I always feel like something bad is going to happen when people inquire me.

I don't know Juana, maybe it's the fact that I don't want to be the person that gets picked on. I think I'm just mentally programmed to cringe at the feeling of all attention on me. Maybe if I just close my eyes next time, or just held myself alittle higer, they'll leave me alone.

I think I'm more annoyed with the fact, that Lexi didn't tell me the right time. I wasted my gas and time to come see him. v.v Maybe I was just scared because I don't know any of those kids. Next time, I'm just going to sit in the caffeteria and do nothing.





04:55 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 670

Dear Juana,

Why is that there is so many dumb asses in the world? I don't understand why they are allowed to have a spot in this world. Should I pray that ignorance ebbs away or should I pray that they get put out of misery?

I know that if you were here, you wouldn't of allowed either prayers, but rather just prayed that I can move along without causing trouble. Yet, Juana...I can't help but feel like there are some people that are a waste of flesh and web space.




Journal naming

02:54 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 672

I think I'm going to name my Journal Juana, because I think that I need to talk to her. Even though I wasn't close to her, doesn't mean I can't start now. It's never too late to get close to anyone, say you're sorry, or that you love them.

You may not hear them say anything back, but it is important to acknowledge them atleast.




RainbowChild & Profiles

18:52 Sep 09 2007
Times Read: 673

Let's clear somethings up, he's my baby brother you peoples! Just thought I would reaffirm that because some people just don't know how to read my sections.

I did buy him a premium, because he is cool enough for one. ^.^ Also, I like making him happy, it's almost crazy easy. You all would be surprised. :P But, anyways. I think I will actually get ready and see if I can get out of the house. I have been stuck here for about a day and a half already.

I'm tired of sitting here in front of the computer. Also, I do profiles for those that don't know. I have done about two profiles already for those that care to know that. I do know how to read codes and if I don't know how to do something, i will figure it out or I will try to get something else done about it.

So, yeah...profiles are fun but hard work.

If you want to see what i've done, you can go to my profile, Rainbowchild's and Rav3nsBlood. They all have examples! :P




Good news + Personality Test

08:37 Sep 08 2007
Times Read: 681

Good news is that I got the job at the paper, and will be moving on to a better place for me. I do hope that this will be an exciting time for myself. Better pay, a new challenge and child care is out the door. I will miss them, but I will babysit on the side just so that I can make some gas money. ^.^

True Colors personality test

Now, you should find atleast some of these ideas in some of your personality. What makes you a type of personality is which has more in it. Only circle ones that apply to you most of the time!






respect authority



like routines






















A poet



Value unity

A nurturer


















A performer




value skills



immediate gratification














likes justice






hates redundancy






If you are a gold, you are the type of person that really is into a routine. When someone fucks that up, you are not a happy person. Golds tend to be the people that are the back bone of a corperation.

If you are a blue, you are a people person, a team player. You are very sensitive and tend to be the one that sorts of gets into the groove. When someone is insensitive or doesn't fulfill needs it knocks you off.

If you are orange, you are the fun people. The partiers, the ravers of the personality groups. Alot of people want to be around you, because most people like this tend to be really funny, and have lots of energy.

If you are green, you are the intellectuals of society. You like to be complimented for your genius rather than for your physical or any other thing about yourself. You are the leaders, the people who start an idea and hand it off to get it done.





15:27 Sep 07 2007
Times Read: 683

I have a job interview today with the newspaper. Hopefully this will go good, because I could use getting higher pay and better treatment. I don't know, I just think it'll definately be a step up from where I work now.

I do love who I work with, and the kids I work around. I don't like who I work under, and the BS you have to put up with to do your job. I don't plan on coming back if the newspaper does higher. I plan on sticking with it, summer and on. I just hope that I can stay there long enough to transfer to the paper down at the university I have been looking to go to.

I would also enjoy seeing if they pay alittle higher. If they do, then the possiblity of moving out is in the air. That is just getting out of here with two of my favorite people in the world! :P




I am the procastinator!

01:03 Sep 05 2007
Times Read: 694

That's right I will get to it EVENTUALLY!

I will do my homework EVENTUALLY!

I will go to sleep EVENTUALLY!

I will pick my kids up EVENTUALLY! o.o;

I'm so the procastinator, if I was a super hero, you all would be so totally screwed. Because I get to you all...EVENTUALLY!




Things are better

04:24 Sep 04 2007
Times Read: 697

Communication is the blood of our society, without it we become animals, only out for surival. It is what makes us more complicated than a any animals around us. We are the kings and Queens of the animalistic society, just because we have a langauge that is not like any other.

Things are getting better, not just in school, but in life in general. Communication is the key, the blood line.




How do you?

14:54 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 709

How do you make someone want to marry you, when in the end they'll only marry you because you want it?

How do you try to make someone happy, and know that it'll kill you eventually?

How do you break your own heart, and know that you will be walking around with jagged shards for one?

How do you kill your feelings?

How do you make them fall in love with you? When it's obvious they don't love you as deeply as you love them?

How do you take it silently?



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