AidenSavage's Journal

AidenSavage's Journal


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7 entries this month

Great afternoon By Merle Haggard

00:55 Jul 07 2022
Times Read: 296

Last night we had one hell raising time, sipping on tequila and sucking on lime. Then the sunlight chased the good times away, and good morning would have been the wrong thing to say. Because the pounding in the top of my head, don't feel like leaving too soon. I can't say we've had a good morning, but baby we've had a great afternoon. You nursed me through the morning while I was really down, then one rowdy afternoon got me up and around. Last night we had a hell raising time but this morning won't be forgotten too soon, I can't say we've had a good morning but baby we've had a great afternoon.




I don't want to talk about it by Rod Stewart

01:34 Jul 06 2022
Times Read: 319

I can tell by your eyes that you probably been crying forever, and the stars in the sky don't mean nothing to you there a mirror. I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart. But if I stand here just a little bit longer, if I stand Here won't you listen to my heart ,whoa my heart. If I stand here all alone will the Shadows hide the colors of my heart, blue for the tears, black for the night Spears. The stars in the sky don't mean nothing to you, you're a mirror. I don't want to talk about it how you broke my heart, and if I stay here just a little bit longer if I stay won't you listen to my heart ,whoa my heart. This old heart, whoa this heart.




Happy Fourth of July

20:11 Jul 04 2022
Times Read: 333

Happy Fourth of July everyone on VR, have a great and safe Fourth of July.




Misery and gin, whiskey and loving grins, heartaches by the number3

04:15 Jul 04 2022
Times Read: 343

I saw Laura right before she left Florida,she came over to my buddy's house and we hung out and talked. After Laura left Florida I fell back into one night stand after one night stand,to tell the truth I don't even remember half of the women I slept with,I was drunk or high half of the time. I got burned out after a while and went back to living with and working for a guy named Bear, I still saw my friends every now and then but I just couldn't keep on with their life style. And I started going back to church with Bear and occasionally I'd see a girl I slept with at church which was awkward as hell. I just didn't feel a connection with the other women that I felt with Laura. I often wonder how my life would have changed if I'd have went to Colorado with her.




Misery and gin, whiskey and loving grins, heartaches by the number2

20:12 Jul 01 2022
Times Read: 376

The woman I spent four nights with was named Laura, I can't remember her last name. I loved the short time I spent with her, she reminded me so much of Anna-leea, we both developed feelings for each other in that short time frame and I wish I would have stayed in touch with her. I made my buddy's cousin angry because I got the woman he wanted and she did look good in my t-shirt the next morning. I've always had sour luck with love but I've got some good memories from a few good relationships.




Misery and gin, whiskey and loving grins, heartaches by the number

07:49 Jul 01 2022
Times Read: 384

I've been reminiscing and my mind goes back to late 2008,I was staying with friends in Fort Miramar beach Florida and we'd throw parties nightly. There was a shit ton of alcohol,drugs, and sex going on, I slept with numerous different women during that time just having one night stands, my buddy and his girlfriend who I was staying with would mess with me and call me a man whore and damn if I didn't feel like one. Well, one night me and my buddy and his cousin were drinking and surveying the party of that night, we were sitting on a couch on the outside upstairs patio, I was sitting at one end and my buddy was sitting in the middle with his girlfriend sitting on his lap and his cousin was sitting on the other end of the couch. There was numerous people around us,dancing, drinking, etc. Me and my buddy were talking with his cousin and his cousin spots this beautiful woman in the crowd of people and he starts fumbling all over himself. He go's over and starts trying to talk to her and she wasn't having any of it. He'd never been with a woman before and he was trying his damn best but she brushed him off, he came back over to us rejected and my buddy nagged him for not being able to score with her. I had been watching her the whole time he tried to talk to her. She had shoulder length dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, she reminded me of Anna-leea and I immediately was taken aback. I got up and grabbed two beers and I walked up to her and handed her one of the beers and then I said to her one of the cheesiest pick up lines ever. I told her she would look good wearing nothing but my t-shirt, next thing I know we're slow dancing and then we went to my room. I spent four beautiful and romantic nights with her,I loved talking to her and I loved holding her. On the fourth night we were together she told me she was moving from Florida back to Colorado, she wanted me to go with her but I told her I couldn't, I didn't have any money and I didn't want her taking care of me while I tried to get on my feet. She told me she understood and I could tell she was hurt and heart broken by my decision. I wish I would have went with her, I regret it now but then I have a lot of regrets when it comes to love. Me and her slow danced to Misery And Gin by Merle Haggard and every time I here that song I get teary eyed.




Misery and gin by Merle Haggard

07:02 Jul 01 2022
Times Read: 385

Memories and drinks don't mix too well, jukebox record's don't play those wedding bells. Looking at the world through the bottom of a glass, all I see is a man who's fading fast. Tonight I need that woman again,what I'd give for my baby to just walk in. Sit down beside me and say it's alright, take me home and make sweet love to me tonight. But here I am again mixing misery and gin, sitting with all my friends and talking to myself. Might look like I'm having a good time but any fool can tell, that this honky-tonk heaven sure makes you feel like hell... I light a lonely woman's cigarette,we start talking about what we want to forget. Her life story and mine are the same, we both lost someone and we're to blame. But here I am again mixing misery and gin, sitting with all my friends and talking to myself. Might look like I'm having a good time but any fool can tell, that this honky-tonk heaven can make you sure feel like hell......



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