Dakotah's Journal


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9 entries this month


10:37 Jan 30 2014
Times Read: 1,150

Remember this is a joke; joke people; JOKE…

Have you ever receive a friend add then they message you want to know everything about you. Like what's your real name; really you just messaged me isn’t my name that I go by on my profile. Then it’s the next comments; what are you doing and where do you live. Ahhh I do not know you and you want such details of my personal life... And then the question??. I want to get to know you.. Where do you live; where do you work and what’s your name for the second time and can I have your cell number to call you.. Awkward… So I get this thought; just for a brief second; Damn I would love to say this once without getting into trouble. Hi my name is Dakotah; I’ve spent the last 6 years in prison where I killed thirteen strangers for asking to many questions. I haven’t dated much; but soon I have a parole hearing and it sure would be great to see a new face. Well other than the guy I sleep next to. Well I should say until I get frustrated in them and I hug them and squeeze them until all the love falls out of them to tight, poor lil guys just go to sleep and never seem to wake. Sure you can have my number just as long as you accept the reverse charges… Hey can’t wait to talk to you soon..

I know this is funny but dang, but wouldn’t ya just love to say it one time… Just a thought…



11:12 Jan 30 2014


21:42 Jan 22 2016

This is VR... this would be perfectly normal and she would still call you hahahaha

16:51 Jan 26 2016

You are so right.


Don't Worry, Be Happy!

02:05 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 1,169

I've never had a dispute or had "beef" with anyone in forever. I've forgiven all my old enemies and I already forgive the idiots to come. I simply ignore anything negative that comes my way because I know better, and to waste time on that when I could put my time towards something to make someone or myself smile just isn't an option. Good old story of rubber and glue. So say what you will and I'll accept it as a gift and say thanks! Good or bad, a grown mind can take constructive or destructive criticism anytime. Fact of the matter is, I already know who I am therefore I control how I feel about myself, not anyone else. It's an awesome mindset and is very healthy for yourself and the people around you. I feel like a lot of good things are coming my way and I put so little time into acknowledging negativity that I have all this time to accept gifts, goals, good people, opportunities and so much other great things that are put in front of me. More people should try it.... Be So Happy That When Others Look At You They Become Happy Too ....





02:00 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 1,170

I've been, Running on high ground, Sailing alone, Traveling nowhere. You've been, Running on high ground, With just you around, your heart beats the only sound. . . But I know, Once in awhile we would find, The sound of your heart beats with mine...and when it's time. I'll leave the ocean behind.....





10:08 Jan 14 2014
Times Read: 1,186

In my mind she wears regalia instead of tight dresses, attends ceremonies on the weekends, not the bars. She doesn't "twerk" to rap, she does a sacred step to sacred drums. She uses her voice to uplift spirits, not put them down. She loves her people with the kindest of hearts. She somehow sees the light in the darkest of places, Fear and Insecurity are not in her vocabulary, Loyalty, Laughter and Love is her passion, Her beauty can stop you in your tracks and put butterflies in your stomach... That's my kind of lady.




Merry Meet

05:45 Jan 13 2014
Times Read: 1,206

Lately I have had a few people message me and start off with this greeting or Blessed Be. I had no idea where it came from and having some down time, I hit the internet to look it up to learn of the origins. I love learning. What I have found (which is really not a lot) is that it is a greeting used within Pagan circles. Formal greetings like "Merry meet / merry part", "Blessed be", "Hail, well met" are more for inside the ritual circle.

So if this is a greeting to be used within the Pagan circle why would someone use it outside the circle? I am not knocking the Pagan faith at all. I am just really curious about this.

The Circle is open, never broken. May the peace of the Powers be ever in your heart. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again! – Commonly used as the final statement in a ritual, much like the Aaronic blessing in Christianity. (“The Lord bless you and keep you…”) Sometimes “Merry Meet!” is used as a greeting among Pagans/Wiccans in reference to this saying.




06:11 Jan 13 2014

Because it has become common practice to say those things these days. I don't but those interested or involved with Wicca do. I don't think they realize there is a proper time and place for those greetings.

07:17 Jan 13 2014

I start to wonder if some are not role-players. I am aware by reading some journals some do role-play here. I don't though.

16:00 Jan 13 2014

I'm not Wiccan but I have caught myself saying Merry Meet to people that I have never met before and I guess I got into the practice of doing that by going to conventions surrounding the Pagan community.

It seems everyone at these things does it. I am trying to break the habit because not everyone I meet is Pagan or understands the greeting.

It really has become common place and because I do not wish to be like everyone else, because that tends to be repetitious I will refrain from using it.

I also do not like to role play on here. I have Dungeons and Dragons to role play. I come here to read and to interact with those that I have made lasting friendships with since I've been on this site for ages!!

Good luck to you!!

05:28 Jan 27 2014

you know the funny thing is .. I guess I consider myself .. I dont know anymore what I consider myself ... but I never thought about it when someone messaged me Merry Meet .. but for some reason it just kind of left me feeling the same as if someone came up to me and said Bless you .. I know its endearing or whatever .. but in a way I feel uncomfortable and I just realized this ..

Maybe Im having a spirtual crisis ;/ blah


Aliens and Bee's

05:17 Jan 13 2014
Times Read: 1,210

So I was watching tv (for once) and the woman famous for "Ain't nobody got time for that" was in a damn commercial saying "I got time for that". What a sell out. I thought she was real! Just goes to show that the media will use and pay you to say what they want instead of being your original self. On another more scientific and serious note; Aliens are purposely killing off bees in order to disrupt and starve the human race. Whoa sounded pretty legit and scary to me......Time to turn off the t.v.





08:27 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 1,218

Getting real tired of your shit people so I'm going to break it down. They're= they are. Their=ownership, it belongs to them, it's "theirs" There=a place, we are going over "there"...... You're= you are. Your= belongs to you, it's "your" house......hood rats and gangsters this is you so listen up, learn this and stop the idiocy.



16:05 Jan 13 2014

This will always be an ongoing rant, I'm afraid!!

I actually correct people who message me with horrible grammar.

I have an Associates in Journalism. I cannot help but want to correct the mistakes people make with grammar. I'm not doing it to be a mean or a wickedly cruel person. I do it because I think that if they want to sound or come off as important or "special" then they need to spell correctly and use the right terms in every situation.



08:05 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 1,240

My best traits are, I'm honest and I can admit when I'm wrong, I'm pretty funny when I want to be. I'm smart, I think I'm handsome. I'm very kind and respectful.......Awe thank you self you're the best!! Haha see what I did there? Don't wait for anyone to tell you these things, tell yourself. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you live off of peoples compliments you will die from their criticism.



11:32 Jan 05 2014

Self talk is important.

Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself?

Be nice to yourself, talk nicely, offer praise and encouragement.


19:51 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 1,252

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Yeah it is my real birthday. 23 years ago today my mom brought me into this crazy world. I think I need to go back to bed now. lol



21:08 Jan 01 2014

Happy birthday to you sweet!


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